vs. Whispering Pandaren Spirit



Strategy 2 of 19
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Incl. steps:

Click the button to copy the script into your clipboard:

change(#2) [self(#1).active & self.dead]
change(#3) [self(#2).active]
use(Ancient Blessing:611)
use(Arcane Explosion:299)
use(Arcane Storm:589)
use(Mana Surge:489)
Whispering Pandaren Spirit 68464
Special or not:0Special or not:122211526866211520

Skills: 2 2 2
Breed: Any

This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
HH 1644 276 260

2 ZL 1 0

Any Level 1+ Pet

Special or not:0Special or not:312211656884511650

Skills: 1 2 2
Breed: Any

Nexus Whelpling
This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
PP 1400 341 244
PS 1400 305 273
PB 1465 305 257


Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 3

High XP
At least one of the pets for this strategy require the use of a specific breed.
Not every strategy can be bullet proof. This is one of them. You might have to restart it, since there are some random elements that increase the risk of your pets failing. Don't blame them, please!
This strategy is using pets obtainable from the Wow Trading Card Game (TCG) or the auction house for potentially high sums of gold.
This strategy is using pets obtainable only from the WoW In-Game Shop for Battle.net Balance or real money.
Level 1+
You can use this strategy to carry a low level pet to give it experience.
Some instructions are more difficult to follow than others. That's exactly what you might find in this strategy!
The strategy offers a Script that can be used with the Pet Battle Script addon. You can copy the script by clicking on the button to the left of the pets.
At least one pet in the strategy cannot be obtained anymore. If you have it, congrats!
A Strategy Curator found this strategy to be especially helpful and higlighted it with this tag to give it more exposure.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 2:45
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 25+
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
This table shows the level increase for completing the fight with level 25 pets and one carry pet.
Partial level experience is not included in the calculation.

Before After Experience Gain

Safari Hat

Lesser Pet Treat

Pet Treat

Darkmoon Hat

Pet Battle Week


Pet levels to 25 with minimal XP lost


Additional XP above level 25 is lost

Strategy Details
2 Min 45 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Pet Sim does not have an enemy fight logic for this encounter, yet. Winrates cannot be calculated until the fight has been mapped.
2017-12-06 03:14:14
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2017-12-06 03:14:14
The strategy was created on this date.
Pageviews. This number indicates how often this strategy has been accessed by visitors.
Tamer Details
Jade Forest 28.91 36.03 (TomTom / Map Pin)
High XP
This fight provides a lot of pet experience. If possible to safely bring a low level pet in, it is worth doing so. You can see detailed values by hovering over the XP tag.
Turns 1+
Use Ancient Blessing on cooldown, otherwise Arcane Explosion or Pass if you are stunned until Chrominius dies

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Any Level 1+ Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Bring in your Chrominius
Bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Bring in your Level Pet
Swap to your Chrominius
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling
Swap to your Level Pet
Dusty comes in
Whispertail comes in
Pandaren Air Spirit comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Pandaren Air Spirit
Bring in your Level Pet

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Any Level 1+ Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Bring in your Chrominius
Bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Bring in your Level Pet
Swap to your Chrominius
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling
Swap to your Level Pet
Dusty comes in
Whispertail comes in
Pandaren Air Spirit comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Pandaren Air Spirit
Turn 1
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Any Level 1+ Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Bring in your Chrominius
Bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Bring in your Level Pet
Swap to your Chrominius
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling
Swap to your Level Pet
Dusty comes in
Whispertail comes in
Pandaren Air Spirit comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Pandaren Air Spirit
Turn 2

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Any Level 1+ Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Bring in your Chrominius
Bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Bring in your Level Pet
Swap to your Chrominius
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling
Swap to your Level Pet
Dusty comes in
Whispertail comes in
Pandaren Air Spirit comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Pandaren Air Spirit
Turns 3+

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Any Level 1+ Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Bring in your Chrominius
Bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Bring in your Level Pet
Swap to your Chrominius
Swap to your Nexus Whelpling
Swap to your Level Pet
Dusty comes in
Whispertail comes in
Pandaren Air Spirit comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
Nexus Whelpling
Arcane Explosion
Ancient Blessing
Surge of Power
Tail Sweep
Mana Surge
Arcane Storm
Pandaren Air Spirit



wrote on 2024-05-15 08:28:45

still works great! DF 10.2


wrote on 2023-01-06 18:10:36

just tried it and it work great!


wrote on 2023-01-01 18:43:59

Sadly this needs to be marked RNG now


wrote on 2023-01-01 19:06:23

Why? If you have en experience of failure, please specify how it failed. I did a round of Pandaria a couple weeks ago, and I would have used this, since it's my standard strat, and I know it didn't fail, because I would have remembered that.

With this battle, you can get absolutely putrid RNG with ths stuns. It's possible, but very rare. And even so, I don't reall it ever failing. And neither Chrominius' nor Nexus' abilities have veeb nerfed in DF, so if something has actually changed, what is it?


wrote on 2023-01-05 01:37:30

I had this fail 3 times in a row. I have a HH Chrominius and a PS and PP Nexus. I reran it (PS Nexus) and it did work this time. I will rerun it until I have the same result I did previously so I can describe it better. It is possible it happened on the PP Nexus. This was my go-to until this last expansion, and I had to reinstall mods and set up all my fights, so there is a possibility that my previous non-RNG fights were PP and the failures were PS. I'll keep trying until I can re-create the failure I experienced. (edited)


wrote on 2023-01-05 02:13:34

Thank you for the response! If it does happen again, please do explain how, but I suspect it will be a 1ong time before the next failure,


wrote on 2023-01-06 03:28:20

So, long long long story and many times of me canceling the battle before the end, I have figured it out. Dusty gets lucky on moth balls, causing Chrominius to have lower health when Whispertail comes in. Then, IF Wildwinds crits on Chrominius, Chrominus dies. The remaining two pets squeak by with enough health to not die immediately to a PS Nexus Whelping, then manage to kill the Nexus and any poor sad leveling pet sitting nearby.

I cannot imagine how I had this bad luck 3 times in a row, but this last time it DID take me a long time to recreate the bad fight. PP Nexus Whelping did not have the issue, as far as I could tell but my bandages were getting sparse.

So, I retract my RNG statement, but it can happen if you have the worst luck in the ENTIRE world.

(edit to add: thanks for this! I've never rooted for my pets to fail before but now I can come back to this strat with my PP Nexus for a little extra insurance) (edited)


wrote on 2023-01-06 05:46:46

Thanks for the reply. Also, congratulations! you've just taken your first steps towards analysing a battle. :)

Crits are a 5% chance. 1/20. A great many strats are vulnerable to two crits in the wrong place. This amounts to something like a 1-in-400 event (though complicated by the specifics of the battle). Not something any individual sees often. But players overall do tens of thousands - maybe hundreds of thousands - of battles per day, so every so often someone who has never seen a failure hits one, and thinks that something has gone wrong or changed with a strat. And posts that opinion here. :P

The lesson to take away is that RNG is EVERYWHERE. You just don't see the worst of it much personally. :)

CharlyCat wrote on 2023-01-03 17:24:47

Works every time, tho if Chromie gets put to sleep, I do start over.


wrote on 2023-01-03 18:02:49

There is no need to restart, in my experience. Chrominius is a huge lake of health, and especially with the heals survives plenty well.

CharlyCat wrote on 2023-01-04 16:11:29

You’re right. I let it run just now and I just had to concentrate more. LOL. Still worked fine. :)


wrote on 2022-10-17 21:07:04

I just cant get this to work. Constantly puts Chromious to sleep. So 2 weeks later of it not working without 3 or 4 tries. I am now using Stormbourne whelmpling and NExus whelpling. Tail sweep, Arcane storm, Mana surge, for both. I can skip Arcane Storm on Nexus and straight to Mana surge. Has worked for 3 days so far. Not sure what is the problem and why Chromious is getting hit with sleep so much .


wrote on 2022-10-15 11:35:20

This almost worked too well for me, if I had not manually swapped in my level pet Chrominius would have soloed the fight as I got lucky with Moth Dust and Moth Balls. Maybe add a line to the TD script to just pass if Chrominius is still alive when only one enemy pet is left.


wrote on 2022-02-23 20:22:23

2022 - 2nd day of ZM Shadowlands. Worked perfectly. Thank you!


wrote on 2021-10-25 07:50:20

Worked fine for me


wrote on 2021-06-30 08:58:43

In 9.1 it appears they have nerfed Chrominus's abilities. You can no longer attack during Dusty's blackout'd sequence. I'm not sure what can be done for this, or if anyone else has had better luck with this and can offer suggestions.


wrote on 2021-07-02 09:21:55

No longer works for me.


wrote on 2021-07-02 13:02:36

Moth Balls 25% chance to sleep is the new 100%


wrote on 2021-07-03 02:59:41

since 9.1 wont work for me


wrote on 2021-07-03 13:46:17

I usually get a 50% success. First attempt fails, send works, but it takes a long time


wrote on 2021-07-07 11:25:42

It was an engine bug that made it into patch 9.1 and has been fixed, the mechanic should now work properly.

EDIT: Unfortunately it still happens to several people. Sorry for any confusion caused! (edited)


wrote on 2021-07-07 18:37:27

This ain't working even after "fixed" when my chrominius is at round 8, both pets do not do anything


wrote on 2021-07-08 14:41:28

Yeah, now it seems it varies from person to person :(


wrote on 2021-07-08 16:36:12

this isnt working as in round 8 both pets do nothing is there a fix?


wrote on 2021-07-06 20:21:05

9.1 sometimes the first pet doesn't attack seems like is bugged

Theralon wrote on 2021-06-12 09:27:39

My Chromie outroight soloed the entire team before he could die, using this method


wrote on 2021-05-21 07:32:45

Every damn Moth Balls stunned my Chrominus and it still worked. :D


wrote on 2021-02-20 16:08:13

totes worked , but i forgot to swap in my lvling pet OOf !


wrote on 2020-12-12 16:08:10

Worked for me as of 12/12/2020. Chrominius solo'd the whole fight.


wrote on 2020-10-20 10:17:43

It worked on 2nd try.

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