Zone: Ardenweald
Drop: Playful Vulpin
Additional Information: This pet appears to be a unique treasure, and is likely only lootable once per character.
From Warcraft Pets & Wowhead:
Players must find, target, and emote at the Playful Vulpin 5 times to obtain this pet.
Playful Vulpin begins to dig curiously.
Playful Vulpin wanders around unable to sit still.
Playful Vulpin sings all alone.
Playful Vulpin dances with joy.
Playful Vulpin sits down lonely and sad.
This NPC has multiple spawn points and may not always be up.
/way 40.71 27.46 Vulpin
/way 70.31 29.60 Vulpin
/way 41.27 28.74 Vulpin
/way 69.02 30.37 Vulpin
/way 34.10 44.99 Vulpin
/way 31.80 41.06 Vulpin
/way 31.85 43.56 Vulpin
/way 41.12 50.36 Vulpin
/way 50.63 54.33 Vulpin
/way 72.31 31.34 Vulpin
/way 66.55 29.07 Vulpin
/way 65.45 23.04 Vulpin
/way 67.49 32.34 Vulpin
Last Update: 2023-12-29 00:35:10 (Patch 10.2)
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