Zone: Dalaran
Vendor: Conjurer Margoss
Faction: Conjurer Margoss - Best Friend
Cost: 50 Drowned Mana
From Warcraft Pets:
This pet can be purchased from Conjurer Margoss in Dalaran (Broken Isles). Players must have the Best Friends reputation with Conjurer Margoss to buy Trashy.
Upon first meeting Conjurer Margoss, he will have a quest for the player to fish up Drowned Mana from the nearby pond. Completing this quest will reward 250 friendship.
Drowned Mana is not only the currency used to purchase Trashy, but can also be turned in to Margoss in exchange for friendship. Each Drowned Mana yields 50 reputation.
Occasionally players may fish up Mark of Aquaos. Using this item will spawn a hostile creature, Aquaos. Killing him will turn the small pond into a temporary source of increased Drowned Mana, where successful casts are guaranteed to yield Drowned Mana and sometimes multiple Mana.
Last Update: 2024-02-22 07:53:35 (Patch 10.2.5)
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