
Patch 9.2 Compilation Article - Updated: 10 March 22

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Table of Contents:

1. Currency Needed for 9.2
1.1 Cyphers of the First Ones x 500
1.2 Genesis Mote x 8,550
1.3 Gilmmers (28):
Animation x 2
Cunning x 2
Discovery x 2
Focus x 2
Malice x 2
Metamorphosis x 2
Motion x 2
Multiplicity x 2
Predation x 2
Renewal x 2
Satisfaction x 2
Serenity x 2
Survival x 2
Vigilance x 2
1.4 Lattices (28):
Ambystan x 2
Geomental x 2
Viperid x 2
Vombata x 2
Unformed x 3
Vespoid x 1
Proto Avian x 1
Leporid x 2
Tarachnid x 1
Aurelid x 3
Poultrid x 3
Bufonid x 1
Scarabid x 2
Helicid x 3
2. New Pets by Source
2.1 Protoform Synthesis (28)
Synthesis Forge Prerequisites
2.2 Pet Battles (21)
2.3 Quest (1)
2.4 Treasure (1)
2.5 Achievement (1)
2.6 Vendor (1)
3. New Abilities
4. Other Changes
4.1 Corgi Pup source information updated
5. Changelog

Patch 9.2 Compilation Article - Updated: 10 March 22


2021-11-22 03:15:00
Patch 9.2, the last major patch of Shadowland's expansion, has shown up with some interesting models we'll be seeing in the land of the First Ones: Zereth Mortis.

The article below contains all the information available to us.

Special thanks to:

Princesa, who discovered how to spawn the Mawtouched Geomental
Mellebelle, who discovered how to spawn the Enraged Poultrid
Aura, who shared their experience in raid with getting the Glimmer of Satisfaction
And everyone else who shared their discoveries on Wowhead & the Pet Battle Discords

This article wouldn't be possible without all of your contributions, and they are greatly appreciated!


1. Currency Needed for 9.2

1.1 Cyphers of the First Ones x 500

1.2 Genesis Mote x 8,550

1.3 Gilmmers (28):

Animation x 2

  • Source: 61 sources listed on Wowhead here

Cunning x 2

  • Source: Tarachnids

Discovery x 2

  • Source: 12 sources listed on Wowhead here

Focus x 2

  • Source: 19 sources listed on Wowhead here

Malice x 2

  • Source: Sav'thul - /way #1970 48.6 6.6 Sav'thul

Metamorphosis x 2

  • Source: Mawsworn Converter - around the center of the map /way #1970 45.2 52.8 Mawsworn Converter

Motion x 2

  • Source: 12 sources listed on Wowhead here

Multiplicity x 2

  • Source: Vespoid Worker - around /way #1970 51.6 27.8 Vespoid Worker, /way #1970 53.6 46.8 Vespoid Worker, and /way #1970 64.4 58.4 Vespoid Worker
  • Source: Scavenging Mite - around /way #1970 39.6 37.2 Scavenging Mite & /way #1970 38.8 72.2 Scavenging Mite

Predation x 2

Renewal x 2

  • Source: Multiple sources listed on Wowhead here, in front of and inside the Catalyst Ward

Satisfaction x 2

  • Source: Eating a feast while in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid

Serenity x 2

Survival x 2

Vigilance x 2

1.4 Lattices (28):

Ambystan x 2

  • Source: Otiosen - /way #1970 43.8 87.4 Otiosen

Geomental x 2

  • Source: Tethos - around /way #1970 55.6 72.8 Tethos

Viperid x 2

Vombata x 2

  • Source: Sorranos - /way #1970 35.8 71.0 Sorranos
  • Source: Vombata Matron - in general area of /way #1970 40.4 71.0 Vombata Matron

Unformed x 3

  • Source: Adrift Core - around /way #1970 63.2 70.4 Adrift Core

Vespoid x 1

  • Source: Feasting - /way #1970 62.0 60.6 Feasting
  • Source: Zatojin - /way #1970 43.6 32.8 Zatojin
  • Source: Vespoid Drone - around /way #1970 64.6 60.6 Vespoid Drone
  • Source: Irritated Vespoid Drone & Vespoid Worker - found in three areas around /way #1970 64.4 58.4 Vespoid Worker, /way #1970 53.6 46.8 Vespoid Worker, & /way #1970 51.8 27.2 Vespoid Worker

Proto Avian x 1

  • Source: Enhanced Avian - around /way #1970 49.4 63.4 Enhanced Avian & /way #1970 77.6 50.6 Enhanced Avian

Leporid x 2

  • Source: Clutch Guardian & Agitated Leponid - around /way #1970 60.2 62.6 Clutch Guardian, /way #1970 52.8 62.6 Clutch Guardian, & /way #1970 57.8 74.6 Clutch Guardian

Tarachnid x 1

  • Source: Mother Phestis - /way #1970 54.0 34.6 Mother Phestis (in 'cave')

Aurelid x 3

  • Source: Hirukon - /way 51.67 74.33 (check comment on link for how to spawn this mob)

Poultrid x 3

  • Source: Avian Nest - multiple locations throughout Zereth Mortis. Check link for complete list of coordinates

Bufonid x 1

  • Source: Gorkek - around /way #1970 80.2 46.2 Gorkek, /way #1970 76.6 44.8 Gorkek, & /way #1970 75.4 60.4 Gorkek

Scarabid x 2

Helicid x 3

2. New Pets by Source

2.1 Protoform Synthesis (28)

Synthesis Forge Prerequisites

To be able to see a schematic and forge the pet, you will need to complete these steps:

  • Complete three parts of the main campaign in the Secrets of the First Ones up to Forming an Understanding
  • Complete the Cypher Console upgrade Aealic Understanding & Daealic Understanding
  • Complete the Protoform Synthesis quest to craft pets

Ambystan Darter

  • Ambystans are swift but cowardly creatures. At the first hint of danger, a darter will hide in the nearest hole.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 250, Glimmer of Focus x 1, Ambystan Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Ambystan Darter. The schematic can be found near the Ancient Hopper at /way #1970 78.2 53.2

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Water Jet, Ambystan Snap (new), Pump, Adrenaline Rush, Cleansing Rain, Nibble

Archetype of Animation

  • One part rocks, two parts bigger rocks, three parts smaller rocks, one part ability to move anyway.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Animation x 1, Geomental Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Elemental

Abilities: Stone Shot, Wild Winds, Conflagrate, Consume, Wild Magic, Call Blizzard

Archetype of Cunning

  • Three parts planning, one part danger, one part noodle.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Cunning x 1, Viperid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Beast

Abilities: Bite, Hiss, Burrow, Poison Fang, Puncture Wound, Terrifying Toxicity (new)

Archetype of Discovery

  • One part facial sphere, one part cube manufactory, one part successful curiosity.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Discovery x 1, Vombata Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Beast

Abilities: Wombo Combo (new), Faceroll (new), Wild Magic, Rush, Burrow, Barrier Projector

Archetype of Focus

  • One part focus, one part core, zero parts coherent or stable shape.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Focus x 1, Unformed Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Magic

Abilities: Beam, Inner Vision, Light of Creation (new), Blinkstrike, Sunlight, Rays of Light

Archetype of Malice

  • Two parts wings, one part dagger, five parts sadism.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Malice x 1, Vespoid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Flying

Abilities: Barbed Stinger, Mud Rake, Blood Harvest (new), Bite, Predatory Strike, Ravage

Archetype of Metamorphosis

  • One part gills, one part haste, one part whatever it needs to be.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Metamorphosis x 1, Ambystan Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Water Jet, Ambystan Snap (new), Pump, Flurry, Cleansing Rain, Adrenaline Rush

Archetype of Motion

  • One part beak, two parts wings, one part inability to stop, one part unwillingness to stop.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Motion x 1, Proto Avian Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Flying

Abilities: Peck, Reckless Strike, Amplify Magic, Slicing Wind, Wind Buffet, Whirlwind Dance (new)

Archetype of Multiplicity

  • One part duplication, two parts duplication, four parts duplication... oops.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Multiplicity x 1, Leporid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Critter

Abilities: Flurry, Vicious Streak, Burrow, Trenchant Claws (new), Clobber, Stampede

Archetype of Predation

  • Eight parts legs. Eight parts eyes. One part rope. One part insatiable hunger.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Predation x 1, Tarachnid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Beast

Abilities: Rend, Sticky Web, Leech Life, Poison Spit, Contagion Strike, Devour the Weak

Archetype of Renewal

  • Just one part jelly, but refreshed over and over and over again.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Renewal x 1, Aurelid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Tentacle Slap, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Grasp, Tidal Wave, Wish

Archetype of Satisfaction

  • Two parts wings, one part beak, two parts talon, one part smugness.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Satisfaction x 1, Poultrid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Flying

Abilities: Peck, Squawk, Egg Barrage, Slicing Wind, Whirling Talons (new), Flock

Archetype of Serenity

  • One part slippery skin, one part powerful legs, one part vocal sac, one part complete self-acceptance.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Serenity x 1, Bufonid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Water Jet, First Croak (new), Bubble, Acid Touch, Healing Wave, Swarm

Archetype of Survival

  • One part shell. One part claw. As many parts resilience as need be.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Survival x 1, Scarabid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Critter

Abilities: Scratch, Survival, Deliberate Retreat (new), Flank, Toxic Fumes, Burrow

Archetype of Vigilance

  • Two parts fortress, one part eyestalks, one part slime.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 300, Glimmer of Vigilance x 1, Gastropod Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet is automatically unlocked once the Protoform Synthesis quest is completed

Type: Critter

Abilities: Ooze Touch, Shell Fortress (new), Dive, Pump, Shell Rush, Spirit Spikes

Fierce Scarabid

  • The red coloring on this scarabid lets potential opponents know it is not to be trifled with.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 400, Glimmer of Motion x 1, Scarabid Lattice x 1

Type: Critter

Abilities: Scratch, Burrow, Swarm, Flank, Survival, Deliberate Retreat (new)


  • Since synthesized creatures come into being fully grown, why would anyone design an immature helicid?

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 150, Glimmer of Satisfaction x 1, Gastropod Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Microlicid. This can be found at /way #1970 28.13 50.05

Type: Critter

Abilities: Ooze Touch, Shell Fortress (new), Dive, Water Jet, Acid Rain, Shell Rush

Leaping Leporid

  • Left to their own devices, these leporids will leap high into the air at the slightest provocation. Sometimes they'll even come down properly, as well.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 250, Glimmer of Renewal x 1, Leporid Lattice x 1

Type: Critter

Abilities: Leap, Stampede, Vicious Streak, Flurry, Trenchant Claws (new), Nibble


  • It's really unclear what's "multi" about them.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 350, Glimmer of Multiplicity x 1, Poultrid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Multichicken. This can be found at multiple locations. Check the comments here for all possible locations.

Type: Flying

Abilities: Peck, Slicing Wind, Egg Barrage, Flank, Flock, Whirling Talons (new)

Omnipotential Core

  • It could become anything. It could become *everything*. In the meantime, it's... this.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 350, Glimmer of Animation x 1, Unformed Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Omnipotential Core. To access thi schematic you will need to complete A Means to an End, then unlock the Rondure Alcove from the Rondure Alcove Arrangement at /way #1970 50.5 27.6, between 2 platforms, on the side of a pillar (accessible from flying or via the Tertius Locus)

Type: Magic

Abilities: Beam, Slow Unmaking (new), Lens Flare, Cosmic Smash, Body Slam, Light of Creation (new)


  • This creature's existence strongly implies the existence of other, more advanced tickle-based aurelids out there.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 450, Glimmer of Discovery x 1, Aurelid Lattice x 1

Additional Source Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Prototickles. This can be found at /way 52.2 75.3, inside the floating vines. You'll need to approach it from the cliff above the dimensional falls, and drop onto the pillar at /way 52.51, 75.65. Carefully position your character at the edge of the pillar inside the vines. The schematic will be barely visible on the second 'link' down, on the vine chain closest to the pillar.

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Tentacle Slap, Cleansing Rain, Glop, Grasp, Tidal Wave, Wish

Resonant Echo

  • The core of a song that all but faded long ago.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 250, Glimmer of Survival x 1, Unformed Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Resonant Echo. This can be found at five possible locations: /way 77.60 59.01 ; /way 77.55 60.43 ; /way 77.42 45.36 ; /way 78.20 54.30 ; /way 78.28 53.10

Type: Magic

Abilities: Beam, Lens Flare, Light of Creation (new), Cosmic Smash, Sunlight, Soulrush


  • Isn't she just the sweetest little helicid?

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 400, Glimmer of Serenity x 1, Gastropod Lattice x 1

Additional Source Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Shelly. This can be found at /way 57.82, 77.78 in the back of the Lexical Grotto cave. It's behind the 'bookshelf' at the very top.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Ooze Touch, Shell Fortress (new), Dive, Tidal Wave, Cleansing Rain, Shell Rush

Stabilized Geomental

  • Lihuvim's geomental creations are the most majestic of walking rock piles.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 400, Glimmer of Metamorphosis x 1, Geomental Lattice x 1

Type: Elemental

Abilities: Stone Shot, Scorched Earth, Conflagrate, Cosmic Smash, Wild Magic, Call Blizzard

Terror Jelly

  • It feeds on fear, but is generally too cute to inspire terror on its own.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 400, Glimmer of Predation x 1, Aurelid Lattice x 1

Additional Source Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Terror Jelly. This can be found at /way 67.27, 32.61 inside the floating rings on top of the pillar.

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Tentacle Slap, Cleansing Rain, Curse of Doom, Soul Steal, Wish, Tidal Wave

Tunneling Vombata

  • Only newly synthesized tunneling vombata have been seen. The rest are probably happily digging underground, never to be seen again.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 350, Glimmer of Cunning x 1, Vombata Lattice x 1

Additional Source Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Tunneling Vombata. This can be found inside of a blocked tunnel in Locrian Esper. Entrance of tunnel: /way #1970 55.7 53.5 (Entrance), & Schematic: /way #2028 74.8 50.6 (Schematic)

Type: Beast

Abilities: Wombo Combo (new), Dark Fate, Wild Magic, Rush, Faceroll (new), Nap Time

Violent Poultrid

  • These poultrids are hostile, but never angry. They love every moment of every battle.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 200, Glimmer of Malice x 1, Poultrid Lattice x 1

Type: Flying

Abilities: Peck, Squawk, Egg Barrage, Slicing Wind, Maul, Whirling Talons (new)

Viperid Menace

  • Where some viperids lie in wait for their prey, this variety stalks their intended meals for hours.

Required Reagents: Genesis Mote x 150, Glimmer of Vigilance x 1, Viperid Lattice x 1

  • Additional Information: This pet requires the Schematic: Viperid Menace. This pet can be found inside the Library Vault: /way 59.1 81.8 cave entrance ; /way 57.9 78.9 correct tablet to interact ; /way 58.8 77.2 Library Vault

Type: Beast

Abilities: Bite, Hiss, Burrow, Rend, Face Bite, Terrifying Toxicity (new)

2.2 Pet Battles (21)

Ambystan Snapper

  • The ambystan snapper is one of the nicest creatures you can meet in Zereth Mortis... until it isn't.

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Water Jet, Ambystan Snap (new), Comeback, Flurry, Cleansing Rain, Adrenaline Rush

Aurelid Floater

  • Most of Zereth Mortis' aurelids are content to swim, but some are born to fly!

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Tentacle Slap, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Grasp, Tidal Wave, Consume Magic

Bloodsucker Vespoid

  • Whether in life or the afterlife, some things are universal. Nasty blood-sucking insects are one of those things.

Type: Flying

Abilities: Barbed Stinger, Cocoon Strike, Blood Harvest (new), Bite, Flyby, Ravage

Bufonid Croaker

  • The signature song of the bufonid croaker can be heard across vast distances.

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Water Jet, Healing Wave, Bubble, Acid Touch, First Croak (new), Cleansing Rain

Emerald Scarabid

  • This scarabid's brightly colored shell makes it more interesting to potential mates. Unfortunately this also makes them interesting to potential predators.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Scratch, Hiss, Swarm, Flank, Adrenal Glands, Deliberate Retreat (new)

Enraged Poultrid

  • Nobody calls this poultrid 'chicken.'

  • Additional Information: You will need to find an Agitated Poultrid, which is a level 1 critter, (some have been found in the Catalyst Gardens, though they likely share spawns with Poultrids in other areas), and /chicken at it. This will spawn the pet.

Type: Flying

Abilities: Peck, Squawk, Enrage, Slicing Wind, Whirling Talons (new), Flock

Green Viperid

  • Viperids can sit still for hours, silently awaiting their prey.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Bite, Counterstrike, Burrow, Poison Fang, Crouch, Terrifying Toxicity (new)

King Viperid

  • Where does a 350-pound viperid sit? Anywhere it wants.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Bite, Devour, Squeeze, Vicious Fang, Swallow You Whole, Terrifying Toxicity (new)

Mawtouched Geomental

  • No one in their right mind has ever seen a Mawtouched Geomental. Even so, plenty of people have seen Mawtouched Geomentals.

  • Additional Information: To be able to see this pet, you'll need a Questionable Mawshroom from the Invasive Mawshroom treasure in Korthia. Once you get it head to the Untamed Verdure at /way 62.08, 67.05, clear right around the area of the big Geomentals, then consume the Mawshroom. It will give you a ten minute buff that will allow you to see the Mawtouched Geomental.

Type: Elemental

Abilities: Stone Shot, Wild Winds, Conflagrate, Consume, Wild Magic, Arcane Storm

Metallic Scarabid

  • Some of the smaller scarabids of Zereth Mortis have metallic outer shells to protect themselves. It also makes them look fabulous.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Scratch, Hiss, Burrow, Needle Claw, Survival, Deliberate Retreat (new)

Momma Vombata

  • There are many terrifying things in Zereth Mortis, but none so terrifying (or adorable) as a vombata protecting its young.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Wombo Combo (new), Faceroll (new), Headbutt, Rush, Burrow, Powerball

Predatory Helicid

  • When confronted, helicids will hide in their heavily armored shells. If provoked further, they will lash out with devastating force.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Ooze Touch, Shell Armor, Dive, Tidal Wave, Shell Fortress (new), Shell Rush

Proto Avian Fledgling

  • While larger proto avians are known to feed on small animals, fledglings mostly eat insects and grubs.

Type: Flying

Abilities: Wind Burst, Amplify Magic, Lift-Off, Slicing Wind, Wind Buffet, Whirlwind Dance (new)

Red Viperid

  • The distinctive red coloration of these viperids serves as a warning to potential predators: "eat at your own risk!"

Type: Beast

Abilities: Bite, Hiss, Burrow, Vicious Fang, Enrage, Terrifying Toxicity (new)

Scarlet Proto Avian

  • The distinctive red coloration of scarlet proto avians makes it difficult for them to hide from predators, which ironically means they're very hard to find.

Type: Flying

Abilities: Slicing Wind, Black Claw, Lift-Off, Peck, Wind Buffet, Whirlwind Dance (new)

Tarachnid Ambusher

  • When prey wanders into this creature's reach, it rarely wanders out.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Strike, Adrenal Glands, Burrow, Sticky Web, Toxic Fumes, Devour the Weak

Tarachnid Stalker

  • Some tarachnids prefer to lie in wait for their prey. These prefer to chase it, disable it, and devour it whole.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Strike, Brittle Webbing, Spiderling Swarm, Poison Spit, Puncture Wound, Devour the Weak

Timid Leporid

  • Some of the more timid leporids live deep underground. They emerge only to gather food before returning to their burrows.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Trenchant Claws (new), Tranquility, Burrow, Flurry, Dodge, Feign Death

Venomous Bufonid

  • Some of the more adventurous denizens of Zereth Mortis consider venomous bufonids to be a delicacy.

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Poison Spit, First Croak (new), Bubble, Water Jet, Swarm of Flies, Cleansing Rain

Vicious Leporid

  • Some leporids are docile and cute. Others are... still cute.

Type: Critter

Abilities: Flurry, Exposed Wounds, Burrow, Trenchant Claws (new), Vicious Streak, Stampede

Vombata Pup

  • Despite its vulnerable appearance, predators will often avoid attacking a juvenile vombata. It's not known exactly why, but many believe it has to do with the vombata's cute little nose.

Type: Beast

Abilities: Wombo Combo (new), Faceroll (new), Nap Time, Rush, Sniff Out, Wild Magic

2.3 Quest (1)


  • A little ambystan that was too big, then too little, and finally just right. He followed you home!

  • Additional Information: Must complete campaign quest up to The Way Forward to unlock the quest chain below.

Quest Chain:

Look Who I Found!

Flora Aroma & Broker Beaker

Cascades of Magnitude

Culling the Maelstrom

Can I Keep Him?

Type: Aquatic

Abilities: Pump, Ambystan Snap (new), Water Jet, Flurry, Adrenaline Rush, Cleansing Rain

2.4 Treasure (1)


  • It's hard to be sure since it has no face, but this thing seems to like you.

Treasure: Ephemera Orb

Additional Information: To get an Ephemera Orb, you must collect x 15 Ephemera Strands which combine to create the Orb. The Strands are collected by using Firim's Spare Forge-Tap on the discarded forges in Zereth Mortis--the orbs you see in the environment. Firim's Spare Forge-Tap can be obtained from Firim in Exile's Hollow, and you'll need to speak with him to ask for one. They only last 8 hours, and will continue to tick down even when logged out.

Type: Magic

Abilities: Arcane Blast, Crystal Overload, Light of Creation (new), Spark, Amplify Magic, Moon Tears

2.5 Achievement (1)

Lightless Tormentor

  • This tiny tormentor of Torghast relishes in punishing any soul in the tower that can't step on it.

Achievement: The Jailer's Gauntlet: Layer 1

Category: Torghast

Type: Humanoid

Abilities: Soul Steal, Deflection, Death Grip, Agony, Dark Fate, Haunt

2.6 Vendor (1)


  • This isn't the real Pocopoc, but it provided this replica to you for use outside Zereth Mortis. Its details are so accurate as to be utterly convincing to anyone who hasn't spent lots of time with the real one.

Type: Magic

Vendor: Olea Manu

Cost: Cyphers of the First Ones x 500

Abilities: Non-Combat

3. New Abilities

4. Other Changes

4.1 Corgi Pup source information updated

5. Changelog

  • Published: 11/22/21
  • 3 Dec 21: Added quest chain information for E'rnee; Added flavor text for E'rnee; Updated E'rnee's screenshot; Updated Bufonid Croaker screenshot x 2; Updated Venomous Bufonid Screenshot; Updated Proto Avian Fledgling Screenshot x 2; Updated Timid Leporid Screenshot x2; Updated Vombata Pup Screenshot; Updated Aurelid Floater screenshot; Updated Bloodsucker Vespoid screenshot x 3; Updated Emerald Scarabid screenshot; Updated Green Viperid screenshot x 2; Updated King Viperid screenshot; Updated Metallic Scarabid screenshot x 3; Updated Momma Vombata screenshot; Updated Predatory Gastropod screenshot; Updated Red Viperid screenshot x 2; Updated Tarachnid Ambusher screenshot; Updated Tarachnid Stalker screenshot x 2; Updated Vicious Leporid screenshot x 2; Updated Scarlet Proto Avian Screenshot; Updated Ambystan Snapper Screenshot
  • 8 Dec 21: Archetype of Motion - Ability Wind Burst changed to Peck; Bufonid Croaker & Archetype of Serenity - Ability Steam Vent changed to Acid Touch; Archetype of Renewal - Ability Tidal Wave changed from slot #3 to slot #2 (learned at level 15) & Ability Wish changed from slot #2 to slot #3 (learned at level 20)
  • 14 Dec 21: Gastropodling name changed to Microlicid & flavor text updated; Predatory Gastropod name changed to Predatory Helicid & flavor text updated; Shelly's flavor text updated (excluding the misspelling); Added Other Changes section; Added Corgi Pup source information updated; Stabilized Scarabid named changed to Fierce Scarabid & flavor text changed.
  • 29 Dec 21: Updated source information for Geordy
  • 6 Jan 22: Updated source information for Ambystan Lattice, Unformed Lattice, Vespoid Lattice, and Scarabid Lattice; Added new pet: Pocopoc under source: Unknown; Updated ability change to Wombo Combo; Updated flavor text changes for: Green Viperid, Archetype of Focus, Resonant Echo, Vombata Pup, Ambystan Snapper, Predatory Helicid, Timid Leporid, Terror Jelly, Prototickles, Leaping Leporid, Viperid Menace, Microlicid
  • 8 Jan 2022: Updated source information for Helicid Lattice, Scarabid Lattice, Bufonid Lattice, Proto Avian Lattice, Vespoid Lattice, Unformed Lattice, Vombata Lattice
  • 10 Jan 2022: Added additional source information for Prototickles, Terror Jelly, Shelly, & Tunneling Vombata; Updated source information for Geomental Lattice
  • 11 Jan 2022: Updated source information to Lightless Tormentor from Layer 2 to Layer 1
  • 3 Feb 2022: Added link for Genesis Mote; Added Cyphers of the First Ones to Currency; Added source for Viperid Lattice, Geomental Lattice, Tarachnid Lattice, Aurelid Lattice, Poultrid Lattice; Added two sources for Vombata Lattice, Vespoid Lattice, Leporic Lattice, Bufonid Lattice, Helicid Lattice; Added location for Proto Avian Lattice source; Added source for Glimmer of Malice, Glimmer of Serenity, Glimmer of Predation, Glimmer of Survival, Glimmer of Renewal; Added two sources for Glimmer of Metomorphosis, Glimmer of Vigilance, Glimmer of Multiplicity, Glimmer of Motion; Added five sources for Glimmer of Animation, Glimmer of Discovery; Added damage for First Croak updated; Added vendor source & currency for Pocopoc; Updated source information for Geordy
  • 10 Feb 2022: Updated skin change for Ambystan Snapper
  • 21 Feb 2022: Updated images for: Archetype of Cunning, Archetype of Discovery, Archetype of Focus, Archetype of Malice, Archetype of Metamorphosis, Archetype of Motion, Archetype of Predation, Archetype of Renewal, Archetype of Satisfaction, Archetype of Vigilance, Leaping Leporid, Mawtouched Geomental, Microlicid, Multichicken, Violent Poultrid, Viperid Menace, Abystan Darter. Updated additional source information for Protoform Synthesis pets.
  • 22 February 22: Updated requirement for quest chain unlock for E'rnee
  • 23 February 22: Updated source information for Enraged Poultrid
  • 26 February 22: Updated source information for Mawtouched Geomental
  • 28 February 22: Updated source information for Glimmer of Cunning, Glimmer of Focus, Schematic: Violent Poultrid, and Schematic: Omnipotential Core
  • 3 March 22: Updated source information for Glimmer of Satisfaction & Schematic: Stabilized Geomental
  • 7 March 22: Updated source information for multiple Glimmers. If more than 5 sources existed, converted to a single Wowhead link
  • 10 March 22: Updated Viperid Lattice source


rédigé le 2022-03-08 06:50:41

3characters, spend 8 hours ,cost 40 feast, but Glimmer of satisfaction didn't apear, my patience exhausted.


rédigé le 2022-04-03 00:39:19

Glimmer of satisfaction comes randomly from eating feasts


rédigé le 2022-04-03 00:38:38

Just wondering if there are "better" protoform pets. The time required to collect all the stuff to make all of them is disheartening. So I would prefer to invest in the superior ones if they exist.


rédigé le 2022-02-27 07:29:27

Has anyone figured out which one is the 'hard' one to get if there is one? I'm so paranoid that when I'm catching wild pets that I'll come across it and pick a different one to capture and then kick myself for it and have a hard time finding it again.


rédigé le 2022-02-27 08:29:15

Probably the two that most people are mentioning are the Momma Vombata & Scarlet Proto Avian, with the King Viperid a distant third.

The Momma Vombata & Scarlet Proto Avian share spawns with the Vombata Pups & Proto Avian Fledgling respectively. The issue is, you can kill the pups to try and force spawn the Momma, but the Fledglings have to be killed in a battle, since they aren't attackable with your character's abilities.


rédigé le 2022-02-27 20:52:31

Thank youuu! <3


rédigé le 2022-02-27 22:21:39

No problem; happy battling! ^^


rédigé le 2022-03-02 10:24:51

I was returning to haven after grabbing a few mawtouched elementals and right in town in between the elders and the innkeeper was a momma vombata lol still working on the aulerid (sp) floater.


rédigé le 2022-02-25 08:48:40

maybe it's just me but some of these pet models are almost like placeholders and are very basic/simple, when compared to the models of so many great looking pets in previous xpacs. I agree that some are pretty small too. hoping for trainers and maybe another "family" achieve later. a dungeon would be nice too. ;) thanks for the great article!


rédigé le 2022-02-26 03:01:56

I think the idea was to make them look almost like 'prototypes' of the pets we've come to see in our world, but I understand what you're saying. We might see something added in the 9.2.5 patch (that we may or may not get), and I'm not sure if they're willing to look at dungeons again, yet. I'm not saying it won't happen, but my expectations are low for any more pet content (outside of collecting) for the rest of SLs.

And no problem! I'm happy to put it all together ^^ (edited)


rédigé le 2022-02-24 21:51:53

Thanks for this article! I captured a few pets in ZM last night, and noticed a continuation of a very frustrating trend: The pets are SO small. Like the vombat, you can barely see it! Maybe people generally don't mind, but as I play fully zoomed out the pets are just a little dot following me around. Some Slands pets escaped this, like the baubleworms, but the Count? You can barely see him at all. Same with Hearthy.

Sorry for the rant, I just don't know anywhere else where I might find people who feel the same way. I've already sent in a suggestion but, well. Not exactly hopeful anything's gonna change.


rédigé le 2022-02-25 05:03:42

No worries! I think quite a few people agree that some of the pets are way smaller than they need to be.


rédigé le 2022-02-25 07:01:53

Glad it isn't just me! I think it started in BfA, because a raven pet I got during that expansion is considerably smaller than my Gilnean raven. Not exactly a thorough study, maybe I should look into it more...


rédigé le 2022-02-11 03:50:22

Version 9.2 release date has been confirmed, and the content about pet battles is very poor. Although we have dozens of new pets and some new abilities, these pets and abilities are too weak. In my opinion, 9.2 doesn't have any useful pets, like we have twenty different frogs, but we all know they are garbage.

Also, 9.2 doesn't have any new pet trainers, it seems pet battles have been abandoned.


rédigé le 2022-02-23 20:40:45

The frog has a nice combo but meh stats, otherwise yeah the abilities are more like for decoration. Whirling Talons is pretty OP though even if one embraced the previous power creep.

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