Quest: Augmenting a Dragon
A big thank you to Lazey for figuring this out and writing it up!
To be almost certain you'll get the initial Our Destiny for this Dracthyr/Evoker-specific pet to pop up on 10.1.5's release, have your Dracthyr leveled-up to 70 when 10.1.5 is released. Specialize into Augmentation and zone inside of Valdrakken (i.E. by running down the stairs from "Seat of the Aspects" until the zone is showing "Valdrakken", it should only take a few seconds for the quest to pop up after that.
While it doesn't matter what your spec is when you've got that initial quest, for the final quest Augmenting a Dragon, it's mandatory to be specialized as Augmentation Evoker, a little encounter requires the usage of Ebon Might and Blistering Scales. (when I did that, the quest didn't mention that).
Last Update: 2023-07-12 03:14:27 (Patch 10.1.5)
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