
Ein schrecklich großes Abenteuer




Zuletzt aktualisiert am 2022-10-31

Du möchtest also eine kleine Weltreise mit Deinem Plüschelekk machen? Kein Problem! Ein schrecklich großes Abenteuer wartet bereits auf Dich und belohnt Dich am Ende auch noch mit dem kleinen Slurf.

Aber vorher musst Du insgesamt 44 verschiedene Haustierzähmer besiegen - mit Deinem Elekk im Schlepptau. Das Plüschie ist sicher eine super süße Bereicherung, aber wenn es ums Kämpfen geht ist es eher … harmlos. Keines seiner Sprüche gibt Dir irgendwelche Vorteile im Kampf, was soviel bedeutet, dass Du alle Kämpfe mit nur zwei aktiven Haustieren absolvieren musst. Zumindest musst du das Elekk nicht auch noch aktiv am Kampf beteiligen, und für den Erfolg darf es sogar während des Kampfes sterben. Nicht, dass das irgendjemand wollen würde… Also, wie gehen wir das an?
Schauen wir uns doch mal die Reihenfolge der Gegner an. Das kannst Du natürlich machen wie Du möchtest, aber ein paar Dinge möchte ich doch empfehlen:

  • Fang mit dem Turnier der Erhabenen an!
    Du musst in drei aufeinanderfolgenden Wochen das Turnier betreten, ergibt also Sinn die erste Woche direkt am Anfang abzuhaken.
  • Der Dunkelmond Jahrmarkt ist nur einmal im Monat aktiv. Sind nur zwei Kämpfe aber Du solltest sie angehen sobald Du den Jahrmarkt siehst.
  • Die Zähmer in Kalimdor, den östlichen Königreichen, The trainers in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, der Scherbenwelt und Nordend sind weit voneinander entfernt.
  • Hier gibt es keine besondere Route die sonderlich empfehlenswert wäre.
  • In Pandaria gibt es die größte Zahl an Zähmern und ich würde diese Route vorschlagen:

Das war’s! Hab viel Spaß und Erfolg bei diesem aufwendigen aber doch entspannten Erfolg!
Xu-Fu kann diesen Bereich nach den am besten geeigneten Strategien entsprechend deiner Präferenzen durchsuchen und die erforderlichen Haustiere anzeigen.
Je nach Anzahl der Kämpfe in diesem Bereich kann dies bis zu einer Minute dauern.


schrieb am 2022-11-05 03:36:46

Posting here that you should double-check the strategies you import via the tool for the Trunks achievement. The majority of them did include the Elekk Plushie in the team, but there were some -- for me, anyway -- that did not. Specifically:

* Bloodknight Antari
* Brok
* Gutretch
* Lydia Accoste
* Major Payne
* Nicki Tinytech
* Obalis
* Okrut Dragonwaste
* Shademaster Kiryn


schrieb am 2022-12-12 22:04:52

Yeah, I just checked the roster and same here, exact same listing with no plushie.


schrieb am 2023-12-30 09:47:32

did those fights maybe have slots filled as random pet/leveling pet instead? i had a few like that where you can slot the elek plushie without issue but didnt include it by default


schrieb am 2023-12-30 23:29:49

It has been awhile and so I can't recall the exact details, but it's not really here nor there anyway. The point is what is expected by the end user. Your average person would reasonably assume that this tool for "An Awfully Big Adventure" would pull from strategies that explicitly include the Elekk Plushie. That's not to say that they couldn't adjust the imported teams to add Elekk Plushie and it works for them, but it's an extra step that shouldn't exist.


schrieb am 2021-04-14 05:32:53

Just want to Echo what Lylana said, your website is awesome, I'm well on the way to completing this now after years of floundering about with it!! My biggest problem is I only have one Mechanical Dragonling so it's taking me a few rounds of Celestial Tournament to get them all (soon to be rectified as I'm collecting mats to make some more!)

Oh and have just completed "the Longest Day" as well, in no small part due to this site. (editiert)


schrieb am 2020-09-29 16:39:45

Aki the Chosen was moved into Mogu'shan Palace (84.04, 28.58 in Vale of Eternal Blossoms) in the current time. No need to go back in time to talk to him. (therefore I did that fight last, after Thundering Spirit, from this posted order) (editiert)


schrieb am 2018-12-31 14:02:49

Can you level the elekk on those bosses that allow a level pet, or does it have to be 25 to get the achieve?


schrieb am 2019-01-01 15:45:26

According to some of the Wowhead comments, you should be able to use an Elekk that's not level 25 yet. One person suggested even trying to finish up the leveling the Elekk to 25 achv at the same time. I also inferred that from the comment at the top of this article where it said your Elekk could even die in the line up and it would still count towards this achv.

"The good part however is that you don't have to swap the Elekk Plushie in at any time during the fights. It can even die, if you still win the fight it will count towards the achievement!"

However, if you're leveling the Elekk, you'd need to swap it in, start with it, or have it be the last pet standing in order for it to get the XP needed to level it up....good luck!! ^_^



schrieb am 2020-06-12 22:35:26

I can confirm you can level and Elekk while completing this achievement, for I leveled mine to 25 using the Warlords of Draenor battles before doing the other ones and wave given credit for it.


schrieb am 2020-06-03 22:27:57

Any update to this Blizz armory update to repost the list of pets needed?

NightB schrieb am 2017-04-08 18:16:22

Could we have these fights as a rematch string please?


schrieb am 2017-04-09 07:40:05

You can extract every single fight on the strategy table, there is a button for it.
A mass export is currently possible only for Family Familiar and Wailing Critters (click on the red skull).

NightB schrieb am 2017-04-09 14:59:58

Yep, I've imported all Family Familiar + the WC teams :),
Would just love that option for this one too :p


schrieb am 2017-04-17 07:43:26

Mhhh.... It would be possible to add it to all sections, but it's a bit of effort and I believe it could be a bit confusing because it's always just the #1 alternative, which is not always the one people would want to have.
My plan is a different one, which will be something I can only finalize somewhen this year. I'm working on a user system so you can favourite the strategies you like, and then have an "export all rematch strings" for your favourite strategies. That should do the trick!


schrieb am 2017-10-30 11:07:04

Yes Please! :)


schrieb am 2019-10-01 08:04:31

I've imported my chosen ones individually and exported them all as a rematch string - feel free to use if it helps https://pastebin.com/8FgPCSih

Artemis schrieb am 2018-02-16 06:46:42

I came here,just to say a huge THANK YOU for your geat work! i ve done so many achievments with your help,now im about to start this one,so tytyty m8 !!!

Adeliza schrieb am 2017-03-07 12:52:58

Thanks so much for all the guides you have posted on the site, they have been so useful in my pet battling, really excellent. So thanks so much!
Great site! :)


schrieb am 2017-03-09 06:26:38

Thank you! :-)

Sicchan schrieb am 2017-02-26 01:31:48

Do you suggest a particolar breed for a specific pet? I didnt saw the battles in the specific, but should be nice to know! Thanks a lot for the guide (And for Family Familiar guide too!)


schrieb am 2017-02-26 03:23:38

You're welcome and for the largest part no, no specific breed is required. If so, it is displayed in a comment directly below the pets.
I will make this more visible in a future update :-)

Carolan schrieb am 2017-01-15 07:39:32

Hi, had to come and comment and say a huge thank you for your site and also the help you've given with this achievement. I came late to pet battling and it took a lot of work but I got the ach about ten minutes ago, ty :)

Now onto looking at the CT itself.


schrieb am 2017-01-15 10:06:22

Congratulations :D Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll continue finding everything you need for your pet battles!

Plidian schrieb am 2016-08-03 00:07:00

This guide is fantastic and very nicely laid out. I ran into a slight problem. When doing the Celestial tournament I ended up needing 2 teroclaw because I did Taran Zhu first and the strategy requires the teroclaw to die, but then the Chen strategy requires that same pet. I might have missed the note that indicated that I needed 2. Since no one else has made a similar comment I'm sure I just missed it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
OK So the achievement credit occurs even if you don't beat each trainer in one attempt. You don't need to win the celestial tournament to get credit so you can leave the tournament, heal your pets re-enter the tournament and defeat a different trainer.


schrieb am 2016-08-03 00:53:17

Yes! I should probably have clarified that somewhere :S Sorry!

Zaymaa schrieb am 2016-07-30 21:50:46

So helpful. Thanks so much for doing this!

Jasperius schrieb am 2016-07-18 02:30:17

Is the guide based off having all these pets as rare?


schrieb am 2016-07-18 03:13:41

Hey Jasperius! Yes indeed, the pets need to be level 25 and rare.

Lylana schrieb am 2016-07-08 23:32:24

Oh my gosh, this has been the most helpful guide ever! Thank you SO much for putting it together! The primary strat worked pretty much every time (I think I only did #2 twice). Now if only the Celestial Tournament wasn't such a pain to wait for...

Detamble schrieb am 2016-06-30 19:59:28

I am using this guide today, everything going extremely well. Love your site! Thanks!


schrieb am 2016-06-30 22:44:51

Hey! Glad to hear it, I hope everything will work fine for you and you'll have your own little Trunks very soon! :-)


schrieb am 2016-03-26 00:57:56

My request has not been forgotten. Thank you. :3

Note that you can get straight to Cataclysm areas from the main faction capital, provided that your character has got at least 80 level. An alternative way to Uldum uses a teleport from Dalaran.

Lydia can be easily reached from the Blasted Lands portal.

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