
PvP updates with a welcome to Shenk!

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PvP updates with a welcome to Shenk!

2019-03-03 09:56:54
Pet battle PvP has never been my strong suit, making me rely entirely on other people to provide content for this part of the pet battling world. The latest newcomer to the Xu-Fu team kindly offered to provide his knowledge on that, admittedly lacking, part of the page: Welcome to Shenk!

The first new section up is focusing on the achievement Family Brawler, providing teams for every family right there, but you are of course more than welcome to add your own teams and ideas or leave comments :-)


scritto il 2019-03-28 14:41:09

PVP Pet Brawls always seem so intimidating, very happy to have some strategies here, hopefully it will be the boost I need to get stuck in! Cheers


scritto il 2019-03-28 20:01:29

I hope it will, good luck! :)

OriginalNyla scritto il 2019-03-14 21:47:27

Glad to have a place to puzzle through PVP pet battles! Maybe I'll finally figure out how not to be owned by every Fragment of Suffering, Anger, and Desire that shows up in an opposing team.


scritto il 2019-03-15 01:28:46

Fragment teams are soooo Warlords. :P Though with all that health, plus the Undead racial, I imagine they're still work to take down. But they never were really scary, and certainly aren't any more.

Check out channels Discodoggy, Rosqo, and Llennoca on YouTube for the more current threats!


scritto il 2019-03-15 17:12:39

can't remember a time i have ever seen all three fragments at once :o even one is quite rare for me nowadays


scritto il 2019-03-15 20:25:42

They used to be quite common in my meta, but not for a while. I do love to see theme teams, and will happily throw matches to them just to encourage them. :)

Hmmm. There's a nice Humanoid theme team that would work for Brawler

Rotten Little Helper
Winter's Little Helper
Kun-Lai Runt (or maybe Grumpling for the novelty and better fit with the spirit of Winter's Veil? never played Grumpling)

using a theme of Call Blizzard/Deep Freeze/Ice Tomb with the mines to force a choice between a painful stun+nuke and a painful explosion!

I've seen the Helpers together, at least. KLR seems an obvious choice for third.


scritto il 2019-03-15 21:28:06

sounds alot like the team i uploaded with ice tomb instead of nethergate


scritto il 2019-03-16 02:38:21

Oh yes, I see. That's probably what reminded me of it. :)


scritto il 2019-03-04 16:53:07

Thank you so much, Shenk, for thinking up the idea of using the PvE strat layout for PvP teams! It's a great idea! I look forward to reading people's suggestions, and figuring out new ways to expand the format and get discussions going!


scritto il 2019-03-04 18:49:58


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