Phyxia |
solidstate77#1969 |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13521 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wrathion |
DragonsAfterDark |
5.0 |
21 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
56294 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Bodhi Sunwayver |
Logic |
Level Pet
5.0 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15589 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pilfer |
Tilim |
Any Magic
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9789 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ruinhoof |
Nikyou |
5.0 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7884 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wandering Phantasm |
Shenk |
5.0 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14233 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flummoxed |
SpicyChicken#21467 |
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10585 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Captinron |
Level Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8655 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Baneglow |
SilverShadow#2102 |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6067 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Sunshine529 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
18422 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Mind Games of Addius |
Kalagren |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4047 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8666 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Cliffs of Bastion |
Kalagren |
Any Magic
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5982 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Kalagren |
Any Magic
5.0 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3499 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Ziriak |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
55 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12759 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
Cacobeitor |
Any Pet
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
2112 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Azurewren |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9210 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
Berendain |
5.0 |
26 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22999 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Tiffany Nelson |
Devi |
Level Pet
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15301 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Dealing with Satyrs |
rzzbr |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
9722 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Snakes on a Terrace |
Arkantos#1838 |
Any Magic
5.0 |
42 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
47093 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
Berendain |
5.0 |
96 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
71798 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Pilfer |
Lazey |
Any Magic
4.9 |
39 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
45050 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Add More to the Collection |
Zane#6890 |
4.9 |
47 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
63642 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
nogulpfrog |
Level Pet
4.9 |
84 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
177161 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Bodhi Sunwayver |
Krimzun |
Level Pet
4.9 |
16 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
130310 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Mighty Minions of Maldraxxus |
Faymos#1176 |
4.9 |
29 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
154560 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Sea Creatures Are Weird |
antmist#21780 |
4.9 |
29 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22916 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Eyegor's Special Friends |
DragonsAfterDark |
4.9 |
166 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
99042 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Taran Zhu |
makeo |
Any Pet
4.8 |
35 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
89056 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Wandering Phantasm |
Cognosis |
Any Pet
4.7 |
40 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
42892 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Eekwibble |
Level Pet
4.7 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12914 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Mutanis |
Level Pet
4.7 |
11 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16864 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Mutanis |
Level Pet
4.7 |
12 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
70913 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Resilient Survivors |
Jump |
4.7 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12959 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Grand Master |
Oni_3 |
4.7 |
57 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20910 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Eyegor's Special Friends |
Kalagren |
4.7 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8179 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Kromli and Gromli |
WhyDaRumGone |
Level Pet
4.5 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
10989 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Stand Up to Bullies |
norng |
Any Pet
4.2 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15772 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
detain |
4.2 |
13 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14859 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Illidari Masters: Nameless Mystic |
Jagûar |
3.8 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
24534 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Not So Bad Down Here |
Ulthrakk |
3.7 |
7 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13885 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Flowing Pandaren Spirit |
gjfLeo |
Level Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
5705 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Airborne Defense Force |
KaZan#3856 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
3003 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Uncomfortably Undercover |
totemguard |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
8787 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Grand Master |
Aquain#1921 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
1230 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Thenia's Loyal Companions |
Eldrandz#1101 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
13413 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
Flyride |
Level Pet
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
65 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
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