All Howl, No Bite |
Jagûar |
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
38777 |
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Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Sunshine529 |
Level Pet
5.0 |
10 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
23205 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
TweetyElune |
5.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
15387 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Mutanis |
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
20470 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Fight Night: Sir Galveston |
Jagûar |
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
52299 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Miniature Army |
开心 |
Any Humanoid
Any Humanoid
5.0 |
3 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
4633 |
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Dealing with Satyrs |
TURBOKillex |
Any Humanoid
5.0 |
1 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
12688 |
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Night Horrors |
Blackspectre |
Any Humanoid
Any Humanoid
5.0 |
6 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
14097 |
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Snakes on a Terrace |
Bookey |
Any Humanoid
Any Humanoid
4.8 |
55 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
64722 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
The Terrible Three |
Mutanis |
4.8 |
41 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
31784 |
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Uncomfortably Undercover |
ExcitedSoup#2350 |
4.7 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
34905 |
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Fight Night: Amalia |
TobeDeleted#2852 |
Any Humanoid
4.6 |
5 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11726 |
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The Terrible Three |
Aestrid |
4.5 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
6748 |
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Do You Even Train? |
Refreshe#1641 |
4.3 |
75 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
50374 |
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Do You Even Train? |
Kalagren |
4.3 |
15 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11903 |
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Training with Bredda |
4.0 |
14 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
7415 |
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Do You Even Train? |
boodha |
3.7 |
43 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
39607 |
This number shows all comments, including those written in different languages. You can change the displayed language in your account settings.
Do You Even Train? |
Velonna |
Any Humanoid
3.1 |
25 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
19145 |
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Fight Night: Amalia |
Okutane#1583 |
Any Humanoid
Any Humanoid
1.4 |
8 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
16998 |
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The Master of Pets |
Jagûar |
1.0 |
2 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
22522 |
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Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon |
calcifer89 |
- |
0 battler(s) voted on this strategy.
11509 |
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