vs. Unit 35

전략이 추가됨. 추가자: Raborne#1824

Strategy 16 of 22
Browse all alternatives

Incl. steps:

Unit 35 154927
2 ZL 1 0

모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물

Special or not:0Special or not:2111209312795620930

스킬: 1 1 1
번식: 모든 종류

파괴의 결정체
This pet can have the following breeds:

번식 체력 파워 속도
PP 1481 325 244

1 ZR7 13

모든 레벨 25+ 자연

스킬: 모든 종류
번식: 모든 종류


Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 2


Works everytime.

낮은 XP
이 전략을 위한 애완동물 중 적어도 하나는 특정 품종의 사용이 요구됩니다.
모든 전략이 무적일 수는 없습니다. 이 전략도 마찬가지입니다. 애완동물의 실패 위험을 증가시키는 일부 무작위의 요소가 있으므로 다시 시작해야 할 수도 있습니다. 여러분의 애완동물을 탓하지 마세요, 제발!
이 전략은 확률적으로 많은 금을 얻기 위해 와우트레이딩 카드 게임(TCG) 또는 경매장에서 얻을 수 있는 애완동물을 사용합니다.
이 전략은 와우인 게임 샵에서 Battle.net 화폐 또는 현실의 실제 화폐로만 얻을 수 있는 애완동물을 사용합니다.
레벨 1+
이 전략으로 낮은 레벨의 애완동물에게 경험을 줄 수 있습니다.
종종 다른 지시사항들보다 더 따르기 어려운 지시사항이 있습니다. 이 전략의 지시사항도 보통보다 어렵습니다!
이 전략은 스크립트 추가와 함께 사용할 수 있는 Pet Battle Script 스크립트를 제공합니다. 애완동물의 왼쪽에 있는 버튼을 클릭하면 스크립트를 복사할 수 있습니다.
이 전략에서는 하나 이상의 애완 동물을 얻을 수 없습니다. 만약 그 애완동물을 가지고 있다면 축하드립니다!
A Strategy Curator found this strategy to be especially helpful and higlighted it with this tag to give it more exposure.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 0:50
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 6+
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
This table shows the level increase for completing the fight with level 25 pets and one carry pet.
Partial level experience is not included in the calculation.

Before After Experience Gain

탐험대 모자

하급 애완동물 간식

애완동물 간식

다크문 중산모

애완동물 전투 주

Strategy Details
50 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
There is no winrate available for this strategy because there is no Script available. Automatic winrate calculations can only work with a script.

You can also run a simulation of this strategy directly on Pet Sim by clicking on this link: Link to Pet Sim
2023-01-07 23:57:18
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2020-07-27 05:19:36
The strategy was created on this date.
방문자 수. 해당 숫자는 이 전략이 방문자들로부터 얼마나 자주 접속되는지를 나타냅니다.
Tamer Details
Mechagon 51.18 45.39 (TomTom / Map Pin)
낮은 XP
Turn 1

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turn 2
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turn 3

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turn 4

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turn 5+
제물 until Unit 35 dies

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Bring in your Elemental pet

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Turn 1+
Any standard Elemental attack will finish the fight

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
모든 레벨 1+ 애완동물
파괴의 결정체
화염 보호막
화염 분출
모든 레벨 25+ 자연
Bring in your 파괴의 결정체
Bring in your Level Pet
Bring in your Elemental pet
Swap to your 파괴의 결정체
Swap to your Level Pet
Swap to your Elemental pet
유닛 35 comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Level Pet
파괴의 결정체
모든 종류 자연
화염 보호막
화염 분출
유닛 35
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

I heard they have almost magical gyroscopic necks!

새로운 댓글:

