
Your Week in Pet Battles for 30 January

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Table of Contents:

1. Turbulent Timeways: Cataclysm Timewalking
2. Claws for Concern for Blueloo!
3. Lunar Festival Begins Saturday!
4. Love is in the Air Begins Monday!
5. Darkmoon Faire Begins Sunday!
6. Squirt in the EU Garrison on 6 February & KR/TW Garrison on 7 February
7. Hoplet Pet in Shop Until 29 February 2024
8. Prime Gaming Loot: Cap'n Crackers
9. February's Trading Post Arrives Thursday!
10. N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One
11. Maw Assaults
12. Vol'dun Assaults
13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage
13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Jorundall, Un’gol Ruins, Whispering Reef
13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Crestfall, Elemental, Rotting Mire, Skittering Hollow

Your Week in Pet Battles for 30 January


2024-01-30 17:18:04
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW, and it's quite a lot!

1. Turbulent Timeways: Cataclysm Timewalking

Welcome to Cataclysm Timewalking week! Between the vendor and the Firelands raid, there are six different pets to collect!

Secret Pet: 불사조 소원날개
As part of collecting the secret pet, Wishwing, you'll need to collect the Glittering Phoenix Ember from the boss Alysrazor in the Timewalking Raid. It does not appear that this item will drop outside of the Timewalking Raid.

Firelands Raid:
잿그물 거미
지옥불 화염집게

Timewalking Vendor:
Kiatke can be found in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, respectively. Among her items for purchase is the Bag of Shiny Things for 150 Timewarped Badges, and one of the items that has a chance to drop from this bag is the 해변게

2. Claws for Concern for Blueloo!

This WQ will be up from the 3rd to the 5th of February

While the Claws for Concern World Quest is up, you will be able to work on the Friends in Feathers achievement for the pet 블루루! Normally, you can only rescue 6 Moonkin Hatchlings at a time, so you can either do the WQ across three characters, or you can also join a raid group and rescue all 18 Moonkin Hatchlings in one go on one character!

3. Lunar Festival Begins Saturday!

Happy Lunar Festival to all! Though this isn't the grandest of holidays celebrated on Azeroth, it does offer pet collectors & battlers two, faction-specific pets: the Lunar Lantern for the Alliance, and the Festival Lantern for the Horde.

Each pet costs 50 Coins of Ancestry, and the pets are tradeable, meaning you can hop onto your AH and purchase the opposite faction's pet (and/or your own).

4. Love is in the Air Begins Monday!

Ah, Love is in the Air, both literally and figuratively, as Azeroth's version of Valentine's Day has made its appearance in the capital cities! This is a two-week event that offers four holiday pets for those of us in the pet community!

Dungeon Pet: 맹독 말랑이

This pet is a drop from the Heart-Shaped Box, which you get for killing the boss Apothecary Hummel in the holiday dungeon The Crown Chemical Co.. This box is only available once per day for players level 60 and above.

Vendor: All the vendor pets can be purchased from the Lovely Merchant for 40 Love Tokens each.

새끼 사랑새
New! - 심장추적자 나방

5. Darkmoon Faire Begins Sunday!

You can find all our Darkmoon Faire pet information in our article here.

If you're looking for our Darkmoon Faire strategies for Christoph VonFeasel and Jeremy Feasel, those can be found here for the general strategies, and here for An Awfully Big Adventure.

Also, don't forget to pick up your WHEE! buff to get a 10% experience & reputation bonus!

6. Squirt in the EU Garrison on 6 February & KR/TW Garrison on 7 February

Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in the EU Garrison on 6 February & KR/TW Garrison on 7 February. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.

7. Hoplet Pet in Shop Until 29 February 2024

Leap into new and hoppy adventures with a fluffy friend by your side. The Hoplet pet, outfitted in festive Lunar New Year fashion, will be available in the Battle.net® Shop for a limited time and will scamper away on February 29, 2024. Hoplet is ready for fuzzy fun and will join you immediately after your purchase and activation.

This pet was previously only available to Wrath Classic players, and was given for the Lunar New Year 2023 gift for players with a 6- or 12-month subscription.

8. Prime Gaming Loot: Cap'n Crackers

From Jan 30, 2024 through Feb 27, 2024, players are/were able to connect their Amazon Prime Gaming account to their Battle.net account to collect 꼬마선장 크래커스

9. February's Trading Post Arrives Thursday!

For February's Trading Post you can purchase two lovely maidenbugs: 넬레 & 벅시!
Each pet will set you back 250 Trader's Tender.

10. N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One

Uldum - N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One Bonus Objective will spawn the Amalgamation of Flesh Rare, which has a chance to drop the 사악한 잠복꾼

The Bonus Objective itself is not a guaranteed spawn during the assault. If you'd like to know if it's spawning for the day, Remte and I post Daily Reports in the Xu-Fu's, Warcraft Pets, & Secret Finder's Discord, and I also post them on my Twitter & on the NA Pet Battle Forum

11. Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Necrolord:
꼬마 누더기 (Crafted Treasure)
& 총알받이 (Assault Cache)

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Kyrian:
교활이 (A Sly Fox Progress),
죄악의 몰락지 비명박쥐 (Treasure),
& 구리등 에테르고룡 (Assault Cache) until mid-week reset

12. Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: 다시 만든 기계 거미 (Horde) & 다시 만든 고릴라 로봇 (Alliance)

Thursday 1 February @ 4 am CET/Pacific - 11 am

Monday 5 February @ 10 pm CET/Pacific - 5 am

13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Jorundall, Un’gol Ruins, Whispering Reef


꼬마 사향몸통
새끼 천둥비늘
혈석 땅굴벌레
소금껍질 모래게
불길의 말벌
새끼 해비늘
꼬마 가시수풀
새끼 산악발굽
새끼 돌껍질 순록
새끼 가시등
가죽날개 비명박쥐
새끼 그늘깃털
모래껍질 딱정벌레
죽음침 전갈
새끼 화염그물 거미
선장 깨물숭

Un'gol Ruins

꼬마 사향몸통
혈석 땅굴벌레
소금껍질 모래게
불길의 말벌
새끼 해비늘
새끼 산악발굽
새끼 가시등
새끼 그늘깃털
새끼 돌껍질 순록
가죽날개 비명박쥐
꼬마 가시수풀

Whispering Reef

새끼 그늘깃털
새끼 바닷물비늘
소금껍질 모래게
시린빛 파도질주자
불길의 말벌
죽음침 전갈
꼬마 사향몸통
새끼 해비늘
새끼 돌껍질 순록
새끼 가시등

13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Crestfall, Elemental, Rotting Mire, Skittering Hollow


선장 깨물숭
유령 새끼용
꼬마 가시수풀
새끼 산악발굽
소금껍질 모래게
죽음침 전갈
불길의 말벌
새끼 화염그물 거미
가죽날개 비명박쥐
혈석 땅굴벌레
새끼 해비늘
꼬마 사향몸통
모래껍질 딱정벌레
새끼 가시등
새끼 그늘깃털
새끼 돌껍질 순록


낄낄거리는 화염정령
장난꾸러기 서리정령
웃는 바위정령
짓궂은 돌풍
새끼 돌껍질 순록

Rotting Mire

꼬마 사향몸통
혈석 땅굴벌레
소금껍질 모래게
불길의 말벌
새끼 해비늘
꼬마 가시수풀
새끼 산악발굽
새끼 가시등
새끼 그늘깃털
새끼 돌껍질 순록
가죽날개 비명박쥐
새끼 천둥비늘
선장 깨물숭

Skittering Hollow

모래껍질 딱정벌레
보루카르 흡혈거미
죽음침 전갈
새끼 산악발굽
꼬마 가시수풀
불길의 말벌
새끼 돌껍질 순록
새끼 가시등


글 올리기 2024-02-05 20:40:20

"This WQ will be up from the 3rd to the 5th of February"

Where was this heard about the Claws for Concern WQ? Because it was only up on the 3rd, it wasn't up on the 4th, and it isn't up today (5th).


글 올리기 2024-02-05 21:00:37

It's a 3-day WQ, and as of right now is showing as having 18h left in NA


글 올리기 2024-02-05 21:37:42

Okay, so I found six of the creatures and the WQ ended for me. Goddamned Blizzard. So I have to wait days or weeks again, until it reappears. Why are so many of Blizz's challenges simply time sinks. Do they not know how to actually create challenges? A 3 day WQ instead of just respawning a 12 or 15 hour WQ three times over three days. Fuggers. I just had the Lost in the Deeps daily quest spawn for the first time in two weeks, and I have to do that 10 times to acquire Pebble, so that might take me 20 weeks.


글 올리기 2024-02-06 01:09:28

There is a channel that exists in game that you can join where people in that channel can share the quest with you if YOU are NOT in Deepholm. It does not matter which daily is up, the quest can be shared, completed, and turned in. Off to find the channel....

Edit was to reflect Toenail's correction below. Thank you! (edited)


글 올리기 2024-02-06 01:11:19

"Paper Beats Rock"


글 올리기 2024-02-06 03:40:57

Progress is "per account", so if you complete it on one toon, you can pick it up with another toon and "find" 6 different moonkins to further the completion. It would take 3 toons this way. Alternatively, you can get into a raid group and the quest will not progress at all, so you can complete the entire achievement on one toon. The quest "Hibernation Heroes" is a popular raid quest that is nearby and very handy for this purpose (this is how I got the achievement).


글 올리기 2024-02-06 20:14:59

Thanks for that tip.


글 올리기 2024-02-09 06:32:12

yes, i am usually the one on the most that can share the pebbles quest in Paper Beats Rock. anyone who will hang around after getting pebbles (doing the quest 10 times) can then take the quest and share it with anyone. the person you share with needs to have the daily quests open. doing the therazane quests until revered (honored? i forget) will start the random rotation dailies. being able to share it and getting it done in 10 days is much better than possibly waiting weeks or months for that quest to appear 10 times.

When getting the quest shared, The one place in the entire game you can't be is in Deepholm. Org or SW or anywhere else is fine. (edited)


글 올리기 2024-02-09 06:54:35

Yep. I've been hitting you up every morning so far for the quest. Solarflare here. When I hit 10/10 (4/10 now) I'll grab the quest from you one last time so that I can start haring it forward.


글 올리기 2024-02-09 14:08:52

My list of reputations that I have planned didn't show Pebble as a reward, so I hadn't planned on doing Therazane. I will have to do that one now :/ Apparently you start out hated with them.

How do we join the community? I tried searching "Paper Beats Rock" in the Guild & Communities > Find a community finder in-game but it's not finding it. I tried the invitation code mentioned on Pebble page (https://www.wowhead.com/item=60869/pebble#comments:id=3133296) but the game says that invite link is expired.


글 올리기 2024-02-09 18:33:14

Pebble isn't a reward for Therzane rep. I think you simply need to be Honored to have the dailies appear, of which the pebble quest is one of them. But if you're heading there daily to check if the daily is available, you can do the other dailies. It didn't take me long to reach exalted with them. The rep is just a side bonus. Also, while doing the other dailies, you get super familiar with the cave system you have to lead pebble out of. From picking up Pebble, I'm out of the cave system in about two minutes. It's a really easy quest, don't let all the wowhead comments fool you into hinking it's difficult.


글 올리기 2024-02-09 20:54:43

Link horde link
i changed it to cross-faction. should work, but i am not the person who started this, i just been keeping it going. idk if the "horde" at the end of the link matters for alliance. let me know (edited)


글 올리기 2024-02-11 02:17:55

@toenail, using that link, it says I'm the wrong faction and suggests the owner can change the group to cross-faction (I am Alliance). I also tried without horde on the end, and also with Alliance on the end, but the code is the same for each so I don't see that the query strings on the end do anything. Between WHEE and being human, I got up to about 4.5k revered (16.5k left to go to exalted) after doing all the quests in Deepholm today and today's dailies.


글 올리기 2024-02-24 17:32:50

i found out that i needed an alliance alt to create an alliance invite link in a cross-faction community (really blizzard?)

Link alliance link

this should work for alliance. worst case, if you search under english, cross-faction, social and leveling then search for paper beats rock, anyone should get in.


글 올리기 2024-01-31 05:44:55

last TW firelands, i found out the hard way that you can't get another phoenix wishwing on the same character. unfortunately, you don't find that out until the very end after farming everything.. would have been nice if the drops didn't happen or the vendor didn't sell the item in spires of arak :( i will need to look up that achievement and blueloo pet. no clue lol thanks for the write up! (edited)


글 올리기 2024-01-31 08:14:35

Oh, nooo! And that's such an atrocious farm, too xD


글 올리기 2024-02-02 22:37:42

it's not as horrible now, the elementals drop better. i had an easier time with the pots in arak too. I mean it's hard but not soul-sucking, sub-canceling, uninstalling-wow hard ;)


글 올리기 2024-02-03 06:07:32

I'm glad to hear it, lol ^^

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