
Your Week in Pet Battles for 10 October

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Table of Contents:

1. Turbulent Timeways: Legion Timewalking
2. Sign of the Warrior: Dragonflight Dungeons
3. N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One
4. Maw Assaults
5. Vol'dun Assaults
6. Squirt in the NA Garrison 15 October
7. Blizzcon Collection Packs: Ysergle
8. New pet in the Shop: Lil' Maggz until October 31
9. October Trading Post
10. Zipao Tiger Pet Available as Prime Gaming Reward
11. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage
11.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Rotting Mire, Crestfall, Jorundall
11.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Elemental, Skittering Hollow, Un’gol Ruins, Verdant Wilds

Your Week in Pet Battles for 10 October


2023-10-10 15:47:06
Here's everything going on for you and your pets this week in WoW!

1. Turbulent Timeways: Legion Timewalking

Though there are no pets on the Timewalking vendor or ones that drop directly from the dungeons, there are multiple pets you can obtain from increasing your reputation with the Legion factions:

Court Scribe
Fledgling Warden Owl
Thistleleaf Adventurer (Emissary Cache)
Extinguished Eye
Baby Elderhorn
Orphaned Felbat (Paragon Cache)
Sunborne Val'kyr
Orphaned Marsuul

2. Sign of the Warrior: Dragonflight Dungeons

There are no pets that drop directly from Dragonflight dungeons. However, there is a 0.19% drop chance from Forgemaster Gorek, for the Blacksmithing Plans for Alvin the Anvil

3. N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One

Uldum - N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One Bonus Objective will spawn the Amalgamation of Flesh Rare, which has a chance to drop the Wicked Lurker

The Bonus Objective itself is not a guaranteed spawn during the assault. If you'd like to know if it's spawning for the day, Remte and I post Daily Reports in the Xu-Fu's, Warcraft Pets, & Secret Finder's Discord, and I also post them on my Twitter & on the NA Pet Battle Forum

4. Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Necrolord:
Lil'Abom (Crafted Treasure)
& Fodder (Assault Cache)

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Kyrian:
Sly (A Sly Fox Progress),
Sinfall Screecher (Treasure),
& Copperback Etherwyrm (Assault Cache) until mid-week reset

5. Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

NA Time: 23:00 Pacific on Saturday, 14 October

EU Time: 23:00 CEST on Saturday, 14 October

If you're interested in the other assaults, you can track them in your local time on WoW Game Info here

6. Squirt in the NA Garrison 15 October

Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in NA Garrisons on 15 October. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.

7. Blizzcon Collection Packs: Ysergle

Ysergle is included in both the EPIC PACK ($29.99 USD) & LEGENDARY PACK ($49.99 USD). Nothing I could find indicated when these packs might leave the shop, as the only thing from the packs with a time limit was the discount code for the gear store. If that changes, we'll add it to our weekly news!

8. New pet in the Shop: Lil' Maggz until October 31

What’s more adorable than a Pit Lord? A baby Pit Lord! Take this adorable prince of Outland everywhere you go when you adopt him from the Battle.net Shop for $10 USD—now available for a limited time.

Lil' Maggz leaves the Battle.net Shop indefinitely on October 31 and will arrive in a future rotation of the Trading Post, but no sooner than three months after the pet leaves the Shop.

9. October Trading Post

October brings a new batch of Trading Post items, and among them is a previous store pet: Lil' K.T.!

The Trading Post article has been updated with links for all the Pet Battle activities for October!

10. Zipao Tiger Pet Available as Prime Gaming Reward

The Zipao Tiger pet is now available from Prime Gaming from today until October 24th! This was previously available from the Recruit-A-Friend program.

11. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

11.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Rotting Mire, Crestfall, Jorundall


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump


Muskflank Calfling
Thunderscale Whelpling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Sandshell Chitterer
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Captain Nibs

Rotting Mire

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thunderscale Whelpling
Captain Nibs

11.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Elemental, Skittering Hollow, Un’gol Ruins, Verdant Wilds


Giggling Flame
Playful Frostkin
Laughing Stonekin
Mischievous Zephyr
Baby Stonehide

Skittering Hollow

Sandshell Chitterer
Voru'kar Leecher
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Thistlebrush Bud
Firesting Buzzer
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

Verdant Wilds

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Firesting Buzzer
Kindleweb Spiderling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling

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