
PvP Pet Tier List


Aranesh, Rosqo, Shenk


1. Tier
2. Tier
3. Tier

最後更新日期 2022-12-06

The best PvP Battle Pets!

A list of the current best PvP Battle Pets. This can guide your pet choices when either first starting off or when you are looking to mix up your teams. It gives you an idea of which pets to obtain and level up so you can be competitive in the PvP queue. We have separated the pets into 3 groups: Tier 1 being the strongest possible pets available at present, Tier 2 being extremely strong and Tier 3 being very good choices in for any team.

1. Tier

The most overpowered pets right now, excellent for PVP.

艾諾瑪路斯 (*/*/1)
S/S 守護者葵拉吉 (1/2/2)
叮噹 (2/2/*) with Toxic Fumes or (1/2/*)
月觸虛空幼龍 (1/1/1) with 炫光之舞, 時間異常 or 月狼之舞
遺失的羽毛筆 (2/1/2)
阿努比薩斯塑像 (1/1/*) or 虛無之痕阿努比薩斯 (2/1/1)
暮光 (2/2/2)
黃金蟋蟀 (1/1/2)
H/P 活體小流沙 (1/2/2)
永恆機械幼龍 (1/2/1)
伊卡巴 (*/1/2)
兇暴原雞 (1/2/2)

2. Tier

Very good pets for PVP.

看守者幼鴞 (1/1/1) or P/S 赤躍蝶 (1/2/2)
颶裔寶寶 (2/1/1) or 雷鱗幼龍 (2/2/2) with 炫光之舞, 時間異常 or 月狼之舞
S/S 邪惡小鬼 (1/1/2)
魔染天鰭魟魚 (2/2/2)
P/S 暮光雛龍女 (2/1/2)
S/S 碧霧舞者 (1/2/1) with 颶風/虛無龍捲風
S/S 遺失的肢體 (1/2/1)
S/S 玫紅太攀蛇/死亡奎蛇寶寶 (1/1/2)
骨蛇 (1/2/2)
亞基掘道蟲 (1/2/1)
機械熊貓人幼龍 (1/2/2)
P/P 秋葉小魔花 (2/1/2)
P/B 煉獄炙鉗 (*/*/1)
P/S or S/S 虛無生長者 (2/1/2)
S/S 焦慮的啃咬跳獸 (2/2/1)
詛咒沙丘看守者 (*/2/1)

3. Tier

Good pets for PVP.

小崑蟲 (1/1/2)
S/S 青銅龍寶寶 (1/2/1)
矮小的恐角龍/侏儒恐角龍 (1/1/1)
熔岩怒元素 (1/1/2)/小小拉格納羅斯 (*/1/2)
繁花樹人/布魯特 (2/2/2)
P/P 叛逆的小鬼 (1/1/1)
S/S 霜毛鼠 (2/1/2)
S/B 烈焰魔犬 (2/1/2)
H/P 小弗茲魯克 (1/2/2)
H/H 靈蟹 (*/1/*)
好奇的小獾狼怪 (*/1/*) with bleeding synergy
H/H 小鋼鐵之星 (1/1/1)
H/P 疫息 (1/2/1)
奧特蘭克酒桶犬 (1/1/1)
幽靈小霜狼 (1/2/2)
P/P 海濱蝶 (*/2/1)
S/S 濱岸無賴蛙 (1/1/2) with 颶風/虛無龍捲風
S/S 鬼祟土撥鼠 (*/2/*)
S/S 影背螃蟹 (*/1/1)
S/S or P/P 幽魂烏鴉 (1/1/1)
呼喚陰暗+夜行攻擊 flyers with sub 320 power
S/S 暮色懼翼幼蝠 (2/1/1) with Toxic Fumes weather
P/B 鮮豔爍亮蝶 (1/1/2)
S/S 夜影小魔花 (1/2/1)
S/S 白化小奇美拉 (1/2/1)
P/P 光蹄幼鹿 (1/2/1)
復仇刺蝟 (2/1/1)
S/S 小原基袋熊 (1/1/2)
不安秘典 (1/1/2)
上尉騎士莫奇 (2/2/2) or 軍團士兵莫奇 (2/2/1)
脊蟲 (*/2/1)
開心果 (1/2/1) with 呼喚閃電 pets
鳴響回音 or 專注原型 (1/2/1)
洪荒小風暴 (1/*/2)
安靜的機械雪人 (1/1/2)

The list will be kept up to date as possible and pets will be added or removed as the PvP meta evolves.

We welcome feedback and suggestions especially if you feel certain pets are missing. We tried to keep the list as short as possible so some pets may have just missed out to prevent the list from becoming too long or daunting.

Thanks guys Rosqo & Shenk.


