
Treasure Hunt Winners!

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Treasure Hunt Winners!


2021-12-25 07:09:15
Happy Holidays and a big thank you again to everyone taking part in our Treasure Hunt :)

Drawing the winners was slightly more complex this time around due to the different systems with the covenants and the sheer amount of Coins and Anima. With 2 million Anima and each counting as one entry, it wasn't possible anymore to have me draw a random number and checking in an Excel sheet in parallel. So instead I listed all Anima, Coins, and their respective donors in a database and had a script do the rolling.

No video this time but here is a screenshot of the results: Draw Results

For easier reference, I'll list all winners here, combining prizes for those who won more than one.

Anima prizes:

Covenant Top3 prizes:
  • Shiia - Store pet of choice

From all random draws

Congratulations to all winners! Please check your direct messages here to collect your prizes :)

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