
Your Week in Pet Battles for 19 March

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Table of Contents:

1. Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Pet: Sarge!
2. Squirt in the EU Garrison on 22 March & KR/TW on 23 March
3. Twitch Drop for Fathom!
4. Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event
5. Claws for Concern for Blueloo!
6. Brightblade's Bones is up!
7. March's Trading Post Here!
8. Murkastrazsa & Drakks: Dragonflight Collector's Edition Back for Limited Run!
9. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
10. Aqir Assault: Uldum
11. Maw Assaults
12. Vol'dun Assaults
13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage
13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Molten Cay, The Rotting Mire, Verdant Wilds
13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Dread Chain, Havenswood, Verdant Wilds

Your Week in Pet Battles for 19 March


2024-03-21 22:10:17
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1. Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Pet: Sarge!

Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary began 11 March 2024 @ 10:00 am Pacific and Ends on 22 March 2024 @ 10:00 am Pacific. During that time, you can participate in the bi-hourly boss spawns in Valdrakken, Stormwind Harbor, and near the Dragonflight zeppelin tower outside the gates of Orgrimmar. This boss spawn event has a roughly 5 % chance to drop the battle pet Burba as loot!

2. Squirt in the EU Garrison on 22 March & KR/TW on 23 March

Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in the EU Garrison on 22 March & KR/TW on 23 March. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.

3. Twitch Drop for Fathom!

Avast ye landlubbers! With the release of the latest content update, players can take the plunge into Plunderstorm. Commemorate the occasion with new Twitch Drops! Watch any World of Warcraft stream on Twitch.tv for 4 Hours from March 22, 10:00 a.m. PDT, until April 5, 10:00 a.m. PDT to earn the Fondalio pet.

4. Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event

This week our bonus event grants 50% increased Honor gains from Battlegrounds. Below are all the pets you can receive as rewards via the Honor system, and what level Honor you need for them.

Peone Disciplinato / Scudiero Disciplinato (Honor Level 5)
Entusiasta dell'Alleanza / Fanatico dell'Orda (Honor Level 20)
Secchiello / Ser Taglietto (Honor Level 400)

5. Claws for Concern for Blueloo!

This WQ is up until Monday reset!

While the Claws for Concern World Quest is up, you will be able to work on the Friends in Feathers achievement for the pet Bluetto! Normally, you can only rescue 6 Moonkin Hatchlings at a time, so you can either do the WQ across three characters, or you can also join a raid group and rescue all 18 Moonkin Hatchlings in one go on one character!

6. Brightblade's Bones is up!

Until the mid-weekly reset, the Brightblade's Bones World Quest is up, during which you can collect the Tartaruga Mordinsetti! All the information on how you can collect this pet is found on the Bugbiter's page.

7. March's Trading Post Here!

For March's Trading Post, we'll be collecting Teino as the bonus reward!

8. Murkastrazsa & Drakks: Dragonflight Collector's Edition Back for Limited Run!

The Dragonflight's Physical Collector's Edition is back on the Blizzard store for a limited time! Purchasing this CE will get you the Foskystrasza & Drakks, however the cost of the CE is a whopping $ 129.99 USD.

I couldn't find an exact date on how long this will be up, so it might just be until they're sold out. If I find the date I'll be sure to update the article!

9. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'arin &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Tentacolo Corrotto

10. Aqir Assault: Uldum

Uldum - Aqir Assault until mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Perforatore Aqir &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Fiatomarcio

11. Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Dragone dell'Etere Infuso (A Shady Place ??? up) &
Vespa Invasiva (Assault Cache)

12. Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Ragno Meccanico Ricostruito (Horde) & Gorilla Robot Ricostruito (Alliance)

Time: Sunday 24 March @ 11 am Pacific / 10 am CET - this event lasts 7 hours

13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Molten Cay, The Rotting Mire, Verdant Wilds

Molten Cay

Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Cucciolo Fiammeggiante
Scorpide Pungimorte
Ragnetto Telafiamma
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Cucciolo di Dorsospino

Rotting Mire

Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Scavatore Pietrasangue
Crostaceo Gusciobrillante
Vespa Pungifuoco
Cucciolo di Squamalume
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Dorsospino
Cucciolo di Ombropiuma
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Stridente Alacuoio
Cucciolo di Scagliatonante
Capitano Nibs

Verdant Wilds

Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Scavatore Pietrasangue
Vespa Pungifuoco
Ragnetto Telafiamma
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Cucciolo di Dorsospino
Stridente Alacuoio
Cucciolo di Ombropiuma

13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Dread Chain, Havenswood, Verdant Wilds

Dread Chain

Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Scavatore Pietrasangue
Crostaceo Gusciobrillante
Vespa Pungifuoco
Cucciolo di Squamalume
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Dorsospino
Cucciolo di Ombropiuma
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Stridente Alacuoio
Scarabeo Gusciosabbioso


Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Ser Bauington
Crostaceo Gusciobrillante
Scavatore Pietrasangue
Ghoul Marcescente
Cucciolo di Squamalume
Scorpide Pungimorte
Ragnetto Telafiamma
Scarabeo Gusciosabbioso
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Cucciolo di Dorsospino
Stridente Alacuoio
Cucciolo di Ombropiuma

Verdant Wilds

Piccolo di Fiancomuschiato
Scavatore Pietrasangue
Vespa Pungifuoco
Ragnetto Telafiamma
Bocciolo Spazzacardi
Capretto Zoccoloduro
Cucciolo di Pellesalda
Urtanocche Sintetico
Cucciolo di Dorsospino
Stridente Alacuoio
Cucciolo di Ombropiuma

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