vs. Tremaombre

Strategia aggiunta da Smilla



Strategy 6 of 14
Browse all alternatives

Includi Passaggi:

Tremaombre 128016
Special or not:0Special or not:2212739639547390

Abilità: 2 1 2
Tipo: SS

Cucciolo di Mangusta
This pet can have the following breeds:

Tipo Health Power Speed
SS 1237 260 357
PS 1237 289 322

Breeds marked in red are not suited for this strategy.


Special or not:0Special or not:310113387335913380

Abilità: 1 * 1
Tipo: HP, HB

Ranetta Famelica
This pet can have the following breeds:

Tipo Health Power Speed
HB 1627 257 273
HP 1627 273 260
BB 1562 260 276

Breeds marked in red are not suited for this strategy.



Special or not:0Special or not:611215788848015780

Abilità: 1 1 2
Tipo: PP

Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
This pet can have the following breeds:

Tipo Health Power Speed
PP 1319 357 244
HH 1644 292 244

Breeds marked in red are not suited for this strategy.



Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 2

Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 3

Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 6

XP Bassa
Almeno una delle mascotte in questa strategia richiede delle statistiche specifiche.
Non tutte le strategie sono sempre al 100% sicure. Questa è una di quelle. Potresti dover ricominciare, poichè ci sono eventi casuali che ne aumentano il fallimento. Per favore non prendertela con le mascotte!
Questa strategia usa mascotte ottenute dal gioco di carte di WoW (TCG); qualche volta puoi trovarli anche alla casa d'aste, ma i prezzi sono potenzialmente alti.
Questa strategia usa mascotte ottenibili solo dal Negozio Blizzard, comprabili con saldo Battle.net o soldi reali.
Puoi usare questa strategia per far prendere esperienza a una mascotte aiutandola a salire di livello più velocemente.
Alcune istruzioni sono più difficili di altre da seguire. E' esattamente quello che troverai in questa strategia!
La strategia offre un script che può essere usato con l'addon Pet Battle Script. Puoi copiare lo script cliccando il bottone a sinistra delle mascotte.
Almeno una mascotte in questa strategia non è più ottenibile. Se ce l'hai, congratulazioni!
Lo staff ha deciso che questa strategia sia particolarmente utile e l'ha evidenziata con questa tag per offrire più visibilittà.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 1:12
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 10+
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Questa tabella illustra l'aumento di livello se si completa il combattimento con mascotte di livello 25 e una a traino.

Prima Dopo Esperienza Guadagnata

Cappello da Safari

Integratore Inferiore


Cilindro di Lunacupa

Evento bonus: scontri tra mascotte

Strategy Details
1 Min 12 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Pet Sim does not have an enemy fight logic for this encounter, yet. Winrates cannot be calculated until the fight has been mapped.
2023-12-05 14:56:09
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2018-06-02 13:31:06
The strategy was created on this date.
Visualizzazioni. Questo numero indica quante volte questa strategia è stata visualizzata dai visitatori.
Tamer Details
Eredath 36.02 54.13 (TomTom / Map Pin)
XP Bassa
Turno 1
Strillo - your Ranetta Famelica is forced in

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turni 2-4
Sciame - your Sfregiatore Marino is forced in

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 5

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 6

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 7
Pass - your Cucciolo di Mangusta is forced in

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 8

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turno 9+10
Immersione - your Ranetta Famelica is forced in

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Getto d'Acqua
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Bring in your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Bring in your Ranetta Famelica
Bring in your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Swap to your Cucciolo di Mangusta
Swap to your Ranetta Famelica
Swap to your Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Tremaombre comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Cucciolo di Mangusta
Ranetta Famelica
Pinzatore Gusciofreddo
Getto d'Acqua
Carapace Spinoso
Fiume di Sangue
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

Tiny little scratches...


scritto il 2024-01-16 11:03:14

finally did it. thank you SO much <3

GaRy scritto il 2020-10-14 09:51:27

I got really fed up when I couldnt find a single strategy without the S/S Screech so this is what worked for me:

2x Hermit Crab S/S 2/2/2
Violet Abyssal Eel H/H 1/2/2

Fish Slap
Fish Slap
Violet Abyssal Eel gets swaped in
Swallow You Whole
Life Exchange
Hermit Crab 2 gets swaped in
Fish Slap
Fish Slap
Fish Slap
Fish Slap
Hermit Crab dies
Hermit Crab 1 comes in
Fish Slap
Bubble if you want to be safe
Fish Slap
Shadeflicker should be dead

Worked for me two times in a row, so you should be fine!


scritto il 2020-10-07 16:33:29

Worked with Mongoose (S/S), Gulp Froglet, and Fen Crab (P/P).


scritto il 2020-06-19 07:18:24

An HP Gulp Froglet will also work for this strategy. (I actually didn't need the final Water Jet - probably because of that breed - Shadeflicker died to the bleed.)


scritto il 2020-10-02 15:39:24

Correct, HP Gulp works just fine (edited)


scritto il 2020-01-04 13:56:55

Did this with a lv 24 S/S Mongoose Pup and worked just the same.

Kangarooblue scritto il 2020-04-23 11:29:25

Mongoose 1156, Fleeting Frog 1359, Kelp Scuttler 1319, 3rd pet lower hp so 2nd pet gets pulled in first, folo above instructions with the same order, thnx GL


scritto il 2018-08-13 09:58:15

After many many defeats Hazelnuttygames came to the rescue.



scritto il 2019-11-09 01:42:11

worked like a charm! Thanks for the suggestion


scritto il 2019-10-07 00:50:26

Wrecked it with fast mongoose, chitterspine skitterling and fen crab

aelfraed scritto il 2019-06-17 23:59:07

I don't know my pp from my hs from my ass but 3rd pet needs less health than 2nd pet, took me 5 wipes to figure this out


scritto il 2019-06-18 05:07:13

Well done for figuring it out!

Maybe that will give you a reason to start learning the difference between your HB and your SS. :)

Start by installing the addon Battle Pet Breed ID, which does the mental arithmetic for you.


scritto il 2019-03-25 00:01:23

Used a PP Fen crab in 3rd spot. Won easily on round 10, 1st try

Hairick scritto il 2017-10-08 17:28:04

Mongoose Pup (2,1,2) - s/s breed (1237,260,357)
Mud Jumper (2,2,2) - both its breeds work.
Hydraling (2,1,2)

1. Mongoose Pup > Screech.
* you will get hit and swapped and should end with a bit more than 700 hp. if you got a crit here - restart.
2. Mud Jumper > Tongue Lash > Pump > Swarm of Flies. frog gets swapped.
* your frog should just survive the swap, hp doesnt matter.
3. Hydraling > Whirlpool > Call Lightning > Tail Slap. pet will die before the Slap hits.
4. Mongoose Pup > Screech > Dive.
* after the Dive you should survive the swap with very little hp. if you got a crit and died - restart.
5. Mud Jumper > Pump. frog dies.
6. Mongoose Pup > Gnaw.
boss is dead.

Ttaka scritto il 2017-10-11 02:21:23

Worked great the first time! Thanks!

Anonymouse scritto il 2017-10-13 15:09:14

Perfect, thanks.

Quira scritto il 2017-10-13 17:00:09

perfect! first time TYTYTY

Emerson scritto il 2017-10-17 02:57:03


Ashtora scritto il 2017-10-18 21:51:07

Thank you this worked first try!

Anonymous scritto il 2017-10-23 00:10:15

This doesn't work with a S/S mongoose with less than the 1237 hp. Mine dies every time at the 2nd swap

Ameara scritto il 2017-11-13 07:26:01

Thank you so much for this, worked 1st time. Finished on the Pump, but was lucky with a nice crit.

daniel442 scritto il 2017-12-04 12:49:07

thanks hairick


scritto il 2017-12-05 12:30:54

Worked great for me, submitted it as a strategy with credit to Hairick.

Lisa scritto il 2017-12-05 14:48:35

Survived with 17 HP, but survived! YES!


scritto il 2017-12-18 11:09:07

Worked beautifully! Thanks!!

Dreads scritto il 2017-12-20 12:22:36

Mongoose would not go first, shade would. Then you do not get 3 goes inbetween only 2 before his swop or hes in dodge so takes no dmg. Doesnt work...


scritto il 2017-12-26 06:03:17

Survived with 26 HP. Thanks for this.


scritto il 2018-01-06 08:10:07

Extremely close call, but worked just as described. Thank you!

railgun scritto il 2018-01-27 14:11:18

Great strategy! Thanks

TD script:
quit [ round = 2 & self(#1).hp < 700 ]
quit [ round = 5 & self(#2).dead ]
quit [ round = 11 & self(#1).dead ]
use(#1) [ round ~ 2,7,12 ]
use(#2) [ round ~ 1,4,6,8 ]
use(#3) [ round ~ 3,5,9,11 ]

didi scritto il 2018-03-23 05:03:43

when you copy a strat from wowhead you should write it, and give credit to the original author..


scritto il 2018-07-06 00:44:51



scritto il 2019-01-19 21:37:43

Thank you !!

Ilyana scritto il 2018-08-10 00:07:57

Used a P/B hydraling (2,1,2) instead of gulp froglet with P/P crab, so Hydraling gets swapped in second, use call lightning > whirlpool > tail slap, then follow strat as normal. PP crab doesn't always survive to get blood in the water off but when he does it works.

Grim scritto il 2018-10-21 12:07:39

This should get added to the strats. Anything that lets you replace gulp froglet...

Iburninate scritto il 2019-01-15 23:37:37

This works really well with Toothy! He has a bit more HP than the crab, plus he can Surge before getting swapped out. Thank you.


scritto il 2019-01-14 11:28:19

This is the first FF Argus fight that forced me to go out and catch a Wild Pet. Had to go out and get the S/S breed with 357. Most of the mongoose/otter have S/S breeds at 325.

didi scritto il 2018-03-23 05:05:01

best strat without froglet:


mhspear scritto il 2018-11-04 11:04:49

used mud jumper and chuck, but generally followed strat..mud jumper finished fight with 64% health


scritto il 2018-08-25 17:07:05

I used Mongoose Pup s/s (2, 1, 2), Gulp Froglet b/b (1, 1, 1) and Snarly(1, 1, 2)...worked first time :)

MissFelina scritto il 2018-08-15 12:24:18

Nice strat. did it with h/p gulp frog and a lvl 24 uncommon coralback fiddler


scritto il 2018-07-28 15:27:32

Following Nemy's comment above

Nemy wrote on 01/12/2018
Used Toothy as 3rd pet, threw in a surge at turn 7 instead of pass. Ez win

I did this and was still able to use a BB Gulp Froglet rather than a health breed, but it probably could've gone badly with a crit at the wrong time


scritto il 2018-07-29 12:16:27

Worked great for me on the second try with B/B Gulp Froglet. Only reason it didn't on the first is because Shadeflicker got back-to-back crits against my Muckbreath.

Danvash-Sargeras scritto il 2017-09-09 06:05:59

How to beat this without farming those fast pets:

Hydraling P/B -- 212
Gulp Froglet B/B -- 111
Left Shark B/B -- 121

Turn 1: Pass
Turn 2: Switch to Left Shark
Turn 3: Dazzling Dance
Turn 4: Water Jet
Turn 5-7: Swarm
Turn 8: Call Lightning
Turn 9: Whirlpool
Turn 10: Swarm
Turn 11: Swallow You Whole + Whirlpool + Lightning will finish it off

coldcut scritto il 2017-09-09 11:17:39

It works, but it's RNG dependent. Shadeflicker needs to do little damage when your Gulp Froglet is using Swarm for the first time (in turns 5-7).
Gulp Froglet must survive after turn 7, when it gets swapped out. If the frog dies here, you won't be able to use Swarm another time, thus doing too little damage and failing the fight.

dsc scritto il 2017-09-09 16:28:31

It would be nice if it worked. my gulp frog has 1627 health, despite upwards of ten tries hes died everytime the port opens. lowest I got Shadeflicker was 188hp. Farm the speed pets I think may be better time spent.

Anonymous scritto il 2017-09-10 05:25:37

100 bandages later and still nothing...................................

edit.. 101 bandages stars aligned and the frog survived.. amazing how positive a little complaining can be <3

Izo scritto il 2017-09-10 09:40:23

Insane RNG on the damage taken by Froglet in turns 5-7. Mine survived with 8 health, which made the Shark swap in in round 11. Swallow You Whole + Whirlpool damage finished it off, but Dazzling was up for another Water Jet on the Froglet in round 12 if it had been necessary).

Reset if Froglet dies in round 7 (or you get crit before that)


scritto il 2018-07-15 18:52:19

This strategy works. But, if your frog dead just restart the fight. :)

Nagratz scritto il 2018-07-13 17:30:43

My Frostshell was H/H but I had it take an attack from a nearby pet and then it lowered the health enough for the Gulp to swap in first. Worked out.


scritto il 2018-06-16 07:07:33

Completed with HP Gulp Froglet and HH Fen Crab, although had to finish off with the Mongoose Pup


scritto il 2018-01-12 17:39:25

Used Toothy as 3rd pet, threw in a surge at turn 7 instead of pass. Ez win

Lughnasadh scritto il 2018-06-03 09:58:37

This worked best for me

Gerryeleda scritto il 2018-04-19 00:54:15

You've made your point.

Sarth scritto il 2017-10-16 19:56:05

Guys, I don't know why he said 357 speed on that Mongoose Pup, but as I saw, Shadeflicker has 328 speed, and I had a Mongoose (not pup) that had 338 and I could just do the strat fine with it, even finished it on the Dive-hitting round.

Vancouver scritto il 2017-10-22 10:12:07

I can back this comment up. 338 speed mongoose worked fine

Andy scritto il 2017-10-23 09:08:37

Also Chuck instead of pincher if you haven't the correct breed Froglet

abi scritto il 2017-11-05 04:16:31

I used a 338 P/S Mongoose and it worked fine
I also used a B/B Gulp Froglet and it also worked fine, so there's some flexibility in breeds and speeds in this strat.

Nazz scritto il 2017-12-23 21:19:33

Agreed. My only Mongoose with speed above 328 was one with 374 speed and it worked just fine, following the strat as written (Shadeflicker died on the second round of Dive). Thanks!

Ata scritto il 2018-02-27 21:29:19

Can confirm. Worked perfectly.

Ruta scritto il 2018-02-01 11:13:51

Great strategy. I even used a lvl 23 H/H Fen Crab with 1520 health, the key is to be as close to, but less than your H/P Gulp Froglet's 1627. Deep joy.

Tonez scritto il 2017-10-02 01:09:40

I used Mongoose P/S 338 speed, Gulp Frog B/B, and Snarly.
Using Snarly (or Toothy and Chuck) is better than the crab, I can sneak in a surge before getting swapped out on turn 7. Fight finished without the water jet as suggested

Xna - Doomhammer scritto il 2017-10-05 06:55:52

Agree. Snarly makes it easier. 2 pets alive over 50% at end.

Knocowt-ragnaros-eu scritto il 2017-10-17 07:03:34

Mongoose s/s, gulp frog h/p and snarly h/p worked!

Fashaw scritto il 2017-10-19 19:44:54

This worked great for me as well.

kess scritto il 2017-10-23 15:07:38

this was the only one I could get to work! thanks

Kimi scritto il 2017-10-27 22:50:42

Worked perfectly

Tigra scritto il 2017-12-25 02:38:18

Snarly as the third pet was definitely the way to go. I ran Snarly with abilities 1, 1, 2.

You can use any Mongoose/Mongoose Pup/Civet variety with Screech as long as their speed is 329 or higher.

1. Mongoose Screech before it gets swapped (Gulp Froglet will then get swapped in)
2.. Swarm
3. Swarm continues
4. Swarm continues and then Snarly will get swapped in
5. Rip
6. Blood in the Water
7. Surge (it'll go first so you get it in before he swaps in your Mongoose)
8. Screech (don't skip this, it makes dive line up right with the dodge ability)
9. Dive
10. Dive hits and should kill Shadeflicker.


scritto il 2018-01-24 18:51:52

Bravo work on the first try


scritto il 2018-01-18 21:14:24

TD Script

ability(Dive:564) [ enemy.aura(Dodge:311).exists ]
ability(Blood in the Water:423) [ enemy.aura(Bleeding:491).exists ]

NascarNSX scritto il 2018-01-04 06:56:03

Replaced Mongoose pup with Mongoose (S/S) and Frostshell Pincher with Electrified Razortooth (B/B) - with same strategy and spells.

NascarNSX scritto il 2018-01-04 09:15:47

My bad Electrified Razortooth is breast >.<


scritto il 2018-01-15 14:44:16

the razortooth isn't aquatic, though


scritto il 2018-01-05 12:13:52

My frog worked being H/P killed shade with dive turn

J scritto il 2017-09-21 13:18:29

Thank you. Worked with a green level 22 Frostshell Pincher

Anonymous scritto il 2017-10-27 09:45:13

3.pet is Snarly.same tactic.

Alejandro scritto il 2017-10-05 17:50:00

1. Mongoose (Haste) 2-1-2
2. Hydraling 2-1-2
3. Mongoose Pup (Haste) 2-1-2

1. Screech. Change to Hydraling.
2. Call Lightning.
3. Whirlpool.
4. Tail Slap. Change to Mongoose Pup.
5. Gnaw.
6. Gnaw. (If dies - reset.)
7. Gnaw. Dies. Change to Mongoose.
8. Screech.
9. Dive.
10. Dies.
11. Call Lightning.

Robodin scritto il 2017-10-23 17:32:29

Pretty RNG prone though. On round 5+6 You're basically hoping for a combination of low Claw attacks and Shadeflicker still being high enough on HP, that he isn't pushed below half health (due to the +25% dmg racial kicking in).

Lorienne scritto il 2017-09-10 15:59:02

Credit to Holomar on Wowhead!!!

My Gulp Froglet did not meet the specifications above, and nothing else was working. Tried this strat instead, and my B/B Gulp Froglet was fine:

Mongoose Pup 2/1/2 (must be S/S)
Gulp Froglet 1/1/1
Chuck 1/1/2

Gulp Froglet is swapped in
Chuck is swapped in
Blood in the Water
Mongoose Pup is swapped in

Maybe I got lucky, but this was the only strat that worked for me. TY Holomar!

Lithelin scritto il 2017-09-11 22:30:07


Noasis scritto il 2017-09-12 12:26:36

Great strat - nothing else was working for me!

Darielyia scritto il 2017-09-12 20:31:17

Thanks for this! I had to sub in a regular Mongoose since my pup didn't have enough speed to go first but everything else worked great and got it done.

Anonymous scritto il 2017-09-16 17:50:36

he had 1 HP left at the end, had to water jet with my froglet but it worked great!

MouseD scritto il 2017-09-18 08:55:32

Worked the 2nd time I tried it....nothing else was working as my Gulp was B/B ...and the idea of being on Timeless isle again trying hours to get a S/S Gulp just isn't in me again.

Anonymous scritto il 2017-09-20 02:02:37

I've been trying strats all week and holy cow this one did it the first time. My pup only had 100hp left but it worked!

Eilistraee scritto il 2017-09-20 22:55:50

thank you! thank you!

Aderana scritto il 2017-09-30 07:21:42

This should be the main strategy.

Zarria scritto il 2017-10-21 15:31:15

Worked really good, with 2 pets alive at the end. Mongoose was even S/S with 338 speed.

ass scritto il 2017-09-20 23:52:24

replaced gulp froglet with a hydraling and got it to work

Dubhglas scritto il 2017-09-21 17:20:05

Took a clutch blood in the water crit, but it worked for me as well, since I don't have froglet.

Calari scritto il 2017-10-20 19:13:53

this worked perfectly. thank you

Lamda scritto il 2017-09-20 15:19:46

Got a little cute with the "357 speed, no more, no less" comment. Mongoose S/S with 374 speed works fine.

Pommie Tappet scritto il 2017-09-28 13:11:21

Indeed! I didn't have a S/S Mongoose Pup, but a S/S Mongoose with a speed of 374 gave success the first time around.

Fret not, battlers!

Shallanoree scritto il 2017-10-14 22:47:50

Mongoose P/S 338 worked just as fine

Chrisski scritto il 2017-10-08 05:56:35

I don't know if things changed but I did the exact strat w/ a 338 Mongoose Pup and it worked the exact same.

Eos scritto il 2017-10-10 15:16:36

Worked for me the same as well. Easy win.

DkPheonix scritto il 2017-10-13 19:02:46

worked for me too

Macfly scritto il 2017-10-08 00:01:59

Strat says "Turns 2-4 Swarm - your Kelp Scuttler is forced in" there is no Kelp Scuttler in the line up

Chrisski scritto il 2017-10-08 05:49:15

This made me laugh

Schahmaar scritto il 2017-10-05 16:03:27

Ass' Hydraling replacement works nicely. X/1/2
Use Whirlpool on round one, Pass round 2, Call Lightning round 3 and finish him after swapping in again (after following the original strat) with Call Lightning.

strumpett scritto il 2017-09-27 07:52:56

perfect first time thank you

tess scritto il 2017-09-30 05:29:00

is it just me but i dont see a kelp scuttler in the line up??

hairy scritto il 2017-09-17 21:38:04

Using chuck instead of frostshell allowed for surge instead of a pass on turn7 as well as allowing a gulp frog with less hp.

Arras scritto il 2017-09-21 21:38:59

This worked perfectly since I only had a Balance Gulp Froglet and a H/H Frostshell Pincher. I tried a P/P Fen Crab but it wasn't able to get of a Blood in the Water before it died.

dibukmette scritto il 2017-09-23 22:16:38

used Toothy instead but it worked perfectly.
Thanks for the hint

Shatu scritto il 2017-09-10 14:47:26

Used the recommended pets (breeds were OK) but this strat did not work at all.

Quintette scritto il 2017-09-21 09:12:53

Strat worked fine. Took over Hairy's suggestion of putting a croc (Toothy) in spot 3 for an extra Surge on turn 7. Got him down fine without the Frog even needing the Water Jet.

Ken scritto il 2017-09-16 10:21:58

Worked first go, Subed a P/P Fen Crab for the Frostshell and the bleed dot killed him on the last move. Thanks

Anonymous scritto il 2017-09-12 01:37:28

I didn't have the exact breeds but made do with what I had. S/S Mongoose, H/P Gulp Froglet, P/B Juvenile Scuttleback (to keep its health lower than Gulp Froglet). Worked out the same as the strategy posted.

Yewfire scritto il 2017-09-15 01:41:23

Worked first time. Thanks!

Chidsuey scritto il 2017-09-10 13:44:59

If your Frostshell Pincher has too much health, find a nearby Voidstalker Runt and have him hit it once, then go face Shadeflicker.

Raventoo scritto il 2017-09-10 12:49:41

Worked as written using a H/P Gulp Froglet.

Bekuchan scritto il 2017-09-10 11:48:41

So I didn't have an SS pup, instead I just used an SS Mongoose (374 speed) a BB gulp and a PP frostshell and it worked first go, I had a bit of RNG luck with no crits (any crits and my pets would have died)

Dakini scritto il 2017-09-10 03:21:58

Perfect as long as you meet the specifications.

Elemjay scritto il 2017-09-09 08:58:59

Is it really correctly stipulated that it needs 357+ speed? Because my S/S breeds don't go over 325... On any of the otters/mongoose/civets.

Elemjay scritto il 2017-09-09 09:22:26

OK, a S/S Mongoose pup is 357 speed. However, only the Mongoose or Mongoose Pup will meet the speed criteria, since all the others have a maximum speed of 325.

Rifkin scritto il 2017-09-08 23:58:57

what am i missing? Using a Sifang Otter (SS) but frog is getting swapped in first?
edit: was on the wrong boss.... but now i notice that the mongoose only comes with a max speed of 344

Anonymous scritto il 2017-09-08 14:53:46

Am I the only one that's unlucky enough to not have any aquatic with a speed higher than 325? :(( Any alternatives?

Brickster scritto il 2017-09-08 17:06:37

Mongoose Pups come in S/S and P/S. They're quite easy to farm for S/S breed!

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