Quest: Tale of the Phoenix (
Tarjin the Blind)
This quest requires
Phoenix Ash Talisman to be visible and 15x
Smoldering Phoenix Ash and 20x
Ash Feather alongside the talisman to complete it.
To get Phoenix Ash Talisman, you need to purchase it from Zektar in 52/50 Spires of Arak for
Glittering Phoenix Ember, 10x
Sacred Phoenix Ash and 20x
Inert Phoenix Ash.
Glittering Phoenix Ember can be obtained
only during Cataclysm Timewalking, from the dedicated Alysrazor encounter in the Firelands!
For details about the other items, check
this article.
Big kudos to Epic#0815 for finding the quest marker!
Last Update: 2023-03-30 06:32:27 (Patch 10.0.7)
wrote on 2023-06-23 05:11:09
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