Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!
1. Pet Battle Bonus Week & Super Squirt for EU on 21 May!
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The time has come, once again, to level all your pets!
The weekly reset brings the pet battle bonus week, and The Sign of the Critter offers a 100% increase on pet experience, so it's the perfect time to tackle that queue.
1.1 Repeatable Tamers
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If you'd like to know what repeatable trainers to look out for this week, head over to our Powerleveling Guide to find out which ones are great for maximizing the use of the bonus xp. It will also offer the top leveling strategies for each of the fights, tips & tricks, and links to non-repeatable tamers as well as other useful guides.
1.2 Super Squirt for EU on 21 May!
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Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in the EU Garrison on 21 May. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.
2. Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
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Here are all the pets you can potentially collect during Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking!
For the next two weeks, the Out of the Frying Pan quest will be available in Legion Dalaran
for the Wyrmy Tunkins pet!
4. Patch 10.2.7 Releases 16 May!
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You can find all your pet information for patch 10.2.7, Pandaria Remix, in our article here!
5. Twitch Drop for Eye of the Legion!
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Greetings, adventurers! With the release of the World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria, players can now experience the wonders of Pandaria anew. Commemorate the occasion with new Twitch Drops! Watch any World of Warcraft stream on from May 16, 10:00 a.m. PDT, until May 30, 10:00 a.m. PDT to earn the Eye of the Legion pet. More information can be found at Blizzard's article here.
6. The Mrlgrl Pack!
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From now until May 27, 2024, immerse your collection in swampy fun with a new bundle deal—the Mrlgrl Pack, which includes the Murkastrasza pet!
7. May's Trading Post is Here!
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For the month of May you can purchase Pokee for 300 Trader's Tender & Buzzworth for 600!
8. Brightblade's Bones is up!
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Until the weekly reset, the Brightblade's Bones World Quest is up, during which you can collect the Bugbiter Tortoise! All the information on how you can collect this pet is found on the Bugbiter's page.
9. Maw Assaults
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Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault
At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Infused Etherwyrm (A Shady Place IS up) &
Invasive Buzzer (Assault Cache)
10. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
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Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'uddly &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Corrupted Tentacle
11. Aqir Assault: Uldum
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Uldum - Aqir Assault until mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Aqir Tunneler &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Rotbreath
wrote on 2024-05-18 21:26:49
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