Xu-Fu's Pet Guides were created with the goal in mind to provide the very best strategies for every pet battle challenge in the game.
To keep this promise, our Strategy Curators give their best to verify uploaded strategies and address issues with them.
While there is no creative ownership over pet battle strategies, we believe strongly in giving credit to the original author of specific strategy. Consequently, we do not modify, hide or delete strategies without a good reason for it while at the same time removing strategies if they are clearly copied from someone else without their approval or at the least a reference to the original version.
We try to stick to the rules outlined here but reserve the right to use judgement calls if needed in order to provide the best experience for our visitors.
1. Rules for strategy creation

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Please follow these rules when adding your strategy:
1.1 Crediting authors

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If you add a strategy from a different source (YouTube, Wowhead, etc.), provide a link to the original source in the info box.
1.2 Duplicates

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Exact duplicates of existing strategies are not welcome and will most likely be removed. A duplicate is still a duplicate if:
- one or more pets of the original strategy are changed to direct substitutes that were already mentioned or shown in the original version of the strategy.
- steps are reworded but are basically identical.
- the level pet is brought in at a different, but equally successful point.
- replacing an insignificant pet slot (for example unused or an optional second level slot) with a different pet
- creating a whole new strategy just for an updated script
If you believe your modification improves the original strategy instead of being an equivalent variation, it is often better to leave a comment with the original strategy outlining your suggested change, instead of uploading a new strategy.
Changing pets that use a different spell but with the same core mechanic (
Flock /
Stampede /
Inflation) can be acceptable in certain situations, for example if the family or stats of the pet provide a clear advantage. If otherwise the performance of the strategy is identical we might request to change the strategy or remove it.
If in doubt, you can always reach out to one of our Strategy Curators.
1.3 Pet levels

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With the introduction of flexible trainer pet levels in BfA there now is the option to fight those trainers using pets of any level from 1 to 25. However our strategy creation philosophy has always been to provide teams of level 25 pets, so we are putting this down here in the guidelines:
-When you add a strategy using specific pets they have to be meant to perform on the max level 25 & at rare quality
-Excluded are:
- random pet slots which can do any action without having a greater impact on the fight
- quest/achievement related pets that just need to participate in the fight
1.4 Usage of creator tools

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Please use the provided tools for strategy creation where possible:
- Steps and instructions are meant to be in individual steps in that section, not the info box, just in the form of a tdScript, ability numbers, and/or all in one single line.
- Requirements for breed, health, speed or power of the pets should be added via the pet editor and not as text.
- Important information about the strategy should be captured in the info box, not in a regular comment.
If you are unsure how any of the tools work, please have a look at the
Strategy Creation Guide.
1.5 Language

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Although Xu-Fu is an international website and translations are offered, the base language is English and strategies should be created in English only.
Creator tools include quick-fill sentences that are auto-translated and the use of the spell and pet name inserts are recommended, as these are also translated automatically.
1.6 Typical moderation actions

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Our curators are going through strategies on a regular basis and will address issues they see or highlight strategies that stick out as very successful.
The below are just a few examples of what might get addressed and what actions we would typically take. They are just examples to give a better understanding of our thought process. Different situations can of course result in very different action from our side.
Situation: A new strategy uses the same pets and same movesets but slightly different turns than an existing strategy.
Action: Contact the creator for clarification, as it appears to violate rule 1.2. If no response within a given timeframe, unpublish the strategy.
Situation: A new strategy has pets selected, but there are no turns and no instructions.
Action: Unpublish the strategy, contact the creator pointing out the situation.
Situation: A strategy is outright not working the way it is described.
Action: Contact the author to make them aware of the problem. If the strategy is almost impossible to work as it's described, we might hide it until it is fixed.
Situation: A strategy is created in a different language than English.
Action: If most of the strategy is auto-translated and thus fine to understand by English-speaking visitors, no action should be taken. However, if most of the strategy is free-form text that is required to understand how it works, we will unpublish the strategy and ask the creator to offer a translation or use pre-fill texts where possible. Google translate is usually fine for the translation.
Situation: A new strategy is published but has no editing in it at all (no pets, steps or anything else selected).
Action: We will most likely delete the strategy, if it has not been created very recently.
2. Rules for featured videos

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2.1 Submitting

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If you want one of your videos to be shown on our website just contact
Shenk with the details.
2.2 Language

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Just like for the strategies we only feature videos in which english is spoken (or written should there be no voice).
We also don't add those including an excessive amount of swearing, badmouthing or any other content that isn't family friendly.
2.3 Pet battle content

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Since this website is all around pet battles the videos we want to feature should also be primarily about this topic. However we don't want to determine in which form the video content should be presented and are open for many things (PvE, PvP, tutorials, patch previews,...)!
2.4 Content creator diversity

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Everybody is welcome to present their videos to us and we would love to give everyone a chance to let their videos be watched on Xu-Fu's! Because of that we'll try to avoid featuring the content of one single person more prominently than other's, highlighting a video of the same content creator just once every few days (depending on the amount of suggestions we receive at this time). An exception can be made when the video that would drop out is from the same content creator, so no video from another one gets replaced.
wrote on 2023-05-29 22:38:45
wrote on 2023-05-30 00:17:50
wrote on 2019-09-19 10:00:01
wrote on 2019-09-19 10:36:54
Thanks for your comment :-)
The moderation actions under #2 are only examples, not an exhaustive list. The rules in #1 are what really counts but I want to specifically highlight this sentence from the introduction, quote: "We try to stick to the rules outlined here but reserve the right to use judgement calls if needed in order to provide the best experience for our visitors."
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