Lydia Accoste |
Vorz |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14021 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Spores, Dusty, and Salad |
Getafiks#1391 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16420 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Two and Two Together |
PussNoodlez |
Level Pet
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6178 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Kalagren |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5101 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with Durian |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17442 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
Kalagren |
5.0 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6886 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
하늘용#3273 |
Any Pet
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14205 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Beegle Blastfuse |
Shenk |
Level Pet
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11100 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
WhyDaRumGone |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5048 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
27 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25658 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Tirs and Fiero |
norng |
5.0 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
23628 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Giant Opaline Conch |
Neevi#2149 |
5.0 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
194508 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 |
diggityman |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12348 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Threads of Fate |
F1NCH#2182 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14896 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dr. Ion Goldbloom |
Berendain |
5.0 |
56 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
113981 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
Lazey |
5.0 |
22 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
21251 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14656 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Lazey |
5.0 |
177 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
133657 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snozz |
Setione |
5.0 |
44 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
53755 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Heliosus |
norng |
Any Pet
5.0 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17647 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foulclaw |
SouporDave#1527 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8626 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
Neparo#1611 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5833 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pearlhusk Crawler |
SpruceOP |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
81727 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
norng |
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17057 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gloamwing |
schlumpf#2707 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12338 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Strange Looking Dogs |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
41897 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Keeyo's Champions of Vol'dun |
DragonsAfterDark |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
33 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30784 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Night Horrors |
Pla2pus#1287 |
Any Dragon
Any Dragon
5.0 |
65 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
81711 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Desert Survivors |
DragonsAfterDark |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
45 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
89546 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
One-of-Many |
khalaban |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30830 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Add More to the Collection |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
34 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
87056 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Critters are Friends, Not Food |
Eire-kr |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
61 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
80536 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Power of Friendship |
Mandus |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6816 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Critters are Friends, Not Food |
Allialara#1494 |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8570 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 |
Mordenkainen |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14450 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
60 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
35078 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
98 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
35474 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Sarahlinii |
Level Pet
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13753 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Direflame |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5969 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Spores, Dusty, and Salad |
norng |
Level Pet
5.0 |
49 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
136052 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3666 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snakes on a Terrace |
Eekwibble |
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13208 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Beakinator |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4675 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gorefu |
Lanithingy#1534 |
Any Pet
Any Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3439 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Manos, Hanos and Fatos |
Any Pet
5.0 |
48 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
185371 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Mind Games of Addius |
bios |
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17674 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Desert Survivors |
Thordros#1784 |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12088 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Unit 35 |
Mutanis |
Any Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5407 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
They're Full of Stars! |
Nefalien |
5.0 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11534 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnawface |
Lanithingy#1534 |
Any Pet
Any Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4244 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
51 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
31611 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
Lazey |
5.0 |
36 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
19567 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Retch |
Cacobeitor |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8872 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Whispering Pandaren Spirit |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
61113 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Algalon the Observer |
Remte |
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10706 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gloamwing |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7544 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flight of the Vil'thik |
Kalagren |
Any Pet
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17356 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thundering Pandaren Spirit |
Grevenilvec |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12873 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Quintessence of Light |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11895 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
You Have to Start Somewhere |
DragonsAfterDark |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
129 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
59745 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Two and Two Together |
Lazey |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
159 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
59472 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Eye of the Stormling |
Lazey |
5.0 |
77 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
53257 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
92 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
216786 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mini Manafiend Melee |
brona |
5.0 |
50 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17534 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5667 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Two and Two Together |
Plaguefiend#2853 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9194 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pack Leader |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5871 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12129 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bucky |
Molian#2907 |
5.0 |
51 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
46530 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
sioupe |
5.0 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
23601 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
norng |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13997 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mega Bite |
Mutanis |
Any Pet
5.0 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17287 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
WhyDaRumGone |
5.0 |
19 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
29278 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
norng |
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20870 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Chittermaw |
Rilla |
5.0 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17201 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
They're Full of Stars! |
Pla2pus#1287 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5338 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
norng |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15251 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
phyrbot |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12150 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
norng |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10040 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
WhyDaRumGone |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6228 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Fluffles |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10109 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cockroach |
Nalika#2313 |
Any Elemental
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11791 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Paws of Thunder |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6116 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bloat |
Lumaris1989 |
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11128 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Spores, Dusty, and Salad |
Baeon#1910 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14563 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
하늘용#3273 |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11073 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
They're Full of Stars! |
Remte |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4319 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
roseblack#1386 |
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15315 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Countess |
Neville#1107 |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10209 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bucky |
ZubroZuu |
5.0 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11446 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
Pankracy#2378 |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12898 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Enbi'see, Mal, and Bones |
CrazyFluffy#21258 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
132119 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bloat |
Johanza |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6667 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Bodhi Sunwayver |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
45 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
68432 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mar'cuus |
AeroKargath |
5.0 |
45 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
64974 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Stand Up to Bullies |
Darge |
Any Pet
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30332 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
Cabrarretado#1530 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2496 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11279 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Tiffany Nelson |
Dorian |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11708 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Aranesh |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
61 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
98685 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Whispering Pandaren Spirit |
sistercoyote |
Level Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15293 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with Durian |
Bullit |
Level Pet
5.0 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
218760 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
78949 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Jahan, Archimedes and Samm |
Any Pet
Any Pet
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25518 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12122 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Vesharr |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27748 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
Komraa |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2702 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Klutz's Battle Bird |
Zlazh |
Any Pet
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16608 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Crysa |
Remte |
Level Pet
5.0 |
24 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
97630 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mar'cuus |
Remte |
5.0 |
70 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
40882 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gloamwing |
Elesack and Audum |
5.0 |
18 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24349 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Skrillix |
Colbey#1189 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
677 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Amalia |
Any Dragon
Any Dragon
5.0 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
19703 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Tiny Poacher, Tiny Animals |
5.0 |
18 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
34166 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Tirs and Fiero |
Chocolatebar#2530 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2720 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snail Fight! |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
52 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
85387 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Stone Cold Trixxy |
Any Pet
5.0 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22332 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Help a Whelp |
MiaVanCleefa#2266 |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8254 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bleakclaw |
Eldric |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
67319 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Level Pet
5.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
106221 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Jahan, Archimedes and Samm |
diggityman |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9250 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with Durian |
Zlazh |
Level Pet
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16058 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Tiffany Nelson |
Any Dragon
5.0 |
54 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
99002 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gutretch |
5.0 |
32 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
79974 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Door Control Console |
Loradim#2975 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2322 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Courageous Yon |
Level Pet
5.0 |
29 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
135511 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mr. Terrible, Carroteye and Sloppus |
Snemarch |
5.0 |
41 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
172704 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Obalis |
Hyattmeister |
Level Pet
5.0 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
92957 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taralune |
PureArmour#1184 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
19995 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bleakclaw |
Mutanis |
4.9 |
51 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
92913 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
4.9 |
66 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
86722 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
norng |
4.9 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25597 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flummoxed |
Aranesh |
4.9 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
96536 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Pleodonis |
4.9 |
37 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
46133 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Stitches Jr. Jr. |
Any Pet
4.9 |
27 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
178825 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
LittleGnome#2295 |
4.9 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13517 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Enbi'see, Mal, and Bones |
Saintgabrial |
Level Pet
Any Pet
4.9 |
30 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
56859 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
GryphonUK |
4.9 |
15 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13879 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnasher |
Aranesh |
Any Dragon
4.9 |
66 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
78222 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
DragonsAfterDark |
4.9 |
34 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27359 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with Bredda |
4.9 |
89 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
96608 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Retch |
Melancolie |
Any Dragon
4.9 |
67 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
78892 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ashes Will Fall |
Timmay#1194 |
4.9 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27718 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
You Have to Start Somewhere |
Mutanis |
4.9 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14555 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Lazey |
4.9 |
184 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
85448 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Bodhi Sunwayver |
Level Pet
4.9 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
103020 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dealing with Satyrs |
4.9 |
77 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
100212 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Tiny Poacher, Tiny Animals |
Remte |
4.9 |
29 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
40932 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Mind Games of Addius |
Razør |
Any Dragon
4.9 |
19 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16307 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Vesharr |
Saintgabrial |
Level Pet
4.9 |
132 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
314920 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Eye of the Stormling |
DragonsAfterDark |
4.9 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17124 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Desert Survivors |
Take |
Any Dragon
4.9 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27700 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Lazey |
4.9 |
168 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
327672 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Tiny Poacher, Tiny Animals |
Rebekha#21420 |
4.9 |
14 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18650 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Lazey |
4.8 |
160 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
94100 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Lazulia#1825 |
4.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5975 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bloat |
Jyck#2944 |
Any Dragon
4.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9276 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Crysa |
Exupra |
Level Pet
4.8 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15835 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Felfly |
Mutanis |
4.8 |
59 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
75754 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
Dreamingdust |
4.8 |
82 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
46265 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
seshira#1309 |
4.8 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18175 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
totemguard |
4.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10648 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Add More to the Collection |
Kirandji |
4.8 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16733 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Captured Evil |
Eire-kr |
4.8 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
26535 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Firesphere#1714 |
4.8 |
18 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
46374 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foulclaw |
Aravaslac#1688 |
Any Dragon
4.8 |
72 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
75567 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Marshdwellers |
Phacoid |
4.8 |
41 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
79770 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with the Nightwatchers |
Kalagren |
Level Pet
4.8 |
17 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17023 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
norng |
4.8 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
33515 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
Gotchu |
4.8 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9615 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bloat |
Shenk |
Any Dragon
4.8 |
15 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22072 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
fuba82 |
4.8 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17814 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Do You Even Train? |
Refreshe#1641 |
4.8 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14146 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snozz |
Naboomkin |
4.8 |
51 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
71605 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Swog the Elder |
Kelimi |
4.8 |
72 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
37001 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snakes on a Terrace |
Tessa99999 |
Any Dragon
4.8 |
68 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
52492 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Small Beginnings |
Bruski#1762 |
Any Dragon
4.7 |
78 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
101078 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
Glyndorn |
Level Pet
4.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4496 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
norng |
4.7 |
28 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24740 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
King Floret and Queen Floret |
Riko#1139 |
4.7 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20500 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Vesharr |
4.7 |
23 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
140166 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Sea Creatures Are Weird |
Phacoid |
4.7 |
23 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25529 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Taizun |
4.7 |
46 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
73993 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
My Beast's Bidding |
Railguy |
4.7 |
59 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
94542 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Crysa |
Saintgabrial |
Level Pet
4.7 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
54280 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
norng |
4.7 |
18 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
28278 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Do You Even Train? |
Handlar#21674 |
4.7 |
37 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
21104 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Sea Creatures Are Weird |
Azrulian#1497 |
4.7 |
56 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
55560 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Failed Experiment |
Vallador#1409 |
4.7 |
137 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
143023 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
Jadeon#1206 |
Level Pet
4.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
110517 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
fuba82 |
4.6 |
73 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
161278 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
azumi#2527 |
4.6 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
41585 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Fexmiqq |
4.6 |
52 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
62842 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Mutanis |
4.6 |
108 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
244986 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Help a Whelp |
4.6 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
49023 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
sioupe |
Any Pet
4.6 |
32 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
39540 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
Kaliber#2582 |
4.6 |
62 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
85275 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Faymos#1176 |
4.6 |
50 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
125941 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Whispering Pandaren Spirit |
Level Pet
4.6 |
88 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
256064 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mo'ruk |
Level Pet
4.6 |
70 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
219401 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Grubbles, Scrags and Stings |
norng |
4.6 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16199 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Nefarious Terry |
EVOluti0n#11601 |
4.6 |
23 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
41853 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Extra Pieces |
nogulpfrog |
4.6 |
24 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17979 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnasher |
Allialara#1494 |
4.6 |
17 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13889 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
WhyDaRumGone |
4.6 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4767 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
They're Full of Stars! |
Mutanis |
4.6 |
24 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22617 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Swog the Elder |
Eire-kr |
4.6 |
37 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24334 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
FuxieDK |
Any Dragon
4.6 |
64 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
88719 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Lazey |
4.6 |
204 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
213108 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Shadeflicker |
schlumpf#2707 |
4.6 |
137 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
80228 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wastewalker Shu |
Aravaslac#1688 |
Level Pet
4.6 |
20 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
89296 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
Tanashta |
4.5 |
46 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
28101 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Failed Experiment |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
4.5 |
15 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18454 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Felfly |
Any Pet
4.5 |
45 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
98707 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
revloc3 |
Any Dragon
4.5 |
84 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
43248 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pack Leader |
AaronMM |
4.5 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
42668 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
gjfLeo |
4.5 |
32 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
32338 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnomefeaster |
Clarx |
Any Pet
4.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
42569 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
Shenk |
4.5 |
17 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27039 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
Lazey |
4.5 |
89 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
119593 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Lazey |
4.5 |
57 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
36262 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mo'ruk |
4.5 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
197090 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
Entelligente |
Any Dragon
4.5 |
70 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17322 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gorespine |
Messenjah |
Any Pet
4.5 |
50 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
137866 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
Mamouth#2509 |
4.5 |
61 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27536 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wastewalker Shu |
n4cr |
4.5 |
20 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30921 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bucky |
lunacye |
4.5 |
39 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
33094 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Morell#1795 |
4.5 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24976 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taralune |
CrazyFluffy#21258 |
Level Pet
4.5 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20867 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Power of Friendship |
Cacobeitor |
4.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4238 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Whispering Pandaren Spirit |
Eekwibble |
Level Pet
4.4 |
17 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30186 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Shenk |
4.4 |
60 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
93887 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Keeyo's Champions of Vol'dun |
Phacoid |
Any Pet
4.4 |
15 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
98265 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snakes on a Terrace |
DragonsAfterDark |
4.4 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
53802 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
You Have to Start Somewhere |
Mutanis |
4.4 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15182 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
phyrbot |
4.4 |
72 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
95810 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
Haervael#2816 |
4.4 |
39 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
74410 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Seeker Zusshi |
Level Pet
4.4 |
31 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
139669 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
FeminaForte |
4.4 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13323 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
Thargorn |
Any Pet
4.4 |
53 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
80297 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Jarrun's Ladder |
Any Dragon
4.4 |
61 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
68532 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bloat |
EAkiller#2375 |
4.4 |
91 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
46825 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Paws of Thunder |
Nalika#2313 |
4.3 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6460 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
Gershuun#1131 |
Level Pet
4.3 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
40782 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Keeyo's Champions of Vol'dun |
kevSTAR#1567 |
Any Dragon
4.3 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10400 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mar'cuus |
Empy3 |
4.3 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16210 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Deebs, Tyri and Puzzle |
Ray_blondell |
Level Pet
4.3 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
42348 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
diVinitas#2906 |
4.3 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14313 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wastewalker Shu |
Level Pet
4.3 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
31038 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Oldest Dragonfly |
Guadah |
Level Pet
4.3 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15505 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Rosqo |
4.3 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12144 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Alran Heartshade |
Daniboone#1872 |
4.3 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
50266 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Lazey |
4.2 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16820 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
mystwitch#11655 |
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15701 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bucky |
Brandish |
4.2 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17304 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Rockbiter, Acidtooth and Stonechewer |
Any Pet
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
51032 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Training with Durian |
Cepter#2561 |
Level Pet
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24613 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
Anolaszun#1423 |
4.2 |
26 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10705 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Marshdwellers |
FizzyElf#24231 |
4.2 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15240 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Jahan, Archimedes and Samm |
Chrisno |
Level Pet
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
23164 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Lazey |
4.2 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
21000 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
Erians#2256 |
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9308 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Help a Whelp |
Malafacha |
4.2 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24948 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
sioupe |
Any Pet
4.1 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20065 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Whispering Pandaren Spirit |
4.1 |
41 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
172709 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
treescot |
4.1 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14225 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Extra Pieces |
nogulpfrog |
4.1 |
129 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
64471 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flummoxed |
4.1 |
44 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
50548 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taralune |
Level Pet
4.1 |
34 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
67148 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
KyrosKrane |
4.1 |
54 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
37600 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
They're Full of Stars! |
trogdor |
4.1 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
21287 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snozz |
RameyMJ |
4.1 |
44 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
68949 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snozz |
RogueRaccoon |
4.0 |
25 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
36935 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
Cacobeitor |
4.0 |
26 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12330 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pearlhusk Crawler |
Rasp |
4.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
146121 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
Chrisno |
Level Pet
4.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18597 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Are They Not Beautiful? |
Chirpychap |
4.0 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7741 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
Vifor#1336 |
4.0 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10230 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
All Pets Go to Heaven |
Wavering |
Any Pet
4.0 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
36601 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Deebs, Tyri and Puzzle |
Beetny#1848 |
Level Pet
4.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
39625 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Seeker Zusshi |
4.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
107143 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flummoxed |
Drekthul |
4.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17002 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Vesharr |
Level Pet
4.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14150 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Berendain |
4.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9285 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Marshdwellers |
Mimzi |
4.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11391 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
sioupe |
4.0 |
66 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
50331 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Extra Pieces |
Murmacil |
4.0 |
61 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
59406 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
shifty#6259 |
4.0 |
25 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
37882 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
VOID269#1769 |
4.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13162 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Bleakclaw |
Tiramano#2554 |
3.9 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10083 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Rogue Azerite |
Eire-kr |
3.9 |
19 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24029 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mini Manafiend Melee |
Simion |
Any Dragon
3.9 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9894 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Remm#2119 |
3.9 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11984 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
fuentes_arc |
3.8 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20158 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
zefyre#2820 |
3.8 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
34229 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Paws of Thunder |
Atomicrednax#1740 |
3.8 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10909 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
Kobo81 |
3.8 |
37 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
19703 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Oldest Dragonfly |
StupidSushi#2473 |
Level Pet
3.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6857 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Oakwarden |
3.8 |
76 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
26057 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mini Manafiend Melee |
Mattchew#1587 |
3.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10664 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Skrillix |
NightKnight#1113194 |
3.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8534 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Courageous Yon |
3.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10975 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Deathrall |
3.6 |
35 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
33777 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dr. Ion Goldbloom |
Berendain |
3.6 |
36 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
35739 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foulclaw |
detain |
3.6 |
32 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
17558 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foulclaw |
Shenk |
3.6 |
35 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
28107 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Chopped |
Any Dragon
3.6 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
65335 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Farmer Nishi |
Level Pet
3.6 |
34 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
69729 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Skrillix |
DarkSorrow#1445 |
3.6 |
34 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24090 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
Mandus |
3.6 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11123 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mr. Terrible, Carroteye and Sloppus |
Miamoon |
Any Pet
3.5 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18302 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Beakinator |
Ilenya#1176 |
Level Pet
3.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16427 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Delver Mardei |
LucifonChaos#1485 |
3.5 |
35 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22482 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
DavidG |
3.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11748 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Propagate |
3.5 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25919 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Paws of Thunder |
Baduil |
3.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4930 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Bodhi Sunwayver |
Iuris |
Level Pet
3.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12405 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Heliosus |
SethKaan |
Any Pet
3.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22590 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Captured Evil |
Ruta |
3.4 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22624 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
azumi#2527 |
3.4 |
54 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
50977 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
Lazey |
3.4 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
29231 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Shenk |
3.4 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
40475 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Farmer Nishi |
3.3 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22880 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snakes on a Terrace |
pileofcrapola |
3.3 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
34684 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dragonkin |
Shenk |
3.3 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
39804 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Captured Evil |
kevSTAR#1567 |
3.3 |
37 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
26779 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Gumi |
3.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10004 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Rockbiter, Acidtooth and Stonechewer |
Folklore |
3.2 |
14 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25955 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Darklins |
3.2 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20047 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Rock Collector |
Kifiria#1622 |
3.1 |
94 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24076 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dark Gazer |
3.1 |
14 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
30120 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Malafacha |
3.1 |
14 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24509 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Critters are Friends, Not Food |
Jadeon#1206 |
Level Pet
3.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
37347 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
3.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20020 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
You Have to Start Somewhere |
Dassemps#1507 |
3.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5096 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Aszolus |
3.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13592 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Deathscreech |
Tailen |
3.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10899 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Zersky#1252 |
3.0 |
53 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
29459 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Natural Defenders |
Kyzna |
3.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13117 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Do You Even Train? |
Simion |
3.0 |
20 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11779 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wastewalker Shu |
Sorakai#11975 |
Level Pet
2.8 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12916 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon |
DeimosPhobos |
2.8 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
31005 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Refreshe#1641 |
2.8 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7573 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Skrillix |
Sembiance |
2.6 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
26662 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
Filip |
2.6 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12192 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
Summon#1193 |
2.6 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
38924 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taralune |
Miamoon |
Level Pet
2.6 |
9 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15103 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foulclaw |
duder |
2.5 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14790 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taralune |
fuentes_arc |
2.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7876 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 |
Jagûar |
2.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18262 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Do You Even Train? |
Lolcoconuts#1984 |
2.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6189 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ezra Grimm |
Dejules#2836 |
2.3 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27495 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Drudois#1363 |
2.3 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12367 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Power of Friendship |
lilantis#2104 |
2.2 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6799 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
bakaprincess#21474 |
2.2 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12148 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wastewalker Shu |
2.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
21090 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Not So Bad Down Here |
Cali#2727 |
2.0 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
23346 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Help a Whelp |
Slayman#2794 |
1.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14680 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Add More to the Collection |
Weldon |
1.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14153 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
Miclantecutl |
Any Dragon
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5049 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Carrotus Maximus |
Lanithingy#1534 |
Any Pet
Any Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2788 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Power of Friendship |
Conmonno#1540 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3389 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Rockbiter, Acidtooth and Stonechewer |
Eekwibble |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2055 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Prince Wiggletail |
colo#21856 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
890 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Oldest Dragonfly |
ZxRayner |
Any Dragon
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3769 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
To a Land Down Under |
Nicknack |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4950 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
matarsaed#2362 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11649 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Aur |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8389 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Accidental Dread |
Serre#1135 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9766 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Retinus the Seeker |
agy#2210 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11331 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mr. Terrible, Carroteye and Sloppus |
yetinel |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8212 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Silence |
Truddi |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8561 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pearlhusk Crawler |
Triplx#2223 |
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0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6381 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Giant Opaline Conch |
Seccu |
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0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7762 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Giant Opaline Conch |
Noctus |
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0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9231 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Giant Opaline Conch |
BicheRobot#2692 |
Any Pet
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0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.