There are four world quests in The Forbidden Reach against Flow, Tremblor, Vortex, & Wildfire.
The stats & quality of the enemy can be reduced from Legendary > Epic > Rare if you defeat two (sometimes three) of the smaller enemies in the small area around the WQ enemy. This weakening will time out, causing them to regain their previous qualities, and you will need to re-battle the smaller enemies to re-weaken the WQ NPC again. It appears that other players can benefit from someone else weakening the enemy, so if you weaken it down to rare it will weaken down to rare for everyone there at the time, too.
Additional Information: Defeating this enemy in its RARE form will also reward an item that teaches a pet by the same name. You will not receive the pet while defeating the Legendary or Epic versions. However, you can receive credit for the WQ while fighting their Legendary and Epic versions.
Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
Depending on the amount of fights in the section, this can take up to a minute to process.
It may already be implied, but please make it clearer that you can only weaken the major battle pet NPC through defeating the surrounding minor battle pet NPCs. I was dumb yesterday and thought, "well why not just weaken Tremblor by fighting it repeatedly". I defeated legendary Tremblor and everything despawned... (edited)
Maybe I haven't looked correctly, but there is also a new Obsidian Wardens battle pet quest in Thaldraszus, Quest name: Right Twice a Day, battle pet to beat: The Malfunctioning Matrix. Location 69.59 (uppermost level of Tyrhold).
Easy to beat with Tinytron (with thanks to nomsidious on Wowhead)
Turn 1: Fire Shield
Turn 2: Lightning Shield
Turn 3 + 4: Flamethrower
and done
Could the wording be clarified a little? I was confused what was meant by deafeating "smaller enemies". I don't often keep battle pet tracking on. I just started killing outside world enemies near the wq and couldn't figure our why ti didn't make a difference.
Most of them can be defeated with a team of any 3 pets strong against its class. Like for aquatics, use Ikky and 2 other Aqua-strong pets, or even 3 moths, and so on.
On the two we've had so far, I just used a couple of Nexus Whelplings with Arcane Storm/Mana Surge against the Ohunas, and a couple of Ikkys against the Swoglets (the second Ikky just need one Savage Talon, so pretty much any ability from any pet would do.). Zero thought went into that; I'm sure you could do better.
I thought they would be as easy as a wild pet battle, but with the boss buff, it makes sense to provide some strategies, so I've added them as fights to the menu now :)
Im so confused why do they not have pet battles for the pets surrounding the WQ pet NPC ? Did someone forget to put up templates for all the storm-touched ( NPC NAME HERE) surrounding the actual 4 NPCS on the forbidden reach ?
As of 3/23, Vortex looks to have a bug that makes 2 of him, one seems to always be Legendary and one is the real form (if you've weakened). I had to re-enter the battle a handful of times before I got the right one to appear. (edited)
Nessahelyan wrote on 2023-06-07 17:59:44
wrote on 2023-06-05 10:41:59
wrote on 2023-03-22 20:07:45
wrote on 2023-05-16 16:33:18
wrote on 2023-06-05 05:50:49
Noodlz wrote on 2023-04-02 15:42:36
Easy to beat with Tinytron (with thanks to nomsidious on Wowhead)
Turn 1: Fire Shield
Turn 2: Lightning Shield
Turn 3 + 4: Flamethrower
and done
wrote on 2023-04-02 17:31:28
wrote on 2023-04-01 20:17:52
iri wrote on 2023-03-24 10:33:04
wrote on 2023-03-27 19:43:11
wrote on 2023-03-22 19:16:33
Jessica wrote on 2023-03-23 15:28:57
wrote on 2023-03-23 16:32:46
wrote on 2023-03-23 17:22:50
wrote on 2023-03-24 15:34:25
wrote on 2023-03-24 03:07:49
wrote on 2023-03-23 23:15:18
wrote on 2023-03-23 23:43:08
One Ikky will almost finish a Storm-Touched Swoglet. One Nexus Whelpling will almost finish a Storm-Touched Ohuna.
Any of the standard anti-Boss techniques will easily destroy them.
wrote on 2023-03-23 16:24:59
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