
Legion Ready Checker

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Last updated 2020-01-08

The Legion Ready-Checker was a very basic tool that could compare the first strategy for each Legion World Quest against your collection and provide a list of pets you need in order to finish every fight.

With the introduction of user created strategies, the order of strategies is now dynamic, based on your collection, with the side effect of making the Ready-Checker work no longer.
There are plans to create a new, similar tool with better functionality but for now there is no timeline or ETA available.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


wrote on 2019-12-30 14:14:18

This tool unfortunately is not working anymore, sorry!!


wrote on 2019-12-16 15:47:53

does not work anymore since the changes in november/december 2019


wrote on 2019-07-14 10:05:18

This isn't working for me. Tried a few different character names and it doesn't pull up anything.


wrote on 2019-07-15 14:04:46

The Bliz API has been a little dodgy


wrote on 2019-07-05 17:14:20

Still not working for me on Whisperwind server. it wasn't working on warcraftpets.com either, but it worked there today. using another character on Whisperwind doesn't work. It does work if i use another server and character on this site.

If I try to use Magpie, it keeps trying to use the original character and server even though I have added the other character and server.

Update: Magpie worked this time when i entered the alternate character/server info. i don't know if the auction house is showing different information. I don't have any gold on that server to buy anything anyway.

Peeler wrote on 2019-07-02 22:38:24

Hi, since 8.2 dropped I cannot check my collection, says I have 0 pets. Last weekend it worked fine. Using it as a guide for which pets to level.


wrote on 2019-07-03 14:55:54

Hey! That's a problem on blizzards side. If you have a level 10+ character who has not logged in since 8.2 was released, you can use that character, but all active chars will return 0 pets :/


wrote on 2019-06-28 11:15:52

Ein neuer ready-checker für BFA wäre irgendwie cool... oder sind die meisten in BfA auch die von hier?


wrote on 2019-05-28 13:11:36

this does not work


wrote on 2019-05-28 14:08:54

Worked just fine for me. What problem are you having?


wrote on 2019-06-15 15:13:01

can not find my character no matter which one i put in


wrote on 2019-06-17 10:52:35

Huh. That's very odd -- And I realize this is a "duh" question -- but you're sure you've selected the correct region?


wrote on 2019-06-17 13:05:58

Generic first answer is try again later. Sometimes the WoW API can stutter, and not supply data to the form to fill out.

I just tried it right now and it worked, so right now it was ok for me.


wrote on 2018-08-27 07:31:27

Anyone else having problems? saying could not find character. Been working fine until today


wrote on 2018-08-27 15:47:57

I was, but whatever the issue is it appears to have been resolved (for me, anyway)


wrote on 2018-08-28 00:07:57

sweet all good now :-)


wrote on 2018-06-25 13:01:17

Receiving the following error when trying to use this tool: "Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /kunden/426045_85652/webseiten/Petguide/classes/checker.php on line 222"


wrote on 2018-06-26 15:44:28

same here

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /kunden/426045_85652/webseiten/Petguide/classes/checker.php on line 222


wrote on 2018-06-28 10:46:47

Still get the same error Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /kunden/426045_85652/webseiten/Petguide/classes/checker.php on line 222


wrote on 2018-06-29 07:38:21

It's working again :-) bandaid fix, but it's back


wrote on 2018-06-30 02:00:18


Vlak wrote on 2018-05-17 13:55:15

Anyone else getting an error message when trying to use the ready checker? I've cleared both my cache and history but it still keeps saying "Unknown column 'Active' in 'where clause'"

Jtoria wrote on 2018-05-17 16:59:41

Yep, been trying all day :(

TheMaaster wrote on 2018-05-17 17:03:06

Yep, having same problem whole day
(now i'm "lost", don't know what to level up ;-) )


wrote on 2018-05-17 17:44:11

Fixed! Sorry for the trouble

TheMaaster wrote on 2018-05-18 06:16:47

Tnx for the quick response


wrote on 2018-03-05 22:40:03

Are the pets listed in the "Pets not Maxed" section in any particular order?


wrote on 2018-03-15 04:16:22

I think by level, but that's it.


wrote on 2018-01-16 18:19:32

Do you have plans to add a list of pets for the new family brawler achievement?


wrote on 2018-01-17 00:16:20

PvP is something more than just choosing some pets. :) You play against other people after all, who are not predictable tamers, although one may try! Still, there are pets that are viable for PvP more than the others, and efforts to describe them have already been partaken. I can share you a link if you wish to – I don't say "no" in regards to the future of Xu-Fu's, but our squad… has no brawlers yet! :D


wrote on 2018-01-19 06:28:35

Just curious, but would pet dueling work for this?


wrote on 2018-01-19 07:11:56

Pretty sure you have to use the matchmaking tool for the achievement to count. Otherwise it would be very simple to cheat through it with a friend


wrote on 2018-01-20 13:00:17

It does make sense that you would have to use the matchmaking tool but I don't see why this stops a list of pets being created, no matter how you get the achievement its still correct to state that there are some magic pets (for example) that are significantly better than others in any given scenario still exists.

I fully understand that in a pvp scenario you cannot state that following step A,B & C will win you that fight cause the data is not static.

You can however state, in absolutely no scenario would you use pet X cause it just sucks. Use pet F instead.

Swampthing wrote on 2017-11-25 13:15:54

I have all the fights(even argus) done and most of the pets maxed out for the whole site. All the thanks is to this website and Aranesh, could of not done it without you.
There is always a but................I have done my Legion checker many times but lately in pets missing it has any snail, any roach, any rabbit and etc. I have them all so I know its a error, is this something new? I can just not pay attention to it till new stuff comes out or is this a error in new stuff?


wrote on 2017-11-27 14:54:06

That's indeed an error in the programming. I think I broke it when I added the Ready-Checker functionality to the main category pet tables. Since those are everywhere on the page and work much faster and more accurately, I'd recommend creating an account and using those instead of the Ready-Checker here.
I'm still keeping it around for people to use, even if it has some flaws now, until I find the time to re-create it in a better way :)

Flashk wrote on 2017-10-14 20:18:33

I love this tool (and all this site in fact) and I also love the tool which shows you in how many combats a pet is being used, I would love to have both tools in the same place: adding a column to the table displaying the number of combats on which the pet is being used.

That way I wouldn't need to be changing from one tool to another.


wrote on 2017-10-25 04:22:22

That's coming very, very soon. That and much more! ;-)


wrote on 2017-11-12 10:44:38

Done! ;-)

Kathleene wrote on 2017-10-12 16:09:27

I love this tool. When I started working on my Legion pets and Family Familiar, it was invaluable in zeroing in on the pets I needed to acquire and to level. Without it, I'm sure that I'd still be floundering around without a solid base to work from. Also, it gave me a goal beyond the in-game achievements - to bring my collection up to Xu-Fu's requirements. The in-game achievements are a long time coming; while, very time I obtained or leveled a pet on my Xu-Fu list, I felt an immediate sense of accomplishment.

While I still don't have a Searing Scorchling (and may never have one), I only have to level my final Frog up to 25 and my personal accomplishment will be complete! Thank you, Xu-Fu! (And now, I get to start on Argus - Arggggh!)

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