vs. Taran Zhu

Estrategia añadida por WhyDaRumGone

Strategy 11 of 14
Browse all alternatives

Incl. pasos:

Haz click en el botón para copiar el script en el portapapeles:

change(#3) [round=3 & enemy(#1).dead]
change(#1) [self(#2).played]
change(#2) [self(#1).aura(Stunned:174).exists & !self(#2).played]
change(#2) [enemy.aura(Stunned:927).exists & !self(#2).played]
change(#3) [self(#1).dead]
use(Ghostly Bite:654) [enemy.aura(Rabies:807).exists]
use(654) [self.aura(Undead:242).exists]
use(Rabid Strike:666) [!enemy.aura(807).exists]
use(Death Grip:780) [enemy(#3).active & enemy.hp>486]
use(Bash:348) [enemy(#2).active]
Taran Zhu 71931
Special or not:0Special or not:102217419756817410

Habilidades: * 2 2
Raza: HS, SB

Rata espectral
Esta mascota puede tener las siguientes razas:

Raza Salud Poder Velocidad
HS 1546 260 289
SB 1465 273 289
PB 1465 289 273
HB 1546 273 273

Las razas marcadas en rojo no son adecuadas para esta estrategia.


Special or not:0Special or not:100014268246414260

Habilidades: * * *
Raza: Cualquier

Elekk de peluche
Esta mascota puede tener las siguientes razas:

Raza Salud Poder Velocidad
HH 2537 260 179

Special or not:0Special or not:1121311917918331190

Habilidades: 1 2 1
Raza: SS

Extremidad amputada
Esta mascota puede tener las siguientes razas:

Raza Salud Poder Velocidad
SS 1278 268 341
BB 1359 284 292
PP 1278 333 276
PB 1343 297 289
SB 1343 281 305

Las razas marcadas en rojo no son adecuadas para esta estrategia.


Copy of my level strat :p

EXP Intermedia
Al menos una de las mascotas de esta estrategia requiere el uso de una raza específica.
No todas las estrategias son a prueba de balas. Esta es una de ellas. Es posible que tengas que reiniciar varias veces, puesto que existe un componente de aleatoriedad que puede hacer que tus mascotas pierdan. ¡Ellas no tienen la culpa!
Esta estrategia utiliza mascotas procedentes del Juego de Cartas Coleccionables (JCC) de WoW o vendidas en la casa de subastas por grandes cantidades de oro.
Esta estrategia utiliza mascotas procedentes de la Tienda de WoW. Puedes comprarlas con saldo de Battle.net o con dinero real.
Puedes usar esta estrategia para subir tus mascotas de nivel bajo.
Algunas instrucciones son más difíciles de seguir que otras. ¡Eso es exactamente lo que vas a encontrar en esta estrategia!
Esta estrategia ofrece un script que se puede utilizar con el addon Pet Battle Script. Puedes copiar el script haciendo click en el botón situado a la izquierda de las mascotas.
Al menos una de las mascotas de esta estrategia ya no puede ser obtenida. Si esta forma parte de tu colección, ¡Enhorabuena!
Nuestros Creadores de Estrategias han marcado esta estrategia como recomendada y la hemos destacado para darle más visibilidad.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Tiempo: 1:34
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 14
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Esta tabla muestra el incremento de nivel al completar el combate con mascotas de nivel 25 y una mascota de nivel bajo.
La experiencia parcial del nivel no está incluida en el cálculo.

Antes Después Ganancia de Experiencia

Sombrero de safari

Chuchería inferior para mascotas

Chuchería para mascotas

Chistera de la Luna Negra

Semana de Duelos de Mascotas

Detalles de la Estrategia
1 Min 34 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Pet Sim does not have an enemy fight logic for this encounter, yet. Winrates cannot be calculated until the fight has been mapped.
2023-01-23 10:34:25
La estrategia fue actualizada en esta fecha.
2023-01-22 11:33:52
La estrategia fue creada en esta fecha.
Visualizaciones de la página. Este número indica la frecuencia con la que los visitantes han accedido a esta estrategia.
Detalles del Domador
34.7 59.7 (TomTom / Map Pin)
Yen, Bolo, Li
EXP Intermedia
Turno 1

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 2
Mordisco fantasmal. If this crits see below additional steps.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 3

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Entra Bolo.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 4

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 5

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 6
Mordisco fantasmal. If this crits see below additional steps.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 7
Pass until Rata espectral dies.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
If Bolo has more than 486HP use Atracción letal and continue (You will now kill Yen before Bolo).

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 8

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Entra Yen.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 9

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Entra Li.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 10

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turnos 11+

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
If Mordisco fantasmal crits and you get an early kill, use the below until you get back on track---

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Yen Dead
from Mordisco fantasmal round 2:

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Li in
Swap to Extremidad amputada, Azote and continue from Turn 3

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Bolo In
Swap to Extremidad amputada, Atracción letal, Azote and continue from Turn 3

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Bolo Dead
from Mordisco fantasmal round 6:

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Li In
Pass, Golpe rabioso until Rata espectral dies, Bring in Extremidad amputada, Use Atracción letal and continue from Turn 9

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Yen In
Pass until Rata espectral dies and continue from Turn 9

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Rata espectral
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Bring in your Rata espectral
Bring in your Elekk de peluche
Bring in your Extremidad amputada
Swap to your Rata espectral
Swap to your Elekk de peluche
Swap to your Extremidad amputada
Yen comes in
Bolo comes in
Li comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Rata espectral
Elekk de peluche
Extremidad amputada
Golpe rabioso
Mordisco fantasmal
Golpes potenciantes
Atracción letal
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

Líder del Shadopan y maestro en obligar a pandaren diminutos a pelear para él.

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