Automated Chaos |
Runisco |
Any Elemental
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8835 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Automated Chaos |
Remte |
Any Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
43263 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Shred |
DragonsAfterDark |
Any Pet
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18152 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Living Sludge |
DragonsAfterDark |
4.8 |
46 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
343930 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnomeregan Guard Wolf |
jtrezzo#1973 |
Any Elemental
Any Beast
4.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
28772 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Small Beginnings |
Remte |
4.7 |
20 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
25861 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Power of Friendship |
Runisco |
4.7 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9181 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider |
Alexstrasza |
4.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11405 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Environeer Bert |
Nmyler |
Level Pet
4.5 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15558 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Micro Defense Force |
Dassemps#1507 |
Any Pet
4.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7255 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Minixis |
Theaxx |
3.8 |
4 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
27493 |
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Foulclaw |
Eva#23163 |
3.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11166 |
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Right Twice a Day |
Pankracy#2378 |
Any Pet
Any Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5396 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Unit 35 |
Alo |
Any Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6434 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Nicki Tinytech |
Jessail |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
63422 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481 and Protectron 011803 |
sistercoyote |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15519 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Automated Chaos |
Ternax |
Any Elemental
Any Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2960 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Foe Reaper 50 |
F1NCH#2182 |
Any Pet
Any Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9643 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Automated Chaos |
PureArmour#1184 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12612 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Everliving Spore |
WildTurtle#22143 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
1909 |
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