Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!
1. Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event
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This week our bonus event grants 50% increased Honor gains from Battlegrounds. Below are all the pets you can receive as rewards via the Honor system, and what level Honor you need for them.
Until the weekly reset, the Brightblade's Bones World Quest is up, during which you can collect the Bugbiter Tortoise! All the information on how you can collect this pet is found on the Bugbiter's page.
3. Claws for Concern for Blueloo!
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This WQ will be up until Thursday reset!
While the Claws for Concern World Quest is up, you will be able to work on the Friends in Feathers achievement for the pet Blueloo! Normally, you can only rescue 6 Moonkin Hatchlings at a time, so you can either do the WQ across three characters, or you can also join a raid group and rescue all 18 Moonkin Hatchlings in one go on one character!
Remember! You won't see the WQ on your map unless you are IN the zone.
4. June's Trading Post
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June has brought us the new pet Marrlok for 500 Trader's tender, who is (essentially) a reskin of Garrlok, with one different ability.
5. Maw Assaults
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Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault
At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Infused Etherwyrm (A Shady Place NOT up) &
Invasive Buzzer (Assault Cache)
6. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
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Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'uddly &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Corrupted Tentacle
7. Aqir Assault: Uldum
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Uldum - Aqir Assault until mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Aqir Tunneler Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Rotbreath &
The egg for Shadowbarb Hatchling should be up!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2024-06-15 20:38:11
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