Patch 7.1 brought with it a new version of Raiding with Leashes: Part IV - Wrath of the Lick King, but this time with a twist!
Once you collect (or get traded) all the pets for this achievement, instead of receiving a pet reward directly, you instead receive a Celestial Invitation, which asks you to seek out Algalon the Observer himself.
It turns out he secretly tamed some super cute celestial pets and now you need to defeat him, with your own pets!
Once you defeat him, you will then finally receive your reward, which is the celestial bunny Stardust.
Just wanted to add my two cents here to show this tactic is working in 2024, since I went through a few of these older tactics to no avail.
I used the Zandalari Anklerender and Emerald Proto Whelp tactic, however I swapped out Dragonling for Unborn Val'kyr
Zandalari Anklerender 2/2/2
Emerald Proto Whelp 1/1/2
Unborn Val'kyr */*/1
So same as regular tact -
Primal Cry, Black Claw, Hunting Party - Anklerender Dies
Breath - Comet dies
Cosmo enters - Breath (Cosmo will almost certainly switch you though)
Val'kyr switched in - Haunt
Whelp - Use Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream rotation - Cosmos Dies
Constellatius enters - Continue rotation
Stay Alive - Meteor kills Everyone
Val'kyr uses Undead Trait to stay alive
By electronbluetwo (1,284 – 4·12) on 2023/01/12 (Patch 10.0.2)
I found this a while back off-site, and it worked a treat! All three of my pets were bumped up with blue stones to rare.
This works perfectly! After i saw my Timeless Mechanical Dragonling with 80 HP and Costellatius with full life - i thought this won't work. But all the cold stacks and breath finished him in 2 rounds. Thanks for this sharing this clever strategy!
i tried every battle pet group i saw ppl saying they worked... over and over i died. first try with this group step for step thinking every step thru there's no way ima live. and i do. first try. i could cry. **update** i caged and gave the 3 pets to a friend, ss and sent this to him. he won exactly how i did. said "there's no way i win this" and then boom last guy is just dead <333 (edited)
Finally getting around to doing old stuff....
Zandalari Anklerender 222
Ikky 111
Son of Sethe 121
Comet - Black Claw, Primal Cry, Hunting Party
Cosmo - Savage Talon, Black Clock, Flock - sorry didn't track the change, but basically kept Sethe's health up to survive Apocalypse and it did!
Wasted 40 bandages trying different strategies, but this one worked perfectly on the first run because Son of Sethe will survive Apocalypse so just had to keep the heals up. Awesome strategy
Like psaraiva, my Anklerender died first boss, Ikky died second boss. But if you can get that far Son of Sethe will take it the rest of the way. Ty for strat!!
Love your website! Just curious--have you noticed the achievement is actually Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the "Lick" King? I think most people missed it. It made me laugh so I thought I'd mention it.
Read this plus a video. Went in with:
Zandalari Kneebitter S/S
Emerald Proto-Whelp
Something Else
Failed, failed and failed again. The rabbit's swap timing has been adjusted. Came to the conclusion I needed two Emerald Proto-Whelps. Farmed like a fiend until I had 2 blues.
Failed, failed, and failed again. Comet's take-down is not fast enough.
Desperate, frustrated and ready to give up, I swapped Kneebiter for Anklerender.
Got it! The Anklerender's Primal Cry is essential for Proto-Whelp's first attack. That team again:
1. Zandalari Anklerender - 222 (Primal Cry, Black Claw, Hunting Party)
2. Emerald Proto-Whelp - 112 (Spam heals - stay alive at all costs!)
3. Emerald Proto-Whelp - 112 (Spam heals - stay alive at all costs!)
Now booking in to hospital for cardiac treatment.
Ankerender: Primal Cry / Black Claw / Hunting Party (Anklerender dies, but Opponent is almost dead)
Emerald Proto-Whelp: Breath immediately and finish off Opponent. Comet dies.
Bunny comes out
Immediately cast Emerald Dream. Now you're in a rotation- DO NOT DEVIATE
Once Dream ends: Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream
Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream
Until Bunny dies.
NOTE: While Proto-Whelp is asleep in Dream, Bunny cannot force a pet swap. So stick to the rotation and you'll keep the proto-whelp active.
Now final pet comes out: Continue Rotation until Proto-Whelp dies.
Pandaren Dragonling comes out: By now, you should have anywhere from 2-5 rounds left until the meteor hits and ends the battle. your job is to stay alive
Cast Decoy. Do whatever you want and wait out the end.
Thanks for this strat - I was missing at least one pet of all the ones in the main pet battle article and was wondering what to do when I saw this!
On the first try Bunny kept critting my Proto-Whelp and I lost, but on the second try Proto-Whelp stayed alive till meteor hit so Dragonling didn't even have to come out!
Thank you for sharing an excellent, successful strategy. On my first attempt Comet died too soon and one more attack from my Anklerender threw the entire progression/rotation out of the window, but my second try worked exactly as you describe except my Emerald Proto Whelp survived until the meteor landed so I didn't need my Dragonling at all.
I tried 5 different strategies/pet combos for over an hour, trying to down Alganon's pets. This strategy list above worked for me first time. My Mech Dragonling didn't even enter battle. My Proto-whelp died just before the meteor hit.
One shot it with this excellent strategy. Ended up not needing MPD because my EPW was never in any danger of dying prior to Meteor going off. Well done!
Not foolproof with P/P Zandalar Anklebiter, P/S Emerald Proto-Whelp, and (S/S) Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, but it does work with a little RNG. TY. This is the only one I was able to get to work after only three times.
a P/P Anklerender has a chance to kill Comet first, and die to Cosmos, causing Emerald Whelp to be swapped out for the Dragonling. If Anklerender kills Comet send in the Mechanical Dragonling to be swapped out with Emerald Proto Whelp
Works but only if you use decoy every time the bunny swaps you, my mechanical whelpling survived the bunny with 4 hp and i was able to tank with emerald proto until apocalypse hit (edited)
I've tried more or less every strategy posted here plus what I found in the comments on wowhead. Not ONE of them has worked. I have all my pets dead on his 2nd pet or - if i'm very lucky - almost dead when his third pet enters the floor.
I stand corrected, tried this again today and it worked really nicely. I changed my Chitterspine to the S/S breed. Strangely that seemed to make the difference. <thumbs up>
It seems pretty critical that the first pet be S/S. I swapped in my Zandalari Footslasher 2/2/2 and was able to complete it as well. The rabbit was annoying swapping in son of sethe and squirrel but in the end, constellatius cast apocalypse which Son of Sethe could live through as undead.
Chitterspine Skitterling (S/S) (-/2/2) Infected Squirrel (P/H) (2/2/1) Son of Sethe (P/S) (1/2/1)
Which worked like a charm, post Shadowlands Prepatch. The strat posted by Deydrania here doesn't seem to work anymore, as even the fastest version of EPW is too slow to emerald dream before the rabbit does the switch, and I tried... many, many times. (edited)
Zandalari Kneebitter S/S - against (Comet) the celestial dragonling
Black claw, Hunting Party, Bloodfang, then Black Claw till forced swap or dead.
Direhorn Runt H/H - against (Cosmo) the celestial rabbit
Stampede, Trihorn Charge
Infested Bear Cub – against (Constellatius) the celestial hippo
Hibernate on cool down, and pass all other rounds until apocalypse hits and kills the pets, yours is undead=win
1. Macabre Marionette 121
2. Onyxian Whelpling 211
3. Son Of Sethe 121
1.Siphon Life - Dead Man's Party - Macabre Maraca (Till you both die)
2.Lift-Off - Tail Sweep - Healing Flame - Tail Sweep - Tail Sweep - Lift-Off
3. Just use whatever healing you need to stay alive for 15 rounds.
If you ask whether the encounter is a part of the instance or not – it is not, during this quest he's located next to the raid's entrance. If you ask whether you can get the invitation itself… an interesting question! I do not have any idea; hard to find a sample when people tend to have it cleared before, for pets or otherwise. The quest is account-wide, however and does not have a level requirement, so I guess one could *gasps* have never set a foot in Ulduar at all!
The answer is 'no'. You receive the invitation in the mail after completing the Raiding With Leashes IV achievement: Link You can buy all these pets from the AH and learn them to complete the ach.
I didn't have many of the pets here, but here's what I did:
Pets were: Zandalari Anklebiter (2/2/2), Son of Sethe (2/1/2), Lil' Bling (2/1/2, though 2/2/2 might be better)
Zandalari Anklebiter (I didn't have S/S, so I went with what I had): Primal Howl -> Black Claw -> Hunting Party
Son of Sethe: I leveled this pet just for this fight): Drain Blood (to finish first pet) -> Screech (to slow the second pet)
Lil' Bling will get pulled into battle: Make it rain -> Inflation -> Make it rain (just try to do damage until Son of Sethe gets pulled back in, Lil' Bling had around 70 health after the mechanical revive when Son of Sethe was pulled back in, it is vital to winning that Lil' Bling doesn't die)
Son of Sethe: Drain blood (I think this killed the second pet) -> Plagued blood (x2 if the second pet isn't dead at this point and the first comes out)
Then for the final pet, I followed others' advice that use its Apocalypse to win. The priority becomes Drain Blood (especially with moonlight still up) -> Screech if the speed decrease isn't already up (otherwise lowest it's the lowest priority) -> Plagued Blood
Thanks, and I hope this helps if like me you don't have many holiday pets nor rare ones.
Just commenting here to say that this worked for me!! I tried so many strats from WoWhead but none of them worked for me- with the exception of the macabre marionette... I didn't have that one. Thank you SO much! It took me many tries through crit RNG but it finally worked. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
it may work(no luck yet with it), but unless things have changed since the post: There is no such spell as "screech' and although he said to use "Son of Sethe (2/1/2), "..he then called to use Drain Blood which is in the 3rd slot but no. 1 spot; and that can cause a catastrophe. I'm worried this means that things have just changed since the strat was originally posted.
I didn't have the infested cub leveled so i was having trouble since the emerald whelp kept dying anyways even if i switched it, so i found a great combo that saved my ass. I simply needed something that would hang in there till apoc. I did zandalari anklerender and used his primal cry first, then black claw and stampede. Its ok if he dies. Take emerald proto use breath then right away use dream for when the bunny comes. Do the healingtechnique as previous posts. It's ok if he dies. Then marionette for the third per. Use syphon and maracas, alternate. Just hang in there. You will sirvive for a bit enough to win the encounter.
I found for Cosmos that a fast Flayer Youngling 121 works pretty well.
Kick, blitz, shield, blitz, Kick...
Has to be fast to stun Cosmos. Have fun. I've had the Flayer at 50% left and also not make it due to crits. A good kick to the head slows most things down.
I used Menoruna's attack, except i did it with just the first two pets. I skipped the Siphon Life and brought in Deadmans party first round to get that double damage going.
As follows:
Macabre Marionette
-Deadmans Party
-Macabra Maraca (until you both die)
Emerald Proto Whelp
-Emerald Dream
-Ancient Blessing
(Repeat these four until the entire pet battle is over.)
My 3rd pet never came into battle, just make sure its not a flyer so the magic AOE doesnt kill it if it crits.
Alex the Aggro Goddess wrote on 2016-11-12 10:04:27
Algalon is OUTSIDE of Ulduar at 41.5, 24.2. That is on the steps leading up to the raid. Yes I cleared all the way to him in the raid only to find he was not inside :(. Hope this helps you get it done faster!
1. Zandalari Anklerender
2. Weebomination#1
3. Weebomination#2
(For Comet) Black Claw, Hunting Party, Leap, then Black Claw until dead.
(For Cosmo and Constellatius) Death Grip Constellatius into battle and keep Cleave on both Cosmo and Constellatius, switch to your Weebom#2 when your Weebom#1's health is low, at which time the Apocalypse should only have 3-4 rounds left. Weebom#2 still stands with Constellatius' death due to Apocalypse. Weebom#2 casts Corpse Explosion on Cosmo, leaving Cosmo's health around 300. Finally easy kill with Weebom#1 with Cleave.
Hello, I found Graves to also be a very effective pet against Constellatius. :) I did the first strategy, Macabre, Emerald (drake died though) and Graves ended with full health almost when the Apocalypse hit.
Start of with Macabre:
Round 1: siphon life
Round 2: dead man's party
Round 3: Macabre maraca
Round 4: Macabre maraca
- Cosmos comes in
Round 5: Emerald dream
Round 6: Ancient blessing
Round 7: Breath
Round 8: Breath
Round 9: Emerald dream
Round 10: Ancient blessing
Round 11: Breath
Round 12: Breath
Round 13: Emerald dream
Round 14: Ancient blessing
Round 15: Breath
Round 16: Breath
- Cosmos should die and Constellatius will come.
Round 17 and on.. Just keep using
Emerald dream and Ancient blessing no dmg needed.
Constellatius will put Apocalypse on your team and will
destroy all pets after 15 turns ( including himself.
Tactique trouvée sur le net : a fonctionné du premier coup
1- marionnette macabre 2- siphon de vie 3- fête du mort 4- maraca macabre 5- maraca macabre à ce stade la marionnette est morte ainsi que le premier adversaire (si la marionnette meurt avant suite à un critic, recommencer le combat) 6- proto-dragonnet émeraude 7- rêve d'émeraude 8- bénédiction antique 9- souffle 10- relancer 7 et 8 des que possible 11- la 2eme mascotte adverse meurt 12- continuer jusqu'à ce que le proto meurt 13- Ourson infesté 14- hiberner 15- passer en attendant qu'hiberner soit de nouveau disponible puis le relancer jusqu'à ce que la 3eme mascotte se suicide 16- étant un mort vivant, l'ourson survie et c'est gagné
выполнил квест когда-то, и не сдавал его, чтобы сдать потом при старте дополнения и получить халявный опыт. в итоге теперь Алгалон не появляется, квест не отменяется. удалял итем чтоб отменить квест, тоже не помогло. Такие дела
Если Вы говорите о третьем варианте стратегии, то там написано о том, что скорость Зандаларского пяткогрыза должна быть не менее 309. В шестом варианте Вам также необходимо следить за скоростью.
wrote on 2024-02-04 22:19:27
I used the Zandalari Anklerender and Emerald Proto Whelp tactic, however I swapped out Dragonling for Unborn Val'kyr
Zandalari Anklerender 2/2/2
Emerald Proto Whelp 1/1/2
Unborn Val'kyr */*/1
So same as regular tact -
Primal Cry, Black Claw, Hunting Party - Anklerender Dies
Breath - Comet dies
Cosmo enters - Breath (Cosmo will almost certainly switch you though)
Val'kyr switched in - Haunt
Whelp - Use Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream rotation - Cosmos Dies
Constellatius enters - Continue rotation
Stay Alive - Meteor kills Everyone
Val'kyr uses Undead Trait to stay alive
Good luck and Have Fun! :)
Bec wrote on 2024-11-27 12:48:55
Dolly wrote on 2025-01-29 23:12:53
Patricia wrote on 2023-06-30 14:59:11
By electronbluetwo (1,284 – 4·12) on 2023/01/12 (Patch 10.0.2)
I found this a while back off-site, and it worked a treat! All three of my pets were bumped up with blue stones to rare.
Crimson Spore (any breed) - 112
Timeless Mechanical Dragonling (any breed) - 111
Boneshard (any breed) - 11*
Turn 1 Sting
Turn 2 Blinding Powder
Turn 3 Swap to your Timeless Mechanical Dragonling
Turn 4 Razor Talons
Turn 5 Swap to your Crimson Spore
Turn 6 Blinding Powder
Turn 7 Sting
Turn 8 Explode
Bring in your Boneshard
Comet still alive? --> Chop
Comet dies
Cosmos comes in
Turn 1 Blistering Cold
Turn 2 Pass (Timeless Mechanical Dragonling forced in)
Turn 3 Razor Talons
Turn 4 Swap to your Boneshard
Turn 5 Chop (Cosmos dies)
Constellatius comes in
Prio list
Prio 1 Blistering Cold
Prio 2 Chop
Timeless Mechanical Dragonling comes in
Turn 1 Decoy
Turn 2 Razor Talons
Turns 3+ Flame Breath
wrote on 2023-09-19 20:39:06
wrote on 2024-02-23 07:30:31
wrote on 2024-10-01 03:14:17
whitegirl wrote on 2025-01-19 03:15:06
wrote on 2021-03-07 00:32:16
Finally getting around to doing old stuff....
Zandalari Anklerender 222
Ikky 111
Son of Sethe 121
Comet - Black Claw, Primal Cry, Hunting Party
Cosmo - Savage Talon, Black Clock, Flock - sorry didn't track the change, but basically kept Sethe's health up to survive Apocalypse and it did!
bill wrote on 2021-03-08 21:22:39
wrote on 2021-05-02 14:51:19
wrote on 2021-12-09 21:39:21
Redandginger wrote on 2022-08-05 03:25:51
wrote on 2022-11-28 14:09:08
wrote on 2023-06-08 23:05:10
Anonymous wrote on 2016-12-07 14:17:18
wrote on 2016-12-07 14:23:57
Zartrius wrote on 2023-01-11 00:20:46
Wesleigh wrote on 2022-08-01 02:49:29
Read this plus a video. Went in with:
Zandalari Kneebitter S/S
Emerald Proto-Whelp
Something Else
Failed, failed and failed again. The rabbit's swap timing has been adjusted. Came to the conclusion I needed two Emerald Proto-Whelps. Farmed like a fiend until I had 2 blues.
Failed, failed, and failed again. Comet's take-down is not fast enough.
Desperate, frustrated and ready to give up, I swapped Kneebiter for Anklerender.
Got it! The Anklerender's Primal Cry is essential for Proto-Whelp's first attack. That team again:
1. Zandalari Anklerender - 222 (Primal Cry, Black Claw, Hunting Party)
2. Emerald Proto-Whelp - 112 (Spam heals - stay alive at all costs!)
3. Emerald Proto-Whelp - 112 (Spam heals - stay alive at all costs!)
Now booking in to hospital for cardiac treatment.
wrote on 2022-02-01 07:42:14
If you log out the NPC disappears and you can't turn it in.
Deydrania wrote on 2017-05-15 16:22:00
1. Zandalari Ankerender 2/2/2
2. Emerald Proto-Whelp 1/1/2
3. Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling 1/1/2
Ankerender: Primal Cry / Black Claw / Hunting Party (Anklerender dies, but Opponent is almost dead)
Emerald Proto-Whelp: Breath immediately and finish off Opponent. Comet dies.
Bunny comes out
Immediately cast Emerald Dream. Now you're in a rotation- DO NOT DEVIATE
Once Dream ends: Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream
Breath / Ancient Blessing / Breath / Dream
Until Bunny dies.
NOTE: While Proto-Whelp is asleep in Dream, Bunny cannot force a pet swap. So stick to the rotation and you'll keep the proto-whelp active.
Now final pet comes out: Continue Rotation until Proto-Whelp dies.
Pandaren Dragonling comes out: By now, you should have anywhere from 2-5 rounds left until the meteor hits and ends the battle. your job is to stay alive
Cast Decoy. Do whatever you want and wait out the end.
rikapi wrote on 2017-05-18 15:14:04
On the first try Bunny kept critting my Proto-Whelp and I lost, but on the second try Proto-Whelp stayed alive till meteor hit so Dragonling didn't even have to come out!
Cher wrote on 2017-05-25 10:01:03
Cataerei wrote on 2017-06-04 02:35:57
wrote on 2017-06-12 15:42:25
Brizz wrote on 2017-06-17 08:58:55
gratugu wrote on 2017-07-24 17:49:55
Lorieth wrote on 2017-07-25 11:10:59
Anonymous wrote on 2017-08-12 18:34:09
Anonymous wrote on 2017-08-23 21:51:56
Sockarms wrote on 2017-09-26 07:13:56
Apple wrote on 2017-10-29 17:02:10
Merylind wrote on 2018-03-05 16:07:35
wrote on 2018-07-08 22:02:19
RameyMJ wrote on 2018-07-28 13:47:01
RameyMJ wrote on 2018-07-31 02:46:34
Pandragoon wrote on 2018-12-25 11:54:16
Pandragoon wrote on 2018-12-25 12:10:27
Violet wrote on 2020-02-05 21:07:59
wrote on 2020-04-15 09:07:09
fillthisout wrote on 2020-11-08 02:12:20
ariadna wrote on 2020-11-30 22:26:37
aindreas wrote on 2021-01-23 11:26:08
ELui2 wrote on 2021-02-17 14:45:18
Alcan wrote on 2021-03-11 04:27:01
wrote on 2021-04-14 10:54:54
Ariadna wrote on 2020-12-01 10:23:00
wrote on 2020-12-05 17:00:40
wrote on 2021-02-15 09:30:13
wrote on 2020-11-20 11:19:28
Chitterspine Skitterling (S/S) (-/2/2)
Infected Squirrel (P/H) (2/2/1)
Son of Sethe (P/S) (1/2/1)
Which worked like a charm, post Shadowlands Prepatch. The strat posted by Deydrania here doesn't seem to work anymore, as even the fastest version of EPW is too slow to emerald dream before the rabbit does the switch, and I tried... many, many times. (edited)
Mansfieldion wrote on 2020-11-28 09:30:30
Kron wrote on 2016-10-28 19:02:11
Zandalari Kneebitter S/S - against (Comet) the celestial dragonling
Black claw, Hunting Party, Bloodfang, then Black Claw till forced swap or dead.
Direhorn Runt H/H - against (Cosmo) the celestial rabbit
Stampede, Trihorn Charge
Infested Bear Cub – against (Constellatius) the celestial hippo
Hibernate on cool down, and pass all other rounds until apocalypse hits and kills the pets, yours is undead=win
wrote on 2020-10-27 07:25:29
strabo1701 wrote on 2018-02-01 21:05:42
michellerleight wrote on 2018-04-03 16:55:55
glittra wrote on 2019-04-15 23:17:48
Junior wrote on 2016-11-03 22:17:54
2. Onyxian Whelpling 211
3. Son Of Sethe 121
1.Siphon Life - Dead Man's Party - Macabre Maraca (Till you both die)
2.Lift-Off - Tail Sweep - Healing Flame - Tail Sweep - Tail Sweep - Lift-Off
3. Just use whatever healing you need to stay alive for 15 rounds.
Moogles wrote on 2016-11-07 01:18:09
Zelixa wrote on 2019-01-15 07:07:47
wrote on 2018-11-21 19:39:26
Do you have to clear Ulduar to do Celestial Invitation?
wrote on 2018-11-22 01:10:54
If you ask whether the encounter is a part of the instance or not – it is not, during this quest he's located next to the raid's entrance.
If you ask whether you can get the invitation itself… an interesting question! I do not have any idea; hard to find a sample when people tend to have it cleared before, for pets or otherwise. The quest is account-wide, however and does not have a level requirement, so I guess one could *gasps* have never set a foot in Ulduar at all!
wrote on 2018-11-22 09:36:29
You can buy all these pets from the AH and learn them to complete the ach.
Onebaddude wrote on 2016-11-10 19:44:32
Pets were: Zandalari Anklebiter (2/2/2), Son of Sethe (2/1/2), Lil' Bling (2/1/2, though 2/2/2 might be better)
Zandalari Anklebiter (I didn't have S/S, so I went with what I had): Primal Howl -> Black Claw -> Hunting Party
Son of Sethe: I leveled this pet just for this fight): Drain Blood (to finish first pet) -> Screech (to slow the second pet)
Lil' Bling will get pulled into battle: Make it rain -> Inflation -> Make it rain (just try to do damage until Son of Sethe gets pulled back in, Lil' Bling had around 70 health after the mechanical revive when Son of Sethe was pulled back in, it is vital to winning that Lil' Bling doesn't die)
Son of Sethe: Drain blood (I think this killed the second pet) -> Plagued blood (x2 if the second pet isn't dead at this point and the first comes out)
Then for the final pet, I followed others' advice that use its Apocalypse to win. The priority becomes Drain Blood (especially with moonlight still up) -> Screech if the speed decrease isn't already up (otherwise lowest it's the lowest priority) -> Plagued Blood
Thanks, and I hope this helps if like me you don't have many holiday pets nor rare ones.
Anonymous wrote on 2016-11-11 05:41:21
wrote on 2016-11-13 09:08:42
Anonymous wrote on 2016-12-16 21:05:45
Sereza wrote on 2017-04-08 08:56:24
Anonymous wrote on 2017-05-24 15:44:35
Anonymous wrote on 2017-08-05 18:51:42
Mhystral -aerie peak wrote on 2016-11-09 10:18:20
Anonymous wrote on 2017-02-18 00:47:22
Tutonik wrote on 2017-01-19 04:16:32
Kick, blitz, shield, blitz, Kick...
Has to be fast to stun Cosmos. Have fun. I've had the Flayer at 50% left and also not make it due to crits. A good kick to the head slows most things down.
Maui-Turtle wrote on 2016-12-23 15:24:05
Flyleaf wrote on 2016-11-03 19:07:11
Christine wrote on 2016-12-08 12:33:44
MighyTG wrote on 2016-11-02 20:19:56
As follows:
Macabre Marionette
-Deadmans Party
-Macabra Maraca (until you both die)
Emerald Proto Whelp
-Emerald Dream
-Ancient Blessing
(Repeat these four until the entire pet battle is over.)
My 3rd pet never came into battle, just make sure its not a flyer so the magic AOE doesnt kill it if it crits.
Drakuul wrote on 2016-11-09 20:37:22
wrote on 2016-11-13 09:09:16
Alex the Aggro Goddess wrote on 2016-11-12 10:04:27
Stardust killer wrote on 2016-11-08 10:31:51
2. Weebomination#1
3. Weebomination#2
(For Comet) Black Claw, Hunting Party, Leap, then Black Claw until dead.
(For Cosmo and Constellatius) Death Grip Constellatius into battle and keep Cleave on both Cosmo and Constellatius, switch to your Weebom#2 when your Weebom#1's health is low, at which time the Apocalypse should only have 3-4 rounds left. Weebom#2 still stands with Constellatius' death due to Apocalypse. Weebom#2 casts Corpse Explosion on Cosmo, leaving Cosmo's health around 300. Finally easy kill with Weebom#1 with Cleave.
Anonymous wrote on 2016-11-09 11:40:39
Rose wrote on 2016-11-02 04:25:56
Menoruna wrote on 2016-10-31 15:27:58
1. Macabre Marionette - 121
2. Emerald Proto-Whelp - 112
3. Infested Bear Cub - 122
Start of with Macabre:
Round 1: siphon life
Round 2: dead man's party
Round 3: Macabre maraca
Round 4: Macabre maraca
- Cosmos comes in
Round 5: Emerald dream
Round 6: Ancient blessing
Round 7: Breath
Round 8: Breath
Round 9: Emerald dream
Round 10: Ancient blessing
Round 11: Breath
Round 12: Breath
Round 13: Emerald dream
Round 14: Ancient blessing
Round 15: Breath
Round 16: Breath
- Cosmos should die and Constellatius will come.
Round 17 and on.. Just keep using
Emerald dream and Ancient blessing no dmg needed.
Constellatius will put Apocalypse on your team and will
destroy all pets after 15 turns ( including himself.
Egwene wrote on 2024-01-11 21:59:06
Nervoosa wrote on 2022-11-27 16:35:36
wrote on 2022-10-21 17:30:40
Zandalari Anklerender
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Tour 1 Cri primal
Tour 2 Griffe noire
Tour 3-4 Partie de chasse
Zandalari Anklerender meurt
Faites rentrer votre Ikky.
Tour 5 Plumes
l'ennemie Comète meurt.
Cosmos rejoint le combat.
Tour 6 Griffe noire
Tour 7 Nuée
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling gets swapped in
Tours 8-10 Souffle x3
L'ennemie Cosmos meurt.
Constellatius rejoint le combat.
Tour 11 Bombardement
Tour 12 Leurre
Tour 13 échanger avec Ikky
Tour 14 Griffe noire
Tours 15-16 Nuée
Ikky meurt.
Faites rentrer votre Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Tours 17-18 Souffle x2 (edited)
Océanaria wrote on 2022-04-26 13:11:22
rzztztytzz wrote on 2022-02-20 16:42:12
Océanaria wrote on 2022-04-26 13:10:47
Rastaquouète wrote on 2020-09-08 20:58:03
Zouzou wrote on 2020-08-06 16:57:45
cibele wrote on 2019-11-17 11:26:50
Raeyes wrote on 2019-05-22 14:29:07
Misanthrope wrote on 2019-02-24 09:17:04
1- marionnette macabre
2- siphon de vie
3- fête du mort
4- maraca macabre
5- maraca macabre
à ce stade la marionnette est morte ainsi que le premier adversaire (si la marionnette meurt avant suite à un critic, recommencer le combat)
6- proto-dragonnet émeraude
7- rêve d'émeraude
8- bénédiction antique
9- souffle
10- relancer 7 et 8 des que possible
11- la 2eme mascotte adverse meurt
12- continuer jusqu'à ce que le proto meurt
13- Ourson infesté
14- hiberner
15- passer en attendant qu'hiberner soit de nouveau disponible puis le relancer jusqu'à ce que la 3eme mascotte se suicide
16- étant un mort vivant, l'ourson survie et c'est gagné
wrote on 2025-01-04 10:12:53
Миз wrote on 2017-04-24 05:47:56
Anonymous wrote on 2017-03-12 00:41:20
Lea wrote on 2017-03-12 09:33:28
Умка wrote on 2017-02-19 16:08:07
Lea wrote on 2017-02-20 02:07:28
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