
Einführung: PvP Kämpfe


Aranesh, Rosqo, Shenk

Ennin, Ratsch#21832


1. Einleitung
2. Dunkelheit heibeirufen
3. Fallen
4. AoE/Cleave
5. "Clone Dance" (Wirbeltanz)
6. Leeching (Verseuchtes Blut)
7. Giftige Dämpfe
8. Heilen & Hinhalten

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 2022-05-06

Die Meta überleben!

1. Einleitung

In diesem Teil des PvP-Teils wollen wir dich auf das aktuelle Meta-Spiel vorbereiten, das du gegen zufällige Gegner spielen wirst. Weiter unten findest du eine einfache Liste mit einigen der beliebtesten und stärksten Teamzusammenstellungen. Wir erklären ihre Funktionsweise und nennen auch einige Fähigkeiten/Haustiere, mit denen diese Teams gespielt werden, sowie Vorschläge, wie man den genannten Strategien begegnen kann.

Außerdem dient dieser Artikel als Plattform, auf der du deine Lieblings-PvP-Teams hochladen kannst, damit andere darüber diskutieren können, oder um Leuten zu helfen, die Schwierigkeiten haben, selbst gute Teams zusammenzustellen. Auf der linken Seite siehst du verschiedene Kategorien, in denen gesprochene Teams hochgeladen werden können.

Bitte beachte, dass je nach Region ein anderes Meta-Gameplay erwartet werden kann. Daher sind beide Listen - die schriftliche Einführung und die Kategorien des Strategieerstellungstools - nie als abgeschlossen zu betrachten und werden sich mit dem Meta und euren Vorschlägen zu Themen, die in diesem Artikel fehlen, weiterentwickeln.

Wir hoffen, dass wir den PvP-Haustierkampf für dich attraktiver machen können und freuen uns darauf, deine Meinungen und dein Wissen zu lesen, um es zu teilen und zu verbessern.
-Shenk & Rosqo

Hier werden wir die häufigsten Strategien und hervorgehobenen Fähigkeiten durchgehen, mit denen du in der PvP-Warteschlange konfrontiert wirst, und wie du deine Teams aufstellst, um ihnen zu begegnen.

2. Dunkelheit heibeirufen

Dunkelheit herbeirufen ist die stärkste Wetterfähigkeit überhaupt. Außerdem hat sie mehrere Fähigkeiten, die extrem gut mit ihr zusammenarbeiten: Nächtlicher Schlag, Geisterstoß, Überraschungsangriff, Woge des Lichts, Licht und Wut der 1000 Fäuste. Die meisten Dunkelheitsteams haben mindestens ein fliegendes Tier mit Dunkelheit herbeirufen und Nächtlicher Schlag und den Rest mit etwas anderem, das durch Dunkelheit oder Blendungseffekte gestärkt wird. Diese Kombinationen sind schwer zu kontern, da die Teams sehr stark sind.

Häufige Haustiere: Knochenschlange, ein beliebiger Nächtlicher Schlag Flieger mit 292+ Geschwindigkeit oder 300+ Kraft wie Küken des Schreckens, Frostpelzratte, Nachtschattensprössling, Spektraler Rabe, Zwielix, Schatten, Seele der Aspekte

Konter: Wetterwechsel (2+), Elementare, Blocken/Ablenken/Ausweichen für die großen Combo-Treffer, Woge des Lichts, Wildtiere mit starkem Magieschaden (nehmen weniger Schaden von Dunkelheit herbeirufen und kontere den Flieger z.B. Thaumaturgisches Ferkel)

3. Fallen

Fallen sind in der Theorie vom RNG abhängig, aber in den meisten Kämpfen funktionieren sie ziemlich zuverlässig. Oft werden sowohl Magmafalle als auch Schnappfalle sofort ausgelöst und verursachen nicht wenig Schaden und betäuben das betroffene Tier für eine ganze Runde. Das verschafft dir einen großen Vorteil. Fallen sind außerdem schwer zu kontern, weil sie unberechenbar sind und ausgelöst werden, wenn sie entfernt werden.

Häufige Haustiere: Loderhund, Mini-Ragnaros, Magmawüterchen, Zunderwelpe, Neugieriger Wolvarwelpe, Federsprunghüpfer

Konter: Kleintiere, Arkane Winde (z.B. Arkaner Sturm), Ausweichen & Blocken Fähigkeiten (können trotzdem fehlschlagen) ->Hinweis: Bannen oder Entfernen löst die Falle aus!

4. AoE/Cleave

Diese Art von Teams ist derzeit die beliebteste, und zwar aus mehreren Gründen. AoE ist einfach zu spielen, oft sehr effektiv, kann ohne einen direkten Konter schwer zu schlagen sein und du kannst es sogar mit sehr billigen Haustieren spielen. Die Stärke eines solchen Teams liegt darin, das gesamte gegnerische Team gleichzeitig zu töten. Das kann auch gegen sie verwendet werden, denn diese Spieler spammen oft nichts anderes als Cleaves, was gegen Haustiere, die tanky sind oder eine gute Selbstheilung haben, schwierig ist.

Häufige Haustiere: Faulatem, Infernalische Pyroklaue, Zwielichtgelegeschwester, XT der Kleine, Monstrositätchen

Konter: Sandsturm, Team-Blocks (z.B. Rauchbombe), Blendungseffekte, Reflektions-/Stacheleffekte (z.B. Brüchiges Netz), Team-Heilung, Schwäche/Glas mit stinkender Flüssigkeit, Haustiere mit hoher PS

5. "Clone Dance" (Wirbeltanz)

Die Clone Dance-Strategie deckt guten Einzelziel- und Teamschaden ab, was sie so erfolgreich macht. Die Kernidee ist, einen Wirbelsturm zu beschwören und ihn dann mit einem Buff zu verstärken, der deine Trefferchance erhöht. In den meisten Fällen ist das ein Regentanz (daher der Name "Clone Dance" oder im Deutschen der Wirbeltanz).

Übliche Wirbelsturm Haustiere: Seuchenfalke, Ewiger Welpling, P/P Bussarde oder Adler (z.B. Königsfederjungvogel), Küstenschmetterling, Wildes Goldschlangenjunges/Wildes Jadeschlangenjunges

Gewöhnliche Stärkungs-Haustiere: Jadenebeltänzer, Poda, P/P-Tukane (z.B. Blutschnabel), Königspfauenjunges, Junger Sandsieber

Konter: Schwächungszauber entfernen, Sandsturm, Drachen, Blockieren oder Blenden des Wirbelsturms, Minenfelder (außer gegen Jadenebeltänzer), jegliche Wellenangriffe (z.B. Magmawelle)

6. Leeching (Verseuchtes Blut)

Anstelle von direkten Heilfähigkeiten setzt diese Strategie auf die Anwendung von Stärkungszaubern oder Schwächungszaubern wie Verseuchtes Blut, die den Angreifer heilen, sobald er das betroffene Haustier trifft. Auf diese Weise kann ein Team von schwer verletzten Haustieren mitten im Kampf wieder volle oder hohe Gesundheit erlangen und trotzdem noch Schaden verursachen. Wenn du es jedoch nicht schaffst, geschwächte Haustiere zu treffen, wird der Zweck dieser Strategie zunichte gemacht und die Chance auf einen Sieg sinkt. Daher kommen oft Gedankenspiele zum Einsatz.

Häufige Haustiere: Sohn von Sethe, Rubinrotes Tröpfchen, Verseuchter Welpling, Sohn des Animus, Geistermade, Knöchelschnapper der Zandalari

Konter: Dunkelheit herbeirufen, Sandsturm, Ausweichen/Blocken/Blenden für Berührung des Animus oder andere vampirische Fähigkeiten mit Abklingzeit, Reflektieren (z.B. Gifthaut)

7. Giftige Dämpfe

Toxische Dämpfe ist das neueste Wetter in Patch 8.3. Es hat zwei Effekte: Es verlängert die Dauer aller Schaden-über-Zeit-Effekte(DoTs) um eine Runde (das Gegenteil von reinigendem Regen) und alle Haustiere werden als vergiftet betrachtet. Das macht sie zu einer vielseitigen Fähigkeit, denn es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, von ihr zu profitieren. Ansteckungsschlag und Bisswunde sind die einzigen beiden Fähigkeiten, die gegen ein vergiftetes Ziel stärker sind, aber da alle Haustiere mit diesen Fähigkeiten selbst Gifte anwenden können, ist diese Kombination nicht besonders stark. Die wirkungsvolleren Synergien ergeben sich aus DoTs, die früher durch eine kurze Wirkungsdauer ausgeglichen wurden und durch Toxische Dämpfe mit einer zusätzlichen Wirkungsrunde extrem stark sein können. Beispiele dafür sind Giftprotokoll, Großer Stich oder Korrosion.

Gewöhnliche Haustiere: Anomalus, Klagender Peitscher, Leerenvernarbte Heuschrecke, Moderhauch

Konter: Wetterumschwünge (2+, insbesondere Sandsturm), Aquatische gegen DoT-Teams, Teamheilungen gegen DoT-Teams (z.B. Packende Melodie), Schilde (z.B. Eisenhaut)

Beachte, dass ab 8.3.0 die Rasse von Elementar-Haustieren nicht für Toxische Dämpfe richtig funktioniert. Bei einigen Fähigkeiten funktioniert es, bei anderen nicht (z.B. Bisswunde).

8. Heilen & Hinhalten

Meistens handelt es sich dabei um Teams, die wenig bis gar keine Fähigkeiten benötigen und das Spiel unnötig in die Länge ziehen. Sie spammen eine Menge Heil- und Blockfähigkeiten, um dich entweder daran zu hindern, Schaden zu verursachen oder den Schaden, den du verursachen kannst, zu übertreffen. Wir wollen dieses Verhalten wirklich nicht unterstützen, aber da die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch ist, dass du auf sie triffst, listen wir sie der Vollständigkeit halber auf. Nicht jedes Haustier, das in diese Kategorie fällt, ist negativ für die Meta und kann für sich genommen eine gute und vernünftige Wahl sein, aber ein ganzes Team auf dieses Thema auszurichten, ist toxisch und sollte aus Gründen des fairen Sportsgeistes vermieden werden.

Häufige Fähigkeiten: Photosynthese+Sonnenlicht-Kombinationen (z.B. Blühendes Urtum), Lockvogel-Spam, alles, was Wunsch benutzt, Humanoide mit Feuerbrand, Blut abzapfen zusammen mit Sonnenlicht

Konter: Dunkelheit herbeirufen oder andere Heilungsreduzierung, Wurzeleffekte (z.B. Klebriger Glibber), erzwungene Tauschaktionen, starke Einzelzieltreffer (z.B. Pumpen)


schrieb am 2023-09-26 03:40:02

Does anyone have a decent PVP team that consists of super rare pets? I want to play with them and there aren't many I am missing. Just for funzies...has anyone made a cool team with really hard to get pets?


schrieb am 2023-09-12 00:13:56

Right now, the cookie-cutter flavor of the week seems to be ragnaros, twilight & nexus whelping. I've been trying to do all the family brawler achievements, and thus far it's hard bc next to none of them I'm beating this cookie-cutter combo atm. It's very disheartening. :(

denny schrieb am 2023-08-08 07:44:23

is there any strategy, for faster pvp wins for the 5k achievement ? if i found anyone that can que with me at the same time, still works ?


schrieb am 2023-09-08 04:28:16

i have 20+ strats i swap each turn throwing people off that win 90% of the time every team has a weakness and can be beaten so no one team is ultimate


schrieb am 2023-06-12 01:55:04

I found a good team to counter teh popular darkness teams. I kept coming up against Gilnean Raven, Spectral Cat, and Blind Rat teams. So I built a team to counter each one of those with Void Anubisath, Core Hound Pup, and Thaumaturgical Piglet. Worked like a charm.


schrieb am 2022-11-19 17:34:27

Hi Everyone! Happy new expansion! Looks like Derangement's Pet Battle Cooldowns has stopped working and it's not been updated for a while. Do you folks know of a replacement for this. It's kinda important in PVP Pet battles. <3

Gethiel schrieb am 2022-01-18 08:35:50

When will we be able to publish our own pvp battle team, I guess these pvp teams are a bit outdated. It would be cool if anyone could publish his own team. And people would upvote (or downvote)


schrieb am 2022-01-18 09:42:24

You can create and publish your own teams right now.

You just have to register as a user of the site, and then you have the ability to create strats.


schrieb am 2022-01-21 15:48:13

u can add your own teams just like you can do in any of the pve sections on this site


schrieb am 2021-07-09 18:52:36

I was in a pvp match just now and i don't know what was going on, bug or exploit.

female panda using resilient roach, cockroach, and dust bunny.

first cast was apocalypse, i replied. somehow 14 rounds were skipped w/o me being able to do anything and my pet died. same thing happened to my next 2 pets. pet #2 had 6 rounds skipped then the next apocalypse was cast, i replied and another 5 rounds skipped letting sandstorm drop off. skips continued until the apocalypse landed again. repeated for the 3rd pet.

the skips kept rolling in my pet battle combat log without any of my pets' abilities being usable . ???????

I don't know how i would even report this to blizzard if it is an exploit.


schrieb am 2021-07-09 19:18:58

LOL! The does indeed sound like the current bug. See front page. Never heard of it being related to Apoc, but I wouldn't be surprised.


schrieb am 2021-07-09 19:39:39

I'd guess that they were using fast pets with apocalypse and then just skipping until it hits.
To play around the bug to some extent try always first abilities, fast fliers and speed increase abilities such as leap or adrenaline rush. Basically if you're faster then you control if the bug occurs or not.


schrieb am 2021-07-10 00:39:51

i thought the bug was only in pve battles? intentionally using a bug to do content is in blizzard;s definition of exploiting


schrieb am 2021-07-10 01:19:44

The bug is innocent of any discrimination. It affects all battles equally!

I suppose you could try to report it. There is a way, I remember, even though you can't right-click the usual way. I looked it up once. Be sure to include the character/realn you were playing, and the EXACT time. Probably the species used in the teams as well.

Personally, I wouldn't bother, It'll be over soon.


schrieb am 2021-07-10 02:19:48

It's a waste of time reporting players because the bug happens during regular play not just intentional exploiting.


schrieb am 2021-12-21 10:24:25

I'm thinking the OP was considering reporting it to Bliz as just a bug in the game, rather than as their opponent acting unfairly. (editiert)

Kals schrieb am 2021-01-02 13:53:19

Any updates soon on good pet teams and rotation?
Seems like most of the current ones are barely working 1/4 matches

anays schrieb am 2021-05-14 11:22:54

Second this. The current teams are outdated and is often countered.
Would be nice to see some new teams with an optimal rotation, rather than just a tier list.


schrieb am 2021-05-14 12:39:26

The word "outdated", when used without specifics, doesn't convey anything that would allow someone to help you.

It depends what you're facing. All of the teams I've looked at here seem viable in general, but the current meta is Sandstorm/Weather, or Anomalus. You have to choose your team based on what you expect to face. A Bleed or Black Claw team will hit like overboiled spaghetti in a Sandstorm, so don't use one if your Battlegroup is full of Idols and Guardlings.

No matter what set of teams someone suggests, you have to make your choice depending on what you're facing and what you're capable of playing.

1. Pick the team that suits your local meta! If you're facing weathers, bring your own. If you're facing Anomalus, slot a counter. If you're living in a Darude video, bring hard hitters that will punch throu the Sand.

2. You've still got to play it! If you can read your opponent's intentions, and you know your own team, you can put up a decent fight against most things.

And never forget - the average win rate in PvP is (slightly less than) 50%.

As for rotations, fuggedaboudit! These teams have suggested guidelines about how to handle your own pets, but it always, always depends on predicting and countering your opponent's moves. (editiert)


schrieb am 2021-05-15 16:35:00

Most of the teams are reasonable tbh. There's two of mine that are 90%+ from this expansion. If you play with a rotation it will never ever be optimal especially once you face the same opponent a couple times.
The tier list is a close to a cheat list that you can possibly get for PVP literally just put 3 top tier pets on a team and you should get like 70% win rate unless there's a skill issue. (editiert)


schrieb am 2020-08-10 04:17:03

Hey guys! So have you seen the new teams with 3 Anomaluses (technically should be Anomali) that wreck everything without requiring any skill? I had the pleasure of meeting some of those this past week. lol


schrieb am 2020-08-10 05:58:48

Anomalus isn't really a pet that benefits from having multiple versions of itself on the same team. One would be enough with 2 pets that synergize with its initial aoe damage/poison.


schrieb am 2020-08-10 06:35:25

for the same reason it isn't wise to use 2 or 3 copies of any pet in one team as they are all vulnerable to the same counter


schrieb am 2020-08-19 01:54:58

Thanks to your guides, I managed to get my Family Brawler last week. Those teams with 3 anomaluses are annoying but I managed. Big thank you to Rosqo and Shenk for their great videos. Keep it up folks! <3 (editiert)


schrieb am 2021-04-19 11:31:36

Also, very, VERY easy to fight with. All you need is LITERALLY one pet in your comp with 298+ speed and Brittle Webbing skill. H/S Crystal Spider is HIGHLY recommended, since he has 305 speed, as well as an awesome moveset, with Brittle Webbing, Crystal Prison and Leech Life OR Spiderling Swarm. Put Brittle Weabing at the beginning, see if Anomalus applie Poison Protocol or Void Slap. If later, then Leech Life/Spiderling Swarm, if former, then Crystal Prison and just watch Anomalus melt down himself with its own weapon ;). Rinse and repeat. Done.

Sart schrieb am 2021-01-13 21:10:37

Reposting my question from the team section here:

Hey guys, great website, thanks a lot for all the work you do. I've got a question about CloneDance teams in particular if you don't mind: How do you choose which pet to use as your clone setter? By power, to have Cyclone, your main source of dps, do as much damage as possible? By survivability (e.g. Blighthawk for UD racial), so it can set Clone as often as possible throughout a match? By type synergy with your Rain Dance pet (should be a Jademist Dancer in 99,9% of all cases if I understood it right :P )? Or am I missing something completely?

Thanks in advance!


schrieb am 2021-01-22 13:30:27

sorry for the late response...

so you pretty much almost summed it up. there are multiple reasons to pick one cyclone pet over another and often times it comes down to personal preference. in most cases the cyclone pet either is great as an opener pet (fast with some sort of CC e.g. shore butterfly) or it can deal a lot of damage in a relatively short time (primarily also in form of cleave e.g. voidglower).
it also is important that the cyclone pet works well in combination with the buff pet since this isn't always the case (for example they cover as many counters types as possible) (editiert)

Sart schrieb am 2021-01-24 06:10:59

np, thanks for the help! It's good to know I was on the right track, even though that now makes my decision about which clone pet to pick just as hard as before haha


schrieb am 2021-01-24 07:00:35

well clone dance still is good enough to make it work with almost any combination of pets. in the end it just comes down to whether the combo has a 75% win ratio or 85%+ ^^ (editiert)


schrieb am 2020-11-22 18:57:53

sunlight/photosynthesis teams are really starting to trigger me as well. working on brutal Pet Brawler by way of Family Brawler is leaving few options. I did find 1 pet that will kill most any of them in 3 rounds but it still leaves me sol even with all darkness teams. I need to git gud ;)

edit: forgot to name the pet. Crypt Fiend from Strathholme pet dungeon vendor. Sticky Web/Roar of the Dead/Call Darkness=a dead healing elemental. i use web first so it can't be swapped when roar lands. i haven't checked all the elementals to see if they have any way to shield/dodge/etc but it has worked so far. i still need to work on the other 2 in the heal team as the crypt fiend is not lasting too long in the back row from sunlight blasts for a repeat performance.

i am doing the undead, humanoid and mechanical brawler teams which is limiting my choices. crypt fiend in a mixed team would drive those heal elemental teams back to the depths where they belong. ;)


schrieb am 2020-11-22 15:46:06

Anomalus needs a blizzard review. # 5 of any P/P pet in my 1220 unique collection AND much faster than any P/P pet. puts out lots of team damage even if you don't have flyers magic or critters in your team.


schrieb am 2020-11-22 16:08:05

took blizzard more than an expansion to nerf TCS and then they just reduced the meteorite by 5 damage kek. guess we can expect a -3 speed nerf for anomalus in like 9.3.5 (editiert)


schrieb am 2020-11-22 18:52:53

lol of course that will still leave it faster than any other P/P pet until you get down to some P/S ones.

Jarbringer schrieb am 2020-10-15 05:15:01

Any news on successfully tested prepatch PVP teams? I obviously have to retire my near 100% win ratio dream team of Anomalus, Wyrmy Tunkins and Hermit Crab…


schrieb am 2020-10-15 05:30:49

Try something new;)


schrieb am 2020-10-25 16:17:07

And thanks God, even tho this team is so easy to fight I was getting sick of battling the same team all over and all over again (there is also Blightbreath, Jademist Dancer and Hermit Crab/Anomalus which also make me sick). There is over 1k pets to choose from yet it happens to meet those two comps sooo often. It only highlits, how limited people are... Apart of treating pet battles as fun, complex and really fun addition to main game, they prefer to play with the same team all time.... Pity, feel sorry for them (huh, time to learn how to play battle pets, fortunately, has come for them ;))) Other thing is, that Blizz in its bottomles “wisdom”, made, say, 5K PVP win achie. Some of those dumb-asses aren’t even actually interested in pets, they are just doing achie hunt ;(. Anomalus, btw, should be nerfed too as this pet is sooooo OP that I have no words.... (editiert)


schrieb am 2019-12-06 13:27:01

lol Murkalot is crazy good. righteous inspiration/falling murloc got in the first hit on my s/s fiendish imp and 1-shot it at full HP. makes me wish i hadn't missed all those blizzcons ;)


schrieb am 2019-09-20 09:53:57

AOE meta cleave teams are just as lame as the heal and stall teams to me. None of them take any skill


schrieb am 2019-09-20 10:53:54

It's the inherent nature of the current PvP system, in which anyone can select any team, and everyone is in the same queue.

Lots of people don't enjoy it. They just do it for the achievement, or the Direhorn, or whatever. They see no reason to play teams that please someone else's aesthetic sense of what teams are not "lame".

P.S. As a point of personal opinion, I don't object to AoE teams as strongly as heal-and-swap teams, since they don't leave you with the decision of resigning immediately or being stuck there for an hour.

But nevertheless people have a right to play heal-and-stall teams. And I have a right to chase that team through the queue until it doesn't want to live any more! (editiert)


schrieb am 2019-09-21 13:56:43

i wish everyone was in the same queue


schrieb am 2019-06-09 21:01:17

a counter team is only going to help if you see that team next time. I have seen a Fragment of Desire/Anger/Suffering undead team a few times, and SoulRush is stunning way too often.


schrieb am 2019-06-10 03:00:25

Are you playing on EU servers? I've seen that yesterday and it was hilarious.


schrieb am 2019-06-11 04:30:16

well you don't have set up a whole team around one specific counter. often times one pet that does this job well will be enough


schrieb am 2019-07-03 04:30:44

The Three Fragments is a classic that has been around since Warlords. I do love a theme team!


schrieb am 2019-06-09 20:16:24

yeah, blossoming ancient, singing sunflower, corefire imp sucks. Even the imp healed to full once after a big hit. 30 rounds later 2 of those pets was at or near full health and the other was at 1/2.


schrieb am 2019-05-23 10:42:27

Would be cool to have something similar to the strategy system for PvP teams with information like (basic) rotation, pros / cons, win / lose statistics etc. I understand it's different from fights against scripted NPCs. It's thought as team suggestions.


schrieb am 2019-05-23 11:40:02

I'm really not sure what that would look like. Win/Lose stats maybe ... Disco did them for pets once, but they change with every meta, so there is no continuity. If you want to learn, start with the suggestions above, or some team you feel comfortable with, and just hop into the queue! It's pet week, so an excellent time, when all the beginners and non-battlers are out.


schrieb am 2019-05-23 14:44:41

i can't see how the existing pvp teams don't already have basic rotations. and concerning the win/lose rate... they are not set in stone, since they may vary a lot based on your skill and the meta that you are playing in.


schrieb am 2019-05-23 17:09:24

I actually didn't see the PvP strategies on the left hand side otherwise I'd probably didn't write that. Although as highlighted above, in PvP there are other points that matter. An option would be to introduce a new strategy parameter like enemyType (environment|player). Depending on the value, it shows different information for a user. I'm clearly aware that enemies differ from fight to fight, but it's still statistical data, e. g. I make a new fancy PvP team and write that I won 89 fights out of 100 fights. Additionally, this was just an idea not a whole concept. Just an idea from a newbie. I like both, pve and pvp fights. For PvE this site is perfect with all those great strategies, but for PvP I get less information, I could chose one of those 6 teams / strategies created by Shenk and I dont say there are bad. I just mean there could be more of those, also from many other players, and with a better focus on PvP related information. I hope you get my impartial point.
And Grainne, of course you should have to update your PvP strategies as you should update your PvE strategies when Blizzard change spells or stuff.
Another suggestion would be to bound a strategy to the respective Game version and also show the updated time, e. g. when I would create a strategy now, you'd see Patch 8.1.5 - 23.05.2019. So you can easily see how updated a strategy is. People would simply see if a strategy is outdated.


schrieb am 2019-05-23 18:07:58

you're asking too much from a pvp section on a website that actually is just there to help with pve encounters. putting so much effort into the systems you are proposing would be meaningful to just a very small amount of users.
also those pvp teams are there just to give a general idea about what you could play. playing and learning the strategies yourself is imo more beneficial than writing down every single situation that you could find yourself in (also that would be too much work^^)


schrieb am 2019-05-23 18:15:54

I'm not asking for it. It was an idea. You dont like it, that's okay.
I don't know how many users would use it, probably you also don't have statistical data about it, but nvm.
You can also use your own strategies for scripted fights or you use the knowledge of the mass. No one forces anyone to use any strategy. Personally, as said before, I would welcome it to see such pvp strategies of other players.
But if you decline my idea, simply remove this whole message and next time I have an idea I won't annoy you with it.

aelfraed schrieb am 2019-05-05 04:33:13

I don't like the heal and stall idea at all but Blizz in their wisdom, have given us an achievement to win 5 in a row and no pet dies, so heal and stall it is then


schrieb am 2019-05-05 09:27:09

Even the dreaded Sunlight->Photosynthesis->Swap->Sunlight->Photosynthesis->Swap sequence is very far from guaranteed. It is the ONE thing in PvP that will make me determined to chase that team through the queue and destroy its will to live. :)

OK, I'm not actually in the queue much these days, :) but I'm also not the only one that team riles up.

I have heard that if you have racked up one or more wins towards the achievement, and then flee a battle before any moves, that your wins remain towards the achievement. I DO NOT KNOW IF THAT IS TRUE. I heard it long after I got my NTTH, so I can't test it. If you are trying for the achievement, it would be a good time to test, when you see a counter that is sure to absolutely crush you.


schrieb am 2019-05-09 18:54:54

iirc i did this a loooong time ago with a level 1 team. every win granted the team one more level (given they all participated). and in the lowlevels people tend to have very low exp and often not even rare quality pets

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