
20th Anniversary

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Last updated 2024-11-01

During the anniversary celebrations running from October 22nd in 2024 to January 6th of 2025, a number of older pet tamers will show up at the celebration venue in Tanaris, right in front of the Caverns of Time.

Many of those tamers were already featured here as part of the achievement An Awfully Big Adventure. Since the strategies work perfectly fine for the tamer quests as well, they are simply linked to from here. Keep in mind that the category will switch to their original one when selecting a tamer here.

If you're missing any tamers here that show up at the event stage, leave a comment and we'll add them ASAP, thanks!

Happy battling, and happy 20th Anniversary!


wrote on 2024-11-11 11:26:45

For a couple of days i'm not getting new daily quests for the trainers, is that normal?

Serrinne wrote on 2024-11-13 01:54:41

same, no longer getting quests :(


wrote on 2024-11-13 10:01:23

Found out this bug report. No one from blizz has reply yet Link

hoshisabi wrote on 2024-11-14 20:09:29

Thanks for posting this. I was worried it was just me. I've been patient for a while, but now I'm a little disappointed.


wrote on 2024-11-25 13:15:37

Today i had again quests for bordin and goz


wrote on 2024-11-26 22:23:43

Even without the quests you still get toon xp for doing them! Can even repeat on same toon for xp. (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-29 15:30:25

pet xp, or char xp? i was doing them daily for leveling characters instead of pets (pets leveling were just a bonus). Although this week ill do some Squirts (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-29 18:21:55

You always get XP for your character from ANY three-pet battle where your pets are in the same level range as the opponent's pets. Wild battle, Tamer battle, with quest or without quest. The battle itself carries quite decent XP.

You can edit Settings in your chat to show your character XP iof you want to see it.


wrote on 2024-12-15 03:07:31

So i've seen the same thing but not all of my characters have a garrison unlocked. it seems, although i've yet to confirm it by checking everyone* that a lack of a garrison was not letting me get quests at one point.


wrote on 2024-12-15 12:47:19

I checked a Remix character and didn't have the quests, but looked at the garrison had been completed for me. I upgraded it to level 2 just for S&J, still no quests.


wrote on 2024-12-07 00:04:06

Here is a useful link worthy of a 20th anniversary tab. It’s Jeremy Feasel with specific secret pets.

This set is an easy and consistent win guide for the battle (I do understand not everyone has these WoW Secret pets):



wrote on 2024-12-07 06:56:04

The secret will exist beyond the anniversary, and therefore was not placed in this section. It is in our Misc section all the way to the right.


wrote on 2024-12-07 14:11:53

That makes sense, thank you!!!


wrote on 2024-12-08 01:31:53

No problem ^^


wrote on 2024-11-24 18:07:10

Pets are an important part for the Azeroth Secrets in the 20th Anniversary event, "secret pets" are needed to do it. Lets do our job in this!!!!


wrote on 2024-11-25 18:37:01

Apparently the "secret" pets one is not important enough for them to add, would be nice.


wrote on 2024-11-25 19:05:32



wrote on 2024-11-26 02:30:45

While the link is appreciated, its not helpful in that we are commenting on the fact that there is no battle strategy for Mr. Feasel here w/secret pet options, steps and/or scripts.


wrote on 2024-11-26 03:50:01

Click on the button on the page that says Jeremy Feasel

And there are like 18 strategies already up.

Plus, this secret will be completable after the Anniversary, so putting it on the Anniversary tab would be pointless. (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-29 22:44:23

When I did this comment there wasn't anything about it on the page, I was in the discord group while that secret was uncovered and a pet battle came up as the next "secret". We didn't know what pets were needed, lvl or whatever, so i decided to say it in here, looking for help since this is the group with more knowledge of battle pets.
And guess what, only late in the night something came up because Aranesh was in that same discord group too, after getting enough information about it he did what he does best and was what I was asking for, just asking for help for this battle.
And instead of help, these were the nice answers I got...


wrote on 2024-11-30 05:27:41

Then maybe I wasn't replying to you.


wrote on 2024-11-21 11:27:43

As of right now 4:25am (MST) there is a Dragon Isles WQ up in the 20th zone, Setimothes and his WQ is "You Have to Start Somewhere", also Patchu is up


wrote on 2024-11-21 19:27:59

Also saw Haniko :)


wrote on 2024-11-16 18:42:37

Seen SL trainer up on EU today!
- Sylla and Faryl so far


wrote on 2024-11-16 19:26:42

also seen Stratios :)


wrote on 2024-11-17 11:47:41

All added, thanks!


wrote on 2024-11-12 11:31:13

Captain Hermes & Eddie Fixit are up 12.11 on EU


wrote on 2024-11-12 18:27:41

I also got Dilbert McClint ;)


wrote on 2024-11-17 11:43:55

Bit late but added to a new BfA category :-)


wrote on 2024-11-08 08:28:53

Robert Craig, Xorvasc, Bredda Tenderhide and Grixis Tinypop active on EU-Servers today (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-08 15:32:07

Thanks! Added :-) (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-04 14:12:46

Farmer Nishi and Mo`ruk are up 04/11 on EU


wrote on 2024-11-04 14:48:39

Pandaria Tamers added :D


wrote on 2024-10-26 09:27:28

No rewards for the battles, its sad.


wrote on 2024-10-26 14:45:05

so a bit like my experience if you battle the trainer in the "wild" if you pick the second option for the guys who would usually reward you with a pet battle pack :) you get the pet battle pack (after picking up the quest and defeating the trainer and turning it in) - or at least thats what's happened to me..In the past selecting the first battle option meant I got credit to a meta quest - but not for the boss's specific loot reward, from my battles and rewards over the last few days it holds true here. (edit: I screenshotted obalis this time when he gave me a bag - I don't really want to publicly post the image but can send it to the mod for verification of the above) (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-03 08:12:08

today major payne was giving me the bag - again using second option


wrote on 2024-11-04 13:07:18

shows how much blizzard cares about pet battling these days. not even a single token.


wrote on 2024-11-04 09:43:15

As of 4th November both Hyuna of the Shrines and Courageous Yon are up on Draenor EU


wrote on 2024-11-04 08:25:42

I saw Mo'ruk & Courageous Yon on 11/4 @ 2:25am central time.


wrote on 2024-11-03 08:13:58

**PSA save time use mass import strings** since we've worked out which trainers are likely to appear remember if you go to the main article page it will scan your collection and give you a mass import of teams (and scripts- or at least instructions). It's a feature plenty of us have probably forgotten about....


wrote on 2024-10-31 08:22:37

Two more tamers today,
Major Payne & Okrut Dragonwaste


wrote on 2024-10-31 14:28:42

Gutretch too


wrote on 2024-10-31 15:59:23

Just saw Gutretch too :D I've simply added all Northrend tamers now. Most likely they are all in the rotation. Thanks both!


wrote on 2024-10-31 10:34:52

Nearly Headless Jacob and Major Payne are up now and missing from the list. (edited)


wrote on 2024-10-31 14:00:55

Thanks! I've added them :-)


wrote on 2024-10-26 08:23:01

So, is there a specific schedule they rotate on? I swear last night it was like every half hour. and tonight they havent changed?


wrote on 2024-10-30 22:46:41

They seem to change based on phase, I noticed that when switching between different groups for various raids and stuff, the trainers switched too

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