With patch 7.3 the concept of the Tanaan beasts has been revisited in the way of 18 new legendary pets.
They are scattered throughout the three zones of Argus and although world quests highlight some of them each day, all of them can be battled repeatedly at any time.
And that with good reason, because there is again fun with families: Family Fighter Similar to Family Familiar, you have to beat every Fel Beast of Argus with every pet family, resulting in 180 different fights to earn this achievement.
The fights are very different in difficulty. Some you will be able to finish with almost any pick of three level 25 pets of a given family.
Others are very tough to beat with certain combinations. We tried to come up with reliable strategies for those where possible, but as a novelty to Xu-Fu, you will see some new and rare pet faces in this section and frequently pets with specific breed requirements.
Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
Pick a family below to check which pets you need.
Hey there, decided to give Gloamwing a try today. With pets that i have, I did 8 familes on the first try. Aquatic and Flying were tough just due to RNG
Hope you got it done!
Having an issue here with the aquatic Mar'cuus team, using the Emp Crab, Fen Crab and Benax. After the first pass, he pulls in Benax and not the Fen Crab, any ideas?
I'm stuck and could use some help with Bucky and Shadeflicker in Argus. I can not beat them with my critters. I have tried every combination on this site as well as Wowhead. I do not have any critters with a speed above 338. Any suggestions on where I can find any. Thanks. I am just two battles away from the Family Fighter achievement.
I see you have rabbits, but your rabbits are the wrong breed. You want S/S breed rabbits. Do you have the addon Battle Pet Breed ID, from Curseforge? It will show you breeds on each pet.
They're easy to get, though. Personally, I'd go for Arctic Hares in Dragonblight. Capture two S/S bunnies, and use Market Flawless Battle-Stone to upgrade them to Rare if you need to. Or you might check Legion Dalaran for an S/S Dust Bunny.
If you import duplicate teams into an empty tab, you don't get the option to make copies instead of overwriting. Try adding a single team for any of the Argus beasts and the option should pop up when you import.
Hi folks,
When i run the mass export for all fights I get the following result that puzzles me.
(Red line) Corrupted Blood, 1 fight, no level, no breed required.
(Gray line) Corrupted Blood, 3 fights, 25, same breed (P/S).
Wondering why CBlood is split in two when it appears all fights use the same lv25 that I have already.
Could you please add that little tid-bit to the top of the guide when you next update it? That was the thing I had trouble working out, as fel beasts was not tracking till I'd defeated the whole zone once.Thanks!
I know there was some discussion that strats would need to change post-8.3. And I think Blizzard even said they might nerf some of the argus beasts, as a result of the 8.3 changes? Did that occur? Does anyone have any intel on it?
like Breeda and Squint before him, Shadeflicker is that one brutal NPC. unlike the other two however, you can't skip any of these. i was stubborn enough not to skip the other two, but sort of wish that i had lol
oh a minor point on an old feature, but this Argus pet checker has never shown that i have a Spring Strider. it does show if i go through the legion ready checker, just not on this page (edited)
Word of Warning - Foulclaw's insane damage mitigation (blocks all damage for 4 rounds) combined with his high damage vs Dragons makes this meta exceptionally frustrating to achieve. Go do the dragon fight with it first, and if you pull it off continue with Draconic Destruction and Family Fighter.
If not, use an easier team and just go for Anomalous Animals of Argus
Long time user first-time account holder... I don't know what I've been doing my entire life lol. I didn't realize that making an account would be so dang helpful! Can't wait to continue to use the site and provide strats when I find new ones! Thanks for the site love the Xu-Fu team!
Is there a bug with the Spring Strider? According to this list I dont have one but it shows in my pet list in game and I have tried updating my profile.
As per gsanta's comment below, my Mini Mindslayer showed up as missing from my collection too until I obtained a 2nd one and now displays correctly, I only have 1 Zandalari Toenibbler however and that does not show as missing.
I love this site! The strategies provided and also the contribution of all the other people is really useful. When I am missing a pet, I start reading the comments and someone has provided a modified strategy that I can use. Great site and great community! thanks again :)
Maybe its me that is blind but I don't see a Rematch Tab import for this has it not bin added?
it's tedious importing every battle for every family one by one :P
It doesn't exist for this part, yet. I have to find a more clever approach to it. Probably together with a better overview in the user menu and favourite strategies - or as a separate tool. Something like that.
Huge shout out for such great and through work. Your eyes permanently crossed yet from reading tables :D ? Mine would be. This is beautimous in it's thoroughness. I have turned on many many people to this page. It's great! Thanks for all the hard work you've done and continue to do.
I show 2 Spring Striders in my pet list, 1 missing and 1 that isn't listed as missing(both show only 1 occurrence). I also show a missing mini mindslayer(2 occurrences). I only have 1. and it doesn't show up in my have list. And it shows that I have a Chrominius, but it lists 6 occurrences, but it is not listed in Missing nor do I have 6 of them. So I think your Missing/Occurrences logic may need some looking into.
The logic does work, but a little bit different. Occurrence means how many different fights the pet is used in. Like Chrominius, who is being used for 6 different battles, but just one in each fight.
If there are separate entries of pets (2 spring striders), it means there is one single battle that requires two copies of the spring strider, meaning you need duplicates to follow the strategy.
Thank you for the time and space that you have provided for this website. Some feedback: I just checked some of these to see what breeds I might need to level up. I found the actual stratagies referenced for the 3 battles for bat, and the one for elementium geode (VERY difficult to get) do not reference either of those two pets. When you have time can you double check the list? And I really like my Celestial Tournament rewards. Thanks again.
Fantastic website. Thank you for all the work that goes into it. Helped me countless times. Any reason why Lost Netherpup and Arcane Eye would appear on my missing list, when I have both?
Hey! That was a tiny little bug that was really hard to track down, but I finally found it :-) It should work correctly now!
Thank you very much for bringing it up!
Hi, first off thanks so much for the site, secondly I'm having the same issue only for me it is the gulp froglet and arcane eye that are showing as not collected when I differently have them. (froglet i only just got today :D but the eye I've had for ages).
No problem! I did want to give an explanation as well and completely forgot :S
The reason for this was the "Any Magic" in the first slot of a strategy (for Watcher, to be exact). My script was pulling the very first level 25 rare magic pet from your collection, which happened to be the Arcane Eye, and locked it for this slot. Then in the next slot, it checked if you have an Arcane Eye, but that was already locked so it assumed you need it twice - which you don't have, and that created the red line.
Now it checks a bit more intelligently and keeps the other slots in mind, using a different magic pet instead.
Hey! Great list, very helpful in deciding what to level up next. :D Just one thing: claims I don't have a Gahz'rooki, when I quite certainly do. Tiny still, but there.
Just a note for people who may not have level 25s or needs to change pets to ones that arent 25. I twice sent all my 21 lvl 110s to the pet battle in dal when it had tokens available as reward before starting. I mostly had the required pets at 25 but found on occasion I needed to switch to a pet that wasnt high enough. The 2 goes at the dal pet fight yielded over 600 tokens that I traded in for the bags that gave family stones. I kept them in my bags then if I needed to bring in a pet that wasnt quite high enough I was able to get it to 25. I didnt go through the entire list of what was required before starting the fights that was a complete surprise at each battle but having stones in my bag before hand really helped.
Just wanted to report that the Mudshell Conch I have is not showing up on the list yet I have a lvl 25 one. No biggy just a heads up. Absolutely love and can't do without your site. Great work.
Would just like to say thank you so very much! This page and the family familiar page was extremely helpful, only had to refer back to wowhead a couple times because my rng luck is really crap but this really saved the bacon on a ton of reading and scrolling.
Will this be updated to check for breeds? It would be very useful for it to do so, especially since the collection tracker here already does detect them.
Anyone have a copy of the old list that wasn't sorted alphabetically and was one page instead of 8? I was a little more than halfway in listing which pets I needed to level and was using that list, now I have to start over because of the update :/
After almost 300 battles, i finally got the achievements. Thankfully my last round of battles was against Corrupted Blood of Argus - had 2 restarts so 12 battles and All done. Cheers Aranesh and rest of contributors
Thank you so much for putting this up! And a very big thanks to the community for posting alternatives to specific breeds. Only aquatic snozz gave me real trouble, but I just kept rolling the dice till everything fell in place.
Could you add some kind of notice if a certain pet needs to be off an specific breed? Because right now it's somewhat annoying to check every single strategy for a family to see if your pet has the right breed. Love your work.
Agreed. A simple note beside them would make this so much better. If multiple breeds are necessary, can just put (H/H breed for X, H/S for Y) next to them.
Hello! With Family Fighter having 18 battles, how is Ikky and Unborn Val'kyr in more than 18? Does this list have more data than just the fights?
I use your lists a ton and am excited to start on this achievement, so I want to make sure I dont go out and get pets and level them that I don't need to.
Hey :)
The list counts occurences also for the individual family teams. With 18 fights and 10 families, there are 180 individual strategies listed here :-)
I think the point was that there's only eighteen fights per family. So, for instance, Ikky isn't going to be on the Undead team, just as Valk isn't going to be on the Flying team. So they should cap out at eighteen, one fight per trainer. But both have upwards of twenty occurrences listed.
I'd actually wondered about this, as well. I know you don't generally list occurrences for the alternate strats, but maybe they slipped through or you changed your mind on that or something.
At any rate, we all appreciate everything you do and keep up the good work. :)
Yup, Trisha clarified what I meant. Ikky being a bird, should theoretically only be in 18. I guess it's the generic teams. I know this may be a pain, but is there a way to separate them? I don't really care about the generic teams and getting pets for them :)
It's exactly how Tatahe described it. Ikky for example comes up 16 times or so for Flying, and another 10 or so times for "Normal" strategies, that are here for just quickly finishing the world quest.
I ran into a couple of the pets on Argus, and I hadn't checked your site yet, I used my 3 nexus whelplings to beat the fight, and on one I started trying to do the family familiar for the achieve, and I didn't write down what pets I used, but beat most of them, should I start keeping track to see if maybe I have some that could be alternative strategies, for the ones that work I mean?
Hey :) At this point there are strategies up for all the fights, so I don't think it's super necessary anymore. If you remember a particularly tough fight though please feel free to add it in the comments. It's always appreciated!
If you send it via suggestions I can't guarantee it will be added in time, since I'm going on vacation soon (and we have about 250 still pending suggestions to go through ^^').
Yes, I wish there was a tool that allowed us to check. There's just so many for these battles. I thought I would have them all but I'm 2/3 done and so far I've been missing 5 or 6 pets.
Maybe Snozz is bugged? When he uses Buried Treasure, he is healing for 564 HP out of his max HP of 1879. The tooltip says it's supposed to heal him for "up to 25%" but he's healing for slightly over 30% each time.
Thank you as always for this tremendous work. It's appreciated. Argus is definitely finding holes in my pet collection but I love the excuse to go out and collect more.
Curious why you went with the name, "Argus", rather than "Family Fighter". Didn't even notice it at first as I was looking for the achievement name as you had used before. Also, maybe as a stopgap, was wondering if you could you add a column to the list with an asterisk for those that do have a specific breed requirement. Way too many options to check every one and hate to wait till I get to a fight to realize I should have gottten a specific breed earlier to level.
Hey Rhoda. I'm not going to add the Argus beasts to the old ready checker because of breeds and very specific requirements needed for those fights. The ready checker can't display those, and could lead to people getting or leveling pets that in the end are useless for those fights.
It would be totally amazing if you could implement the ready checker for this as well. I found it so incredibly helpful, my wow pet bible when I first started to work on the FF achievement.
Hey reedwand! It's great to hear that :-) I haven't built anything like this before, where people go to and actively use my tool. It's strange, yet amazing and rewarding. I've reconsidered and will adapt the ready checker for Argus as well now.
FYI, most of the strats for Foulclaw do not work as it casts Crouch, and ends up having 100% damage reduction for several rounds. I'm trying some things and not really making any headway yet.
Also, on the separate pages, you have the Family Familiar names (i.e. Best of Beasts) instead of the Family Fighter names (i.e. Beast Blitz). :)
I'm only aware of one strategy in this section that requires 2 of the same pets (2x Darkmoon Zeppelin). It shouldn't be the issue, must be something else. It seems to be a really strange error in the code :S
Sehr gerne :-) Und leider dieses mal nicht. VIele der Strategien brauchen Breeds und das kann der Ready-Checker noch nicht. Da müsste ich erst viel Entwicklung reinstecken wofür mir schlichtweg die Zeit gefehlt hat
Я очень уважаю тех кто создал этот сайт и тех кто делиться своим опытом, но всё же, есть тактики, в локациях аргуса которые не действуют. Я прошу администрацию сайта проверять тактики которые выкладывают люди.
Нужно понимать, что бои на аргусе с высоким риском - если что-то кританет, то любая тактика может сломаться - просто начинайте заново бой - обычно за 1-3 боя любая тактика срабатывает. Также читайте комментарии, там бывают полезные советы, кем заменить петов и поправки в тактики. А также оставляйте свои советы. Сайт просто супер - огромное уважение создателям!
Уважаемый Grafmalavar для каждой тактики можно оставить свой комментарий, а так же предоставить свой вариант битвы питомцев. На этом и основываются созданные на сайте команды для битв питомцев
wrote on 2022-10-11 12:19:20
wrote on 2024-08-10 03:28:01
Hope you got it done!
wrote on 2024-08-15 12:27:32
wrote on 2023-03-02 16:20:48
/way #830 58.32 29.74 Retch
/way #830 42.98 51.97 Baneglow
/way #830 29.56 57.93 Deathscreech
/way #830 51.55 63.75 Foulclaw
/way #830 39.57 66.48 Gnasher
/way #830 66.73 72.66 Ruinhoof
/way #882 74.6 36.2 Mar'cuus
/way #882 67.6 44.0 Bucky
/way #882 69.8 52.0 Snozz
/way #882 60.0 71.0 Gloamwing
/way #882 36.02 54.13 Shadeflicker
/way #882 31.84 31.38 Corrupted Blood of Argus
Antoran Wastes:
/way #885 76.6 73.8 Minixis
/way #885 64.0 65.8 Pilfer
/way #885 56.6 54.2 Bloat
/way #885 59.8 40.0 One-of-Many
/way #885 51.6 41.6 Watcher
/way #885 56.0 28.6 Earseeker
wrote on 2022-10-07 17:04:59
wrote on 2022-07-20 07:38:34
wrote on 2022-02-21 20:43:35
wrote on 2022-02-21 22:06:55
I see you have rabbits, but your rabbits are the wrong breed. You want S/S breed rabbits. Do you have the addon Battle Pet Breed ID, from Curseforge? It will show you breeds on each pet.
They're easy to get, though. Personally, I'd go for Arctic Hares in Dragonblight. Capture two S/S bunnies, and use Market Flawless Battle-Stone to upgrade them to Rare if you need to. Or you might check Legion Dalaran for an S/S Dust Bunny.
https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/1518/Shadeflicker-Critter looks very similar, and all you need is a third fast bunny. You can never have too many fast bunnies!
Are you US or EU? I might be able to help out if EU.
wrote on 2022-02-22 14:14:51
amakusa007 wrote on 2020-08-15 11:52:28
wrote on 2020-08-15 14:51:19
wrote on 2020-08-15 15:30:39
wrote on 2020-08-15 16:35:40
wrote on 2020-08-20 21:01:10
wrote on 2020-08-24 18:06:37
wrote on 2021-04-09 07:53:19
wrote on 2020-11-15 10:59:52
When i run the mass export for all fights I get the following result that puzzles me.
(Red line) Corrupted Blood, 1 fight, no level, no breed required.
(Gray line) Corrupted Blood, 3 fights, 25, same breed (P/S).
Wondering why CBlood is split in two when it appears all fights use the same lv25 that I have already.
wrote on 2019-08-02 18:53:28
wrote on 2019-08-03 02:38:31
You can repeat the Argus fights as many times as you want regardless of the world quests. :-)
wrote on 2019-08-03 03:35:34
wrote on 2020-09-01 20:48:00
Aaron wrote on 2020-01-27 15:54:16
wrote on 2020-01-27 17:25:10
More permanent link:
wrote on 2019-11-05 04:55:54
wrote on 2019-11-04 00:17:37
oh a minor point on an old feature, but this Argus pet checker has never shown that i have a Spring Strider. it does show if i go through the legion ready checker, just not on this page (edited)
wrote on 2018-12-26 22:09:16
If not, use an easier team and just go for Anomalous Animals of Argus
wrote on 2018-08-13 10:33:06
wrote on 2018-08-06 10:05:04
wrote on 2018-07-09 09:52:09
wrote on 2018-07-09 10:02:51
wrote on 2018-07-07 09:37:33
wrote on 2018-07-06 11:34:22
wrote on 2018-07-06 03:25:03
it's tedious importing every battle for every family one by one :P
wrote on 2018-07-06 09:22:34
wrote on 2018-05-01 19:23:04
wrote on 2018-05-13 01:09:48
wrote on 2018-01-24 09:51:46
wrote on 2018-01-25 14:32:43
wrote on 2018-04-16 09:16:31
wrote on 2018-04-17 03:38:42
The logic does work, but a little bit different. Occurrence means how many different fights the pet is used in. Like Chrominius, who is being used for 6 different battles, but just one in each fight.
If there are separate entries of pets (2 spring striders), it means there is one single battle that requires two copies of the spring strider, meaning you need duplicates to follow the strategy.
wrote on 2018-03-07 13:15:13
wrote on 2018-03-07 13:26:52
wrote on 2017-12-04 16:35:15
Any reason why Lost Netherpup and Arcane Eye would appear on my missing list, when I have both?
wrote on 2017-12-16 05:26:51
Thank you very much for bringing it up!
wrote on 2017-12-16 17:08:11
wrote on 2018-02-04 23:47:56
wrote on 2018-02-05 03:35:12
wrote on 2018-02-05 08:39:26
wrote on 2018-02-06 07:28:34
wrote on 2018-02-06 07:54:11
The reason for this was the "Any Magic" in the first slot of a strategy (for Watcher, to be exact). My script was pulling the very first level 25 rare magic pet from your collection, which happened to be the Arcane Eye, and locked it for this slot. Then in the next slot, it checked if you have an Arcane Eye, but that was already locked so it assumed you need it twice - which you don't have, and that created the red line.
Now it checks a bit more intelligently and keeps the other slots in mind, using a different magic pet instead.
wrote on 2018-01-05 15:13:55
wrote on 2018-01-04 03:17:23
wrote on 2018-01-02 08:22:30
Askania wrote on 2018-01-01 07:33:57
wrote on 2017-12-16 00:19:28
wrote on 2017-12-16 05:27:19
wrote on 2017-12-02 07:52:51
wrote on 2017-12-02 10:25:14
Carolan wrote on 2017-12-02 06:58:31
wrote on 2017-12-02 10:24:41
Eezo wrote on 2017-11-29 17:59:29
wrote on 2017-11-30 17:18:23
wrote on 2017-12-01 03:04:14
wrote on 2017-11-10 11:29:11
wrote on 2017-11-14 12:33:08
moltov wrote on 2017-10-17 23:47:33
Vill wrote on 2017-09-26 18:21:59
wrote on 2017-09-28 05:00:10
Prudentius wrote on 2017-09-21 14:13:28
Tasmanien wrote on 2017-09-15 13:52:45
For normal strategies : https://pastebin.com/L4EU1kcV
Anonymous wrote on 2017-09-17 23:26:38
Emarka wrote on 2017-09-19 18:37:02
Marco wrote on 2017-09-19 10:17:57
kala wrote on 2017-09-10 18:50:21
Ainsley wrote on 2017-09-13 13:58:20
Doubleminy wrote on 2017-09-04 13:16:53
I use your lists a ton and am excited to start on this achievement, so I want to make sure I dont go out and get pets and level them that I don't need to.
wrote on 2017-09-04 13:43:27
The list counts occurences also for the individual family teams. With 18 fights and 10 families, there are 180 individual strategies listed here :-)
Trisha wrote on 2017-09-04 14:32:03
I'd actually wondered about this, as well. I know you don't generally list occurrences for the alternate strats, but maybe they slipped through or you changed your mind on that or something.
At any rate, we all appreciate everything you do and keep up the good work. :)
Tatahe wrote on 2017-09-04 14:34:49
Doubleminy wrote on 2017-09-04 15:00:06
Moonbeam wrote on 2017-09-08 20:21:42
wrote on 2017-09-09 09:12:09
Galanthria wrote on 2017-09-08 07:50:40
wrote on 2017-09-08 08:35:14
If you send it via suggestions I can't guarantee it will be added in time, since I'm going on vacation soon (and we have about 250 still pending suggestions to go through ^^').
Congrats on the achievement for you!
Dashifen wrote on 2017-08-30 09:19:37
wrote on 2017-08-30 13:07:28
Daedrynn wrote on 2017-09-07 23:24:20
Anonymous wrote on 2017-09-06 17:35:18
Cogline wrote on 2017-09-06 18:36:39
Anonymous wrote on 2017-09-06 19:05:20
Nikapo wrote on 2017-09-07 02:13:16
wrote on 2017-09-07 07:34:51
Gundir wrote on 2017-08-30 07:08:03
Finadama wrote on 2017-09-07 02:47:06
Machista wrote on 2017-09-06 14:22:50
Xpariah wrote on 2017-09-03 17:48:36
Lilyoptra wrote on 2017-09-01 13:46:03
Curious why you went with the name, "Argus", rather than "Family Fighter". Didn't even notice it at first as I was looking for the achievement name as you had used before. Also, maybe as a stopgap, was wondering if you could you add a column to the list with an asterisk for those that do have a specific breed requirement. Way too many options to check every one and hate to wait till I get to a fight to realize I should have gottten a specific breed earlier to level.
Super Asur wrote on 2017-08-29 01:27:37
wrote on 2017-08-29 11:38:36
Rhoda wrote on 2017-08-29 15:53:16
wrote on 2017-08-31 05:28:50
reedwand wrote on 2017-08-31 08:49:14
wrote on 2017-09-01 05:20:13
Boba wrote on 2017-09-01 04:30:25
wrote on 2017-09-01 04:54:11
Nikapo wrote on 2017-08-30 05:40:10
Also, on the separate pages, you have the Family Familiar names (i.e. Best of Beasts) instead of the Family Fighter names (i.e. Beast Blitz). :)
Anonymous wrote on 2017-08-27 13:02:59
wrote on 2017-08-28 06:12:42
Trisha wrote on 2017-08-28 15:26:36
wrote on 2017-08-28 17:54:56
Andy wrote on 2017-08-29 15:06:17
DANKE für die tolle Seite!
wrote on 2017-08-29 15:10:01
Und leider dieses mal nicht. VIele der Strategien brauchen Breeds und das kann der Ready-Checker noch nicht. Da müsste ich erst viel Entwicklung reinstecken wofür mir schlichtweg die Zeit gefehlt hat
Grafmalavar wrote on 2017-11-20 12:39:03
AlexAm wrote on 2017-12-30 00:22:23
wrote on 2018-03-08 06:33:01
wrote on 2025-02-10 03:12:53
вит wrote on 2018-06-23 21:11:27
New Comment: