
Xu-Fu's Treasure Hunt is back!

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Xu-Fu's Treasure Hunt is back!


2024-08-15 14:47:19
Xu-Fu's Treasure Hunt is back to celebrate the launch of The War Within!

And not just Xu-Fu is preparing, there is also a very special Murloc intending to delve into the depth of Azeroth. It is of course Sir Finley Mrrgglton!
But alas, expeditions into unknown lands are never easy, or cheap!

To help with the latter, Sir Mrrgglton calls upon the pet battling community to help fund his excursion. Yes, that means You!

Your help shall not be without a reward either. Sir Finley promises rare and precious items from his very own collection. Pets, mounts, and for one lucky winner, an epic invitation to join him on the way to the Isle of Dorn!

The game will commence on Sunday, August 18, and run for a whole week right up to the launch of The War Within. Check out the FAQ for all the details on how you can participate and what prizes are available.

Good luck to all treasure seekers!


wrote on 2024-08-21 16:39:37

Fun idea, thanks! (edited)


wrote on 2024-08-21 10:40:21

Hi, Nice! See you around!


wrote on 2024-08-17 08:14:40

cool, premiere fois que je vais faire la chasse au tresors!!!


wrote on 2024-08-16 17:45:04

к сожалению, все эти награды у меня есть, эх..

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