vs. Beast

Strategy added by Shenk



Strategy 1 of 8
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Incl. steps:

Beast 0
Special or not:0Special or not:122016609182316600

Skills: 2 2 *
Breed: Any

Fel Pup
This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
SS 1319 276 325

Special or not:0Special or not:122217599818317590

Skills: 2 2 2
Breed: Any

Thaumaturgical Piglet
This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
PS 1481 289 273

Special or not:0Special or not:122116629314316620

Skills: 2 2 1
Breed: Any

Cinder Pup
This pet can have the following breeds:

Breed Health Power Speed
PP 1237 341 276

Because beasts struggle against mechanical and flying pets there are two pets in this team that can counter those. Fel Pup deals slightly higher damage against mechanicals whereas the Thaumaturgical Piglet can absolutely wreck flying pets. The 3rd pet really is just a filler to get some diversity in.

At least one of the pets for this strategy require the use of a specific breed.
Not every strategy can be bullet proof. This is one of them. You might have to restart it, since there are some random elements that increase the risk of your pets failing. Don't blame them, please!
This strategy is using pets obtainable from the Wow Trading Card Game (TCG) or the auction house for potentially high sums of gold.
This strategy is using pets obtainable only from the WoW In-Game Shop for Battle.net Balance or real money.
You can use this strategy to carry a low level pet to give it experience.
Some instructions are more difficult to follow than others. That's exactly what you might find in this strategy!
The strategy offers a Script that can be used with the Pet Battle Script addon. You can copy the script by clicking on the button to the left of the pets.
At least one pet in the strategy cannot be obtained anymore. If you have it, congrats!
A Strategy Curator found this strategy to be especially helpful and higlighted it with this tag to give it more exposure.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Strategy Details
2021-02-20 15:59:22
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2019-03-06 13:18:18
The strategy was created on this date.
Pageviews. This number indicates how often this strategy has been accessed by visitors.
Fel Pup
Always dot the target with Fel Immolate or spam it against mechs. Both 3rd slot abilities are tricky and can either work great or be pointless, so decide for yourself what suits you.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Fel Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Cinder Pup
Flame Breath
Bring in your Fel Pup
Bring in your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Bring in your Cinder Pup
Swap to your Fel Pup
Swap to your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Swap to your Cinder Pup
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Fel Pup
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Cinder Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Flame Breath
T Piglet
This beast is meant to give fliers a hard time. Not only deals Arcane Dash already a lot of damage but it can also result in a stun which can turn the course of a battle. Use Pig Out as often as it won't overheal.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Fel Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Cinder Pup
Flame Breath
Bring in your Fel Pup
Bring in your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Bring in your Cinder Pup
Swap to your Fel Pup
Swap to your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Swap to your Cinder Pup
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Fel Pup
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Cinder Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Flame Breath
Note that the beast racial also affects the healing.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Fel Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Cinder Pup
Flame Breath
Bring in your Fel Pup
Bring in your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Bring in your Cinder Pup
Swap to your Fel Pup
Swap to your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Swap to your Cinder Pup
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Fel Pup
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Cinder Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Flame Breath
Cinder Pup
Simply use the abilities whenever they are off cooldown: Crouch>Volcano>Flame Breath

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Fel Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Cinder Pup
Flame Breath
Bring in your Fel Pup
Bring in your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Bring in your Cinder Pup
Swap to your Fel Pup
Swap to your Thaumaturgical Piglet
Swap to your Cinder Pup
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Fel Pup
Thaumaturgical Piglet
Cinder Pup
Diseased Bite
Fel Immolate
Ooze Touch
Pig Out
Arcane Dash
Flame Breath

Blintz wrote on 2021-09-20 09:59:40

Pretty much none of these strats work, they're all outdated and don't apply to SL content. the majority of the teams you face, with any of the family brawler comps, can't compete to the broken teams people are queuing with in the "meta"

Anonymous wrote on 2021-04-02 19:30:18

not working for me. 15 combats, only one win


wrote on 2021-02-15 21:41:16

This team has been performing well for me, but the Fel Pup's howl seems to only last for one round, and I can't figure out why.

(OP) Shenk

wrote on 2021-02-20 16:00:08

so howl increased the damage of the next hit OR dot. you probably had fel immolate on the enemy and the damage tick used up the howl

Dorelei wrote on 2021-02-04 04:21:45

Great team--10 wins with only 4 losses, all against mechanical teams.

Just want to give a shout out for using Vengeance in Fel Pup's third slot--it was very satisfying to be able to counter big hitters with my own comeback.


wrote on 2020-08-03 16:09:21

I had off an on success with this one. I had my clock cleaned with an all Death Adder Hatchling team so I used the T Piglet from this one in conjunction with the Death Adder H and a Rose Taipan and had a much better success rate.


wrote on 2020-08-04 06:49:38

Yes, three of anything makes for a bad PvP team. Such a team is always improved by replacing at least one of the three by a counter to whatever counters the other two.

Now make the next step, and replace another of your DAHs!

(OP) Shenk

wrote on 2020-08-04 08:52:46

well if they have one DAH and a rose taipan there are no duplicates, right?
aight i find the door on my own... (edited)


wrote on 2020-08-04 12:24:49



wrote on 2019-08-28 16:15:41

Lost against a team of 3 mechanicals and had some bad luck vs 2 unborn valkyr and a ruby droplet. Won almost everything else. Very nice strategy,

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