The Jeweled Whelplings come in 5x different variants matching the Dragonflights, and all require Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting level 50.
One character on the account must reach Renown Rank 21 with the Dragonscale Expedition to unlock Jeweled Whelpling Treasure Maps. Once you reach Renown 21 you will have a quest pop up called
Rumors of the Jeweled Whelplings. This will reward you with the
Onyx Gem Cluster Map. This will allow you to find the first Cluster reagent you need, and Jewelcrafting Recipe if you're a jewelcrafter. All other Clusters and Recipes will drop from the various repeatable treasures of the zones.
Because the
Rumors of the Jeweled Whelplings quest flags as completed for the entire account, if you wish to collect additional Clusters & Recipes on alts you'll need to visit
Boss Magor and trade 100 Dragon Isles Supplies & 3 Neltharite for the map for that character.
Glimmering Neltharite Cluster x 1
Neltharite x 2
Glossy Stone x 50
Elemental Harmony x 2
Illimited Diamond x 1
Last Update: 2022-11-27 22:14:47 (Patch 10.0.2)
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