
PvP Pet Tier List

Algumas Informações:

Artigo mantido por:
Aranesh, Rosqo, Shenk


1. Tier
2. Tier
3. Tier

Última atualização 2022-12-06

The best PvP Battle Pets!

A list of the current best PvP Battle Pets. This can guide your pet choices when either first starting off or when you are looking to mix up your teams. It gives you an idea of which pets to obtain and level up so you can be competitive in the PvP queue. We have separated the pets into 3 groups: Tier 1 being the strongest possible pets available at present, Tier 2 being extremely strong and Tier 3 being very good choices in for any team.

1. Tier

The most overpowered pets right now, excellent for PVP.

Anômalus (*/*/1)
S/S Guardinha Qiraji (1/2/2)
Sininho (2/2/*) with Toxic Fumes or (1/2/*)
Dragonete Etéreo Tocado pela Lua (1/1/1) with Dança Hipnótica, Anomalia Temporal or Dança Lunar
Pena Perdida (2/1/2)
Ídolo Anubisath (1/1/*) or Anubisath Marcado pelo Caos (2/1/1)
Crepúsculo (2/2/2)
Cricrilador Dourado (1/1/2)
H/P Arenídeo Vivo (1/2/2)
Dragonete Mecânico Perene (1/2/1)
Ichabod (*/1/2)
Galinídeo Violento (1/2/2)

2. Tier

Very good pets for PVP.

Filhote de Coruja Guardiã (1/1/1) or P/S Lépida Carmesim (1/2/2)
Dragonetinho Filho da Tempestade (2/1/1) or Dragonetinho Escama Trovejante (2/2/2) with Dança Hipnótica, Anomalia Temporal or Dança Lunar
S/S Diabrete Bestial (1/1/2)
Corta-céu Vilafetado (2/2/2)
P/S Austéria Crepuscular (2/1/2)
S/S Dançarino Névoa de Jade (1/2/1) with Ciclone/Ciclone Caótico
S/S Membro Perdido (1/2/1)
S/S Rose Taipan/Pequena Áspide da Morte (1/1/2)
Serpente Óssea (1/2/2)
Escavador Aqir (1/2/1)
Dragonete Mecânico Pandarênico (1/2/2)
P/P Broto Outonal (2/1/2)
P/B Fogarra Infernal (*/*/1)
P/S or S/S Reluzinha Caótica (2/1/2)
S/S Mordiscante Ansioso (2/2/1)
Vigia da Duna Amaldiçoado (*/2/1)

3. Tier

Good pets for PVP.

Filhote de Kunchong (1/1/2)
S/S Dragonetinho Brônzeo (1/2/1)
Escornante Atrofiado/Escornante Pigmeu (1/1/1)
Raivíneo de Magma (1/1/2)/Ragnarinho (*/1/2)
Anciente Florescente/Broot (2/2/2)
P/P Diabrete Rebelde (1/1/1)
S/S Rato Pelofrio (2/1/2)
S/B Canígneo (2/1/2)
H/P Fozinho (1/2/2)
H/H Caranguejo Espírito (*/1/*)
Guaxinantinho Curioso (*/1/*) with bleeding synergy
H/H Estrelita de Ferro (1/1/1)
H/P Putribafo (1/2/1)
Cãonhaquinho de Alterac (1/1/1)
Fantasma de Filhote de Lobo do Gelo (1/2/2)
P/P Borboleta da Costa (*/2/1)
S/S Saltador Costeiro (1/1/2) with Ciclone/Ciclone Caótico
S/S Marmota Furtiva (*/2/*)
S/S Rastejante Dorsumbra (*/1/1)
S/S or P/P Corvo Espectral (1/1/1)
Chamado da Escuridão+Ataque Noturno flyers with sub 320 power
S/S Terrorasinha Crepuscular (2/1/1) with Toxic Fumes weather
P/B Libélume Vibrante (1/1/2)
S/S Broto de Beladona (1/2/1)
S/S Quimerinha Albina (1/2/1)
P/P Corço Casclarão (1/2/1)
Porquinho-espinho Vingativo (2/1/1)
S/S Filhotinho de Vombate (1/1/2)
Tomo Atormentado (1/1/2)
Murquinho Capitão-cavaleiro (2/2/2) or Murquinho Legionário (2/2/1)
Bicho-espinha (*/2/1)
Pistache (1/2/1) with Chamar Raio pets
Eco Ressoante or Arquétipo da Concentração (1/2/1)
Tempestinha Primevo (1/*/2)
Yeti Mecânico Pacato (1/1/2)

The list will be kept up to date as possible and pets will be added or removed as the PvP meta evolves.

We welcome feedback and suggestions especially if you feel certain pets are missing. We tried to keep the list as short as possible so some pets may have just missed out to prevent the list from becoming too long or daunting.

Thanks guys Rosqo & Shenk.

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