vs. Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803

Strategy added by Gráinne



Strategy 1 of 23
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Incl. steps:

Click the button to copy the script into your clipboard:

use(#2) [ self.aura(820).duration<1 ]
use(#3) [ enemy.hp<464 ]
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 85632
Special or not:0Special or not:112214168143114160

Skills: 1 2 2
Breed: Any

Teroclaw Hatchling
This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
HP 1546 289 260

1 ZR7 13

Any Level 25+ Elemental

Skills: Any
Breed: Any

1 ZR7 13

Any Level 25+ Elemental

Skills: Any
Breed: Any

I believe this strat can fail if you land a Crit with Claw in Round 3, and Blingtron 4999b kills himself with Armageddon before you can get your heal from Ravage. That should be a 5% chance. However, you can probably finish with your other pets, and this is otherwise a very clean, simple strategy.

Inspired by an anonymous comment https://wow-petguide.com/?Comment=69504

Low XP
At least one of the pets for this strategy require the use of a specific breed.
Not every strategy can be bullet proof. This is one of them. You might have to restart it, since there are some random elements that increase the risk of your pets failing. Don't blame them, please!
This strategy is using pets obtainable from the Wow Trading Card Game (TCG) or the auction house for potentially high sums of gold.
This strategy is using pets obtainable only from the WoW In-Game Shop for Battle.net Balance or real money.
You can use this strategy to carry a low level pet to give it experience.
Some instructions are more difficult to follow than others. That's exactly what you might find in this strategy!
The strategy offers a Script that can be used with the Pet Battle Script addon. You can copy the script by clicking on the button to the left of the pets.
At least one pet in the strategy cannot be obtained anymore. If you have it, congrats!
A Strategy Curator found this strategy to be especially helpful and higlighted it with this tag to give it more exposure.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 2:15
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 15+
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
This table shows the level increase for completing the fight with level 25 pets and one carry pet.
Partial level experience is not included in the calculation.

Before After Experience Gain

Safari Hat

Lesser Pet Treat

Pet Treat

Darkmoon Hat

Pet Battle Week

Strategy Details
2 Min 15 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Pet Sim does not have an enemy fight logic for this encounter, yet. Winrates cannot be calculated until the fight has been mapped.
2020-10-21 13:00:36
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2020-02-24 21:53:12
The strategy was created on this date.
Pageviews. This number indicates how often this strategy has been accessed by visitors.
Tamer Details
Low XP
This fight provides very low experience. It is usually not worth bringing a low level pet in. You can see detailed values by hovering over the XP tag.
Priority 1
If Nature's Ward buff is not up, use Nature's Ward

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Teroclaw Hatchling
Nature's Ward
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Bring in your Teroclaw Hatchling
Bring in your Elemental pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your Teroclaw Hatchling
Swap to your Elemental pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
Blingtron 4999b comes in
Protectron 022481 comes in
Protectron 011803 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Teroclaw Hatchling
Any Elemental
Any Elemental
Nature's Ward
Protectron 011803
Protectron 022481
Blingtron 4999b
Priority 2
If enemy health is less than 464, use Ravage

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Teroclaw Hatchling
Nature's Ward
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Bring in your Teroclaw Hatchling
Bring in your Elemental pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your Teroclaw Hatchling
Swap to your Elemental pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
Blingtron 4999b comes in
Protectron 022481 comes in
Protectron 011803 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Teroclaw Hatchling
Any Elemental
Any Elemental
Nature's Ward
Protectron 011803
Protectron 022481
Blingtron 4999b
Priority 3

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Teroclaw Hatchling
Nature's Ward
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Any Level 25+ Elemental
Bring in your Teroclaw Hatchling
Bring in your Elemental pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your Teroclaw Hatchling
Swap to your Elemental pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
Blingtron 4999b comes in
Protectron 022481 comes in
Protectron 011803 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Teroclaw Hatchling
Any Elemental
Any Elemental
Nature's Ward
Protectron 011803
Protectron 022481
Blingtron 4999b

Those three are actually Transformers! After the fight they transform into beautiful garbage cubes!


wrote on 2023-09-20 21:13:26

This doesnt work at all for me, teroclaw dies long before Au dies and my second pet dies before Banks even gets to 50% hp

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2023-09-21 01:07:31

You are looking at the wrong strategy.

This is the Garrison battle.

Au and Banks are with Blingtron 4000 in the Celestial Tournament. https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/139/Blingtron_4000


wrote on 2023-05-09 19:42:14

beautiful strategy!


wrote on 2022-05-06 09:56:42

I had to rebuild my teams on Rematch so I was deciding which Elementals to use.
I decided to pick my 2 [Electrified Razortooth] pets since they both have [Devour] in their 3rd slot and I can choose strong abilities against the Mechanical family for both abilities 1 and 2.
But it didn't matter! My Teroclaw solo'ed the fight with 67 health left when he threw the second Ravage to kill the final Protectron enemy! Great Strat!
With the Razortooth you could probably work this into a leveling strat where Teroclaw dies before killing the third enemy pet, swap in level pet, swap in Razortooth but idk if it is worth it since idk the xp you'd get. Just a thought for future reference since you can have a strong third pet for this really good strat.
Thanks again.


wrote on 2022-06-04 21:01:13

I was doing the same today, with a leveling pet in slot 2 to swap in and out. A few times my Tero died but the third elemental pet took care of it


wrote on 2021-10-22 19:32:07

Clean A.F.


wrote on 2021-05-11 06:02:15

To the OP, you don't need to worry about Crits. Worst case your Teroclaw "kills" one of them with a crit. However for that to happen and Ravage not be active, it can't have done it's Mechanical rez yet.

This means it'll come back to life, and it always has few enough hit points that the strategy correctly activates Ravage for the final killing blow.

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2021-05-11 09:27:22

No, it can happen. In the case I reference, the Teroclaw doesn't kill him with a Crit, but Blingtron 4999b kills HIMSELF with Armageddon before you can get your heal from Ravage, so Failsafe does not kick in, and he does not res to be killed by Ravage.

The battle is still easily winnable using almost any other level 25 pet as a finisher, so I don't worry about it too much.


wrote on 2021-02-24 23:00:15

Worked perfectly


wrote on 2020-10-06 10:46:35

script always use Nature`s Ward

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2020-10-06 21:16:51

I don't use tdScropt, so I can't check, but the first line looks to me like it will cast Nature's Ward only when it is off, or about to fall off.


wrote on 2020-10-07 00:02:45

Script used Nature's Ward then Claw for me.


wrote on 2020-10-21 07:03:15

@mrmarafon change script to
use(#2) [ self.aura(820).duration<1 ]
use(#3) [ enemy.hp<464 ]

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2020-10-21 12:59:34

Thank you, Outzider. Since I don't and won't use that scripting addon myself, I can't actually test, but I can see why your numeric version should work for people with other lungiages. I will replace

use(#2) [ self.aura(Nature's Ward).duration<1 ]


use(#2) [ self.aura(820).duration<1 ]

and hope that helps people.

Josie wrote on 2020-08-22 17:06:03

Was looking for a long time for a strategy that a lot of people were saying worked but couldn't find any, yet this one worked absolutely perfectly, thank you!

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2020-08-22 21:04:47

Thank you, and thanks for reminding me to check this one out for Shadowlands, although I'm sure it will be fine since the Shadowlands changes don't affect it. :)

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2020-08-28 14:38:36

Yes, tested on 9.0 PTR, and still works unchanged.


wrote on 2020-09-27 22:39:55

Should probably mark it as such then so people know still showing yellow rather than green if you've tested

(OP) Gráinne

wrote on 2020-09-28 04:14:01

Fair point, but the designation should be done by someone other than a strat's author. :) And these old garrison battles are low-priority and the Strategy Curators has more then enough on their plates for now, so I'll wait for them to get around to it.

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