
Mejores Mascotas JcJ

Información Rápida

Artículo mantenido por:
Aranesh, Rosqo, Shenk

Índice de Contenidos:

1. Tier
2. Tier
3. Tier

Última actualización: 2022-12-06

The best PvP Battle Pets!

A list of the current best PvP Battle Pets. This can guide your pet choices when either first starting off or when you are looking to mix up your teams. It gives you an idea of which pets to obtain and level up so you can be competitive in the PvP queue. We have separated the pets into 3 groups: Tier 1 being the strongest possible pets available at present, Tier 2 being extremely strong and Tier 3 being very good choices in for any team.

1. Tier

These pets are currently overpowered and will often be able to carry your whole team. You can probably freely use any other half decent pets to earn a good ratio of wins.

Anomalus (*/*/1)
S/S Guardia diminuto qiraji (1/2/2)
Tintineo (2/2/*) with Toxic Fumes or (1/2/*)
Búho celador volantón (1/1/1) or P/S Brincadora carmesí (1/2/2)
Pluma perdida (2/1/2)
Vástago de la Tormenta (2/1/1) or Vástago de escamatrueno (2/2/2) with Baile deslumbrante, Anomalía temporal or Baile lunar
Crepusculín (2/2/2)
Chirriador dorado (1/1/2)
H/P Arenizo viviente (1/2/2)
Vigía de dunas maldito (*/2/1)

2. Tier

These pets can sometimes carry your whole team and with a half decent setup will get you lots of wins. Its more important with these pets to build a team that works well with your choice.

S/S Diablillo maligno (1/1/2)
Aletacielo afectado por la vileza (2/2/2)
P/S Hermana de guarida Crepuscular (2/1/2)
S/S Bailarín de niebla jade (1/2/1) with Ciclón/Ciclón del Vacío
Espinete vengativo (2/1/1)
S/S Taipan rosa/Prole de víboris mortal (1/1/2)
P/P Cervato Uñalustre (1/2/1)
Invocar oscuridad+Golpe nocturno flyers with sub 320 power
P/P Diablillo rebelde (1/1/1)
Dragonizo pandaren mecánico (1/2/2)
H/P Vahofétido (1/2/1)
P/P Germinador otoñal (2/1/2)
P/P Mariposa de costa (*/2/1) or (*/1/2) with a hit chance buff (e.g. Danza de la lluvia)
S/S Saltabardales costero (1/1/2) with Ciclón/Ciclón del Vacío
P/B Pirogarra infernal (*/*/1)
P/S or S/S Brillavacío (2/1/2)
S/S Cría de snóbold (1/2/1)
Ídolo Anubisath (1/1/*) or Anubisath marcado por el Vacío (2/1/1)
S/S Reptador lomosombra (*/1/1)
S/S or P/P Cuervo espectral (1/1/1)
Cría abisal tocada por la luna (1/1/1) with Baile deslumbrante, Anomalía temporal or Baile lunar

3. Tier

These are pets that will perform well in the queue and using these pets to build a team will obtain good results.
You will have to use at least one other pet that matches well with these pets to get the best results.

Cría de kunchong (1/1/2)
S/S Vástago bronce (1/2/1)
Cuernoatroz enano/Cuernoatroz pigmeo (1/1/1)
Rabiosillo de magma (1/1/2)/Mini Ragnaros (*/1/2)
Anciano floreciente/Broot (2/2/2)
P/P Cangrejo emperador (2/1/1)
P/P Gorgojo Zandalari (2/2/*)
H/P Babosa de mugre (2/1/2)
S/S Rata peliescarcha (2/1/2)
H/H Val'kyr nonata (*/2/*)
S/B or P/P Can de fuego (2/1/2)
H/P Fozrukito (1/2/2)
H/H Espíritu de cangrejo (*/1/*)
Cachorro wolvar curioso (*/1/*) with bleeding synergy
H/H Estrellita de hierro (1/1/1)
Chiquitrón (*/1/1)
Can de trasiego de Alterac (1/1/1)
Cachorro fantasmal de lobo gélido (1/2/2)
Prole de Picoterrible (*/2/*)
Dragón óseo (1/2/2)
Tunelador aqir (1/2/1)
P/P Lomocetrino volantón (2/*/*) Ciclón with a hit chance buff (e.g. Danza de la lluvia)
Prole Infinita (1/1/1) or other dragons with Ciclón and Llamar relámpagos
S/S Marmota escurridiza (*/2/*)
P/S Halcón de añublo (1/*/2) with a hit chance buff (e.g. Danza de la lluvia)
Gato birmano maldito (*/1/2)
S/S Cría de alatemible fusca (2/1/1) with Toxic Fumes weather
P/B Clariposa vibrante (1/1/2)
S/S Germinador Sombranoche (1/2/1)
S/S Cría de quimera albina (1/2/1)
Príncipe cefiriano (1/2/2)

The list will be kept up to date as possible and pets will be added or removed as the PvP meta evolves.

We welcome feedback and suggestions especially if you feel certain pets are missing. We tried to keep the list as short as possible so some pets may have just missed out to prevent the list from becoming too long or daunting.

Thanks guys Rosqo & Shenk.

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