1. Requirements
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For this guide, it is necessary to install the addon
Pet Battle Scripts.
It is assumed that installation and setup are already done, and teams are set or easy to set by you.
2. How it works
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Basically the addon selects the required ability following instructions written in the script. E.g.:
use(Nature's Ward:574) [!self.aura(Nature's Ward:820).exists]
use(Alpha Strike:504)
This set of lines result in the following actions:
round 1: it casts
round 2: it tries to cast
Dodge, but since it is on CD, it goes to the next line and casts
Nature's Ward
round 3: it tries to cast
Dodge, but since it is on CD, it tries the next line. Since aura
Nature's Ward is active, it goes to the next line and casts
Alpha Strike, and so on.
To summarize: each line is read sequentially until it finds a command that can be executed. The challenge here is writing scripts able to cast the spells according to the desired strategy.
3. Script creation
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3.1 The editor
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The easiest way to write a script is when you are doing a pet battle with a team previously saved on Rematch.
After starting the fight, open Rematch, right click over the corresponding team and select 'Write script'.
It will open a new window, the 'Script editor'. During the battle, and while the script editor is active it is possible to write a script using the auto-complete feature.
With the script editor opened and during a fight, start typing the desired action and it will soon show an dropdown list.
After selecting an action (type Enter or click over the action) a new list with the abilities available to the active pet will be shown.
Again, select the desired ability and if needed add the conditions when this action will be executed. Start by typing a bracket '[' followed by the first letter of the condition. Options are a target (self, enemy) or weather.
Anyway, a new list will be shown, it there is any.
In case there are additional required parameters, as with auras, a new list will be shown. As before, select the appropriate option.
Once you are familiar with the commands, you might just type the command followed by a dot to activate the dropdownlist with the available options. Remember to close the condition with a bracket: ']'.
Writing and editing a script is not difficult itself since the addon makes it very easy with the dropdown lists. Good luck!
3.2 Actions
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use: casts an ability
change: changes active pets
catch: catches a pet, if possible
standby: pass a round
quit: quits the fight
3.3 Conditions
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Conditions are written between brackets ([condition]):
if &
3.4 Target
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self: checks a condition on your own pets
enemy: checks for a condition on your enemy's pet
3.5 Functions
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dead (boolean)
exists (boolean)
hp (compare)
hp.can_explode (boolean)
hp.full (boolean)
hp.high (boolean)
hp.low (boolean)
hpp (compare)
aura.exists (boolean)
aura.duration (compare)
weather (boolean)
weather.duration (compare)
active (boolean)
ability.usable (boolean)
ability.duration (compare)
ability.strong (boolean)
ability.weak (boolean)
ability.type (equality)
round (boolean)
played (boolean)
speed (compare)
speed.fast (boolean)
speed.slow (boolean)
level (compare)
level.max (boolean)
power (compare)
type (equality)
quality (compare)
id (equality)
is (boolean)
4. Pratical examples
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Although the script helps a lot with its auto-complete feature, it won't be enough to write good scripts. It is a good idea to choose a fight and play with the script editor until you feel more confident with the commands and becomes able to write more complex scripts. Below there will be some examples taken from pet battlers using specific strategies. It is assumed that the team is loaded, the abilities are the ones mentioned on the strategy guide, and that the recommended pet is being used, not an equivalent.
4.1 Wailing Critters
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The Wailing Critters dungeon offers a nice opportunity to start improving your skills. Until you win the last fight the dungeon is repeatable and you might leave the dungeon, heal, and restart. There is also some random pets in the back row, but only a few families and abilities. The first 3 fights require only one pet with a fixed set of abilities, turning it into a nice place to practice your skills. The script might work for most of the fight where the same pet+abilities are being used, making it a very useful script. The link for the strategy is
The strategy:
Prio 1: Keep Emerald Presence active
Prio 2: Use Emerald Dream when you drop below ~1000 health
Prio 3: Emerald Bite
use(Emerald Presence:597)
use(Emerald Dream:598)
use(Emerald Bite:525)
As it is written, the script will cast
Emerald Presence every time it is available. This ability does not have a CD, so we have to add a condition that prevents it from casting if the aura is already present.
The only conditions available are the 'aura(
Emerald Presence).exists' or 'aura(
Emerald Presence).duration'. The condition that seems to fit the strategy better is the first one.
After writing it, we would have
use(Emerald Presence:597) [self(#1Emerald Proto-Whelp).aura(Emerald Presence).exists], which could be read as "cast
Emerald Presence if my
Emerald Proto-Whelp has
Emerald Presence active".
We want the opposite of that, so deny the condition by using a '!' before the target:
use(Emerald Presence:597) [!self(#1Emerald Proto-Whelp).aura(Emerald Presence).exists], translating into "cast
Emerald Presence if my
Emerald Proto-Whelp does NOT have
Emerald Presence active". Yay!
use(Emerald Presence:597) [!self(Emerald Proto-Whelp).aura(Emerald Presence).exists]
Next step: as of now, the script will cast
Emerald Dream on CD, which might not be required, specially at the beginning of the fight. Let's add the condition that will cast the ability once your whelp is low on health.
use(Emerald Dream:598) [self(Emerald Proto-Whelp).hp<1000]
You might choose to heal your whelp if it is below an amount expressed in percents, and not a fixed amount:
use(Emerald Dream:598) [self(Emerald Proto-Whelp).hpp<50]
This last condition will cast
Emerald Dream if your Whelp is below 50% health.
The final script:
use(Emerald Presence:597) [!self(Emerald Proto-Whelp).aura(Emerald Presence).exists]
use(Emerald Dream:598) [self(Emerald Proto-Whelp).hp<1000]
use(Emerald Bite:525)
If your proto-whelp dies you may change it to another equivalent pet with the same abilities, and the script will keep working. To change pets add the following line:
change(#2) [self(#1).dead] (change to pet number 2 if my pet number 1 is dead)
Now, some remarks about the way the script is written.
- If your team has two Emerald Proto-Whelp, the script might not work as expected if you change pets. To avoid problems, instead of naming it, give it the team position, or just use the 'self' target. This will also allow you to use a different pet with the same skills, like the Dream Whelpling or the Emerald Whelpling
- Do not use a slot number for abilities. It might cause problems if you use an alternative pet whose abilites are on different slot positions, like the Zandalari pets where the abilites Hunting Party and Black Claw sometimes are on a different tier.
- Use either the ability's code number or both name and code. Some players might use a localized version of the game, and for them the script will not work if you use only the name of the abilities
- You might leave only the abilities code number, which will result in a shorter script, but it is not necessary
A suggestion for all scripts (change to the appropriate team slot):
change(#2) [self(#1).dead]
use(Emerald Presence:597) [!self.aura(Emerald Presence:823).exists]
use(Emerald Dream:598) [self.hp<1000]
use(Emerald Bite:525)
4.2 Small fragments
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Scripts are written for a specific strategy, but there are many common actions that can be use in many scripts. Adjust them to your needs, checking for the right conditions, and apply them when suitable.
standby [round=1]
- Change pet to leveling and back (change slot numbers where appropriate):
change(#2) [self(#1).dead & !self(#2).played]
change(#3) [self(#2).active]
- Use a dodge ability to block an enemy's ability (in this case, Burrow)
use(Deflection:490) [enemy.aura(Underground:340).exists]
- Change the use of abilities depending on active enemy pet
If the enemy's pets are the first or second, you pet will cast
Breath. Once the third pet enters the fight, your pet will cast
Bombing Run on CD and
Decoy if your enemy uses
if [enemy(#3).active]
use(Decoy) [enemy.aura(Underground:340).exists]
use(Bombing Run)
5. Resources
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You must be logged in to vote on commentsDerwol wrote on 2024-10-28 11:43:48
You must be logged in to vote on commentsVoz#1249
wrote on 2024-12-02 05:41:36
However, the actual ability ID is not required. You can get away with just:
use(Curse of Doom)
or even
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZadTheGlad
wrote on 2023-05-01 14:56:17
I'm trying to write a script for my 'Silence' team which is 'Eye of Corruption' in #1 spot, 'Iron Starlette' in #2 spot, and level 1 carry pet in #3 spot. It works well up until the point where I want Iron Starlette to change from Wind-up to Powerball - it just keeps on repeating Wind-Up. Could anyone please give me an idea of what's missing?
Here's the script:
use(Life Exchange:277)
use(Nether Blast:608)
change(Iron Starlette:1387)
Thanks in advance :-)
After repeatedly 'having a bash' and editing the script myself, I finally got it to work as I wanted ☺ Here's the working version:
# Pet Battle Scripts
# Version: 2
# Name: Silence
# Data: XjFeVF5TcGx1Z2luXlNSZW1hdGNoXlNrZXleTjE1NDkxMl5TZXh0cmFeU1NpbGVuY2U6NE45MDoyMjI4Mk9LOjExMjcxQkI6Wkw6XnReXg==
# Code Start
use(Life Exchange:277)
use(Nether Blast:608)
use(Wind-Up:459) [round=4]
use(Wind-Up:459) [round=5]
use(Powerball:566) [round=6]
use(Explode:282) [round=7]
# Code End
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLoeve wrote on 2018-11-22 13:53:57
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEekwibble
wrote on 2018-11-22 21:02:36
TDScripts work on the same principle but with a much easier to understand code. Scripts are for the actual battles themselves. They are the code the game uses to apply the moves you select.
I find it easiest to think of it as the 'TD' standing for 'Top Down', meaning the code written will read from the top line to the bottom, and as each conditional is met - i.e.; your pet does something (or doesn't, if the command was 'standby') - the script restarts at the top.
Rematch is an addon that allows for easier customisation of pets for specific battles than the standard UI;
tdBattlePetScript is a plug-in for Rematch that allows specific moves to be used in a programmed format to complete battles at the repeated press of a single button (that makes it sound boring; it isn't... It's awesome...).
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMalhado
wrote on 2023-01-24 21:26:32
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMatt705 wrote on 2022-08-25 00:22:54
Anybody else getting this? Thanks in advance.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJackie#1107
wrote on 2022-10-02 07:37:39
You must be logged in to vote on commentsnataliem#2255
wrote on 2018-04-28 04:04:38
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPrudentius
wrote on 2018-08-02 13:34:40
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMot
wrote on 2022-08-13 12:38:10
(I ask because I started playing WoW with Legion, so I wasn't aware of these things at the time).
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEllencia#3986
wrote on 2021-11-01 21:56:04
I couldn't find ID anyway.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPhoenixFire wrote on 2022-01-01 20:54:33
You must be logged in to vote on commentsCloud
wrote on 2021-07-05 00:44:03
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMot
wrote on 2020-12-29 09:06:14
You must be logged in to vote on commentsCithan#2540
wrote on 2020-12-26 07:41:46
You must be logged in to vote on commentsCithan#2540
wrote on 2020-12-26 10:26:56
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFrostyuwu
wrote on 2020-09-16 02:27:41
use(Life Exchange:277)
use(Amplify Magic:488)
use(Amplify Magic:488)
use(Life Exchange:277)
change(Brilliant Spore:1540)
change(Jade Owl:845)
use(Hawk Eye:521)
this is for Pearlhusk Krawler
Pearlhusk Crawler (NPC#154914)
1: Mini Mindslayer (1,1,2)
2: Brilliant Spore (1,1,2)
3: Jade Owl (1,2,1)
So at the eyeblast step before changing to spore, sometimes mindlayer dies and sometimes lives, regardless, if you switch to the next pet, and use the abilities stated, it's still a win. However, when i run the code, it doesn't work. If mindslayer lives, I still want to switch to the spore and continue with explode. What happens is that it either doesn't change pets, or the spore is not using the ability assigned, and I don't know how to fix it. Maybe this can't be a code because of the rng? Thanks for the help.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRubberfruit wrote on 2020-11-26 17:06:02
use(Life Exchange:277) [round ~ 1, 7]
use(Amplify Magic:488)
change(Brilliant Spore:1540)
change(Jade Owl:845)
use(Hawk Eye:521) [!self.aura(Hawk Eye:520).exists]
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRubberfruit wrote on 2020-11-26 16:45:55
ability(id) [self.hp <= enemy.hp] does not work (edited)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHmoff
wrote on 2020-11-12 00:25:33
So I'm hunting Rare's in Ice crown and I'm seeing a lot of cockroaches teams.
So what I wanna do is
have my leveling pet in slot 1 and Dart level 25 beast is slot 2
use skill 1 or pass then switch to dart and use skill 1 and when enemy pet has less then 450 HP use skill 2 devour and then back to skill 1 and so on and so on
You must be logged in to vote on commentsraga#2470
wrote on 2020-10-28 07:49:49
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDarkironman wrote on 2020-10-17 19:29:33
You must be logged in to vote on commentssquishy930
wrote on 2020-10-18 13:14:24
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThreewolves
wrote on 2020-07-31 19:01:04
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2020-07-31 21:16:23
1: Humanoid
2: Dragonkin
3: Flying
4: Undead
5: Critter
6: Magic
7: Elemental
8: Beast
9: Aquatic
10: Mechanical
You must be logged in to vote on commentsShenk
wrote on 2020-08-01 06:57:01
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThreewolves
wrote on 2020-08-01 19:19:49
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZurdo
wrote on 2020-07-15 13:07:57
quit [enemy(#1).quality!=4 & enemy(#2).quality!=4 & enemy(#3).quality!=4]
quit [enemy(#1).quality!=4 & enemy(#2).quality!=4 & !enemy(#3).exists]
quit [enemy(#1).quality!=4 & !enemy(#2).exists & !enemy(#3).exists]
test(Rare pet found!)
Will quit on press if no rare found, if found, need to quit manually and battle with team of your choice.
Enjoy hunting (edited)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAmber1019
wrote on 2020-03-12 10:17:18
For example, I need the aura ID for "Pumped Up" that striders get after using the ability "Pump" (ID:297).
I'm wanting my moths to use their Cocoon Strike (ID: 506) if "Pumped Up" is found to be an active aura on the enemy team. But Rematch doesn't put abilities IDs in auras/buffs.
Would be great if the TD Script addon could record your moves and create a script for you, somehow. :( lol
Edit/Update: I remembered that wowhead has spell IDs in its URL for spells/auras/etc.
For example, Pumped Up is ID 296, as seen in this URL:
I'd still appreciate if anyone else knows of ways to get IDs of things Rematch doesn't give. (edited)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsShenk
wrote on 2020-03-12 11:03:08
the easiest way to see the ID is by just using in ingame within a script, since td will give you the auto-fill option that also adds the aura's ID by itself
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAmber1019
wrote on 2020-03-14 10:04:42
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPankracy#2378
wrote on 2020-02-23 06:17:43
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLazey
wrote on 2020-02-23 15:01:18
If that is not for you, it would be best to link/describe a specific situation/fight that you want to do try to write a script for (or want to understand an existing one). And maybe use the Discord that is linked on the front page, formatting/editing is easier there.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPankracy#2378
wrote on 2020-02-27 10:20:13
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTheaxx
wrote on 2020-01-25 17:32:02
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLazey
wrote on 2020-01-25 17:52:08
Since we're in the tdBPS section I guess you have it installed, so another easy way (especially for enemy pets) is to start the fight and open the script editor and then start typing something like "if [ enem" and then let the AutoFill do it's magic. If you select the names it should add the Species-ID too. (edited)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSarah wrote on 2019-02-17 04:13:06
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPuny
wrote on 2019-12-30 11:19:24
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2019-12-30 15:23:08
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSally wrote on 2019-09-23 17:54:54
I need to use kick on the round after he used "Death Bleat", when the ability has 7 turns cooldown. I have not found anything in the API to check for cooldown left.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRemte
wrote on 2019-09-24 02:37:34
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2019-09-24 09:38:11
You can go about that in one of two ways:
ability(Kick:307) [enemy.aura
Using this method, you need to wait until Eleanor has done the first round of Death Bleat. Once they do the first round, and you start typing in aura for the script, it should give you a list of all the auras on Eleanor, and one of them should be whatever comes up for their first round of Death Bleat. It would end up looking like:
ability(Kick:307) [enemy.aura(Whatever the Aura's Name is Here).exists]
Or, as Remte pointed out, if the CD doesn't start until the damage is released, you'd need to do something like this:
ability(Kick:307) [enemy.ability(Death Bleat's Code Here).duration=8]
You'll get the specific code for Eleanor's Death Bleat when you start typing in ability. I only have player pet codes copied down, and not enemy pets, so I can't say what the code will look like.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJaneDoe wrote on 2019-03-24 01:34:30
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLazey
wrote on 2019-04-12 04:33:42
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHodaress wrote on 2019-03-10 20:36:50
That is, which file is modified. I've backed up my teams and thought I was also backing up my scripts. However, during the most recent WoW update, my WTF folder was corrupted and I had to restore from an earlier version I had saved to a different hard drive last month. This WTF folder had all of my saved teams and scripts but although the teams restored, the scripts did not. So, I'm look for where the scripts are stored so I can also back that file up also.
Any suggestions?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLazey
wrote on 2019-04-12 04:22:55
You must be logged in to vote on commentsWazzak
wrote on 2018-05-11 09:20:04
You must be logged in to vote on commentsWazzak
wrote on 2018-05-11 11:28:47
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKiwicat#21513
wrote on 2018-12-03 22:39:51
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKiwicat#21513
wrote on 2018-12-03 22:33:23
I created my first script today and it was so satisfying when I finally got it to succeed. In the beginning, all the commands made no sense to me, but now its like I learned a new language ^^
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBevansDesign#1728
wrote on 2018-09-12 17:33:54
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEekwibble
wrote on 2018-09-12 21:07:35
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBevansDesign#1728
wrote on 2018-09-28 15:25:13
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKranthos
wrote on 2018-11-12 18:10:30
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEekwibble
wrote on 2018-11-13 21:17:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKranthos
wrote on 2018-11-14 10:52:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEekwibble
wrote on 2018-11-14 19:05:09
It is to have the opening line read:
change(next) [ self(#1).dead and !self(#3).played ]
and have the carry pet in the 2nd slot, that way its attack never gets used.
There are other ways and most of them involve putting the swap commands at the start of the script.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHarleyDoc
wrote on 2018-10-10 16:19:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKilldozer wrote on 2018-10-15 08:42:55
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKranthos
wrote on 2018-11-05 10:36:13
You must be logged in to vote on commentsanon wrote on 2018-09-08 16:37:28
1. start of the fight check if ENEMY team pet 1 2 3 one of them is RARE it will start fight else it will forfeit the fight
2. if the current enemy pet you're fighting is poor/common/uncommon it will kill it and when it gets to rare pet it will damage it under >35?% or whatever the catch % is and try to capture it
pets to use
any pet with superbark / weakening blow
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKranthos
wrote on 2018-11-03 11:45:44
quit [ enemy(#1).quality!~Rare,4 & enemy(#2).quality!~Rare,4 & enemy(#3).quality!~Rare,4 ]
if [ enemy.quality~Rare,4 ]
use(Weakening Blow:826)
test(This section is for, e.g., an Emerald Protowhelp#2,2,2) [ round<1 ]
use(Emerald Presence:597) [ !self.aura(Emerald Presence:823).exists ]
use(Emerald Dream:598) [ self.hpp<50 ]
use(Emerald Bite:525)
test(This section is for, e.g., a Darkmoon Tonk#1,1,2) [ round<1 ]
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=488 & enemy.type~Elemental,7 ]
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=732 & enemy.type!~Beast,8 ]
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=1098 ]
use(Shock and Awe:646)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKranthos
wrote on 2018-11-03 12:01:17
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=1098 & enemy.type~Beast,8 ]
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=732 & enemy.type!~Elemental,7 ]
use(Ion Cannon:209) [ enemy.hp<=488 ]
You must be logged in to vote on commentsgannymede wrote on 2018-09-09 16:55:59
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPrudentius
wrote on 2018-08-30 14:21:45
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSloober
wrote on 2018-08-04 17:13:29
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-08-04 18:43:17
You must be logged in to vote on commentsgsanta
wrote on 2018-08-03 08:38:23
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-08-03 09:28:58
You must be logged in to vote on commentsIvanella#1279
wrote on 2018-08-03 07:35:33
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJameskirkt wrote on 2023-03-06 14:43:58
Un conseil intégrez kkun qui connais la cognition ou l'érgonomie.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFalchor#2647
wrote on 2018-09-26 09:03:42
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThomasHah wrote on 2019-09-07 15:37:34
You must be logged in to vote on commentslrywlus wrote on 2019-05-20 23:39:30
New Comment: