To unlock the Argent Tournament Dailies, go to the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown, enter the Argent Tent, and talk to Justicar Mariel Trueheart.
/way #118 69.6 22.8 Justicar Mariel Trueheart
She will direct you to either The Sunreavers if you are a member of the Horde, or The Silver Covenant if you belong to the Alliance. From there on, your factions will direct you to the appropriate quests.
You will go through five ranks as you progress through the dailies: Rankless, Aspirant, Valiant, Champion, then Crusader.
Once you reach the Valiant rank, a quest for your character’s race will become available. Head to your faction’s tent on the east side of the Argent Tournament Grounds to begin the Valiant chain. You’ll need to collect and turn in 25 Valiant’s Seals to complete it and become a Champion for your racial city. You can only be a Valiant for one city at a time. So to earn Champion status with all five faction cities will take 25 days.
Once you complete The Valiant’s Challenge you’ll get the quest A Champion Rises (Alliance | Horde) and will become a Champion for your racial faction. This opens up both new Champion daily quests and the ability to repeat the Valiant to Champion progress for one of the other city reputations.
Once you’ve earned Champion standing with any one city reputation you can access all Champion daily quests. These will award you with Silver Covenant/Sunreavers reputation, Argent Crusade reputation (everyone but death knights), Ebon Hold reputation (death knights only), and Champion’s Seals. Champion's Seals are what you'll use to purchase your pets!
Last Update: 2024-02-08 05:12:21 (Patch 10.2.5)
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