
Your Week in Pet Battles 20 February

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Table of Contents:

1. Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
2. Claws for Concern for Blueloo < 24h!
3. Squirt in the EU & KR/TW Garrison on!
4. Murkastrazsa & Drakks: Dragonflight Collector's Edition Back for Limited Run!
5. Hoplet Pet in Shop Until 29 February 2024
6. Prime Gaming Loot: Cap'n Crackers
7. February's Trading Post is Here!
8. Maw Assaults
9. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
10. Aqir Assault: Uldum
11. Vol'dun Assaults
12. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage
12.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Un’gol Ruins, Verdant Wilds
12.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Havenswood, Rotting Mire, Un’gol Ruins

Your Week in Pet Battles 20 February


2024-02-21 01:17:13
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1. Mists of Pandaria Timewalking

Here are all the pets you can potentially collect during Mists of Pandaria Timewalking!

Timewalking Vendor, Mistweaver Xia on the Timeless Isle:
Espíritu de la paradoja
& Prole Infinita

They both cost 2200 Timewarped Badges.

There's also an Achievement reward pet from Stormstout Brewery: Brinquitos

It's a reward from Ling-Ting's Herbal Journey. Here's a link to the comments on Wowhead for the achievement. It also offers a workaround for the one that might be bugged beneath the stairs. For that one it'd be best to wait until the instance is clear. Or, since you'll be heading out to the Timeless Isle anyway, drop by the Valley of the Four Winds on your max-level character for an easy clear, and easy pet!

2. Claws for Concern for Blueloo < 24h!

This WQ will be up for < 24h (roughly for NA) from the publishing of this article!

While the Claws for Concern World Quest is up, you will be able to work on the Friends in Feathers achievement for the pet Azulaco! Normally, you can only rescue 6 Moonkin Hatchlings at a time, so you can either do the WQ across three characters, or you can also join a raid group and rescue all 18 Moonkin Hatchlings in one go on one character!

3. Squirt in the EU & KR/TW Garrison on!

Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in the EU Garrison on 21 February & the KR/TW on 22 February. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.

4. Murkastrazsa & Drakks: Dragonflight Collector's Edition Back for Limited Run!

The Dragonflight's Physical Collector's Edition is back on the Blizzard store for a limited time! Purchasing this CE will get you the Murkastrasza & Drakks, however the cost of the CE is a whopping $ 129.99 USD.

I couldn't find an exact date on how long this will be up, so it might just be until they're sold out. If I find the date I'll be sure to update the article!

5. Hoplet Pet in Shop Until 29 February 2024

Leap into new and hoppy adventures with a fluffy friend by your side. The Hoplet pet, outfitted in festive Lunar New Year fashion, will be available in the Battle.net® Shop for a limited time and will scamper away on February 29, 2024. Hoplet is ready for fuzzy fun and will join you immediately after your purchase and activation.

This pet was previously only available to Wrath Classic players, and was given for the Lunar New Year 2023 gift for players with a 6- or 12-month subscription.

6. Prime Gaming Loot: Cap'n Crackers

From Jan 30, 2024 through Feb 27, 2024, players are/were able to connect their Amazon Prime Gaming account to their Battle.net account to collect Capitán Pastas

7. February's Trading Post is Here!

For February's Trading Post you can purchase two lovely maidenbugs: Nelle & Bichi!
Each pet will set you back 250 Trader's Tender.

8. Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Vermis de éter imbuida (A Shady Place ??? up) &
Zumbón invasivo (Assault Cache)

9. N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'ariñitos &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Tentáculo corrupto

10. Aqir Assault: Uldum

Uldum - Aqir Assault until mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Tunelador aqir &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Alientopútrido

11. Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Araña mecánica reconstruida (Horde) & Robot gorila reconstruido (Alliance)

Time: Saturday, 24 February - Begins @ 10 pm CET / Pacific & Ends @ 5 am

12. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

12.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Un’gol Ruins, Verdant Wilds


Capitán Eminencia
Vástago fantasmal
Coleguita cardozarza
Pezuñarrisco joven
Reptador de arena conchabrillo
Escórpido Muertaguijón
Zumbón llamaguijón
Cachorro de yesca
Arañita Telaígnea
Estridador alacuero
Tunelador de sangrita
Cría de Solescama
Cría de flancoalmizcle
Coleóptero Valvarena
Cachorro lomopincho
Prole de plumaumbría
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial

Un'gol Ruins

Cría de flancoalmizcle
Tunelador de sangrita
Reptador de arena conchabrillo
Zumbón llamaguijón
Cría de Solescama
Pezuñarrisco joven
Cachorro lomopincho
Prole de plumaumbría
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial
Estridador alacuero
Coleguita cardozarza

Verdant Wilds

Cría de flancoalmizcle
Tunelador de sangrita
Zumbón llamaguijón
Arañita Telaígnea
Coleguita cardozarza
Pezuñarrisco joven
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial
Cachorro lomopincho
Estridador alacuero
Prole de plumaumbría

12.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Havenswood, Rotting Mire, Un’gol Ruins


Cría de flancoalmizcle
Lord Guauwington
Reptador de arena conchabrillo
Tunelador de sangrita
Necrófago en podredumbre
Cría de Solescama
Escórpido Muertaguijón
Arañita Telaígnea
Coleóptero Valvarena
Coleguita cardozarza
Pezuñarrisco joven
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial
Cachorro lomopincho
Estridador alacuero
Prole de plumaumbría

Rotting Mire

Cría de flancoalmizcle
Tunelador de sangrita
Reptador de arena conchabrillo
Zumbón llamaguijón
Cría de Solescama
Coleguita cardozarza
Pezuñarrisco joven
Cachorro lomopincho
Prole de plumaumbría
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial
Estridador alacuero
Vástago de escamatrueno
Capitán Eminencia

Un'gol Ruins

Cría de flancoalmizcle
Tunelador de sangrita
Reptador de arena conchabrillo
Zumbón llamaguijón
Cría de Solescama
Pezuñarrisco joven
Cachorro lomopincho
Prole de plumaumbría
Bebé petrapiel
Golpenudillo artificial
Estridador alacuero
Coleguita cardozarza


escrito el 2024-02-27 18:46:09

<3 ty !

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