Just completed this journey after an extended absence from Wow. I followed many different strategies (Wowhead and Wow Secrets) and they all were helpful. Some notes to add...
1. You need to find all the pebbles on the same character. You will need to be on this character when you go to pet battle Baa'l (explained more in note #4).
2. On the Uuna World Tour - the Rising Sun Gate (sp?) was troublesome. The TomTom coordinates are off for where to stand. I found a comment that said to move to the middle of the door opening and this completed the World Tour stop for that location.
3. I looted Uuna on a different character (same account) than the one that battled Baa'l.
4. Initially I couldn't see Baa'l (I was using my mage for faster traveling). Read a comment that you needed to be on the character that looted Uuna (DK for me), so I switched and I still couldn't see Baa'l. Typed the command to check pebble progress, and the response was "NO" for all pebbles. Changed to the character that found all the pebbles and could see Baa'l. Completed the pet battle and then insanely did the transmog belt chain.
I am stuck. Have done all pre-q for Baa'l, so I can see him standing there. I have done all Uuna quest all the way till the world tour, which i can't start because I can't get into "old" Vale of Eternal Blossoms. My brother has done the whole thing, though (he has tamed Baa'l) But even with him in my party, he summons Uuna while clicking Baa'l, but she won't interact with Baa'l... What to do, plz help, getting desperate....
I'm stuck on the pebble on the boat in the fatigue area above nazmir. Ive tried the water feast , i have the angler ..just cant seem to figure it out ..i die then when i rez im already dead again. Does anyone know if i have done most on my hunter main - can i do a step on my druid alt?
That one took me a few tries as well. For me it was mostly about being able to get to and target the pebble before fatigue got me. My improvement was about moving more efficiently to the right spot anf clicking the right point on the hull, and that came about just by learning from my mistakes.
If you want to try on the Druid, you can't just pick up that step on the Druid. I'm not even sure whether you can pick up the start of the trail on the Druid if you have already done it on your hunter. Maybe? But if you have the Angler, I'm not sure a Druid is going to make it any easier, since it's the Fatigue that limits your rime.
I used a suggestion from below to turn off all addons, and when I started the fight he was nerfed before I even summoned her. I finished the pet battle without doing so and beat it easily.
Someone else using Uuna debuffs Baa'l for 15 minutes for everyone. Without the debuff he has invulnerability from all abilities and 1 shots any pet. He doesn't have a debuff icon though, the easiest way to tell is to fight him. If he's level 23 and green, he's debuffed. If he's 25 and purple (and 1 shotting everything), he's not debuffed.
I have not played Warlords and Legion and so not made the Suramar Storyline for Uuna. So I made the whole thing with my wife who has played the above. Now we are standing in the Volcano and she can see Baa'l and I can not. From all I read, I believed that I can tame Baa'l if she weakens him wiht her Uuna, but I did not expect that I even cannot see him. What Do I have to do to see him?
NOT USING WAR MODE worked with Uuna (hug to make sure she hugs you back)
1. You cannot have Uuna pre-summonned
2. LEFT-click on Baa'l
3. Summon Uuna and wait until she finishes her comments.
I used Unborn Val'kyr (any, 2, 1) used curse then haunt
2nd pet was Ikky (any, 1, 1) black claw, then flock - baa'l is defeated!
This worked perfect, though Baa'l can swap your unborn valkyr for ikky, I had swapped back to unborn to use haunt. it wasn't actually that hard. :D Thanks for this!
I left clicked Baa'l and summoned Uuna, she started her dialoque and I'm in War Mode. (edited)
Wasn't sure it'd work. I did Uuna on one toon, did the Baa'l chain on another. Followed the above strat on the toon I did the Baa'l chain on. Worked like a charm. (WM off)
If you have a guildie that has completed this prior to 8.3 join a party and use "Party Sync" (very important, go to Baal's location and have them summon Uuna and their's will debuff Baal for everyone there. You can ask in trade if someone is out there already to try it. The person helping has to use the toon they did it on also. GL
seems to be various problems with Baa'l even using the snail toy. In my case i tried again turning off ALL addons and Uuna did her thing. no idea if it was an addon, but anyone else having a problem might want to try it. GL HF
Fight was bug until I realise I have stop Uuna after the scenario. I find a complete guide ; and continue my travel with Uuna ^^ (big wall in Pandaria, Nighthold, lava in Blackrock.....) when I /hug Uuna she hug me back. Then I return to Baa'l to fight him and it works :)
1. Defeating Baa'l in his prime with Life Exchange gimmick will not grant you the pet, nor give you progress on your Waist of Time. 2. One would think a such special pet for could grant some extra exp. Nope, it's just a regular "single pet" experience.
Uuna appears to be bugged
Can you see Baal?
If you hug Uuna does she hug you back?
If the aswer to both is yes but you cannot get Uuna to "nerf" Baal then do this:
Dismiss Uuna
Go to Org
Make sure you are in, or change to, War Mode
Go to Baal and left click on him
Summon Uuna
she will now see him and nerf him...
Fight him, kill him, get him as a pet
basically you have to be in war mode
you cannot have Uuna pre-summonned
you have to have Baa'l clicked, so he is your "focus" when you summon her
It took me 3 days to get this to work - the gm's will NOT help you
After a guidie getting the snail toy from ToT, I went here and saw the comment made by dyz. We decided to try "his/hers" suggestion first doing exactly as he'd written with the minor change that we were already in War Mode, but it worked like a charm without using the snail toy.
Thank you
ugh have Uuna decked out, no interaction with Baa'l. I was in warmode so I went to org and turned it off. still nothing. i don't have that snail toy and started asking around if anyone does. Two long-ass chains to get Uuna and the pebbles just to have Blizzard not fix a bug.
If you have completed the both quest chains and have Uuna and you're now facing Baa'l, summon Uuna, she says her bit and with your favourite battle pet/pets you can take him down. Job done ^
I had 2 successful battle with B'aal. Once Uuna takes off B'aal buffs. 1st time I used Crimson Whelpling and 2 Spawn of Onyxia, 2nd time was 3 Spawn of Onyxia. Spells; Breath, Scorched Earth, Deep Breath. seq:: Scorched Earth, Deep Breath, Breath, Breath - forced swap for 2nd pet - Deep Breath, Breath and B'aal was dead and i had him in my bag.So iI think any Dragonkin with those 3 spell would work.
I was too. I was starting from the Tortaka Refuge and heading straight for the cave. You miss the close end of the Fatigue Reset if you use that path. Start from /way Zandalar 45.87 3.78 and head to /way Zandalar 47.7 -3 for the Fatigue Reset. The cave is /way Zandalar 55.72 -10.21
If Baal is bugged. (Don't get "nerfed" if uuna is out) just kill him with the snail shell? (if this is the name in english) in german it calls "Schneckenhaus" so you can kill baal and he can nerfed by uuna so you can beat him.
Make sure your Uuna is complete when you go to Baa'l. He is inside a lava cave. Also make sure you, or someone in your party has a Gastropod shell to reset Baa'l if needed (its a toy). If he won't reset, kill him with the snail and he will. Worked like a charm. Good luck! What a pain :)
Will anyone who has Uuna completed group with me? I cannot get past Uuna A Dark Place! Ive tried so many times! Ive completed all the secret peebles now Im up to the Baa'l part which I cannot do with a completed Uuna :( Ifelia#1377 Please help!
I had trouble with the last part of Uuna, but then realized I wasn't clicking on her when she says she's scared and you need to hug her. You should be able to just click on her to complete that portion of the quest for her. Hope this helps you out! Otherwise, I'll be around sometime tomorrow if you still need a group.
*Edit: Yesterday or the day before I was just by Baa'l and since other people had Uuna out already I was able to beat him without even needing her out. Someone did comment earlier that this may have changed, but I wanted to let you know.
Try this trick, make macro - /hug - key bind it then target Uuna, whilst running around clearing the mobs use the macro especially when mobs get real close spam it, you might fail till you get used to it but it does work Good Luck :)
I've done A Dark Place on my toon and my wife's now, and the best advice I can give you is a) have a macro to hug her and keep her targetted and b) do it on a shaman in puppy form. Easy peasy.
Just a heads up for people trying to get Baa'l. If someone has already got Baa'l they can not use their Uuna to help out someone else.
you need to have someone that does not yet have Baa'l
I found this out trying to help a guild friend get his Baa'l.
Because I already had him, he was not visible to me, so uuna could not weaken him.
I'm wondering guys, if it may have something to do with Diablo's Baal or Baldur's Gate's Bhaal.
As it says in Baldur's Gate: "The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Alaundo"
Baal is a name commonly associated with demons or dark/false gods in the Hebrew mythology, whom both Diablo's Baal and Baldur's Gate's Bhaal were named after. They're all just named after the same thing.
If you're going to get this pet be sure that you have completed all of the Uuna tasks, otherwise this pet is unbeatable. Baa'l is a legendary with ridiculously high stats. Uuna brings him down to size, though. When I fought him after letting Uuna do her thing, he was an uncommon level with slightly over 1k HP. After defeating him you will get an item in your bag to add him to your collection.
You just have to be grouped with someone who has the 'upgraded' Uuna. I don't have her, but I grouped with someone who did and I got the pet. :)
That being said, your mode has to match the person with the pet. I had to go and turn Warmode on because the person with the pet was in Warmode.
You don't have to be grouped with the person who has Uuna. I got lucky and someone else had dropped her (not sure if they were the same faction or not) and she still helped with Baal
There were probably 6 or 7 same faction Uuna around me when I went to grab him and he didn't have the debff. Maybe they hotfixed it to be less buggy, but it wouldn't give me the debuff unless I was grouped with the person. Hopefully they fixed this!
If you're looking for the steps beyond Baa'l, here's the link!
https://imgur.com/a/8sH5Gay They had a major breakthrough really early this morning (US) and it was so fun to watch/listen to.
Die Suche nach Baa'l inklusive die Story und die Weltreise mit Uuna (die unbedingt notwendig ist um Baa'l am Ende besiegen zu können) hat einen Riesenspass gemacht. All die versteckten Orte an die man durch diese Suche geführt wird hätte man sonst nie entdeckt. Absolut empfehlenswert!
Wichtig: Wie von meinen Vorgängern beschrieben, braucht ihr das Haustier Uuna, um Baa'l vor dem Kampf zu schwächen (und ihn so fangen zu können). Voraussetzung ist, dass ihr Uunas Questreihe erfolgreich abgeschlossen habt. Hier findet ihr eine entsprechende Anleitung: https://www.wowhead.com/uuna-storyline-a-dark-place
Unmittelbar nach Beendigung der Questreihe hat es nicht funktiniert, Baa`l ist nicht schwach geworden. Warmode on/off schalten hat nichts genutzt. Am nächsten Morgen beim Einloggen - noch an gleicher Stelle - fing Uuna an direkt die Worte zu sprechen und Baa`l wurde deutlich kleiner. Nach 3 Schlägen mit einem Drachkin war er tot (fangen nicht möglich) und der Gegenstand der ihn beschwört tauchte direkt im Inventar auf
Después de hacer la mazmorra de Puerta de Sol de Poniente en heróico he ido a la Puerta de Sol Poniente y Uuna, por fin, ha hecho el diálogo. No sé si os podrá ayuda. He ido con el personaje en lvl 120
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSthopeless#2357
wrote on 2024-10-30 10:18:27
Is anyone in EU realms with Uuna willing to help me?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsXiafarArea52 wrote on 2024-08-03 08:35:52
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTeuffelhound wrote on 2023-05-30 17:39:30
1. You need to find all the pebbles on the same character. You will need to be on this character when you go to pet battle Baa'l (explained more in note #4).
2. On the Uuna World Tour - the Rising Sun Gate (sp?) was troublesome. The TomTom coordinates are off for where to stand. I found a comment that said to move to the middle of the door opening and this completed the World Tour stop for that location.
3. I looted Uuna on a different character (same account) than the one that battled Baa'l.
4. Initially I couldn't see Baa'l (I was using my mage for faster traveling). Read a comment that you needed to be on the character that looted Uuna (DK for me), so I switched and I still couldn't see Baa'l. Typed the command to check pebble progress, and the response was "NO" for all pebbles. Changed to the character that found all the pebbles and could see Baa'l. Completed the pet battle and then insanely did the transmog belt chain.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDraighorn wrote on 2023-04-09 14:39:59
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBlintz wrote on 2022-11-19 07:39:42
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKurtern
wrote on 2021-10-16 16:40:55
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNessahelyan#1259
wrote on 2021-03-19 11:09:54
You must be logged in to vote on commentsGráinne
wrote on 2021-03-19 11:33:26
If you want to try on the Druid, you can't just pick up that step on the Druid. I'm not even sure whether you can pick up the start of the trail on the Druid if you have already done it on your hunter. Maybe? But if you have the Angler, I'm not sure a Druid is going to make it any easier, since it's the Fatigue that limits your rime.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFoxieRed wrote on 2019-04-28 15:39:34
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDetroitTaxman
wrote on 2019-06-20 11:38:07
You must be logged in to vote on commentspajamajeans wrote on 2020-05-06 15:47:21
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEngelrift
wrote on 2020-10-11 09:22:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZycke
wrote on 2020-09-21 15:21:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNotUsingWarMode wrote on 2019-05-05 01:59:07
1. You cannot have Uuna pre-summonned
2. LEFT-click on Baa'l
3. Summon Uuna and wait until she finishes her comments.
I used Unborn Val'kyr (any, 2, 1) used curse then haunt
2nd pet was Ikky (any, 1, 1) black claw, then flock - baa'l is defeated!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDende
wrote on 2020-01-19 20:09:46
Thanks for this!
I left clicked Baa'l and summoned Uuna, she started her dialoque and I'm in War Mode. (edited)
You must be logged in to vote on commentskalypsom wrote on 2020-06-25 22:25:40
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMJ wrote on 2020-06-28 20:31:38
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPinakolada
wrote on 2020-08-09 13:09:22
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHoofinmouth
wrote on 2020-07-12 11:00:39
You must be logged in to vote on commentsToenail
wrote on 2018-10-08 18:25:32
You must be logged in to vote on commentspajamajeans wrote on 2020-05-06 16:08:56
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNotsil wrote on 2019-03-02 14:42:50
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRemte
wrote on 2019-02-05 16:53:59
2. One would think a such special pet for could grant some extra exp. Nope, it's just a regular "single pet" experience.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsdyz wrote on 2018-11-05 14:25:08
Can you see Baal?
If you hug Uuna does she hug you back?
If the aswer to both is yes but you cannot get Uuna to "nerf" Baal then do this:
Dismiss Uuna
Go to Org
Make sure you are in, or change to, War Mode
Go to Baal and left click on him
Summon Uuna
she will now see him and nerf him...
Fight him, kill him, get him as a pet
You must be logged in to vote on commentsdyz wrote on 2018-11-05 14:29:56
you cannot have Uuna pre-summonned
you have to have Baa'l clicked, so he is your "focus" when you summon her
It took me 3 days to get this to work - the gm's will NOT help you
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJagûar
wrote on 2018-11-17 10:54:53
Thank you
You must be logged in to vote on commentsToenail
wrote on 2018-10-07 15:10:01
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLizzy wrote on 2018-10-06 07:01:24
You must be logged in to vote on commentsdebloucar
wrote on 2018-09-27 14:25:29
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHobbyhorse
wrote on 2018-09-23 01:09:44
1 - Getting Uuna
2 - Take Uuna at Tour where it ends with a scenario.
3 - Take Unna at World Tour where it ends with a hug from Uuna.
1 - Hunting for Pebbles
2 - Travel to Frostfire Ridge
3 - Summon Uuna.
Uuna says: Oooh, I know what to do with guys like this!
Uuna yells: Eat stars, bad guy!
Uuna yells: Get him, friend! Use your pet battle attack!
Now you can kill Baa'l and get the pet.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTbell wrote on 2018-08-30 21:18:28
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLaennec wrote on 2018-08-31 04:19:51
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTbell wrote on 2018-09-08 23:38:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKatsu1511
wrote on 2018-09-03 14:08:50
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHissyfitizzy wrote on 2018-09-03 10:01:36
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMsDemeanor wrote on 2018-08-25 13:25:21
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRavynsur
wrote on 2018-08-25 23:25:27
*Edit: Yesterday or the day before I was just by Baa'l and since other people had Uuna out already I was able to beat him without even needing her out. Someone did comment earlier that this may have changed, but I wanted to let you know.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDoomshade
wrote on 2018-08-31 05:20:18
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMysgydid wrote on 2018-09-01 03:15:48
You must be logged in to vote on commentsWhitlow
wrote on 2018-08-31 22:28:33
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZarquon
wrote on 2018-08-26 18:30:51
you need to have someone that does not yet have Baa'l
I found this out trying to help a guild friend get his Baa'l.
Because I already had him, he was not visible to me, so uuna could not weaken him.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAskavi wrote on 2018-08-26 04:08:07
Baa'l - https://warcraft-secrets.com/guides/baal/
Last step Waist of Time - https://warcraft-secrets.com/guides/waist-of-time/
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSarth wrote on 2018-08-23 19:36:18
As it says in Baldur's Gate: "The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Alaundo"
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDarwinia wrote on 2018-08-25 00:45:06
Except this one's a goat, and he goes "baa"
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBigshow71 wrote on 2018-08-23 18:40:41
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2018-08-23 20:05:04
That being said, your mode has to match the person with the pet. I had to go and turn Warmode on because the person with the pet was in Warmode.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMelB#1631
wrote on 2018-08-24 12:41:15
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2018-08-24 17:52:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2018-08-24 17:51:00
They had a major breakthrough really early this morning (US) and it was so fun to watch/listen to.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKarivian wrote on 2018-08-23 17:21:44
You must be logged in to vote on commentschristine wrote on 2021-01-02 08:40:44
You must be logged in to vote on commentsCurd wrote on 2019-03-27 20:05:10
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFaelisblue wrote on 2018-11-23 07:14:25
Wichtig: Wie von meinen Vorgängern beschrieben, braucht ihr das Haustier Uuna, um Baa'l vor dem Kampf zu schwächen (und ihn so fangen zu können). Voraussetzung ist, dass ihr Uunas Questreihe erfolgreich abgeschlossen habt. Hier findet ihr eine entsprechende Anleitung: https://www.wowhead.com/uuna-storyline-a-dark-place
You must be logged in to vote on commentsShania wrote on 2018-11-22 07:28:51
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAinuk wrote on 2018-10-31 08:02:58
You must be logged in to vote on commentsShedou wrote on 2018-10-26 15:49:56
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMike wrote on 2018-08-27 15:53:27
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSatánicus
wrote on 2020-07-06 04:02:51
You must be logged in to vote on commentsmoney#3475
wrote on 2022-12-05 12:41:56
New Comment: