The Celestial Tournament is a special instance and by most seen as the pinnacle of pet battle challenges.
You can do it once a week and inside, you will face three pet battle masters, followed by the four Celestials to fight against. The three masters change every week and there's a total of three sets of them rotating through.
Doesn't sound that hard, but what makes it tricky is that once you're in, you cannot heal your pets anymore! That makes planning ahead very important.
Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
It is recommended to check the tables week by week since you won't have to face all 9 tamers in one run.
The tool will use every pet only once due to the restriction of no healing.
Active: US: Week 2 with Shademaster Kiryn, Wise Mari and Blingtron 4000 EU: Week 3 with Sully "The Pickle" McLeary, Dr. Ion Goldbloom and Lorewalker Cho
I don't know why, but it generates me a list of strategies requiring Moon-Touched Netherwhelp agains Yu'La. I don't have said pet and considering the fact there is no way to obtain it now, it gets pretty annoying. For comparison, there is another strategy agains Yu'La that requires Puddle Terror(wich I have) with a really good rating, but for some reason it is completely ignored for me.
Does it work as intended?
Hey, I ran into the same problem and was annoyed by it. I "fixed" it by getting the Baa'l Battle Pet and Death Seeker.
After that, those two got suggested to me (I think because it's a high-rated strategy) and the Moon-Touched Netherwhelp vanished from the list and was no longer suggested and needed.
Since then I did Week 1 without problems with the suggested pets and strategies, so I can confirm it works as intended. Good luck and have fun!
Hi! I'm not new to pet battling/collecting pets but new to actively trying to complete a lot of old and new pet battle achievements and this is one of them. This site has been a great help,, so thank you to all who do the work behind strats and all the other things! I was wondering if you can start this on week 3 instead of week 1. I've never done it and really want the pets from it but didn't know if I have to start at the beginning with week 1??? Thanks!!
There is no problem about which set of tamers you faced first.
The numbering of the weeks is entiorely arbitrary. You can start wherever in the cycle you like.
There are three sets of initial tamers, and they cycle each week. So if you did what the site labels as "Week 3" this week, the set of tamers the site lavels as "Week 1" will be up next week.
You just have to complete each of the three sets of tamers to get the achievement "Master of the Masters". You can do that in any order at all. You can skip weeks or months if you want.
Of course, you will have to repeat the wins a few times to get all the Coins needed to buy all of the Celestial pets. If I recall correctly, you will need 10 total CT wins to buy all the Celestials, and those 10 can be on any weeks.
i play wow Since 2013 and for Years i avoided this, but Today, i got the last Pet. So thank you for this Guide this made it possible for me to get those. (edited)
I am forever greatful to the people behind this site. (And everyone who uses it.) This is one of those things I just assumed I would never ever get done. Today, I have my Xu-Fu pet, after so many years of wanting him.
I love Ban-Lu. But I'd far rather have both.
Much love to you all. <3
Today I could do the Clestial Tournament two times and got 2 coins.
Didn't think about it, as I did my first tournament some years ago and only got Xu-Fu.
Wanted to do it a third time, but this was not possible.
I don't know if this was an error, a feature or just luck.
Something seems to be wrong..
Yesterday I did the Clelestial Tournament again.
Then tried to do it a second time.
There WAS the quest, but after accepting, it was not in my quest log and I couldn't start.
The NPC had still the "!" above its head.
Needs more investigation.
Could the old gods be the source of this behaviour?
Or is it something from the maw that irritates the celestials?
I know a million people have said it but thank you SO much. It's taken me this long to finally start the tournament (embarrassing, I know) but thanks to this site I know it'll be a breeze! Already got my kitten. Just 9 weeks and the last three shall be mine. :D
Thank you for all the hard work for this guide (and all pet guides). I just did my first time through the tournament and all these battles worked! Proud new owner of Xu-fu!
Thanks for the note :) The empty strategy should not have been published, I unpublished it so it doesn't interfere with the tool anymore. Not really a bug, more a... result of a user not following the strategy creation rules ^^'
If there is a particular fight in a section that you want the tool to use, give it a favourite (the green heart at the top) - it will then always be used no matter what.
I've also marked and unpublished the Yu'la strategy so we can test it properly internally. Thanks!
So I finally attempted the tournament today. Your strategies are spot on. Had to use some other groupings beside the 1st options but worked amazingly well. Thank you. Xu-Fu now belongs to me. (edited)
I love your site and your strategies. I did my first round of the Celestial Tournament last night and sailed through without a hitch. I am so happy to finally have my very own Xu-Fu!
I do not have a lot of pets to do these without pets dying and oftening needing that pet for another battle.. log out.. switch toons.. revive/heal.. log back over.. you are where you left off.
just did my first trip in there. did the 3 masters for Elekk adventure at the same time. As pointed out in this thread, Mr.Bigglesworth soloed Yu'la pretty easily. i didn't know i would get 2 more coins for first completition, i must have missed that. Now i just have to decide which pet to get first lol thanks all.
I think the devs have been upping the Celestials - I find Yu'la is crazy damage, but figured out 3 snails ( lvl 25 acid goo and dive for sure ) take down Chi Chi very effectively. Any advise for Yu'la is very appreciated!
Any updates on the blank page at the end of setting up the planner? I add all of my options, then get a page with some instructions and an edit button, but no list of pets
I'm afraid not. I have very little time to work on Xu-Fu right now and still a whole bunch of smaller fixes to go through before I can focus on another bigger feature like the dungeon guides, sorry.
With the kind of quality work that you put into this planner, I would love to see what your doing as a dungeon guide. Is that published? If so, where can I see it?
So far it's only a concept in my head :S
I use this devlog to keep track of all my tasks and such, if you're curious about what's upcoming and what I'm working on: It's a lot of text though ^^
Hey! I just tested the planner and it was working fine for me :-)
Are you using an old planner ID perhaps? That might be the reason for it. Worst case you might have to do the planning part again :/ Sorry about that
I am also having the same issue. I just went thru the planning phase and get the same screen as show above once i try to get to the overview. I am using chrome (is this the wrong browser?). I'm willing to accept user error, but would love a shove in the correct direction. Thanks for all your hard work and effort, this site has been very helpful with so many of my battles up to the celestial tournament.
Definitely not a user problem. It's a bug in the page :/ And one that eludes me so far. Sorry for the trouble - best check the strats individually for now
For some reason, even when I updated my pets' collection everywhere here, this planner is still showing I"m missing Darkmoon Tonk, which I have for a long time on lvl 25. Planner however marks is as "Missing"
On the main Celestial Tournament dungeon page, is there a way for the list of your pets compared to what is needed to show what specific breed of that pet is needed, if it calls for it in the strategies? I'm not sure how plausible it is, but I know one of the zandalari pets needed Speed and mine did not have it unfortunately.
I'm using the list as a guide to what I need to obtain/level up still and think it would be a nice addition, if possible. Thanks for all you do!
Unfortunately this tool is way older than the newer parts of the page, which include breed requirements and such. It will be a larger undertaking to update the celestial tournament and right now my focus is on getting ready for the next addon. Meaning, it will probably not happen anytime soon, sorry :/
Celestial tournament planner stopped working for me this week. I am getting errors like Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /kunden/426045_85652/webseiten/Petguide/classes/ct.php on line 2464
Alternative 3 was a fail - my ankleender died before it could start the fight - guess it needs to be faster than Xu-Fu - this rendered this option a total fail as all these pets got killed. Devised another setup With:
Darkmoon Zeppelin 222 - decoy, flyby, explode - zepp dies
Ikky 111 - Black claw, flock - ikky dies
Stonegrinder 121 - Scrreching gears finished off Xu-Fu
Hi there, I'm new to the site which looks great btw, and can't wait to start building a team for the Celestial Tournament, and though it's probably obvious, I can't find which actual breeds to use in the lists of pets you suggest, I've got lots of the listed pets but some are low level & don't really want to spend time levelling the ones which are wrong breeds.
Thanks Les
Thanks for this great & powerful tool. It would be wonderful if there were some sort of accompanying addon to easily select pets and view notes in-game.
Unfortunately, the top strategy for the Wise Mari fight does not work for me. I have a p/p gryphon, a h swamp croaker, and both breeds of scourged whelpling. Following the instructions, verbatim, I lose 3/4 attempts. I often don't even get to the second flock, and otherwise die long before the "slicing wind until dead" step.
Hey! The best addon I can recommend is Rematch. It does pretty much what you ask for :-)
At some point I will have to revisit the Celestial Tournament but for the moment I would like to ask you to try one of the other strategies for Wise Mari
Thanks for responding. Even without regular updates, it makes your site feel vibrant and rich.
I do use rematch and it's fantastic - I also think it's awesome the way your site exports into rematch formats. When I mentioned addon support, though, I was really thinking more along the lines of a tool that could take a tournament ID from your site and import the whole thing at once. Perhaps even taking inventory of available pets and generating the match-ups dynamically. I haven't really experimented w/ the "notes during battle" feature of rematch, but it does seem like it would require a whole lot of copy/paste work to get the site data into it.
Still, as is the site helped me get where I need to be and I thank you for it!
You are very welcome, thank you for the praise :-)
I do have bigger plans for automations and exports like that. Maybe not exactly along the lines of your idea, but similar ^^ I'm about ...80% done with a login system, where you can register an account (through verification, much like "login with facebook", but using This grabs your pet collection from the armory. That's the first step I'm working on.
Next step will be the more exciting one. I will rework the strategy alternatives, so instead of being numbered in a specific order, the page crosscheckes the alternatives with your pet collection and gives you the one you have the pets for on top. Then I could also redo the tournament planner because it could just do everything automatically and in the end spew out a long rematch import link and a list of strategies.
Well, that's the plan for now :-) My time for developing features is limited so progress is a bit slow, but I'm getting there eventually ^^
The tournament planner is really great, thank you!
Only one minor thing: My personalized planner redirects to a page without the id in the URL (firefox), therefor bookmarking doesn't work. I had to copy the URL from the previous link with the ID attached to bookmark it correctly.
Hey Ascar! That is not optimal, I realize. It happens due to a recent change I made in the page structure.
The truth however is, I'll not fix this now. Everything I'm working on is towards a "Xu-Fu 2.0" version that will ultimately get rid of and completely replace the tournament planner. Hope it's not too inconvenient for you until then!
For now:
If you click on 'overview' and then highlight the url very quickly you can grab a copy before it refreshes (I recommend using ctrl-c, it is faster then right click). If your not fast enough you can also look through your browser history, chrome records both the url with CTID and the redirected one.
p.s. You can also look through the source code for the CTID if you're so inclined.
Really great tool, managed to get myself Chi-Chi super fast, thanks to everyone here on the website and the people that have sent their strategy suggestions aswell!
Admittedly, there is a way to heal pets on these fights. All you need is a pet with Bleat.
Wrathion (Week A), Wise Mari (Week B), Goldbloom(Week C), and Yu'la all start off with non-damaging moves. So you can fight them, use Bleat, then Forfeit and your pets remain healed.
Hey guys, I wouldn't say I'm new to pet battling but I'm definitely far from great. Does anyone have a planner ID that has a great success rate, or is it set up in such a way that whatever I choose, I will be able to find success most of the time?
The latter is the case! The different fights are to check against the pets you have. Some strategies are a bit more luck based than others, but they usually are noted as such and you can always change them in the planner tool anyway.
Hi, justed wanted to thank you for collecting and maintaining all these helpful guides, I won a lot of fights and the Celestial Tournament thanks to you and it's a (ingame) dream come true <3
just wanted to ask is it normal for the second week you do this you only get one charm cause the first week i got three and was able to get a pet wanted to see if i needed to put in a ticket ? thanks for all your work this has helped tons
Hey Ibglitrbug! What you encounter is indeed normal. You only get 3 coins for the very first time. Then it's one per week, so you have to do it 3 times for each additional pet.
I have not had any success using Masked Tanuki 2,1,1 Fox 1,1,2 and chicken 1,1,2 vs Sully "The Pickle" McLeary. It starts with 3 Tongue Lashes and then Survival finishing off with Tongue Lash. I have not been able to live long enough to get the Survival cast. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is is breed dependent for this? Right now my Masked Tanuki is P/B.
I'm sorry for that. I just looked into the tournament and it was the correct week for me. Perhaps the weeks differ between regions, can you please tell me which region you play on (EU / US / Asia)?
I'm in US (Oceanic), says it should be Week A, but I'm week C now. Doesn't matter much I just select appropriate one. I thought all the regions would be on sync but apparently not.
In the past it was sync, definitely, I checked. But perhaps an update or Legion shifted this. In any way, I changed the output a bit to say clearly which week it is for EU and for US :-)
Thanks again for the info!
I have finally enough 'good' level 25 pets to try the Celestials Tournament and I prepared my team with your tool for the first time.
I saw that if you choose the same pet for strategies of different weeks, he is showed multiple times in the overview list ... Is it normal ?
(My Planner ID was 167213314)
Additionally, I would like to suggest to add the possibility to check that your character has the needed pets (including rarity/level) against a selected team (I like the job you did in the Legion Ready-Checker).
Hey Fimon!
Hope you're finding everything working well so far!
The duplicate entries in the overview are indeed intended. It shows you that you are using this particular pet multiple times - so it needs to survive, or you need to have the pet several times for the tournament.
Your suggestion will be implemented indeed, it's what I'm working towards currently. Still in a very early stage and far from working, but I want to use the Legion-Checker mechanic everywhere :-)
Xufu!!!!!! I love you! You have made this journey so much easier with the planner. If I could kiss you I would. Great guides and wonderful tool you made available! Keep up the great work, I've been telling everyone about you :)
How could I overlook this comment for so long?
Thank you Ravynsur :D You are very welcome and I hope this page will provide you with many more helpful strategies!
Maybe you should also mention that there are some opponents which enable some healing for pets that will be used twice and didnt die. You can use a pet with an ability like a skunk using bleat to heal all 3 pets. This works with Lorewalker Cho, Dr. Ion Goldbloom, Wrathion, Shademaster Kiryn, Yu-La and Chi-Chi because their first attack doesnt deal damage.
Breeds do matter a lot, but for the guides here they do not, because the strategies have been created to work with every breed. There are very few exceptions and those are clearly marked :-)
Also, chen stormstout, blingtron 4000 and Ion Goldbloom should also have their 2 pet strategies (for awfully big adventure) posted, seeing as they also work on a normal celestial tournament run
Hey! The simple answer is: No. Almost all my strategies work with any breed. Every exception to that rule is specifically marked on top of the battle table :-)
The old wowhead 18 pet celestial tourney guide worked well until it came to the celestials. With your guide I was able to down all 4 celestial pets on the first try. with Zao and Yula i even used lvl 23 pets. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
Something seems to be wrong. I go to the link where it is just for one boss in like the celestial tournament and I am only seeing the 1st option where earlier I could see multiple options.
I finally got enough pets leveled up to complete the Celestial Tournament. And now I have my very own Chi-Chi! Thank you so much for your guide and strategies! Your site is very well organized and a pleasure to use. :)
Hey Murry! Thanks for pointing that out. It was a tiny typo in the code that made the search not work properly. It should be good now.
Thanks also for your kind words! I'm glad you like the page :-)
Das es so einen Turnierplaner gibt ist wirklich genial. Das dieser aber überhaupt nicht funktioniert ist inakzeptabel! Wenn es das Problem erst seit kurzem geben würde, wäre es völlig okay, aber das Problem gibt es schon seit Ende 2018 also über ein Jahr. Bei solch einer langen Zeit wäre es durchaus machbar diesen wieder in gang zu bekommen. (edited)
Hey, es scheint, als wäre hier einiges defekt. Einige Pets haben keine Bilder oder sind nicht (mehr?) anwählbar, meine Turnier-ID wird nicht komplett angezeigt etc.
Hallo Margosch!
Der Turnierplaner ist leider derzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar. Das ist der letzte große Bereich, bei dem die Übersetzung noch fehl. Tut mir leid für die Umstände :-(
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSeagoul
wrote on 2024-11-10 06:02:56
Does it work as intended?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsVorayne
wrote on 2024-12-04 08:27:32
After that, those two got suggested to me (I think because it's a high-rated strategy) and the Moon-Touched Netherwhelp vanished from the list and was no longer suggested and needed.
Since then I did Week 1 without problems with the suggested pets and strategies, so I can confirm it works as intended. Good luck and have fun!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAristyne
wrote on 2024-11-05 15:19:01
You must be logged in to vote on commentsGráinne
wrote on 2024-11-05 19:33:37
The numbering of the weeks is entiorely arbitrary. You can start wherever in the cycle you like.
There are three sets of initial tamers, and they cycle each week. So if you did what the site labels as "Week 3" this week, the set of tamers the site lavels as "Week 1" will be up next week.
You just have to complete each of the three sets of tamers to get the achievement "Master of the Masters". You can do that in any order at all. You can skip weeks or months if you want.
Of course, you will have to repeat the wins a few times to get all the Coins needed to buy all of the Celestial pets. If I recall correctly, you will need 10 total CT wins to buy all the Celestials, and those 10 can be on any weeks.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAristyne
wrote on 2024-11-05 21:03:22
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBobby_the_Sloth
wrote on 2024-05-18 14:30:41
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPredator#21481
wrote on 2023-06-28 10:25:58
You must be logged in to vote on commentsGráinne
wrote on 2023-06-28 12:19:12
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLayla_Spellwind
wrote on 2023-06-10 20:03:41
I love Ban-Lu. But I'd far rather have both.
Much love to you all. <3
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThiondar
wrote on 2021-09-28 05:16:52
Didn't think about it, as I did my first tournament some years ago and only got Xu-Fu.
Wanted to do it a third time, but this was not possible.
I don't know if this was an error, a feature or just luck.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThiondar
wrote on 2021-10-01 03:57:58
Yesterday I did the Clelestial Tournament again.
Then tried to do it a second time.
There WAS the quest, but after accepting, it was not in my quest log and I couldn't start.
The NPC had still the "!" above its head.
Needs more investigation.
Could the old gods be the source of this behaviour?
Or is it something from the maw that irritates the celestials?
Verrrrry strange!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNivyii
wrote on 2020-12-07 23:31:50
You must be logged in to vote on commentsmeganbtoo
wrote on 2021-07-16 18:00:33
You must be logged in to vote on commentsArcuballis
wrote on 2021-06-20 21:56:49
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDjinni
wrote on 2021-05-04 15:34:19
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAbaddon#1244
wrote on 2020-12-22 10:14:47
Is there any way to get the TD Scripts along with the rematch strings in a single "go" ?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2021-02-20 04:43:56
You must be logged in to vote on commentsShammie
wrote on 2021-01-07 11:09:08
You must be logged in to vote on commentsCelestia
wrote on 2020-12-26 16:24:05
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAxedra
wrote on 2020-11-10 03:20:36
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2020-11-10 05:15:59
Thanks for the note :) The empty strategy should not have been published, I unpublished it so it doesn't interfere with the tool anymore. Not really a bug, more a... result of a user not following the strategy creation rules ^^'
If there is a particular fight in a section that you want the tool to use, give it a favourite (the green heart at the top) - it will then always be used no matter what.
I've also marked and unpublished the Yu'la strategy so we can test it properly internally. Thanks!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsInteref
wrote on 2020-01-18 08:42:06
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDragonsAfterDark
wrote on 2020-01-18 12:41:59
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTeoDaTank
wrote on 2020-09-26 23:21:16
You must be logged in to vote on commentsWolor
wrote on 2020-06-23 21:04:16
You must be logged in to vote on commentsBearcat#1358
wrote on 2020-06-20 19:08:47
You must be logged in to vote on commentstheredone wrote on 2020-06-12 16:08:44
You must be logged in to vote on commentsThanos#1804
wrote on 2020-06-16 07:12:25
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJestersTear
wrote on 2018-10-24 23:59:31
You must be logged in to vote on commentsDentarthurdent wrote on 2019-09-06 03:20:54
You must be logged in to vote on commentsToenail
wrote on 2019-06-12 00:57:29
You must be logged in to vote on commentsEekwibble
wrote on 2019-06-12 12:08:21
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSovietll wrote on 2019-04-19 01:02:11
You must be logged in to vote on commentsGráinne
wrote on 2019-04-19 04:51:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNIteowl1970
wrote on 2018-09-24 15:32:51
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-09-24 17:37:34
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNIteowl1970
wrote on 2018-09-24 19:39:15
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-09-25 02:52:52
I use this devlog to keep track of all my tasks and such, if you're curious about what's upcoming and what I'm working on:
It's a lot of text though ^^
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFeminaForte
wrote on 2018-08-24 08:23:47
I can't make new teams with the planner, or check out individual strats.
Do you think it will be possible to fix your fantastic planner again?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFeminaForte
wrote on 2018-08-24 12:13:49
You saved my bacon again, thank you.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAsura#21981
wrote on 2018-08-02 22:33:52
is it still working? seems broken for me, can't go anywhere from there on
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-08-04 03:53:20
Are you using an old planner ID perhaps? That might be the reason for it. Worst case you might have to do the planning part again :/ Sorry about that
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFortifeyed wrote on 2018-08-04 07:58:17
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTater#1754
wrote on 2018-08-05 17:48:24
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLiady
wrote on 2018-08-06 16:05:11
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTerakRall wrote on 2018-08-06 22:49:55
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-08-07 13:39:52
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTanda
wrote on 2018-06-06 09:03:13
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-08-04 03:52:28
You must be logged in to vote on commentsProshvam
wrote on 2018-06-03 15:01:27
I'm using the list as a guide to what I need to obtain/level up still and think it would be a nice addition, if possible. Thanks for all you do!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2018-06-03 15:08:49
Unfortunately this tool is way older than the newer parts of the page, which include breed requirements and such. It will be a larger undertaking to update the celestial tournament and right now my focus is on getting ready for the next addon. Meaning, it will probably not happen anytime soon, sorry :/
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZamaza
wrote on 2018-05-15 20:39:41
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZamaza
wrote on 2018-05-17 14:28:28
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTullemus
wrote on 2018-02-16 07:11:58
Darkmoon Zeppelin 222 - decoy, flyby, explode - zepp dies
Ikky 111 - Black claw, flock - ikky dies
Stonegrinder 121 - Scrreching gears finished off Xu-Fu
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFred wrote on 2017-12-02 17:59:07
You must be logged in to vote on commentsatrex wrote on 2018-01-28 11:07:30
You must be logged in to vote on commentsLes3007
wrote on 2018-01-17 10:18:50
Thanks Les
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRawana wrote on 2017-12-02 16:35:01
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAelfraed wrote on 2017-08-07 19:05:05
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-08-09 09:00:43
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTelepatra
wrote on 2017-11-07 23:27:43
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2017-08-01 18:23:10
Unfortunately, the top strategy for the Wise Mari fight does not work for me. I have a p/p gryphon, a h swamp croaker, and both breeds of scourged whelpling. Following the instructions, verbatim, I lose 3/4 attempts. I often don't even get to the second flock, and otherwise die long before the "slicing wind until dead" step.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-08-02 07:39:01
At some point I will have to revisit the Celestial Tournament but for the moment I would like to ask you to try one of the other strategies for Wise Mari
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2017-08-10 19:54:49
I do use rematch and it's fantastic - I also think it's awesome the way your site exports into rematch formats. When I mentioned addon support, though, I was really thinking more along the lines of a tool that could take a tournament ID from your site and import the whole thing at once. Perhaps even taking inventory of available pets and generating the match-ups dynamically. I haven't really experimented w/ the "notes during battle" feature of rematch, but it does seem like it would require a whole lot of copy/paste work to get the site data into it.
Still, as is the site helped me get where I need to be and I thank you for it!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-08-11 06:34:51
I do have bigger plans for automations and exports like that. Maybe not exactly along the lines of your idea, but similar ^^ I'm about ...80% done with a login system, where you can register an account (through verification, much like "login with facebook", but using This grabs your pet collection from the armory. That's the first step I'm working on.
Next step will be the more exciting one. I will rework the strategy alternatives, so instead of being numbered in a specific order, the page crosscheckes the alternatives with your pet collection and gives you the one you have the pets for on top. Then I could also redo the tournament planner because it could just do everything automatically and in the end spew out a long rematch import link and a list of strategies.
Well, that's the plan for now :-) My time for developing features is limited so progress is a bit slow, but I'm getting there eventually ^^
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAscar wrote on 2017-03-22 10:01:49
Only one minor thing: My personalized planner redirects to a page without the id in the URL (firefox), therefor bookmarking doesn't work. I had to copy the URL from the previous link with the ID attached to bookmark it correctly.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-03-24 04:14:37
The truth however is, I'll not fix this now. Everything I'm working on is towards a "Xu-Fu 2.0" version that will ultimately get rid of and completely replace the tournament planner. Hope it's not too inconvenient for you until then!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsTsaavik wrote on 2017-07-12 10:56:36
If you click on 'overview' and then highlight the url very quickly you can grab a copy before it refreshes (I recommend using ctrl-c, it is faster then right click). If your not fast enough you can also look through your browser history, chrome records both the url with CTID and the redirected one.
p.s. You can also look through the source code for the CTID if you're so inclined.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-07-14 08:12:48
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNeon wrote on 2017-05-03 04:26:29
You must be logged in to vote on commentsKamboozle wrote on 2017-04-24 07:23:49
Wrathion (Week A), Wise Mari (Week B), Goldbloom(Week C), and Yu'la all start off with non-damaging moves. So you can fight them, use Bleat, then Forfeit and your pets remain healed.
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2017-04-15 02:30:16
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-04-15 09:44:15
You must be logged in to vote on commentsVij wrote on 2017-03-11 06:58:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-03-12 07:57:42
You must be logged in to vote on commentsPatch wrote on 2017-02-15 17:52:57
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-02-17 06:01:18
You must be logged in to vote on commentsIbglitrbug wrote on 2017-02-13 09:06:16
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-02-13 13:09:20
You must be logged in to vote on commentsGreg wrote on 2017-01-14 10:10:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsJen wrote on 2017-01-04 01:59:07
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-01-07 10:17:05
I'm sorry for that. I just looked into the tournament and it was the correct week for me. Perhaps the weeks differ between regions, can you please tell me which region you play on (EU / US / Asia)?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2017-01-10 20:00:57
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2017-01-11 06:12:43
Thanks again for the info!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFimon wrote on 2016-12-22 07:43:04
I have finally enough 'good' level 25 pets to try the Celestials Tournament and I prepared my team with your tool for the first time.
I saw that if you choose the same pet for strategies of different weeks, he is showed multiple times in the overview list ... Is it normal ?
(My Planner ID was 167213314)
Additionally, I would like to suggest to add the possibility to check that your character has the needed pets (including rarity/level) against a selected team (I like the job you did in the Legion Ready-Checker).
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-12-27 08:11:50
Hope you're finding everything working well so far!
The duplicate entries in the overview are indeed intended. It shows you that you are using this particular pet multiple times - so it needs to survive, or you need to have the pet several times for the tournament.
Your suggestion will be implemented indeed, it's what I'm working towards currently. Still in a very early stage and far from working, but I want to use the Legion-Checker mechanic everywhere :-)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRavynsur wrote on 2016-11-29 17:24:08
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-12-13 09:47:17
Thank you Ravynsur :D You are very welcome and I hope this page will provide you with many more helpful strategies!
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAurora wrote on 2016-10-27 17:54:46
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-10-29 06:18:52
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2016-10-02 03:20:20
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNova wrote on 2016-10-24 05:25:50
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-10-27 04:11:04
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAuguso wrote on 2016-10-26 14:34:40
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2016-10-02 02:55:07
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2016-10-02 01:53:04
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-10-02 02:51:12
You must be logged in to vote on commentsRadiccus wrote on 2016-08-20 04:23:02
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNikeeta wrote on 2016-08-04 20:05:02
Thanks to you, I now have my own Xu-Fu pet. Over the moon :)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-08-05 02:55:30
You must be logged in to vote on commentsZiggler wrote on 2016-07-24 22:38:53
You must be logged in to vote on commentsOomm wrote on 2016-08-01 06:43:58
You must be logged in to vote on commentsHeleen wrote on 2016-07-31 21:14:31
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnonymous wrote on 2016-06-05 22:11:08
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-06-06 03:33:24
You must be logged in to vote on commentsStaurolite wrote on 2016-05-19 20:25:57
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-05-20 05:39:25
You must be logged in to vote on commentsChaola wrote on 2016-05-02 19:54:41
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-05-10 00:32:45
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMurry wrote on 2016-04-17 05:07:37
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-04-18 06:34:01
Thanks also for your kind words! I'm glad you like the page :-)
You must be logged in to vote on commentsFreeScout324#2521
wrote on 2023-10-31 00:21:22
Vielen dank für die ganzen Strategien an alle <3
You must be logged in to vote on commentsrrtzt wrote on 2020-08-06 08:21:15
You must be logged in to vote on commentsNancy#2710
wrote on 2019-12-29 08:57:35
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMeinCtutW
wrote on 2019-12-03 06:13:33
Bzw funktioniert der Planer überhaupt noch?
You must be logged in to vote on commentsSolia
wrote on 2019-01-02 05:42:53
You must be logged in to vote on commentsoutlaw1712#2285
wrote on 2018-11-09 02:41:14
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMargosch wrote on 2016-11-11 05:18:18
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAranesh
wrote on 2016-11-12 13:47:00
Der Turnierplaner ist leider derzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar. Das ist der letzte große Bereich, bei dem die Übersetzung noch fehl. Tut mir leid für die Umstände :-(
You must be logged in to vote on commentsjmqldsudlm wrote on 2020-05-02 17:43:12
You must be logged in to vote on commentsОзимус wrote on 2017-08-28 06:52:26
You must be logged in to vote on commentsAnderSil
wrote on 2018-08-11 14:57:12
You must be logged in to vote on commentsMatthewgauth wrote on 2020-08-04 05:51:30
You must be logged in to vote on comments3aplus63Get wrote on 2020-04-19 20:41:48
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