Here's everything going on for you and your pets this week in WoW!
1. Legion Timewalking!
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Though there are no pets on the Timewalking vendor or ones that drop directly from the dungeons, there are multiple pets you can obtain from increasing your reputation with the Legion factions:
From 16 November @ 10 am Pacific/CET until 7 December @ 10 am Pacific/CET, World of Warcraft will be celebrating its 19th anniversary! There will be one new pet this year, though we haven't been given information on its acquisition, and likely two returning pets listed below!
You can find all our Darkmoon Faire pet information in our article here.
If you're looking for our Darkmoon Faire strategies for Christoph VonFeasel and Jeremy Feasel, those can be found here for the general strategies, and here for An Awfully Big Adventure.
Also, don't forget to pick up your WHEE! buff to get a 10% experience & reputation bonus!
5. November Trading Post Final Days!
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These are the last couple of days to collect November's Trading Post pet: Drazka'zet the Wrathful!
The Trading Post article has been updated with links for all the Pet Battle activities for November!
6. December Trading Post Arrives Friday!
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We have three pets coming to December's Trading Post!
Comp Stomp has been delayed from this week to the week of December 12th. So if a pet collector wants to pursue PvP for honor levels, it will not be that way. (And therefore will be real PvP, not pseudo-.)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSniperorc
wrote on 2023-12-03 17:45:16
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2023-12-04 16:39:16
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