The achievement Family Familiar is the largest and toughest addition to the pet battling world in a long time. It might even beat the Celestial Tournament in required effort!
To complete it you need to earn 10 individual achievements, each asking you to defeat 12 tamers in the Broken Isles with only pets from one specific pet family.
Luckily, when one of the applicable world quests is up, you can fight the tamer repeatedly and thus finish all families in one go, if you have the pets necessary to pull that off.
Once you complete the achievement, you will get your very own tiny, corrupted, adorable Nightmare Treant :-)
Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
Pick a family below to check which pets you need.
Hi All! I need an advice ;) I am in desperate need to battle MT Flummox, Varenne and Sir Galvestone. I saw Galvestone once in last 3 months, Flummox and Varenne I haven't seen at all ... Do I do something wrong? any catch ;) ? I just need 3 fights to be done with Legion Pet achivments ;) (edited)
Well, you haven't done anything wrong, except maybe not checking Broken Isles often enough. I'm sure I caught Sir Galveston less than three months ago. I wouldn't have noticed the other two, since I wouldn't have been looking for them for levelling.
There are 15 tamers, and at least four up every day, so it's hard to see some missing for three months. I know there can be times when a tamer isn't up for what feels like a long time when you're waiting, but I can't imagine three months.
How do you check? Do you log in each day and check the map? Are you sure your Pet Battle quests are ticked to show?
thanks for an anwer! Do you know if there is any dependency with reputation ? I have WQ unlocked. I do check carefully this year and I havent seen Flummox and Varenne at all. TBH I could have missed last year. Just wonder if there could be any other reason... I have addon to check for Pet Battles
I forgot all about the gate for Varenne, but I'm not sure where that gate is now.
Back in Legion, you needed to have completed the Blood and Wine chapter of Suramar quests to see Varenne's World Quest. Also Aulier, IIRC. See Varenne's page on Wowhead and this comment:
However, I'm not sure that this restriction still exists.
Both Wowhead and Xu-Fu have sections on the front page that list current World Quests - Xu-Fu's for levelling WQ including Legion, and Wowhead as a set of maps for all WQ for each expansion and each region.
You should probably keep an eye on them every day, and if you see the quest up there, but not on your map, you know what to investigate.
Thanks! I saw it in the morning and I had 3 battles with Sir Galveston. I needed only 1 more fight with Elementals with either MT Flummox or Varenne. I could swear that Verenne was not up at the time :) then in eveining i see him! So I finaly got the achi done! Thanks again :) I think I will be watching for MT Flummox as I never had a fight with him. I got prerequiste done so... let see, for fun only ;)
for anyone hunting tamers and not afraid of yet another addon ") there is a great one called WQ acheivements.. It is excellent for the pet battles (and transmog and that saberon one I'm trying to finish). You log in, it checks the wq up and then reports in your chat what ach you can get. No running around required. This includes pet tamers/ battles you can do to complete pet achievements. A limit to be aware of - it only checks things that character can do - if an event is faction/covenant specific or gated and not unlocked (eg argus is not opened) you will not see those quests. (My version came from curseforge)
I noticed that some tamers can only be battled once :( that is bummer for me because it would require 10 wq to be avavilalbe for same tamer - i'm waiting for few months now. Do I do something wrong ?
If am not wrong, for the achievement there is only one tamer of family familiar that cant be battled more than once, but in that case, you can go we with your alts, so you need 10 toons, one for each family, if you dont have that much toons, people in other comments say that you can go with class trials.
No matter what I do, I can't defeat Bredda with all critters, I've tried Frostfur Rat, Fire Beetle and Shimmershell and I'm around one round short :( I've even tried swapping a cockroach in for Apocalypse but no luck :'( (edited)
Ok so: HS Arctic Hare 2-2-1, HP Fire Beetle 1-2-1 and HP Shimmershell Snail 1-2-1
Hare: Dodge, flurry, flurry, burrow, flurry and flurry
Beetle: Scotched Earth, burn, burn
Snail: Shell, Ooze touch, ooze touch.
While the Frostfur Rat is the suggested, I found the Hare could survive until the first enemy pet was defeating giving me the extra round I needed at the end!
I've been working on this achievement, and thus far have been able to fight Bodhi, Tiffany, Grixis, Odrogg, Robert, Jarrun, Flummox, and Xorvasc over and over in a single sitting, when they were available. The first time I've come across this problem was today, also with Durian. I'm starting to think he's the...root of the problem.
I came across Durian and was unable to do multiple battles so I created class trial characters until I completed it! On the last one I noticed that I can now battle Durian repeatedly
Durian is not repeatable for me - just cycled through my alts to get it done, but still pretty annoying. Has anyone determined if there is a reason he stands out? Wish I'd had a great pun like Luxaetern, but alas... no.
I ran into the Durian problem myself today and ran it with 9 alts to get it done..I really hope he's the only one with this (presumable) bug. Sylgem wanted some more puns so let's try it. It wood really make me mad if this problem persists on other pet masters. I can't be-leaf how annoying this achievement became. At least it gave me a chance to spruce up the inventory on my alts. At this rate I won't be done with the achievement until sep-timber! I was really getting into the root-ine of knocking these battles out all on my main. Thanks for sitting through acorn-y monologue, I hope it wasn't too sappy for you.
I don't think I was clear. When I import the full family list of teams, all I get is one team for each trainer. I'm pretty sure it's the first team in each trainers section.
So I thought maybe it was too much for the mod to handle or something, and I pulled out just one trainer from the export, Aurlier in this case, and imported that. It resulted in only one team for Aurlier.
So after fiddling with the import test a bit, I came up with what I posted before. I changed this(just one of Aurlier's teams):
Aulier:36P2:1228BV:1004NA:111C1D1:N:Xu-Fu's Pet Guides =^_^=n 1: PumpnTurn 2: Cleansing RainnTurn 3: Pump until Beauty is deadnConviction comes innTurns 1+: Water Jet until Eternal Strider diesnBring in your Emperor CrabnTurns 1+: Snap until Emperor Crab diesnBring in your Mud JumpernTurns 1+: Water Jet until Conviction is deadnDignity comes innTurn 1: MudslidenTurn 2: BubblenTurn 3: Water Jet and Mudslide on cooldown until Dignity is deadn
to this:
Aulier:x:1228BV:1004NA:111C1D1:N:Xu-Fu's Pet Guides =^_^=n 1: PumpnTurn 2: Cleansing RainnTurn 3: Pump until Beauty is deadnConviction comes innTurns 1+: Water Jet until Eternal Strider diesnBring in your Emperor CrabnTurns 1+: Snap until Emperor Crab diesnBring in your Mud JumpernTurns 1+: Water Jet until Conviction is deadnDignity comes innTurn 1: MudslidenTurn 2: BubblenTurn 3: Water Jet and Mudslide on cooldown until Dignity is deadn
Replacing the "36P2" bit with just an "x" results in all 10 of Aulier's teams being imported, just with the names "New Team (1-10)", without a target.
Heh, actually just figured it out. It has to be imported twice, because rematch doesn't prompt to create copies unless there is already an entry. So full export from here, import, import again - make copies.
Very interesting!! I did not come across this before.
Do you think it would be better for the family imports here to remove the Tamer ID (the 36P2 in this case) so no one will run into this situation? Downside might be that people who want to overwrite previous entries, can't.
It alleviates the issue of having to import twice, but then you're left with teams just called "New Team", and duplicates are named similar to Windows naming - New Team(2), New Team(3), and so on.
edit: So uh, I just did the mass export and import for the Argus list...and it worked on the first import. With a different weirdness, but still, single import. *shrugs* (edited)
Something I didn't see in the notes or comments. If the world quest is up you can actually battle them as many times as you want. Meaning you could knock out all of the family's in one shot for that quest.
Durian is repeatable by different characters though, each time that Durian is up I ran any character that I had above 110 out there and battled him, so I could get all of the families done.
You can save time by just making one level 110 class trial character and using it to battle Durian repeatedly!
When you log in on the trial character, just use the Hearthstone immediately to skip the tutorial scenario and go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Then, go to the portal room and use the Azsuna portal. From there, go over to Illidari Stand and use the flight point to fly to Lorlathil, Val'sharah (trial characters come with that flight point). Finally, just mount up and ride over to Durian.
Credit to Venara on Wowhead and GamesDean here for this great trick!
ETA: Alternatively, just skip this jerk, because you only need to defeat 12 master tamers for the individual achievements, not all 15 listed. (edited)
I was able to do Durian by creating, then deleting 7 trial characters. travel was a bit tedious, but i got 140 bandages and about 100g selling all the gear from each trial before deleting. ;)
I had thought there was some sort of CD or delay making new ones but it worked fine.
You can save time by just making one level 110 class trial character and using it to battle him repeatedly!
When you log in on the trial character, just use the Hearthstone immediately to skip the tutorial scenario and go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Then, go to the portal room and use the Azsuna portal. From there, go over to Illidari Stand and use the flight point to fly to Lorlathil, Val'sharah (trial characters come with that flight point). Finally, just mount up and ride over to Durian.
Credit to Venara on Wowhead and GamesDean here for this great trick!
ETA: Alternatively, just skip this jerk, because you only need to defeat 12 master tamers for the individual achievements, not all 15 listed. (edited)
ugh not happy about Durian Strongfruit not being repeatable. Have done 8 so far and all are repeatable. only have 3 alts to do this. Been waiting days for a trainer to pop. :(
I read in another comment section that Family Familiar should have an export all option if you click the "red skull". I'm probably being ridiculously dense but for the life of me, I can't find the red skull lol
Hey! That's my bad. I upgraded the rematch strings to be better (including steps now!) and the export-all button broke due to that. So I had to remove it.... it'll come back though, eventually. No idea when though, sorry!
Just discovered the legion class hall pets for certain classes! Wow, had no idea there was so many up for grabs, and I'm gutted I dont have a death knight :(
Thank you so much for having this website. I finished the achievement today and it wouldn't have been possible without this! Now my treant and I are off to Argus~
Having alts who also have world quests open can make these achievements go much faster. Especially if there's more than one trainer up that week. While the achievements and such are account wide, the world quests are not.
Want to add my thanks to that of others, since returning to the game a few months ago, this has been a very valuable resource. Completed the acheivement today,
Are the 3 Suramar trainers still in rotation? I haven't seen Varenne or Aulier up since mid-October and I have never seen Flummox up. I am Exalted with Nightfallen and am well past the entire Good Suramaritan chain requirement that I see listed. Trying to complete Family Familiar with 3 trainers never popping is a giant pain. Did I miss a posting somewhere along the line saying these 3 are broken or something? Just curious if anyone else has seen them or if they are MIA for others as well.
Hey! I'm wondering the same, it's very, very unlikely this is just down to randomness. On there is already a discussion going and perhaps we will get an answer from Blizzard in the new year :)
I've been keeping track of these since I began the achiev (around 25 sept. 2016), on an almost daily basis (maybe missed 3 days since then).
I've had Aulier up 4 times (last time around early December), Varenne up 2 times (last time was around mid-November), and I've *never ever* had Flummox up.
Flummox apepars to be up on NA realms right now, with three additional pet WQs (Durian, Bredda, and Help a Whelp). Here's hoping 4 daily is the new thing!
I can confirm it used to be a thing, but sadly as of today we get always 3 world quests per day, no matter the zone. A character without progress in the Suramar City will see only two or less that day if something happens here.
Can you please update this guide to NOT use Minfernal? It is simply unreasonable to expect someone to have this pet, unless you have been extremely lucky. I have spent months at the location, logging in from time to time, and all I see are other players mindlessly flying around. And I have a LOW population server group, so I can't imagine the high population servers.
I camped that for weeks a few of years back. Recently started playing wow again, still had an alt logged there. Logged in and bam, several mins waiting to be caught. No other players there at all.
This site have been such a valuable asset to my pet battling i dont have words :) And the option to import rematch teams is just brilliant. Thanks for making such a resource for pet battlers :)
Would it be possible for you to create strategies for these trainers that's not associated with the family familiar achievements? Some trainers I have defeated with all pet families so I'd like to go back with the best possible team that is easy to beat each trainer and also to save these teams in rematch for future use. I could pick one of the strategies listed for each trainer (human, beast, or magic, etc.) but having a strategy that would easily counter each trainers pets would be awesome. Also, great work on the site! Keep up the good work!
Sure! That is already there :D
There is a separate section for the World Quests where you will find "normal" teams, where possible with the option of a leveling pet:
I certainly do know about the Legion World Quests section but what I am talking about are simple strategies for the Family Familiar trainers not all the other trainers in the World Quests section of this site. They are obviously separated into 2 sections and they should be, however, once you beat a family familiar trainer, in this section, with all pet families and you want to go back and defeat him/her again for the quest awards having a specific team that can counter the trainers pets, instead of using a specific family of pets (Human, Magic, Dragonkin, etc) , would be awesome to have. Perhaps I could be overthinking this a bit and maybe there is a family team that would be best suited to beat each one of these trainers, however, having a default team to counter each of these traniners pets would be great to have. Thus, why I am posting this under the Family Familiar section and not the World Quests section. Thank you for your reply. Sorry if I'm not explaining this well. :)
Mh... I don't really get it. In the World Quest section, all Family Familiar tamers are present as well. They are the ones with a green paw at their names. If you don't need them for Family Familiar, that section at the World Quests should give you fast strategies with the option of a level pet (where possible), no matter the families.
Am I missing something? Sorry if I'm overlooking something completely :S
I guess what the OP means is creating an alternative way of sorting the encounters. Now, they're sorted by pet types, but there would be another "tree" aswell that allows to start from choosing a specific tamer first (so you can ingame stand next to a tamer with his or her page prepared, browse your achievements and then decide which family do you decide to play this day).
I have no particular opinion, just trying to explain that – though I think that isn't something that Xu-Fu 2.0 won't manage ^^
I have a suggestion! :) Would it be possible to create an icon that goes on every trainer who is part of Family Familiar and another icon for trainers who do or do not level pets? You could create an icon for each, and if it doesn't apply, make a red circle with a diagonal line through it so we know immediately that the trainer is or is not a FF trainer and a pet leveler or not. :) BTW: I am a graphic designer, so if you have ideas but don't have the skills, let me know and I'll be happy to help. I love this site with a passion and it would be a pleasure to help you out.
Hey there! Sorry I didn't answer any sooner. The Family Familiar Icon is in now! For leveling pets, I have a slightly different idea - I want to add this to the battle table because many fights have both a "fast" or a "leveling" or maybe a "super safe" strategy, and it would get a bit crowded with icons I guess^^
For any other kind of graphic design I really have to look... I'm decent with photoshop but far from being a professional. Is there any part of the page that you would rework and design entirely different? I'm very happy for suggestions or criticism :-)
Looks like Flummox was fixed; Just took him (her? it?) out with your suggested Beast team, and got Flummox credit on the Best of Beasts achieve. Now to do that with the rest of my 110s :D
So, if you're using the multiple characters strat to do this in a more timely manner, does this mean that you should focus each character on one of the achievements? From what I can tell, the different family achievements criteria are not accountwide.
To my knowledge the progress is shared account wide, so it doesn't matter which character you use for what achievement :-) I highly recommend the addon "Family Familiar Helper" from Gello: It makes this a lot easier to track!
I receive credit on all my five 110s for every trainer i beat with a specific family.
I have been just checking that there is a grey part of one of the achievements for each trainer that's active when I log on and am only now noticing how rarely we get suramar trainers, having done 6 trainers with all of the 10 families and keep seeing them recur (it took me 3 spawns to kill robert craig with aquatic for instance, I couldn't get the RNG right.) I have never seen a string of trainers and I think I only saw varenne once.
I have done between 1-5 pet battles of the family familiar every day since about day 6 of launch and am currently still not finished.
I hereby confirm that individual achievs *are* indeed accountwide. This is easy to see with the color in the Achiev title (in the basic UI) : light blue = account wide (progress included), brownish/red = character-specific. ALL pet achievements except "Pet Charmer" (collect 500 charms) are accoun-wide (blue).
Hi! Yesterday I noticed that the world quest "Beasts of Burden", which requires defeating Andurs & Rydyr in Stormheim, has another loophole: as long as you don't defeat both, you can repeat one of the battles as much as you want. Bring a pet with Decoy, an Iron Starlette, lots of bandages and start leveling those pets up!
With the new addition of the Falcosaurs, and their quests to 'complete 3 pet battle world quests with your {falcosaur} Hatchling present', would you be willing to do an updated version of the 'Flock Together' achievement to include them (or at least leave a note where they can be substituted)?
So far, Chromadon, the Thistleleaf Bully, and Vinu were all doable with both the Snowfeather and the Bloodgazer present (though the credit could only be given to one at a time), but I'm sure there are others that might be more difficult to work around.
Hey Sneaks!
I just wrote a blog entry about this. It seems currently you don't even need to have the Falcosaur in your team, which makes it much easier to do. Try it out and let me know if it gives you any trouble!
Oh fantastic, thank you! I thought it was gonna be such a pain, so it's a relief that I won't have to work around all that mess. Though with the timing, I've got two hatchlings doing the same part of the chain at the same time, and this is gonna have them all staggered now.
I just want to say, though, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this site. It's become my go-to when I need to look up something for the pet battles!
"Just wanted to clarify something for this quest: for a pet battle to count for this, the specific pet must be summoned as a non-combat pet before starting it. Also, the pet must be present during battle itself, and it must survive it. Otherwise you won't get credit for the quest."
I just finished the World quests with these pets. You dont need to have them in your Team. When you start the fight open your pet journal and summon the pet you need for the quest this will give credit.
It appears the loophole with twinks not unlocking world quests has indeed bin fixed with 7.1. Now this has to be completed the "normal" way, probably as it was intended in the first place.
Hi, I just finished the achievement today with 4 level 110 characters, (without using the exploit). I recorded most of the fights in a spreadsheet if you're interested:
I will be updating it constantly till I complete it. Please let me know what you think.
The loophole didnt end this morning when the patch dropped because i hit one of the tamers 1 time on main and 9 on my alt, but then just now, about midnight (eastern time) i wnet to do sir galveston and it wouldnt let me do it more than once. I got angry and went to turn the quest in, but then i remembered that it never let me do the tamers in dalaran more than once, only the ones out in the broken isles :X so dont turn it in until you are sure its patched!!!!!
Oh dear, did the loophole close for 7.1? I'm here (sans world quests unlocked) with Sir Galveston & he doesn't want to duel me. :(
Edit: Something odd about the Dalaran trainers, the others still work; Link
The Loophole for the extra eager will be patched on October 25th (Patch 7.1) for all accounts that have at least one level 110 character that has world quests unlocked. This is because all alt characters will automatically have world quests unlocked without the friendly reputation requirement.
Not necessarily. The patchnotes say every char on level 110 will have the quest and can directly hand it in with Khadgar - no matter the reputation steps. But it sounds like you won't be forced to hand it in. If you don't ..... ^^
Just a FYI, I believe they have fixed some of the loophole. I saw Sir Galveston was a WQ today on my main and switched to my alt that's 110 and doesn't have WQ content open and I was unable to battle him. However, I was able to battle Robert Craig in Stormheim.
I, too, was not able to battle Sir Galveston even though I have not turned in the quest to Khadgar to open the world quests. So bummed because Sir G was the very last one I needed. :(
Sadly, Patch 7.1 will no longer require you to be friendly with all the factions to unlock world quests on an alt. The world quests will unlock as soon as your alt hits 110. That means the Loophole will be closed. Better use your alts to get as many as you can done before the patch!
Hey Daedrynn!
According to the patch notes you will still get the quest with your alts to unlock world quests. So as long as you keep that in your log and don't complete it, I assume you can still use the loophole :-)
I'm happy to hear this, Xu! I only have two more trainers to beat (x12) for the achievement. So I guess we'll know for sure in the morning. Fingers crossed!
Xu fu - thanks for the excellent guide! Got my achievement today! Your guide was essential - even if I didn't use the fights exactly, I used them as a starting point. Couldn't have done the achievement without it.
Can you change the order of the pet icons (top left) to Humanoid -> Dragon -> Flying -> Undead -> Critter -> Magic -> Elemental -> Beast -> Aquatic -> Mechanical. This order is traditional and many addons use this order as well. Let us know thanks!
I can confirm that if you do it on an alt 110 that is not yet friendly, It counts for account-wide each achievement leading up to the Family Familiar achievement. Every day I get on my main 110, check what battles are available, and if there is any that count towards the Family Familiar that i have not yet done, I do it with one family of pets on my main, then switch to my alt, fly there, and complete it 9 more times with each pet family. If my cards are dealt right, I should have my achievement within the next couple weeks!
And some additional info: you cannot battle tamers if you are not 110. So your alt must be 110 and not have WQ unlocked, but it does appear the credit for each sub-achievement can be done on different toons.
I have been using this technique, and I am only 1 trainer away on 8 of the achievements, and have 2 of them complete. I just flew out to do Varenne, one of the last few I needed to complete the last 8 on my 110 DK who doesn't have WQ unlocked, and was unable to battle the tamer. This is the same toon I used to do all the other battles per tamer in one day. Looks like this has been fixed :(
Not entirely, but the Suramar trainer Varenne and Aulier are special as they seem to be tied to the quest chain. Either you need the quest chain, or you can only do them with characters that have world quests enabled. The others are unaffected :-)
For the others, I don't know which fights those guys are being used on, but I took the approach that any pet on Xu-fu's list being used in 3 or less fights isn't worth finding and leveling.
I have done 8 trainers on all breeds with no issues so far. The only really specialized pet I've needed was Firewing. I have like 85 level 25s to pick from, but the point is there are many combinations that work. These fights are pretty easy for the most part.
It's currently not possible to cheese Aulier with a level 100 that hasn't unlocked world quests, I think hes locked behind suramar progression or something? After running my sorry butt out to him on my 110 druid to have him not have any option to battle was kinda irritating :P
I believe Aulier and Varenne are both locked behind rep or something. Supposedly not visible to people using the loophole.
I was told Aulier was up one day in addition to the normal 3 dailies, but I didn't have time to check if I could see them (I have not unlocked WQ).
To those keeping count, this means between Flummox being extremely difficult/impossible for this achievement, and Aulier and Varenne being locked - if you plan to use the loophole you can only use the remaining 12 tamers.
I'll update this post once I have more data, or someone can contradict me, but so far it seems:
One of the dal trainers always seems to be up (1 of 4). So for the loophole this is nice and easy for doing your first 4 tamers (takes 4 days).
But this means the other dailies (33 in total) must share the other two world quests each day. And only 11 of the 33 quests are relevant to this achievement.
...So you have ~2/3 chance of seeing one of the relevant tamers on a given day (aside from the dalaran trainers). 11 *(3/2) = 16.5 days with average luck to finish this achieve using the loophole.
...and something like 200 days if doing it normally (and get average luck).
I misread the achievement - you only need to beat 12 tamers with each breed (not all 15 listed in achieve). Thank god because flummox might be impossible with most breeds.
so 12 days to do with loophole. 120 normally, as xu-fu originally stated.
I misread the achievement - you only need to beat 12 tamers with each breed (not all 15 listed in achieve). Thank god because flummox might be impossible with most breeds.
so 12 days to do with loophole. 120 normally, as xu-fu originally stated.
Just to follow up on this...after 6 days of dal trainers being up, one was not up today. It seems like dal trainers are in the pool with everyone else.
It does seem completely random, but with 6 Dalaran fights in the pool the likelihood for them is of course quite high. The only ones that are different and possibly tied to a questline or reputation are Varenne and Aulier in Suramar. They also did never appear on Beta.
I just hit 110 without having friendly and all that, got the quest from Khadgar to get Friendly with all factions, and to unlock world quests - was looking forward to taking them all down for Family Familiar without needing to wait for the quests to be up, the "loophole" you describe above, but it doesn't seem to be working, for example, Jarrun is nowhere to be found. Is this still the case?
Hey there!
I have not tested it on live myself, but saw a few comments from people that it is indeed still working.
However you only see those world quests that are actually available on a given day. So you can either ask other people to check for you, or level another toon to 110 and unlock the quests to check where to go.
Hey Xufu, love your guides, just curious if there is a stable substitute pet for the Searing Scorchling, i have been trying to aquire this pet for awhile now but with no luck, and my server prices are rediculously high.
Hey there! I'm trying around with a Fel Flame currently. It is very similar, but has different stats. I will test the fights with it and exchange where possible. For now I think you can safely assume a Fel Flame works as well :-)
A technical note: currently selecting a tamer from the general page (=here) leads you to Humanoid section of that tamer. Nothing strange with that, but may seem confusing for someone looking for a specific quest rather than a family (what doesn't mean you can contain that option).
Besides, for all Legion pages ATM could you make ready/not ready tabs distinguishable, by different colour shades or something? I have a difficulty with finding all already available strategies. :3
The Humanoid selection is because it's the first in the family list. But I see your point. Do you think it would be better if instead there would be a larger list of the Families in the middle to select, before jumping to a strategy?
Regarding the second point, I'd prefer using my time to implement new strategies. There are about 40 strategies available right now. I have another ~40 tested and ready, that I need to fill in.
I do have more plans for the display, showing particularly hard combinations, but my main goal right now is to fill those blanks.
That's okay. For filling the space, you may include a screenshot that you're going to put on the mouseover aswell. ^^
That or using the left bar for families only, giving you bigger resolution buttons ^^
I respect your plan, just thought it'd take a month or so to fill the gaps, forgeting about the unexpected non-quest catch-up. ^^
just so everyone knows, whenever a world quest from this achiev is active, the trainer can be challenged multiple times. so no need to wait till they spawned 10 times.
Vielen dank für diesen Super-Guide.
Ich möchte in dem Zusammenhang aber noch das folgende Add-on erwähnen. Es hilft dabei die Übersicht zu behalten, welche Battles man schon erledigt hat und welche nicht.
Ich habe heute nach etwa 2 Monaten den Gesamterfolg abschließen können und dieser Guide war unglaublich hilfreich. Vielen Dank für die irre Vorarbeit und die guten Tipps! Ohne dich hätte ich das nie so schnell geschafft!
wrote on 2023-02-07 18:40:45
wrote on 2023-02-07 20:12:10
There are 15 tamers, and at least four up every day, so it's hard to see some missing for three months. I know there can be times when a tamer isn't up for what feels like a long time when you're waiting, but I can't imagine three months.
How do you check? Do you log in each day and check the map? Are you sure your Pet Battle quests are ticked to show?
wrote on 2023-02-08 07:47:17
wrote on 2023-02-08 09:55:18
Back in Legion, you needed to have completed the Blood and Wine chapter of Suramar quests to see Varenne's World Quest. Also Aulier, IIRC. See Varenne's page on Wowhead and this comment:
However, I'm not sure that this restriction still exists.
Both Wowhead and Xu-Fu have sections on the front page that list current World Quests - Xu-Fu's for levelling WQ including Legion, and Wowhead as a set of maps for all WQ for each expansion and each region.
You should probably keep an eye on them every day, and if you see the quest up there, but not on your map, you know what to investigate.
wrote on 2023-02-11 10:42:54
It's your lucky day!!
I see both Varenne and Sir Galveston up both in US and EU.
wrote on 2023-02-11 18:25:12
wrote on 2023-03-19 17:09:33
wrote on 2023-12-01 07:14:49
wrote on 2023-12-02 03:11:55
wrote on 2023-01-29 12:40:38
wrote on 2023-01-19 20:31:07
wrote on 2023-01-21 22:21:37
wrote on 2023-01-24 00:51:59
wrote on 2023-01-25 11:28:30
wrote on 2023-01-25 23:49:51
wrote on 2023-01-27 16:30:21
wrote on 2022-08-28 18:53:27
wrote on 2022-08-28 19:12:27
Hare: Dodge, flurry, flurry, burrow, flurry and flurry
Beetle: Scotched Earth, burn, burn
Snail: Shell, Ooze touch, ooze touch.
While the Frostfur Rat is the suggested, I found the Hare could survive until the first enemy pet was defeating giving me the extra round I needed at the end!
Tripz wrote on 2020-10-13 21:02:06
wrote on 2020-10-14 16:02:07
Tripz wrote on 2020-10-14 21:24:30
wrote on 2020-10-15 00:56:55
wrote on 2020-10-16 16:27:04
wrote on 2020-10-24 21:25:41
wrote on 2021-02-09 03:16:30
wrote on 2021-03-24 14:20:18
wrote on 2021-03-24 19:20:08
Thanks for the information!
Durian has now also been included in the powerlevel guide. (edited)
wrote on 2021-05-01 13:58:46
wrote on 2021-05-02 03:05:13
wrote on 2021-07-28 20:19:04
wrote on 2021-07-28 20:27:17
wrote on 2020-09-23 17:54:08
wrote on 2020-09-23 18:15:38
wrote on 2020-09-24 03:21:26
wrote on 2020-09-24 13:22:17
So I thought maybe it was too much for the mod to handle or something, and I pulled out just one trainer from the export, Aurlier in this case, and imported that. It resulted in only one team for Aurlier.
So after fiddling with the import test a bit, I came up with what I posted before. I changed this(just one of Aurlier's teams):
Aulier:36P2:1228BV:1004NA:111C1D1:N:Xu-Fu's Pet Guides =^_^=n 1: PumpnTurn 2: Cleansing RainnTurn 3: Pump until Beauty is deadnConviction comes innTurns 1+: Water Jet until Eternal Strider diesnBring in your Emperor CrabnTurns 1+: Snap until Emperor Crab diesnBring in your Mud JumpernTurns 1+: Water Jet until Conviction is deadnDignity comes innTurn 1: MudslidenTurn 2: BubblenTurn 3: Water Jet and Mudslide on cooldown until Dignity is deadn
to this:
Aulier:x:1228BV:1004NA:111C1D1:N:Xu-Fu's Pet Guides =^_^=n 1: PumpnTurn 2: Cleansing RainnTurn 3: Pump until Beauty is deadnConviction comes innTurns 1+: Water Jet until Eternal Strider diesnBring in your Emperor CrabnTurns 1+: Snap until Emperor Crab diesnBring in your Mud JumpernTurns 1+: Water Jet until Conviction is deadnDignity comes innTurn 1: MudslidenTurn 2: BubblenTurn 3: Water Jet and Mudslide on cooldown until Dignity is deadn
Replacing the "36P2" bit with just an "x" results in all 10 of Aulier's teams being imported, just with the names "New Team (1-10)", without a target.
wrote on 2020-09-24 14:34:36
wrote on 2020-09-25 05:18:01
Do you think it would be better for the family imports here to remove the Tamer ID (the 36P2 in this case) so no one will run into this situation? Downside might be that people who want to overwrite previous entries, can't.
wrote on 2020-09-25 23:32:39
I think it's just a limitation of Rematch.
wrote on 2020-09-26 05:13:09
wrote on 2020-09-26 17:48:17
edit: So uh, I just did the mass export and import for the Argus list...and it worked on the first import. With a different weirdness, but still, single import. *shrugs* (edited)
wrote on 2020-09-25 13:00:00
wrote on 2019-09-02 04:52:02
wrote on 2019-09-02 05:21:28
wrote on 2020-08-15 00:30:50
wrote on 2018-10-01 14:06:29
wrote on 2018-10-08 03:40:44
wrote on 2018-10-20 20:29:04
wrote on 2018-10-21 11:52:01
wrote on 2018-12-08 08:33:29
wrote on 2020-08-13 00:52:45
When you log in on the trial character, just use the Hearthstone immediately to skip the tutorial scenario and go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Then, go to the portal room and use the Azsuna portal. From there, go over to Illidari Stand and use the flight point to fly to Lorlathil, Val'sharah (trial characters come with that flight point). Finally, just mount up and ride over to Durian.
Credit to Venara on Wowhead and GamesDean here for this great trick!
ETA: Alternatively, just skip this jerk, because you only need to defeat 12 master tamers for the individual achievements, not all 15 listed. (edited)
wrote on 2019-08-05 00:17:19
I had thought there was some sort of CD or delay making new ones but it worked fine.
wrote on 2020-08-13 00:49:40
When you log in on the trial character, just use the Hearthstone immediately to skip the tutorial scenario and go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Then, go to the portal room and use the Azsuna portal. From there, go over to Illidari Stand and use the flight point to fly to Lorlathil, Val'sharah (trial characters come with that flight point). Finally, just mount up and ride over to Durian.
Credit to Venara on Wowhead and GamesDean here for this great trick!
ETA: Alternatively, just skip this jerk, because you only need to defeat 12 master tamers for the individual achievements, not all 15 listed. (edited)
wrote on 2020-07-09 05:47:14
wrote on 2019-08-14 23:44:44
wrote on 2019-08-02 15:07:18
wrote on 2019-07-15 13:55:34
wrote on 2018-09-28 06:04:16
wrote on 2018-09-28 11:25:48
wrote on 2018-09-28 14:02:15
wrote on 2018-02-01 08:44:48
Doubleminy wrote on 2017-10-03 23:46:15
Deltethnia wrote on 2017-09-22 02:16:02
Tranmere Fan wrote on 2017-09-13 09:22:15
Darri - Lothar wrote on 2017-08-18 13:05:59
Lordy wrote on 2017-07-04 15:35:05
wrote on 2017-07-06 05:49:03
Squeeze wrote on 2017-06-15 20:39:51
Thankyou to your Website and the effort you guy have put into it.
Thankyou, Thankyou.
Kilrsmurf wrote on 2016-12-19 13:37:23
wrote on 2016-12-20 11:12:43
Xpsyded wrote on 2016-12-22 13:40:43
Bix wrote on 2016-12-23 07:15:02
I've had Aulier up 4 times (last time around early December), Varenne up 2 times (last time was around mid-November), and I've *never ever* had Flummox up.
Alarys - Stormrage wrote on 2016-12-27 20:33:01
wrote on 2017-02-04 05:28:55
aelfraed wrote on 2017-05-31 20:14:14
Suramar trainers appear fairly regularly for my main
Aerna-Eonar wrote on 2017-05-09 11:28:27
Aerna-Eonar wrote on 2017-05-09 11:37:01
wrote on 2017-05-09 15:49:30
aelfraed wrote on 2017-05-31 20:08:38
Mistredo wrote on 2017-05-21 17:58:58
wrote on 2017-05-22 09:35:29
Liarliar wrote on 2017-03-17 17:28:57
Anonymous wrote on 2017-04-02 15:43:53
AaronM wrote on 2017-02-02 16:54:11
wrote on 2017-02-03 06:10:31
There is a separate section for the World Quests where you will find "normal" teams, where possible with the option of a leveling pet:
AaronM wrote on 2017-02-03 09:00:40
wrote on 2017-02-03 15:37:26
Am I missing something? Sorry if I'm overlooking something completely :S
wrote on 2017-02-04 05:16:21
I have no particular opinion, just trying to explain that – though I think that isn't something that Xu-Fu 2.0 won't manage ^^
wrote on 2017-02-05 06:09:48
Badjoojoo - SOE wrote on 2016-12-09 12:08:52
wrote on 2016-12-29 10:08:59
For any other kind of graphic design I really have to look... I'm decent with photoshop but far from being a professional. Is there any part of the page that you would rework and design entirely different? I'm very happy for suggestions or criticism :-)
Aryel wrote on 2016-12-27 19:16:34
wrote on 2016-12-28 08:39:19
Alarys - Stormrage wrote on 2016-12-27 20:11:57
platetits wrote on 2016-12-17 15:03:09
wrote on 2016-12-18 05:52:15
It makes this a lot easier to track!
platetits wrote on 2016-12-18 13:13:43
Jon/Troy wrote on 2016-12-20 09:19:27
I have been just checking that there is a grey part of one of the achievements for each trainer that's active when I log on and am only now noticing how rarely we get suramar trainers, having done 6 trainers with all of the 10 families and keep seeing them recur (it took me 3 spawns to kill robert craig with aquatic for instance, I couldn't get the RNG right.) I have never seen a string of trainers and I think I only saw varenne once.
I have done between 1-5 pet battles of the family familiar every day since about day 6 of launch and am currently still not finished.
Bix wrote on 2016-12-23 07:17:31
Zaymaa wrote on 2016-11-17 17:07:10
JoeAlder wrote on 2016-11-05 11:38:27
Sneaks wrote on 2016-10-31 00:13:00
So far, Chromadon, the Thistleleaf Bully, and Vinu were all doable with both the Snowfeather and the Bloodgazer present (though the credit could only be given to one at a time), but I'm sure there are others that might be more difficult to work around.
wrote on 2016-10-31 08:28:44
I just wrote a blog entry about this. It seems currently you don't even need to have the Falcosaur in your team, which makes it much easier to do. Try it out and let me know if it gives you any trouble!
Sneaks wrote on 2016-10-31 20:21:09
I just want to say, though, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this site. It's become my go-to when I need to look up something for the pet battles!
Cherish wrote on 2016-11-02 10:55:29
According to BlizzardCS on Wowhead:
"Just wanted to clarify something for this quest: for a pet battle to count for this, the specific pet must be summoned as a non-combat pet before starting it. Also, the pet must be present during battle itself, and it must survive it. Otherwise you won't get credit for the quest."
Much appreciation to your site.
Elivra wrote on 2016-11-04 07:57:21
wrote on 2016-10-26 06:05:28
Macgam wrote on 2016-10-26 14:38:46
The good news is you can do battles on multiple 110 toons.
Aspects wrote on 2016-10-24 14:42:51
I will be updating it constantly till I complete it. Please let me know what you think.
wrote on 2016-10-26 06:04:32
MightyTG wrote on 2016-10-26 01:11:19
Sunny wrote on 2016-10-25 17:27:23
Edit: Something odd about the Dalaran trainers, the others still work; Link
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-20 14:33:06
wrote on 2016-10-20 14:46:21
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-20 15:26:01
Detholis wrote on 2016-10-25 15:32:58
Daedrynn wrote on 2016-10-25 16:23:25
Daedrynn wrote on 2016-10-09 00:35:48
wrote on 2016-10-08 20:57:57
According to the patch notes you will still get the quest with your alts to unlock world quests. So as long as you keep that in your log and don't complete it, I assume you can still use the loophole :-)
MightyTG wrote on 2016-10-12 21:56:11
Daedrynn wrote on 2016-10-25 04:36:23
Jeack wrote on 2016-10-23 14:49:32
wrote on 2016-10-23 15:16:26
I got it too! W00t!
Most of the battles were very easy, but for Bredda in particular, XuFu's work was a life saver. :) Thank you!
Analilaura wrote on 2016-10-23 14:55:14
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-22 12:13:37
Jeack wrote on 2016-10-22 12:33:06
I've been 11/12 and waiting for Durian to spawn for 3 weeks :-(
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-23 13:02:09
Jeack wrote on 2016-10-23 14:49:51
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-22 11:28:42
wrote on 2016-10-22 13:49:27
Anonymous wrote on 2016-10-23 12:59:23
fr0z3night wrote on 2016-10-20 09:08:39
Family Familiar Helper (
World Quest Tips & Timers (
Jeack wrote on 2016-10-13 00:06:15
The loophole is taking longer than expected, it would be nice to finish on alts and get WQ on my main XD
MightyTG wrote on 2016-10-13 00:10:28
Best of luck!
Jeack wrote on 2016-10-14 05:16:52
And some additional info: you cannot battle tamers if you are not 110. So your alt must be 110 and not have WQ unlocked, but it does appear the credit for each sub-achievement can be done on different toons.
Lueofvelen wrote on 2016-10-17 00:11:52
wrote on 2016-10-17 06:06:02
wrote on 2016-09-20 03:40:01
I've no way of getting it.
Also is there any viable substitute for: Rotten Little Helper, Zoom and Gulp Froglet?
All in All it's the only 4 pets I don't have, where 1 is impossible to get.
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-23 00:56:34
For the others, I don't know which fights those guys are being used on, but I took the approach that any pet on Xu-fu's list being used in 3 or less fights isn't worth finding and leveling.
I have done 8 trainers on all breeds with no issues so far. The only really specialized pet I've needed was Firewing. I have like 85 level 25s to pick from, but the point is there are many combinations that work. These fights are pretty easy for the most part.
Daedrynn wrote on 2016-10-02 04:18:51
Tonnes wrote on 2016-09-20 21:16:13
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-25 00:38:10
I was told Aulier was up one day in addition to the normal 3 dailies, but I didn't have time to check if I could see them (I have not unlocked WQ).
To those keeping count, this means between Flummox being extremely difficult/impossible for this achievement, and Aulier and Varenne being locked - if you plan to use the loophole you can only use the remaining 12 tamers.
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-28 03:15:20
I can see the NPC, but he says something like "what are you doing here" and doesn't give the option to battle!
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-06 03:58:38
One of the dal trainers always seems to be up (1 of 4). So for the loophole this is nice and easy for doing your first 4 tamers (takes 4 days).
But this means the other dailies (33 in total) must share the other two world quests each day. And only 11 of the 33 quests are relevant to this achievement.
...So you have ~2/3 chance of seeing one of the relevant tamers on a given day (aside from the dalaran trainers). 11 *(3/2) = 16.5 days with average luck to finish this achieve using the loophole.
...and something like 200 days if doing it normally (and get average luck).
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-07 22:07:42
so 12 days to do with loophole. 120 normally, as xu-fu originally stated.
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-07 22:07:51
so 12 days to do with loophole. 120 normally, as xu-fu originally stated.
Jeack wrote on 2016-09-11 02:15:27
wrote on 2016-09-11 03:28:30
Mausoleum wrote on 2016-09-08 00:38:16
Herr Trigger wrote on 2016-09-03 01:24:50
wrote on 2016-09-03 02:25:04
I have not tested it on live myself, but saw a few comments from people that it is indeed still working.
However you only see those world quests that are actually available on a given day. So you can either ask other people to check for you, or level another toon to 110 and unlock the quests to check where to go.
Herr Trigger wrote on 2016-09-03 03:07:03
Still way better than waiting months for all of them to be up like 10 times each.
Dumb Rabbit wrote on 2016-08-16 06:28:10
wrote on 2016-08-15 19:47:04
Orpho wrote on 2016-08-16 20:43:00
Dumb Rabbit wrote on 2016-08-17 01:44:17
wrote on 2016-07-17 03:57:32
Besides, for all Legion pages ATM could you make ready/not ready tabs distinguishable, by different colour shades or something? I have a difficulty with finding all already available strategies. :3
wrote on 2016-07-18 04:11:39
The Humanoid selection is because it's the first in the family list. But I see your point. Do you think it would be better if instead there would be a larger list of the Families in the middle to select, before jumping to a strategy?
Regarding the second point, I'd prefer using my time to implement new strategies. There are about 40 strategies available right now. I have another ~40 tested and ready, that I need to fill in.
I do have more plans for the display, showing particularly hard combinations, but my main goal right now is to fill those blanks.
wrote on 2016-07-19 00:02:40
Well, that multiple battling possible also means that browsing by trainers is mandatory. So there is no second option!
wrote on 2016-07-19 03:44:51
That or using the left bar for families only, giving you bigger resolution buttons ^^
I respect your plan, just thought it'd take a month or so to fill the gaps, forgeting about the unexpected non-quest catch-up. ^^
Good luck!
Mario wrote on 2022-01-10 20:46:24
wrote on 2020-09-01 19:29:36
Boller wrote on 2018-04-02 03:11:00
Gibt es irgendein Addon oder eine Seite welches die aktiven Zähmer anzeigt?
Abeona wrote on 2017-06-18 06:59:12
wrote on 2017-06-19 05:31:28
Smello wrote on 2017-05-18 17:19:44
wrote on 2017-05-19 04:25:32
Magusera wrote on 2017-03-06 03:48:32
Vielen dank für diesen Super-Guide.
Ich möchte in dem Zusammenhang aber noch das folgende Add-on erwähnen. Es hilft dabei die Übersicht zu behalten, welche Battles man schon erledigt hat und welche nicht.
Family Familiar Helper
Gruß und danke
Magusera-Lothar EU
Faramy wrote on 2017-03-01 11:12:09
wrote on 2017-03-03 04:10:32
wrote on 2020-08-31 14:33:29
New Comment: