The two new regions of the expansion Battle for Azeroth, Zandalar and Kul Tiras, come with a large list of new world quests.
24 of those are related to pet battling. Similar to Legion, they provide different pet related rewards, from bandages over pet upgrade stones to the new Polished Pet Charms.
In this section you will find strategy guides for each one of these new world quests.
Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
Depending on the amount of fights in the section, this can take up to a minute to process.
Hello, I do not know if it is a possibility, but because I never look at the quest name but always at the npc name. Is it possible to make it so that if you hover over the quest name on the list on the lefthand side that it pop ups a little window right next to it with the NPC name? (edited)
Hey Aranesh, Is it also possible to add the names with a mouse over orsomething to these WQ Names. I know you already did that with the Family Battler ^_^ Would be great.
That's quite some effort and I think with Shadowlands looming, I'll focus on other areas of the page for now. It would definitely be part of the bigger rework I mentioned earlier. The Trello link still works and you can see the progress on that :D
That would be a complete overhaul of the entire menu structure, mostly the database, which limits many options right now. For example the option to easily move a strategy to somewhere else. It's not fun work though and I keep pushing it back. At least right now I have a great excuse haha :D
I've tried searching the site a bit, but is there a place with a "master list" of teams? I know teams are user-created, but for instance, if I wanted a list of all of DragonsAfterDark's teams, could that be found somewhere?
Well, I mean I generally go with the most upvoted team on each page unless I don't have the pets that strat requires. Thanks for the advice though! (edited)
Is it possible to add new strategies for World Quests that don't appear in the list at all? E.g. Brain Tickling in Vale. I was looking to add a strat for it but am only seeing a way to add new strats to existing World Quests.
The Vale and Uldum WQs are not on the list by their WQ name, they're by the NPC name. So for Brain Tickling, I believe it's Tormentius. All 8 of the new pet battle NPCs are to the left of this comment section, and are the two sections on the top under Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum. (edited)
Just out of curiosity, have anyone found any in-game bugs with pet battles that we could band together and report to get fixed? I've reported a couple, but I doubt that one player's report will make the devs stand up and listen. Maybe if more people make similar reports we could get them to fix stuff.
I've noticed that pet attacks that can hit multiple times can complete all their hits, even if they die on the first hit. I first noticed this when Chitara attacks my pet with its Thrash ability and got killed by my Tinytron's shields (Due to RNG this doesn't happen in every fight, btw), but I've also seen it a couple of times on my own pets' attacks in other fights). This could be related with the bug that makes dead pets retain animations over them after they die (Such as the Zzz when they heal/rest).
Also, Horde players can get flagged for PvP (Probably by a mounted guard) while engaged in battle with Michael Skarn in Drustvar (The Bee fight "What's the Buzz"). This is the only fight I've found where this happens, and I have several toons on both sides. (edited)
nothing of what you listed is a bug, but rather bad game design.
"pet attacks that can hit multiple times can complete all their hits, even if they die on the first hit" this just seems like it's a bug because common sense suggests that a bad pet couldn't attack. however it still will if it dies during an animation due to balancing, otherwise you would lose on value even tho you could use and perform an ability (and i think this is just fair from a PvP perspective)
"the bug that makes dead pets retain animations over them after they die" again not a bug, just very poor scripting from blizzard's side. this is related to the haunt nerf. one of the new mechanics after the nerf was that all the auras (buffs, debuffs and such) remain on the haunt pet when it comes back to life. blizzard's solution to this was to just disable the auras from being removed once a pet dies. that's why all dead pets keep them. i really don't like this change because it was a short-sighted solution that has already backfired with the addition of the blizzcon pets which can revive pets
well and with the PvP flagging... like you already said, just a poor placement of the trainer near a patrol path from a guard
also i'm sure there was at least one forum post in the past of collective (actual) pet battle bugs that didn't change anything (i believe it was made by wazzak) and i'm convinced that they would ignore a new thread again (edited)
After the changes to the pettracker addon, it no longer displays the CD of enemy pets while in battle.
Is there any good alternative addon which lets you see the enemy spells and their cooldown?
Remember, when you're fleeing madly across the opposing faction continent, to set up your team before you leave your FP. Then, if you're not currently in combat, you can immediately enter pet battle when you roll up on the pet trainer. This reduces the chances of getting killed by some opfor hoser camping the battle site. (edited)
@Shenk Do you know any information about Family Achievement for 8.3 Legendary pets at Uldum and eternal blossoms like argus ? I search that on internet but i have nothing about it :(
There are no family achievements for the 8.3 pets in Uldum & the Vale. The only thing a few of them are used for, besides WQs, are quests in the Shadowbarb Drone (mount) chain.
Does anyone have any information on a possible new pet challenge that is right outside the Hall of Beasts on the Horde side. There is a big group of "Tamers" of all sorts standing in the courtyard there. And there is a Challenge post. It is able to be clicked and I got Terrible Turnip, Carrot, and Globulus. Was able to battle them but didn't receive anything from it. It just appeared today and I know it was not there Tuesday when I ported to the pet dungeons for my weekly go.
also can confirm. and if i remember correctly some of the pets that walk around there are different ones now. i wonder if winning that fight there counts towards the garrison daily
sure hope they will bring in some new content there, felt strange so far having a pet battle area without anything new but a vendor
I just did this and got the Mark of Pet Mastery for the garrison menagerie daily (having first accepted the quest), even though the opponents were different to those in my garrison.
It's been there for a while. I remember finding it back when I got flying and was flying around exploring the place.
Edit: This is about the Challenge Post. That's been there for a while. I think the new pet battle going on there is new, as I don't remember seeing it, but don't quote me on that. (edited)
I just wanna let you know i Love this site i just started out with Pet Battles and Celestial Tournament and everything u need to know is here its amazing :)
i, too, am quite thankful of/for this site; i've been coming here for, i dunno - a year or so? And i find it indispensable for pet battling. Thanks for the effort!!
I wish there was a filter option to hide leveling strats for the BfA trainers. I'm trying to replace as many of my pre-8.1 teams as possible with faster strategies, and having to wade through the clutter doesn't help.
Do the BattlrbPet Masters give extra pet xp during pet battle week? I did good for 3 days with finding battle masters to spam, but not the past 2 days. Is that normal?
BfA Tamers had their base xp reduced since they are available at all times to battle, minus the single pet fights, who don't award much in the way of xp anyway. Your best bet is to head to the powerleveling page listed in the guide tab at the top. It'll give you a working list of repeatable tamers from Legion.
To answer the question, yes they give more xp during the pet battle week. The xp bonus is applied to all sources of battle pet xp.
But as DragonAfterDark mentioned, since the xp gain from BFA trainers is already so low, the bonus xp will ofc not be much either as it's % based.
hey, first of - one wonderful site you have created!
one suggestion - in the BfA list (table on the left) you put the list of quests but not the trainers names, and when trying to find a trainer you first need to search (somewhere else) for the quest related to it.
i think replacing or adding trainers names to the list would be a good idea.
tnx again for your great site.
But it says in the quest tracker what the name of the quest is? For instance, the world quest to defeat Leana Darkwind in Stormsong Valley clearly has the quest title "Captured Evil", so I don't really see the problem here?
You are both correct, to a point. Some people think of the quest by the name of the trainer, and when looking up a strategy for future use they go by that name. So having it cross referenced in the list would be helpful when you don't have the quest to refer to or can't think of the quest name but want to research a new team for the fight..
It actually isn't a bad idea, or something similar at least. There have been times where I've made my way to the trainer, loaded up my saved team, started the fight, and because the fights are new enough and I don't have them memorized like say Pandaria trainers, I want to open up the strat here on the site. But I don't remember the name of the WQ because I'm forgetful like that and I'm in the fight. Knowing something like the trainer's name or the first pet's name would be helpful. What I currently do is open the map and find the WQ, while in the battle. It works, but an identifier on the list wouldn't be bad. Maybe a indicator (like a green paw) that shows up next to active WQs, similar to the flags on the menagerie list?
Sometimes my UI bugs out, and I can't see the name of the currently tracked quest (seems to only happen in pet battles,) so I would appreciate the trainer name as well.
I agree. Rematch, by default, will save the team by the Trainer name. Going back to find the team for any reason is then very difficult. I've figured out how to add the WQ name in Rematch, but now have to go back and find the WQ name to match with the Trainer name. Just think having both names would be very helpful.
Yes, having the trainer name next to the quest name on the sidebar would be amazing - especially on the Family Battler page. I was down to a couple trainers on each family, and it would have been great to see them on the side bar for easy reference.
So it seems like about all BfA wqs no longer grant significant pet experience, is that correct? I don't have much gametime to verify many of them, just curious if it was discussed somewhere, have devs clarified if it was intended change or a bug, and whether it spreads to all pet battles vs npc, including old pandaria ones, etc?
There was a blue post about it. With the release of Family Battler, they made Kul Tiras and Zandalar trainers able to be fought at any time so the achievement will be much easier to complete compared to Legion's. They also reduced the xp so you can't power level pets with that change.
It seems like some of the pets choose abilities that will kill lower level pets too. I was doing 'That's a big carcass', and my Pandaren Fire Spirit would take a hit in the first round, be swapped out, the first enemy pet would die and the second would come in with an AOE that killed the Spirit every time. I switched it out for a higher level (but not maxed) pet, and it did cleansing rain like it always did previously.
I'd like to suggest a purge of all comments related to the experience nerf, and a sticky put up front. I'm getting tired of having to sort through all the 'exp was nerfed' and 'this strat is useless cause low exp' or 'this strat should not be titled high exp it gives nothing' comments to actually reach useful ones.
Whenever a tamer is low xp, I like to throw in a level 24 in the leveling slot-high enough to help in a pinch but still able to get a bit of benefit from the effort. I highly recommend the Rematch addon (found on Twitch) to automate tamers - can not say enough good things about this addon for pet tamer battles!!
I love your pages. One of the things I miss though is that pet battle strategies do not often show what pets the world quest npc has. We are left to hope that someone lists them in comments. Is there someplace on the site that lists the pets we are fighting against? Thanks for all of your hard work!
There is :)
Every strategy has this downfacing arrow below the pets. Click it and a panel with additional info will open, including the enemy pets. For some few fights I don't have them, but they should be listed for about 98% of all fights here.
Gotta ask again about that. When I click that arrow a dropdown menu comes up, and when I click any of the pet's names it sends me to their wowhead page and... well. Wowhead is nearly always wrong. It marks everything as a B/B with 260 power and speed unless someone edits it correctly.
I would be happy with just getting the rematch strings (=
Im assuming the TD scripts need to be input on each team seperately, but if thats possible to get with the initial import then i would be a happy Tauren.
I have a rematch string that includes all 24 BFA world quest pet battles and notes, but unfortunately it is 16600 characters long which exceeds the posting limit here (and on wowhead). If you want it, PM me and I'm happy to send it. Otherwise, I've tried writing a guide on wowhead and will post it here, but it is currently awaiting moderator approval. I also want to make sure that Aranesh is cool with that idea before I let it go live.
Ohh I think its not actually approved yet after all... sorry... when it is, that link will work. I guess it only works for me now since I wrote it. It seems to take a long time for wowhead to approve guides... :(
i don't use re-match i could never get it to work right. when people post nothing but the rematch string it is totally useless to those of us who do not use that addon. i prefer the moves written out (i'm sure i'm not the only one that doesn't use rematch) i really hope the site does not go to just being useful for the rematch people. if the re-match string isn't there, it's not a big deal because even the people with rematch could do it the old fashion way and play it out, where those of us not using rematch the site would become useless... i love thsi site just the way it is
Does anyone have a good line up to use while questing to capture the wild pets? I've run across a lot of Water types so I'm using two Flying and the Turnip, but if someone has a better team I'm all ears!
I'd go with any Corgi with Superbark over the Turnip if you're fighting a lot of Water Pets, since Corgis are Beasts and don'T take 2x Damage from Water attacks. Other than that, get 2 solid Flight Pets, as you probably already did, and kill off anything you don't want to capture :)
I know there are some Pet Masters out there not liking the idea but I've beaten literally every pet and every master tamer I came across so far in BfA with a set of three Nexus Welpling (the classic combination: Tail sweap, mana wave and arcane storm = 1/2/1)
as Booker said, Re the Nexus Whelplings, you can also use the Stormborne Whelplings as they have the same moves. {i start with Arcane Storm, then Mana Surge, then Tail Sweep} and for captures, just throw in something like the Turnip for Weakening blow so you don't kill what you are trying to capture
Hey y'all, I am new to pet battles. Since you guys are the experts I was hoping for a recommendation on what pets to boost to 25, I can do 3 right now. My main interest atm is to be able to defeat the max lvl25 WQ's. I would not be opposed to spending up to 100k if I would be better off buying one. This is what I have to choose from - Thanks.
There are several routes for you to go down.
For example, you could collect and level the pets required to beat Squirt in the Garrison then spend a few hours leveling there when she visits on Sign of the Critter week, or, you could find a good leveling spot with fast respawns, like the area around Aki the Chosen in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and level your stable there with your Teroclaw and/or a moth (for that specific area, they are all aquatic and flying pets so the Teroclaw is a very strong carrier).
165 unique pets is a very good start. I would have a look at the main pages for the tabs at the top of the page and see which pets you have that are listed and level them, then go and capture wild pets that are used a lot that you are missing, like the Unborne Val'kyr for example - there must be 200+ strategies listed here that use that pet - or Pandaren Water Spirit - you can farm that once per day with your max level Teroclaw, no problem, or, you could pony up the cash and get it from the AH. It depends what it's worth to you.
There is no quick and easy solution. To be able to do the wq's in BfA you may only need 3 pets (see Gráinne's post below) but, if you want to do the rest, you will need a much bigger stable, and that, like everything in this game, means grinding.
You have already boosted Anubisath Idol. A fine choice!
I agree with Eekwibble that it varies a lot. And your first three depend on what you intend to do first. Your first three will help you level your others, but are you going to do the tamer chains in Taming (EK/Kalimdor), Outland, Northrend, Cata, Pandaria first or are you going to splurge on a Squirt Day and spend 4 hours getting another 25 or so to max in one day?
Also, having got one pet to 25, you can now buy and learn caged level 25s from the AH. Some of them may be cheap, and you may prefer to start to gear up with some of those.
I have a post here listing my top priority pets for a new battler: Link
Grumpy is a priority if you intend to capture a lot of pets. His Howl + Superbark reduces target health to 1, but never kills, making him ideal for that, though he is not otherwise a notable battler.
Ikky + Iron Starlette solve a lot of tamer problems. so does the P/P Zandalari Kneebiter you have. Not great for taming, but faceroll for tamers/quests. See the comment just below.
i have found for leveling, right outside the garrison two stormborne whelplings, and a carry pet in the middle as low as lvl 5 (although i have used lower and survived the survivability is not as good) i put in a stormborne first, use Arcane Storm, then Mana Surge, if the first opposing pet is still alive tail sweep till dead, swap in your level pet, and swap it out for the other Stormborne, Arcane Storm, then Mana Surge, and use tail sweep if you need to or switch back to the first Stormborne and Arcane storm then Mana Surge. ... i recommend looking at what pets you have, and the pet battle masters what is needed for the 6 pet battle masters in Draenor, start with Ashlei and make the circle clockwise, you can level 2 or 3 level 1 pets daily running that circle, and always take advantage of pet week. if you can get them, get the pet treats both of them, they stack, and this will help too. also with the BfA pet battles, many of them you can level pets with. the battles there will level based on your highest pet in the battle so technically you can do these battles with a team of level 1 pets. as far as capturing pets in the wild, be sure to have a terrible turnip or something with weakening blow, as that will not kill the pet you are trying to capture .
awesome site! I started doing pets a couple weeks before Legion ended and there is no way i could have made progress without it. My biggest problem right now is having so many pets to level i can't seem to stay focused. got lots from the AH for very little gold. Before I knew anything about breeds I was using up a ton of old tokens (from missions) to level pets to 25 by going down the list alphabetically. when i got to the bottom, i started at the top again lol. I suppose I should sell those duplicate breeds of pets now. thanks again for all your help.
Great site, really love it. Now that I have some of the new charms, are there any pets in particular I should buy first? Do any of the new pets intrigue you as pets you might use in strats in the future? Or do we just have such a huge pool of 25s now that we hardly need anything new.
In my opinion, the Azerite Puddle pet has a seemingly very strong set of abilities. And it is magic family, which is usually fairly solid because of its passive cap on damage received per hit. Check it out.
I'm not seeing this mentioned (or maybe I haven't looked thoroughly, sorry ^_^') but it seems like all BfA WQ battle pets' level scales to highest in your team. I just made a team of all lvl 1 for Small Beginnings, and the trainer's pets were all level 1 as well.
I am doing all the BfA World Quests with a team of
Zandalari Anklerender P/B
Iron Starlette H/H
and I will continue using that team until I find a WQ I can't complete with it. Then I'll note it here. I don't necessarily expect to use these three in this order in exactly the expectd way, but I'll just use these three and see if there's anything that gives them problems.
This team hurts my conscience, but I will persevere For Science!
BfA has extremely easy world quests, AFAICS, and so far, these three have steamrolled everything.
I'm using a P/B Anklerender just because. I'm pretty sure that a P/P or S/S would be at least as effective.
I'm using a H/H Starlette because it survives AoE in the back line better and because of the extra health when it resurrects after Failsafe. I think a P/P would probably be at least as good, though, because Wind-Up -> Wind-Up on its own without Supercharge is so much more effective.
It goes quite well. Mostly destroys everything. A couple can't just be cheesed in the expected way, but so far nothing a little tweaking of the sequence won't fix.
I got started because of a forum comment. Some people just want to do the pet WQ for the rep. Damfino why, because it seems a lot of trouble to go to for 1200 rep per day, but they do. So here's a ready-made cookie-cutter team for those folks.
Well, I've just come up against the first WQ in BfA that stumped my team.
Rogue Azerite. Tough. My team might have made it but for the Starlette being ineffective against Elementals, and these are some beefy Elementals.
I am just now thinking that a third Bleed & Stampede pet to replace the Starlette might have worked, but I can't go back and try now. Lots of RNG anyhow.
I actually did it with an S/S Slithershock Elver. Dodge, Deep Bite, Dive.
1. Keep Dodge on CD.
2. Use Dive on CD if you are not currently Dodged
3. Use Deep Bite otherwise
kills the first, and either kills or gets close to killing the second, after which the third is an easy kill to finish.
I'm fortunate to have a large pool of pets to use, but your efforts will absolutely be appreciated by a lot of players, I have no doubt. Thanks for the hard work.
For any newcomers following my team, the basic method is:
Ikky: Black Claw -> Flock (-> Savage Talon if the first opponent pet is still alive).
If the first opponent pet dies during Flock, you have a choice of applying Black Claw or Flock to the second opponent before you die.
Anklerender / Kneebiter / Footslasher: Black Claw -> Hunting Party -> Leap.
If Ikky already applied Black Claw, you don't need to apply it again. If Ikky already applied Shattered Defenses from Flock, you might want to take advantage of that with Leap before you start your run. Depends.
Starlette: Wind-Up -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
If there is a barrier like Bubble or an avoidance move coming, do
Wind-Up -> Powerball (however many times) -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
Finish up if necessary with Wind-Up -> Wind-Up or Powerballs.
Not all battles will necessarily use this exact formula, but that's the default.
There is some unavoidable RNG. If one of the Shark Blood in the Water crits, for example, or your Starlette misses its big Wind-Up in a Sandstorm, you'll probably have to start again, but otherwise it goes very smoothly.
I am curious about suggestions on any "must have" new pets. Any beta testers taken them for a spin? I have a couple hundred polished pet charms and am wondering if there is a couple good ones to make life easier to start.
The first I bought was the Alliance Lil' Siege Tower. Got B'aal shortly after that (not bought, obviously), then Bumbles (again, not bought).
So far I've had one fleeting moment when I thought I could use B'aal for a strat but then I tried it again and he got wrecked. It seems rngsus doesn't like B'aal at all.
The only pet(s) I've acquired so far from BfA that I've been impressed with is(are) the River Frog(s) from Stormsong Valley. The P/P version is unbelievably overpowered and they have Pump, Water Jet and Bubble all in different slots.
I highly recommend getting at least 1 P/P and 1 P/S.
just wondering if you have had time to create a comprehensive list of needed pets for the trainers? I know, I'm lazy but it would be great to have an at a glance so I know what I should be leveling or getting without reading everything. Smile. and Thank you!
I'm afraid not. Right now, I have very, very little time for any private work unfortunately :-(
Check out the Devlog here if you're curious about which steps I need to finish before I can move on to bigger topics again.
I'm very slowly working my way through them at the moment.
The weakened Baa'l should be easily dealt with using any team of 25 pets. I would be very interested to see a team capable of beating the original, pre-Uuna blasted form of Baa'l though, if it's even possible.
I didn't need more than one pet with a couple of Dragonkin attacks. When he's debuffed by Uuna, his health is only 1100, which equates to about what he's at when he's lvl 16.
Don't think there's a way to beat the big version, cause it's only ability does exactly what it says... it kills your pet (or more precise put it to 0 health if possible)... no Decoy avoid, nothing, only Undead passive and Mech ressurect extend this a bit.
I only see the pet battle world quests when I look at my flight path map (zoomed in). They are not shown to me on on my world map. I submitted a bug ticket to the wow forums. Check and see if that is what is happening to you (if you meet all of the requirements that gsanta listed!)
I had that same problem. For me the solution was to click battles off and on again on that little magnifying glass on the map. For me theres Show with q/wq, Pets where that was, and then WQ Rewards. Hope that helps - I'm pretty sure thats from an addon...
Thank you SO much IthinkIspider! You saved me soooo much time and distress! I was having the same issue and this fixed it! I thought it was a pet addon.
Sacrée carcasse - Delia hanako
Chiens suspects - Mastoc
Pas si mal loti - Kwint
Incassable - Chitara
Vallée Chantorage
Le mal apprivoisé - Léana Sombrevent
Etranges créatures marines - Ellie Vern
Chaos automatique - Eddie Fixetout
Tirez lui la queue, il vous crèvera les yeux - Pique-Dos
Coup de bourdon - Edwin Malus
Azerite en maraude - Fizzie Tintéclair
Horreurs nocturnes - Dilbert Mc Clint
Le peuple crustacé - Capitaine Hermès
Avis aux collectionneurs - Talia Frontincelle
De modestes débuts - Zujai
Il va y a voir du tintouin - Tintouin
Des bestioles à croquer - Karaga
Champions de Keeyo originaires de Vol'dun - Keeyo
Survivants du désert - Kusa
Comment ça, des "plantes qui contrôlent l'esprit" ? - Feuillépine
Serpents sur une terrasse - Sizzik
guy while in the ruins having to do with the capital city
the garment had been very own yesterday as part of Milan as soon as i resulted in tiger. Walking over the vast good grounds akin to Parco Sempione, essentially drawn furthermore in by the sound of a live comfortably group of musicians. an audio lesson thought of received from several other teenaged years of age. since the sudden treasure of every pensioner's coffee slide.
Crouched on to the ground, almost like picturing of the shrouded benefits connected with an invisibility cloak. All better to shield the actual sex toy dog that were acquiring you absolutely no aid by any means. I experienced i would say the lead first. then your tyres. Nestling in front with the wheelchair. prior to this I could help ourselves, I waved in addition claims how are you,what's up. simply just our holder took on smile.
start resenting it. a cat.
suffering from put two weeks in madeira, It was only my second sighting. The first in italian capital the denims people had just gotten darted face-to-face with us considering that it engineered some method from n eaterie to another down the small courtyard in Trastevere; its bohemian centre situated on the western standard bank this body of water Tiber. in the face of get walking more or less Largo di Torre Argentina, what kind encased four temples or wats weight reduction proceeds connected Pompey's theatre the place Julius Caesar was ever assassinated in 44 b. c..
That is the advantage of paris. outdated damages might seem within a wide range of immediately turn. nicely, at the least then it came across as. yet in this instance, i believed i was more interested in how to spot a cat or 10. unique appropriate hearing about how volunteers give down to 150 strays on a daily basis. apparently, i did not read which involves Colonia Felina di Torre Argenti (hamster planet) but later everyone placed state. when. paws entered.
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wrote on 2023-01-25 08:03:52
wrote on 2023-01-29 22:59:29
wrote on 2020-04-26 15:29:30
wrote on 2020-04-27 03:14:35
wrote on 2020-04-27 07:04:36
wrote on 2020-04-27 08:02:42
wrote on 2020-08-14 16:17:41
wrote on 2020-08-15 14:50:26
That would be a complete overhaul of the entire menu structure, mostly the database, which limits many options right now. For example the option to easily move a strategy to somewhere else. It's not fun work though and I keep pushing it back. At least right now I have a great excuse haha :D
wrote on 2020-05-22 00:45:22
wrote on 2020-05-22 02:58:55
Other than that, there isn't right now. What kind of masterlist would you be interested in?
wrote on 2020-05-23 02:01:33
wrote on 2020-04-06 22:26:43
wrote on 2020-04-06 22:49:16
wrote on 2020-04-06 23:41:30
wrote on 2020-04-07 00:14:54
wrote on 2020-04-07 02:30:40
wrote on 2020-04-07 04:04:23
Eh! Want me to change those 8 here to their quest names now? Might be a tad bit confusing for a while but better for consistency right now?
wrote on 2020-04-07 12:54:26
wrote on 2020-04-11 11:40:41
wrote on 2020-03-21 12:07:24
I've noticed that pet attacks that can hit multiple times can complete all their hits, even if they die on the first hit. I first noticed this when Chitara attacks my pet with its Thrash ability and got killed by my Tinytron's shields (Due to RNG this doesn't happen in every fight, btw), but I've also seen it a couple of times on my own pets' attacks in other fights). This could be related with the bug that makes dead pets retain animations over them after they die (Such as the Zzz when they heal/rest).
Also, Horde players can get flagged for PvP (Probably by a mounted guard) while engaged in battle with Michael Skarn in Drustvar (The Bee fight "What's the Buzz"). This is the only fight I've found where this happens, and I have several toons on both sides. (edited)
wrote on 2020-03-21 13:43:27
"pet attacks that can hit multiple times can complete all their hits, even if they die on the first hit" this just seems like it's a bug because common sense suggests that a bad pet couldn't attack. however it still will if it dies during an animation due to balancing, otherwise you would lose on value even tho you could use and perform an ability (and i think this is just fair from a PvP perspective)
"the bug that makes dead pets retain animations over them after they die" again not a bug, just very poor scripting from blizzard's side. this is related to the haunt nerf. one of the new mechanics after the nerf was that all the auras (buffs, debuffs and such) remain on the haunt pet when it comes back to life. blizzard's solution to this was to just disable the auras from being removed once a pet dies. that's why all dead pets keep them.
i really don't like this change because it was a short-sighted solution that has already backfired with the addition of the blizzcon pets which can revive pets
well and with the PvP flagging... like you already said, just a poor placement of the trainer near a patrol path from a guard
also i'm sure there was at least one forum post in the past of collective (actual) pet battle bugs that didn't change anything (i believe it was made by wazzak) and i'm convinced that they would ignore a new thread again (edited)
Anymsis wrote on 2020-02-27 14:26:27
Is there any good alternative addon which lets you see the enemy spells and their cooldown?
wrote on 2020-02-27 14:47:41
wrote on 2020-02-27 16:59:21
wrote on 2020-02-27 17:02:38
wrote on 2020-02-27 17:08:47
Also this one, a bit more rudimentary (edited)
wrote on 2020-02-27 17:41:46
wrote on 2020-02-27 20:21:00
> Battle: fixed bug preventing game from keeping track of battle status (and thus no cooldown predictions). (edited)
wrote on 2020-02-28 09:31:07
wrote on 2020-02-07 18:52:01
CircleA wrote on 2019-12-26 15:12:02
wrote on 2019-12-26 16:07:01
CircleA wrote on 2019-12-26 19:53:29
wrote on 2020-01-10 14:54:41
wrote on 2020-01-10 15:11:18
Olliyx wrote on 2020-01-15 19:32:05
wrote on 2020-01-15 19:42:33
wrote on 2020-01-16 04:21:29
wrote on 2020-01-16 15:41:50
wrote on 2020-01-16 17:57:21
wrote on 2019-10-03 22:05:31
wrote on 2019-10-03 23:01:49
I can't say for sure myself that the post wasn't there before. I might well have missed it.
wrote on 2019-10-04 13:53:07
sure hope they will bring in some new content there, felt strange so far having a pet battle area without anything new but a vendor
wrote on 2019-10-05 14:56:25
edit: also it's that trio today as well, like maybe this is the only quest? (edited)
wrote on 2019-10-10 20:05:02
wrote on 2019-10-12 16:36:18
wrote on 2019-10-17 13:18:52
Edit: This is about the Challenge Post. That's been there for a while. I think the new pet battle going on there is new, as I don't remember seeing it, but don't quote me on that. (edited)
literallyacat wrote on 2019-10-20 23:35:25
wrote on 2019-07-25 10:47:29
wrote on 2019-07-26 05:03:35
Penny wrote on 2019-08-28 11:04:11
wrote on 2019-09-15 09:01:05
wrote on 2019-07-31 00:45:45
wrote on 2019-08-24 13:41:41
Craizee wrote on 2019-05-28 02:28:12
wrote on 2019-06-01 04:43:26
Anymsis wrote on 2019-06-10 12:39:59
But as DragonAfterDark mentioned, since the xp gain from BFA trainers is already so low, the bonus xp will ofc not be much either as it's % based.
River wrote on 2018-09-17 02:08:27
one suggestion - in the BfA list (table on the left) you put the list of quests but not the trainers names, and when trying to find a trainer you first need to search (somewhere else) for the quest related to it.
i think replacing or adding trainers names to the list would be a good idea.
tnx again for your great site.
Thomas wrote on 2018-09-20 07:45:46
wrote on 2018-09-20 21:20:37
Mergas wrote on 2018-09-30 16:58:32
wrote on 2018-10-01 12:26:12
wrote on 2018-10-11 00:34:58
wrote on 2018-10-11 18:59:23
wrote on 2018-10-13 14:35:27
wrote on 2019-06-02 12:10:32
wrote on 2018-12-13 07:32:08
wrote on 2018-12-13 10:15:30
wrote on 2018-12-14 23:17:31
wrote on 2018-12-19 08:19:31
Geki wrote on 2019-03-04 10:48:36
Darrwin wrote on 2019-03-14 14:27:35
wrote on 2019-03-17 15:35:08
Trueheart wrote on 2018-09-11 02:46:04
wrote on 2018-09-11 02:48:53
Every strategy has this downfacing arrow below the pets. Click it and a panel with additional info will open, including the enemy pets. For some few fights I don't have them, but they should be listed for about 98% of all fights here.
Geki wrote on 2019-01-22 14:20:51
wrote on 2019-01-22 16:46:21
What info are you looking for?
Busy wrote on 2018-08-31 09:23:53
wrote on 2018-08-31 11:12:10
wrote on 2018-09-01 17:01:56
Im assuming the TD scripts need to be input on each team seperately, but if thats possible to get with the initial import then i would be a happy Tauren.
Busy wrote on 2018-09-01 18:11:07
wrote on 2018-09-13 06:49:45
wrote on 2018-09-13 06:55:46
wrote on 2018-09-15 03:56:41
wrote on 2018-09-16 02:28:18
wrote on 2018-09-16 05:07:55
wrote on 2018-09-17 14:04:17
wrote on 2018-10-17 05:34:57
wrote on 2018-11-09 16:13:32
Doobjanka wrote on 2018-08-16 00:00:47
Fluffyrock wrote on 2018-08-16 03:56:41
wrote on 2018-08-16 09:59:15
Binazzi wrote on 2018-08-16 16:43:25
Booker wrote on 2018-08-20 08:45:00
wrote on 2018-08-22 16:01:17
wrote on 2018-10-29 15:11:57
wrote on 2018-09-07 16:55:55
wrote on 2018-09-08 02:21:58
For example, you could collect and level the pets required to beat Squirt in the Garrison then spend a few hours leveling there when she visits on Sign of the Critter week, or, you could find a good leveling spot with fast respawns, like the area around Aki the Chosen in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and level your stable there with your Teroclaw and/or a moth (for that specific area, they are all aquatic and flying pets so the Teroclaw is a very strong carrier).
165 unique pets is a very good start. I would have a look at the main pages for the tabs at the top of the page and see which pets you have that are listed and level them, then go and capture wild pets that are used a lot that you are missing, like the Unborne Val'kyr for example - there must be 200+ strategies listed here that use that pet - or Pandaren Water Spirit - you can farm that once per day with your max level Teroclaw, no problem, or, you could pony up the cash and get it from the AH. It depends what it's worth to you.
There is no quick and easy solution. To be able to do the wq's in BfA you may only need 3 pets (see Gráinne's post below) but, if you want to do the rest, you will need a much bigger stable, and that, like everything in this game, means grinding.
wrote on 2018-09-08 08:49:49
I agree with Eekwibble that it varies a lot. And your first three depend on what you intend to do first. Your first three will help you level your others, but are you going to do the tamer chains in Taming (EK/Kalimdor), Outland, Northrend, Cata, Pandaria first or are you going to splurge on a Squirt Day
and spend 4 hours getting another 25 or so to max in one day?
Also, having got one pet to 25, you can now buy and learn caged level 25s from the AH. Some of them may be cheap, and you may prefer to start to gear up with some of those.
I have a post here listing my top priority pets for a new battler:
Grumpy is a priority if you intend to capture a lot of pets. His Howl + Superbark reduces target health to 1, but never kills, making him ideal for that, though he is not otherwise a notable battler.
Ikky + Iron Starlette solve a lot of tamer problems. so does the P/P Zandalari Kneebiter you have. Not great for taming, but faceroll for tamers/quests. See the comment just below.
wrote on 2018-10-29 15:05:45
wrote on 2018-09-24 02:37:43
wrote on 2018-09-26 05:38:16
Detamble wrote on 2018-09-14 09:22:44
wrote on 2018-09-23 04:32:44
wrote on 2018-09-08 13:31:55
wrote on 2018-09-08 19:58:02
wrote on 2018-09-16 18:50:19
wrote on 2018-09-06 04:55:49
Zandalari Anklerender P/B
Iron Starlette H/H
and I will continue using that team until I find a WQ I can't complete with it. Then I'll note it here. I don't necessarily expect to use these three in this order in exactly the expectd way, but I'll just use these three and see if there's anything that gives them problems.
This team hurts my conscience, but I will persevere For Science!
BfA has extremely easy world quests, AFAICS, and so far, these three have steamrolled everything.
I'm using a P/B Anklerender just because. I'm pretty sure that a P/P or S/S would be at least as effective.
I'm using a H/H Starlette because it survives AoE in the back line better and because of the extra health when it resurrects after Failsafe. I think a P/P would probably be at least as good, though, because Wind-Up -> Wind-Up on its own without Supercharge is so much more effective.
wrote on 2018-09-08 01:30:58
I salute you, sir.
Good luck!
wrote on 2018-09-08 08:37:26
It goes quite well. Mostly destroys everything. A couple can't just be cheesed in the expected way, but so far nothing a little tweaking of the sequence won't fix.
I got started because of a forum comment. Some people just want to do the pet WQ for the rep. Damfino why, because it seems a lot of trouble to go to for 1200 rep per day, but they do. So here's a ready-made cookie-cutter team for those folks.
wrote on 2018-09-08 18:01:42
Rogue Azerite. Tough. My team might have made it but for the Starlette being ineffective against Elementals, and these are some beefy Elementals.
I am just now thinking that a third Bleed & Stampede pet to replace the Starlette might have worked, but I can't go back and try now. Lots of RNG anyhow.
I actually did it with an S/S Slithershock Elver. Dodge, Deep Bite, Dive.
1. Keep Dodge on CD.
2. Use Dive on CD if you are not currently Dodged
3. Use Deep Bite otherwise
kills the first, and either kills or gets close to killing the second, after which the third is an easy kill to finish.
wrote on 2018-09-10 15:16:57
wrote on 2018-09-10 23:03:46
For any newcomers following my team, the basic method is:
Ikky: Black Claw -> Flock (-> Savage Talon if the first opponent pet is still alive).
If the first opponent pet dies during Flock, you have a choice of applying Black Claw or Flock to the second opponent before you die.
Anklerender / Kneebiter / Footslasher: Black Claw -> Hunting Party -> Leap.
If Ikky already applied Black Claw, you don't need to apply it again. If Ikky already applied Shattered Defenses from Flock, you might want to take advantage of that with Leap before you start your run. Depends.
Starlette: Wind-Up -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
If there is a barrier like Bubble or an avoidance move coming, do
Wind-Up -> Powerball (however many times) -> Supercharge -> Wind-Up.
Finish up if necessary with Wind-Up -> Wind-Up or Powerballs.
Not all battles will necessarily use this exact formula, but that's the default.
There is some unavoidable RNG. If one of the Shark Blood in the Water crits, for example, or your Starlette misses its big Wind-Up in a Sandstorm, you'll probably have to start again, but otherwise it goes very smoothly.
wrote on 2018-08-29 09:21:52
wrote on 2018-09-08 01:44:42
So far I've had one fleeting moment when I thought I could use B'aal for a strat but then I tried it again and he got wrecked. It seems rngsus doesn't like B'aal at all.
The only pet(s) I've acquired so far from BfA that I've been impressed with is(are) the River Frog(s) from Stormsong Valley. The P/P version is unbelievably overpowered and they have Pump, Water Jet and Bubble all in different slots.
I highly recommend getting at least 1 P/P and 1 P/S.
Hello wrote on 2018-08-12 08:04:26
wrote on 2018-08-12 13:59:06
wrote on 2018-08-28 20:35:26
wrote on 2018-08-29 03:35:45
Check out the Devlog here if you're curious about which steps I need to finish before I can move on to bigger topics again.
I'm very slowly working my way through them at the moment.
wrote on 2018-08-22 16:01:53
wrote on 2018-08-22 16:10:38
wrote on 2018-08-22 17:35:09
wrote on 2018-08-22 20:00:25
wrote on 2018-08-22 23:51:21
wrote on 2018-08-24 08:25:22
Divaelf wrote on 2018-08-16 09:56:46
wrote on 2018-08-16 10:04:47
wrote on 2018-08-16 17:37:53
Anonymous wrote on 2018-08-16 21:55:31
Vroomfondel wrote on 2018-08-18 21:11:36
wrote on 2018-08-20 09:39:05
Ophelia wrote on 2018-08-20 11:34:04
wrote on 2018-08-12 13:17:48
wrote on 2018-08-12 13:58:31
wrote on 2018-08-12 22:13:25
wrote on 2018-08-01 20:33:26
ChiChiFo wrote on 2019-06-27 13:59:05
wrote on 2020-02-28 08:25:43
David wrote on 2019-03-03 15:24:34
Babboted wrote on 2019-07-15 14:16:18
wrote on 2019-07-01 09:05:01
wrote on 2020-03-21 10:03:00
wrote on 2018-09-17 03:59:06
Sacrée carcasse - Delia hanako
Chiens suspects - Mastoc
Pas si mal loti - Kwint
Incassable - Chitara
Vallée Chantorage
Le mal apprivoisé - Léana Sombrevent
Etranges créatures marines - Ellie Vern
Chaos automatique - Eddie Fixetout
Tirez lui la queue, il vous crèvera les yeux - Pique-Dos
Coup de bourdon - Edwin Malus
Azerite en maraude - Fizzie Tintéclair
Horreurs nocturnes - Dilbert Mc Clint
Le peuple crustacé - Capitaine Hermès
Avis aux collectionneurs - Talia Frontincelle
De modestes débuts - Zujai
Il va y a voir du tintouin - Tintouin
Des bestioles à croquer - Karaga
Croque-Crogg - Brochesang
Créatures palustres - Lozu
Terreur accidentelle - Korval Barbe-Nuit
Chef spirituel - Grady Prett
Champions de Keeyo originaires de Vol'dun - Keeyo
Survivants du désert - Kusa
Comment ça, des "plantes qui contrôlent l'esprit" ? - Feuillépine
Serpents sur une terrasse - Sizzik
Voilà ...
Wahlium wrote on 2018-09-29 13:20:00
wrote on 2019-06-28 07:57:59
wrote on 2018-12-17 06:43:20
wrote on 2018-12-17 15:39:35
wrote on 2018-12-18 00:24:42
wrote on 2018-12-28 00:42:47
Wahlium wrote on 2018-09-16 09:01:16
Wahlium wrote on 2018-09-16 09:00:21
wrote on 2018-09-05 09:34:03
Pas forcément une traduction, mais au moins le nom des maitres des dresseurs dans le titre de l'expédition.
wrote on 2018-08-31 21:52:49
oui serait-il possible la traduction en FR merci est super site.
Amaya wrote on 2018-08-28 16:40:13
TimBrouceksy wrote on 2020-07-14 21:37:37
guy while in the ruins having to do with the capital city
the garment had been very own yesterday as part of Milan as soon as i resulted in tiger. Walking over the vast good grounds akin to Parco Sempione, essentially drawn furthermore in by the sound of a live comfortably group of musicians. an audio lesson thought of received from several other teenaged years of age. since the sudden treasure of every pensioner's coffee slide.
Crouched on to the ground, almost like picturing of the shrouded benefits connected with an invisibility cloak. All better to shield the actual sex toy dog that were acquiring you absolutely no aid by any means. I experienced i would say the lead first. then your tyres. Nestling in front with the wheelchair. prior to this I could help ourselves, I waved in addition claims how are you,what's up. simply just our holder took on smile.
start resenting it. a cat.
suffering from put two weeks in madeira, It was only my second sighting. The first in italian capital the denims people had just gotten darted face-to-face with us considering that it engineered some method from n eaterie to another down the small courtyard in Trastevere; its bohemian centre situated on the western standard bank this body of water Tiber. in the face of get walking more or less Largo di Torre Argentina, what kind encased four temples or wats weight reduction proceeds connected Pompey's theatre the place Julius Caesar was ever assassinated in 44 b. c..
That is the advantage of paris. outdated damages might seem within a wide range of immediately turn. nicely, at the least then it came across as. yet in this instance, i believed i was more interested in how to spot a cat or 10. unique appropriate hearing about how volunteers give down to 150 strays on a daily basis. apparently, i did not read which involves Colonia Felina di Torre Argenti (hamster planet) but later everyone placed state. when. paws entered.
the idea go appeared to be to in part melted by the all dogs I welcomed as they go along, which usually recommended scores of pats then smell ponking. generally miniature little things that obtained one advancement ahead actually indexed or maintained two instructions lumbar. I used to be grinning so that you can ourselves when i transpired customers those Biblioteca Parco Sempione. scaling any some moves shifting upward about everything, A handful of rooms furthermore ergonomic possess positioned open-air. A youngster lay at one, Entirely engrossed in it he ended up being measurement. it was decent which will eject use in your. just a thing I skip majority of, from turning far from english for Lahore, Is the issue of the general public libraries.
on the coming into, content were feeling eyeballs relating to me personally. Just to the correct were standing the caucasian dog amongst some kind; kind of much a Scottish terrier. I identified welcome and also it perfect away harried nearly meet
MatthewMuh wrote on 2020-07-28 10:25:04
New Comment: