
Recommended Addons

Addons for pet battles

There are quite a lot of helpful addons for pet battlers. I want to list some especially useful ones here, sorted by priority:

1. Rematch

For me this is the most important addon for pet battlers! It replaces our pet journal with a much more advanced version.
It provides the option to save your teams and assign them to specific opponents so they are automatically selected whenever you face them. These teams can be arranged in tabs and you can attach notes and scripts to them. Furthermore one or more slots in your teams can be filled with leveling pets (pets you want to level up next) which are drawn from a list you can create yourself. You can even adapt those leveling slots to meet certain conditions of any encounter. All of this happens automatically.

This addon also offers some neat options to filter and search for pets.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rematch

2. Pet Battle Scripts

Using Pet Battle Scripts lets you use specific scripts that play out a fight in a pre-determined manner, with you only pressing one button for each action. This more or less automates the fight and makes them extremely easy and convenient to follow.
The addon interacts with Rematch so that you can save a script for each fight, making this the most comfortable way to pet battle.

Here is a guide on how to install and use the addon: https://wow-petguide.com/index.php?m=UsingTDScripts
And you can also find a guide for writing scripts on your own here https://wow-petguide.com/index.php?m=TDScripts

3. Battle Pet Breed ID

Pets can have different "breeds" which determine how their stats are being distributed with every level they gain. These differences can be crucial to the succsess or failure of a pet in some situations. Unfortunately the base game doesn't show the breeds of the pets. That's where the addon Battle Pet Breed ID comes into play: it shows which breed a certain pet has and it also lists all the possible alternative breeds that every single pet can come in.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/battle_pet_breedid

4. Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks

Another small addon that displays the stats of pets in a match with more detail (e.g. showing percentages of hitpoints for certain thresholds and gives you a more apparent presentation of the current match-round). It additionally add key binds for Forfeit, Pass and pet swapping and display enemy abilities and their cooldown at the bottom of the battle UI.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/battle-pet-battle-ui-tweaks

5. Annene - Rearrange Pet Battling Bar

One more small addon with which you can very easily change the position of the pet battle bar to where you want to have it.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/annene

6. Battle Pet Daily Tamer

This addon shows you tamers and quests (including world quests) on your map.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/battle-pet-daily-tamer

7. UltraSquirt

This too is meant to simplify repeatable fights and therefor is a nice addition to TD-Scripts.
UltraSquirt uses the one-button function of TD-Scripts for the fights and carries that over outside of them to heal your pets and restart a fight.

The addon works for Squirt as well as for the repeatable trainer encounters from legion.
Once you've installed the addon you have to type "/ultra" to activate or deactivate it. Use the target selection to set it up for the trainer you want to use it on.
The options are very simple but you can still read them up in the addon's description on CurseForge.
Pressing the space button (default setting) will heal your pets (either the spell or with bandages, alternatively via the NPC at Squirt), navigate through a fight using TD-Script and reengage with the trainer.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ultrasquirt

8. Collecting and trading

Besides the actual pet battles some people like to focus on mainly collecting pets or even use them as trading goods which can even be sold across realms. There are useful addons for those purposes too that I'd like to highlight here:

8.1 PetTracker

PetTracker has many nice features that may prove handy for pet battlers. It is particularly helpful for completing the own collection. It shows the spawning locations (including vendors and such) of pets on your map. It also offers some other services like having its own breed display with special icons or showing the selected abilities of your opponent. However there are way better alternative addons for these jobs and that's why I recommend to use PetTracker only as a tool for collecting pets.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pettracker

Should you also be using "broker-addons" (for example Titan Panel) then the addon PetTracker Broker is a nice addition to improve the overview.
It shows a list of all the available pets in your area (including pets from vendors, quests, loot, dig sites etc.) and of which quality your own are.


ATT is the addon for collectors of all kind; no matter if toys, mounts, pets, transmog, titels... It basically shows everything one can collect. You can have it show you everything or alternatively just the things in your current zone.
If you want to use it for pets only then you can deactivate everything else in the settings so you get a nice display of all the missing pets and their sources.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/all-the-things

8.3 Rarity

Rarity is another addon that is often used by collectors. It keeps tally of how many attempts you've had to get a specific item (like a pet) from a certain enemy or from other sources. That way you also get an overview of your chances to get these items the next time you try.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rarity

8.4 Collect Me

This also is an addon made for collectors. It can offer a summary of all the collector items including their sources. It does so similarly to ALL THE THINGS. An additional gimmick is the option to automatically make it summon a pet of your choice.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/collect_me

8.5 BattlePetCageMatch

A neat little addon that assists you in putting pets into cages. For example it enables you to simply cage pets from your journal by using a set key + mouseover. There is an automatic function for that too. If you are also using the addon TradeSkillMaster you can directly look for the current price of the pet.
Another handy thing about the addon is that it shows you all the pets you got inside cages (even across your characters).

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/battlepetcagematch

8.6 Rematch_TSMPetValues

This is another addon helping those who want to trade with pets. Using both TradeSkillMaster and Rematch will display the current auction house values of pets in your journal.

Link to the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rematch_tsmpetvalues

8.7 PetCompare

For trading pets directly with your friends, the addon PetCompare is very handy. If two or more people in a group have it installed, the addon compares collections and shows a comprehensive list of pets and particularly duplicate pets that could be traded between players.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 PetWalker

If you are also bothered by your favorite pet not staying on your side but randomly being dismissed when you travel around the world, this addon will be for you. PetWalker let's you set favorite or also random pets and makes sure they are always with you.


wrote on 2024-12-13 00:19:43

I'm surprised there isn't an addon made by this website, allowing people to quickly snap team battles and scripts directly into the game, rather than having to go back and forth from the site to the game. Nor could I find a Family Battler addon, to track which trainers I've beaten with which families. Relying on my own spreadsheet ATM.


wrote on 2024-10-16 16:10:33

If anyone is interested I have a simple addon on Curse named "Squirt Calendar" that tracks the time until the next Squirt, Super Squirt, and Pet Battle Bonus week. I also have an EU version. Cheers! (edited)


wrote on 2024-09-03 04:01:54

Can I suggest BartrubySummonPet under the Misc category? I find it a lot more user friendly than Pet Walker. And I am in no way affiliated with it, just one of those people that likes to always have a certain pet out.


wrote on 2023-05-25 10:57:22

is there any way of seeing a wild pets breed without entering a battle with it?


wrote on 2023-05-25 11:42:11

Nope. Can't be done.


wrote on 2022-12-29 12:21:40

Is there one for Dragonflight Wild/Capturable pets that show up on the map? (Like PetTracker, but shows new pets)


wrote on 2023-05-23 14:17:34

PetTracker has been updated to include Dragonflight. (edited)


wrote on 2020-08-21 10:47:36

Is there an addon to copy the pet combat text to post it here?


wrote on 2020-08-21 12:47:17

Not exactly.

The addon Pet Battle Log Keeper


saves your battles, though for PvE you want to do a /pblk command followed by pressing Save Battle.

It doesn't have en Export function yet though. Personally, I copy the .lua file and edit out the junk when I want to copy a battle as text. You could also screenshot it and past in Imgur or something.


wrote on 2022-11-09 06:39:16

Do you have the newest version? It has not been updated for a long time


wrote on 2022-11-09 16:37:46

But mine still works fine. When it breaks, someone will no doubt take a look. :)

Mutanis dropped a fix for the expected DF breakage of Derangements in the DIscord a few days ago.


wrote on 2023-02-02 03:27:51

I have put my current version of Pet Battle Log Keeper here

and click the Download button.


wrote on 2023-05-11 19:07:01

I noticed above it was on Curseforge. Curious as to why you moved it?


wrote on 2023-05-11 20:29:07

I didn't move it. It doesn't really have an owner. The original author - all praise to him for making it! - doesn't have the time to maintain it. Someone else put it on Curseforge, but isn't playing now, AFAIK. Dragonflight changes broke it, in a small way, and three people separately made fixes, something I actually forgot.

At the moment, I would recommend schlumpf's version at https://github.com/bloerwald/PetBattleLogKeeper/releases as the most current and complete one if you are getting it from scratch, though the one I linked above also still works. (edited)


wrote on 2023-02-02 02:20:47

Is it possible to get the level 1 pets first not 25. I literally have to scroll the whole list to find level 1 pet that needs to be leveled up.

Dave-m wrote on 2023-04-04 02:00:24

If you are running Rematch. there should be a tab at the right bottom of the pet window next to Teams tha6t says Queue. It should be empty. Just use the search filter on the upper left of the frames for "low level pets" then drag and drop. when setting up a team that has a slot for leveling pet, Right click and select the "Place leveling pet here" it will auto advance upon the pet reaching Lv 25. It will auto place the pet in any team where "place leveling pet here". then place the next queue pet in the selected slot.


wrote on 2022-11-24 05:57:49

derangement-pet-battle-cooldowns isn't supported anymore, does anyone have a suggestion of an addon that shows battlepet cd's?


wrote on 2022-11-24 12:35:17

People have patched Derangement's, and there is a copy abailable in the WCP DIscord. I am going to see if we can arrange some public place to post it.


wrote on 2022-11-24 14:52:16

You can also use Pokemon Trainer or as Gráinne suggested, copy the updated version from WCP discord server.
Edit: Pokemon Trainer isn't updated (edited)


wrote on 2022-11-27 08:33:45

This is the one I downloaded - it was posted in the comments of the original addon on Curseforge:


wrote on 2022-01-04 09:08:05

Has anyone else found that Pet Tracker does not work in the Maw and Korthia? I do hope the person who writes this great addon will update it soon or allow someone else to update it.


wrote on 2022-03-25 06:58:58

I hope it's updated as well not working in zereth mortis :(


wrote on 2021-06-18 23:08:43

TDScript is causing gui issues in rematch currently.

Maderthaner wrote on 2021-06-14 17:07:13

Looks like this page needs an update. derangement-pet-battle-cooldowns appears to be not updated anymore. Maybe it is not required anymore?

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