
The War Within Compilation Article - Updated 6 September

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Table of Contents:

1. Articles for Patches Beyond Launch
2. Currencies
2.1 Pre-Patch Residual Memories x 30,000
2.2 Resonance Crystals x 19,500
2.3 Kej x 13,250
2.4 Undercoin x 10,000
2.5 Firelight Ruby x 2
2.6 Polished Pet Charm x 250
3. Pre-Patch (3)
4. Promotion (3)
5. Wild Pets (36)
6. Renown (4)
7. Vendor (14)
8. Delves (5)
9. Treasure (10)
10. Dungeons (1)
11. Drops (3)
12. Quests / World Quests (6)
13. Profession (1)
14. Achievements (3)
15. Trading Post (3)
16. Unknown Sources
17. Enemy NPCs & Their Pets
18. Achievements
19. Toy (1)
20. Pet Food (2)
21. Ability Changes

The War Within Compilation Article - Updated 6 September


2024-04-17 16:02:42
The War Within Compilation Article

The War Within has begun!

Here's everything we have so far for pet collecting & pet battling,

and any changes made will be logged in the comments below.


1. Articles for Patches Beyond Launch

Patch 11.0.5 Article

2. Currencies

2.1 Pre-Patch Residual Memories x 30,000

2.2 Resonance Crystals x 19,500

2.3 Kej x 13,250

2.4 Undercoin x 10,000

2.5 Firelight Ruby x 2

2.6 Polished Pet Charm x 250

3. Pre-Patch (3)

Конструкт из воспоминания

Made from the bits and pieces of vanquished abominations, light magic, and just a pinch of nostalgia.

Zone: Dalaran

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul <Residual Memories Vendor>

Cost: Residual Memories x 10,000

Family: Magic

Abilities: Рассекающий удар, Хватка смерти, Блуждающий дух,
Зараженный укус, Лучи Света, Сенокос

Гнолл из воспоминания

Once tenacious and terrible, the riverpaw slaughtered weaker enemies without hesitation.

Zone: Dalaran

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul <Residual Memories Vendor>

Cost: Residual Memories x 10,000

Family: Magic

Abilities: Жестокий рассекающий удар, Звериный натиск, Удар головой,
Трепка, Лучи Света, Призрачный укус

Детеныш из воспоминания

The faded memory of an Onyxian whelpling, this young dragon has decided that it wants to follow in its own footsteps.

Zone: Dalaran

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul <Residual Memories Vendor>

Cost: Residual Memories x 10,000

Family: Magic

Abilities: Дыхание, Выжженная земля, Взлет,
Теневой коготь, Лучи Света, Глубокий вдох

4. Promotion (3)

To get Flash, Gale, and Thundo, you will need to summon Squally once TWW Pre-Patch goes live, and they will have the quest, 'Gryphons of a Feather', that will reward you with the other three gryphons upon completion.


Emberrooks are the rarest and most aggressive of the rook's elementals.

Promotion: The War Within Epic Edition

Family: Flying

Abilities: Дыхание бури, Огненный щит, Огненное дыхание,
Палящее пламя, Карканье, Танец в вихре


A Stormrider's stormrook can not only navigate extreme winds with grace but can also conjure fierce tempests to defend themselves.

Promotion: The War Within Epic Edition

Family: Flying

Abilities: Дыхание бури, Обжигающая магия, Чародейская буря,
Неистовство ветра, Буйные ветра, Шквал молний


A full-sized stormrook's thunder can be heard for miles. The chirps of this small spark sound like a faulty electrical device.

Promotion: The War Within Epic Edition

Family: Flying

Abilities: Дыхание бури, Стая, Удар грома,
Порыв ветра, Щит молний, Парализующий шок

5. Wild Pets (36)

Скрытень Бездны

A warlock won this little guy at an infernal carnival, but it quickly outgrew its aquarium.

Zones: Hallowfall

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Бросок, Очищающий дождь, Водоворот,
Хаотическая вспышка, Сумеречный огонь, Выброс Бездны

Алебастровый камнелоб

Protorams leave behind stony dust as they frolic, battle, and rest.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Beast

Abilities: Бодание рогом, Мычание, Удар головой,
Тяжелый шаг, Каменная кожа, Барьер-призма


Many arachnids are left to fend for themselves after hatching. It's a common topic in spider therapy.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Поглощение, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Укус, Ядовитый клык, Полчища паучков

Аратийская курица

These silkie chickens were taken aboard airships by those departing the Arathi Empire in pursuit of their emperor's prophetic vision.

Zones: Hallowfall

Family: Critter

Abilities: Клевать, Пронзительный крик, Обстрел яйцами,
Пронизывающий ветер, Мелькающие когти, Стая

Лиловая юлейка

Not a squid, nor a kid, the scootlefish prefers to keep its ink to itself except under dire circumstances.

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Глубокий укус, Пузырь, Нырок,
Липкий мазок, Ослепляющий яд, Водоворот

Лазурная мигосветка

The flickering of these lightbugs is said to bring an unnatural and eerie calm to travelers and predators alike.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Flying

Abilities: Рой, Исцеляющий поток, Светящийся яд,
Стая, Альфа-удар, Атака с высоты

Горный камнелоб

Young protorams love to play and bluff charge. They also love to actually charge.

Zones: Dornogal, Isle of Dorn

Family: Beast

Abilities: Бодание рогом, Сильный и симпатичный, Звериный натиск,
Тяжелый шаг, Барьер-призма, Каменная кожа

Хитиновый бурильщик

Tough burrowing claws make it easy for arachnids to get around subterranean areas. But it's a boring life.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Поглощение, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Укус, Закопаться, Полчища паучков

Золомедовый углежал


Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Рой пчел, Шипастое жало, Поджигание,
Одурманивающий укус, Нагревание, Огромное жало

Кобальтовый баранолит

The grand horns of these beasts spark jealousy in other horned grazing animals.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Beast

Abilities: Бодание рогом, Сильный и симпатичный, Удар головой,
Мычание, Барьер-призма, Звериный натиск

Обыкновенный тягловый червь

Used both in battle and as pack animals when they're larger, at this size they're only a danger to your ankles.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Critter

Abilities: Поглощение, Закопаться, Обстрел яйцами,
Чавканье, Дубовая кожа, Воссоединение семьи

Алмазный краб

Exposure to magic, minerals, and water pressure has left this crab looking very sharp.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Тиски, Крепкая броня, Нырок,
Бросок, Пузырь, Звериный натиск

Черный тягловый червь

Hard to spot in the dark, these worms have taught many adventureres a lesson, when sticking their fingers where they don't belong.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Critter

Abilities: Чавканье, Молебой, Токсичный укус,
Поглощение, Дубовая кожа, Воссоединение семьи

Дремоискрый светлячок

The green glow of this firefly is seen as an ill-omen for those who travel in darkness.

Zones: Dornogal, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Flying

Abilities: Шипастое жало, Удар кокона, Светящийся яд,
Стая, Пронизывающий ветер, Исцеляющий поток

Ароматный каменный ягненок

Protosheep spend winters bereft their flowers. When the seasons turn, the plains are filled with a variety of earthy, sweet scents.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Critter

Abilities: Копыто, Ответный удар, Бросок камня,
Жевание, Шквал камней, Каменный облик

Драчливый призрачный гриб

The alluring twin mushroom cap colors of these fungal creatures attracts sentient and beastial victims alike.

Zones: Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Кнут, Целебный туман, Ползучий грибок,
Ядовитый кнут, Укоренение, Гнев деревьев

Гранитный баранолит

Earthen ranchers keep a variety of horned beasts for labor and company. None are so proud as the ramolith.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Beast

Abilities: Бодание рогом, Сильный и симпатичный, Звериный натиск,
Тяжелый шаг, Мычание, Каменная кожа

Луговая курица

Free-range chickens are difficult to take care of in Hallowfall, what with all the shadow monsters and fish people.

Zones: Hallowfall

Family: Critter

Abilities: Клевать, Мелькающие когти, Обстрел яйцами,
Пронизывающий ветер, Выброс адреналина, Стая

Магмапанцирный ползун

Not to be kept indoors if you live in a wooden house.

Zones: Dornogal, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Огнемет, Прижигание,
Магматическая волна, Острые колючки, Поджигание

Смирный кровавый плеточник

Fungal lashers are typically violent and carnivorous. This diminutive variety is better suited to shyly flail its limbs against fellow small fry.

Zone: Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Кнут, Целебный туман, Оглушающее семя,
Ядовитый кнут, Укоренение, Гнев деревьев

Нефритовая скальная гадюка

He doesn't want you to know this, but Mikah's favorite food is broccoli.

Zones: The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Ядовитый клык, Контрудар, Закопаться,
Огромный клык, Выживание, Колотая рана

Мшистая улитка

Imagine being so slow moving that moss grows on your back. Couldn't be me.

Zone(s): Isle of Dorn

Family: Critter

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Кислотная жижа, Панцирный щит,
Удар головой, Вбирание, Каменный облик

Розовокожий копатель

So wrinkly!! So scrunchy!!

Zone: Azj-Kahet, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Закопаться,
Ядовитый клык, Ответный удар, Выживание

Песчаниковый мохошерст

These lambs savor a journey to the beaches of Khaz Algar to rest in warm sands.

Zones: Dornogal, Isle of Dorn

Family: Critter

Abilities: Копыто, Бросок камня, Мычание,
Жевание, Ответный удар, Каменный облик

Темный слизнюченыш

The perfect pet if you love stepping on something wet in the middle of the night.

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Family: Magic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Слиться с тенью, Вспышка,
Коррозия, Жидкая грязь, Призыв тьмы

Сланцевый мохошерст

Expert Earthen florists are capable of arranging beautiful floral patterns upon the backs of protosheep.

Zones: Isle of Dorn

Family: Critter

Abilities: Копыто, Ответный удар, Мычание,
Жевание, Бросок камня, Каменный облик

Шустрый разнюхиватель

Capable of sensing vibrations and tremors nearly a mile away, these young moles tend to burrow at the first sign of mortal danger.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Каменное буйство,
Ответный удар, Выживание, Каменная кожа


Even hard sediment poses little challenge to the digging claws of these critters.

Zones: The Ringing Deeps

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Закопаться,
Каменное буйство, Ответный удар, Выживание

Подземный прыгоплав

Found predominately underground, some of them prefer the surface. But that's none of my business.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Атака языком, Кваканье, Поцелуй лягушки,
Сильная струя воды, Токсичная кожа, Исцеляющий поток


The sound of the troglofrog echoing throughout deep caverns sounds almost like... ragtime music?

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Deepforge Golemworks, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Атака языком, Очищающий дождь, Рой мух,
Поцелуй лягушки, Кваканье, Приливная волна

Сумрачное слияние

These swarms of void energy cannot persist in Beledar's light.

Zones: Hallowfall - Only seen on the backline so far

Family: Magic

Abilities: Волшебный меч, Зачистка, Душевный порыв,
Удар Тени, Врата Бездны, Призыв тьмы

Мотылек из глубин

Undermoths are known to be some of the most intelligent moths on Azeroth. This is not saying much.

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Family: Flying

Abilities: Пронизывающий ветер, Чистка перышек, Выброс Бездны,
Сфокусированное излучение, Удар ветра, Пыльца ночных бабочек

Изумрудная юлейка

Cute at this size, the humble scootlefish poses a real threat to ships when it grows larger.

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Укол щупальцем, Водоворот, Нырок,
Глубокий укус, Ослепляющий яд, Сдавливание

Сверкающий светлячок

Though their light is sometimes mistaken for the glow of toxic substances or dark magic, nerubians and Arathi alike find these insects hauntingly beautiful.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps

Family: Flying

Abilities: Рой, Удар кокона, Светящийся яд,
Шипастое жало, Пронизывающий ветер, Уклонение

Злобный кровоклещ

Sweet is the black blood. It tastes of wars past, and wars to come.

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Family: Critter

Abilities: Отгрызть, Кровоточащая рана, Звериный натиск,
Бодание рогом, Жевание, Удар головой

Слизнюк Бездны

If you hold this up to your ear, you can hear whispers of the Old Gods. Just like a seashell!

Zones: Azj-Kahet

Additional Information: This pet can be found on the backline throughout Azj-Kahet, but for frontline and a better chance at backline, you will need to head to the Maddening Deep. Once there, click on the Black Blood Extractor to gain Unseeming Shift debuff. Increasing your stacks does not appear to increase the number of spawns.

Family: Magic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Жидкая грязь, Ползучая жижа,
Коррозия, Смерч Бездны, Ползучее безумие

Крылатый арахноид

It's a bird! It's a gyrocopter! No wait, it's something way worse. Run.

Zones: Azj-Kahet, Hallowfall

Family: Flying

Abilities: Коготь дикого зверя, Слиться с тенью, Обстрел костями,
Бешеный укус, Вытягивание жизни, Смерч

6. Renown (4)


The softest and fluffiest protosheep made of the softest and fluffiest soil.

Zone: Isle of Dorn

Faction: Council of Dornogal

Vendor: Auditor Balwurz <Keeper of Renown>

Renown Rank: 13

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6500

Family: Critter

Abilities: Копыто, Ответный удар, Мычание,
Жевание, Убаюкивание, Каменный облик


I jump, Jon. It's what I do.

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Faction: The Severed Threads

Vendor: Y'tekhi <Severed Threads Quatermaster>

Renown Rank: 15

Cost: Kej x 2250

Family: Beast

Abilities: Разящий удар, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Ядовитый плевок, Пожелание, Полчища паучков


This snuffling loves limes.

Zone: Ringing Deeps

Faction: The Assembly of the Deeps

Vendor: Waxmonger Squick <Quartermaster>

Renown Rank: 17

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6500

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Ядовитый клык,
Ответный удар, Закопаться, Каменная кожа


The Imperial Lynx hails from the shore of the far-flung Arathi Empire, where they serve as fierce and loyal companions and mounts for citizens.

Zone: Hallowfall

Faction: Hallowfall Arathi

Vendor: Auralia Steelstrike <Arathi Quartermaster>

Renown Rank: 15

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6500

Family: Beast

Abilities: Цапнуть, Глубокая рана, Прыжок,
Наскок, Корм, Красться

7. Vendor (14)


The toes! The huge toe beans! The huge toe beans are not for eating!

Zone: City of Threads, Azj-Kahet

Vendor: Pelefien <Clerk> - /way #2213 50.6 26.4 Pelefien
Vendor: Tyro Uwe - /way #2213 44.8 16.6 Tyro Uwe

Item: Freshly Webbed Kebab

Cost: Kej x 2250

Family: Beast

Abilities: Глубокая рана, Цапнуть, Прыжок,
Наскок, Кровопускание, Красться

Бурый листожук

When you tell a bad joke, he'll be there to let you know.

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Kargand <Stable Master>

Cost: Polished Pet Charms x 50

Family: Critter

Abilities: Крючок, Визг, Воодушевляющая песнь,
Быстрая атака, Оздоровление, Невероятная удача

Едкий слизнюченыш

Known to dissolve most materials, use extreme caution when approaching this caustic ooze!

Vendor: ??

Cost: ??

Family: Magic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Жидкая грязь, Пожирание трупа,
Коррозия, Кислотный дождь, Истребление


One hero's trash is another kobold's treasure. This unfortunately does not work in reverse.

Zone: Gundargaz, The Ringing Deeps

Vendor: Gnawbles

Cost: Firelight Ruby x 1

Family: Humanoid

This pet is a companion. It cannot enter battles and does not have stats.

Additional Information: A big thank you to Lazey on how to get this pet!


A bug? Wait a minute, no, it's a small friendly spider!

Zone: City of Threads, Azj-Kahet

Vendor: Clutchmother Marn'tiq - /way #2213 44.2 17.2 Clutchmother Marn'tiq

Cost: Kej x 2250

Family: Undead

Abilities: Липкая паутина, Рык мертвых, Полчища паучков,
Вытягивание жизни, Высасывание жизни, Призыв тьмы


Someone once mistook Fringe for an azerite node. He's too young to remember azerite, though.

Zone: City of Threads, Azj-Kahet

Vendor: Clutchmother Marn'tiq - /way #2213 44.2 17.2 Clutchmother Marn'tiq

Cost: Kej x 2250

Family: Beast

Abilities: Разящий удар, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Ядовитый плевок, Режущая паутина, Пожелание

Кахетский быкочервь

This one may lack the size and color of it's famed cousin, but it can still pack a punch.

Vendor: ??

Cost: ??

Family: Critter

Abilities: Укус, Кислотная жижа, Зыбучий песок,
Рой, Проглотить, Апокалипсис

Нитевик Рак-Уш

Awww, aren't her pedipalps adorable?

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Vendor: Ves'trak <Rak-Ush Operations>

Cost: Kej x 2250

Additional Information: This vendor will be unlocked as part of the Rak-Ush Swarmery quest chain. It begins with Beautification Project at /way #2255 76.0 82.4 Kish'nal, and should unlock when you turn in the quest Rak-Ush Under New Management.

Family: Beast

Abilities: Кровавый клык, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Укус, Ядовитый клык, Полчища паучков

Песчаниковый баранолит

They loves sand. It's coarse, and it gets everywhere.

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Kargand <Stable Master>

Cost: Polished Pet Charm x 50

Family: Beast

Abilities: Копыто, Сильный и симпатичный, Удар головой,
Тяжелый шаг, Каменная кожа, Барьер-призма

Сэр Тень Мрргглтон-младший

The shadowy creature has been following Sir Finley Mrgglton around ever since he happened upon it during one of his expeditions. Having grown quite fond of the tenebrous friend, Sir Finley won't part with it easily.

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Sir Finley Mrgglton

Cost: Undercoin x 10,000

Family: Magic

Abilities: Зачистка, Поглощение анимы, Душевный порыв,
Удар Тени, Призыв тьмы, Врата Бездны


Watch Skippy swim, and then watch him run. The perfect amphibian. Sorry, frogs.

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Kargand <Stable Master>

Cost: Polished Pet Charm x 50

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Сильная струя воды, Очищающий дождь, Водоворот,
Бросок, Исцеляющий поток, Брандспойт

Полосатый попрыгун

Brightly colored means do not touch. Red is nature's warning light!

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Kargand <Stable Master>

Cost: Polished Pet Charm x 50

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Брандспойт, Волна исцеления, Поцелуй лягушки,
Атака языком, Коррозия, Токсичная кожа


It's not the most original anti-hero name. But it promises to be a compelling crossover.

Zone: Dornogal

Vendor: Kargand <Stable Master>

Cost: Polished Pet Charm x 50

Family: Flying

Abilities: Коготь дикого зверя, Липкая паутина, Обстрел костями,
Бешеный укус, Вытягивание жизни, Смерть и разложение


Incredibly lifelike, this enchanted wax statue could pass for a real mole. If petting it didn't cause it to melt, that is.

Zone: Gundargaz, The Ringing Deeps

Vendor: Gnawbles

Cost: Firelight Ruby x 1

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Солнечный свет,
Палящее пламя, Закопаться, Огненный щит

8. Delves (5)


Awww, aren't it's fuzzy little pedipalps cute?

Zone: Isle of Dorn

Delve: Nerubian Delve

Drop: Heavy Trunk

Family: Beast

Abilities: Разящий удар, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Притвориться мертвым, Режущая паутина, Полчища паучков


Part lean, mean candle-throwing machine. Part adventurer wannabe. All kobold. Always raring to test his mettle against new opponents.

Drop: Delve's Bountiful Coffer and Hidden Trove

Family: Humanoid

Abilities: Удар рукой, Захват врасплох, Тяжелый удар,
Нападение с фланга, Обжигающий жар, Звериный натиск


She's got a schnoz for sniffin'!

Delve: Kobald Delve

Drop: Heavy Trunk

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Шквал, Закопаться,
Ядовитый клык, Каменная кожа, Каменное буйство

Фиолетовый споровик

Dangerous, toxic spores? What if it was purple?!

Delve: Fungarian Delve

Drop: Heavy Trunk

Family: Magic

Abilities: Ползучий грибок, Острые колючки, Грибные споры,
Светящийся яд, Ослепляющий порошок, Взрыв


The wily fish has never been caught at the end of an angler's hook. He was caught a completely different way.

Delve: Kobyss Delve

Drop: Heavy Trunk

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Сильная струя воды, Очищающий дождь, Токсичная кожа,
Бросок, Исцеляющий поток, Брандспойт

9. Treasure (10)

Гнилостный бутон

Please keep your blightbud on a leash at all times! They are notorious for the havoc they can wreak on unprotected gardens.

Zone: The Ringing Deeps

Location: /way #2214 48.25 48.95 Blocked Intake

Treasure: Dislodged Blockage

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Кнут, Ползучий грибок, Оглушающее семя,
Ядовитый кнут, Укоренение, Гнев деревьев

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:

Костесос Гнездоколон

Is it possible to drink bones? Not without a positive mental attitude it's not!

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Location: /way #2255 50..61 48.07 Nest Egg

Treasure: Nest Egg

Family: Flying

Abilities: Коготь дикого зверя, Слиться с тенью, Смерть и разложение,
Бешеный укус, Вытягивание жизни, Высасывание жизни

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:

Даларанская сточная черепаха

More than a typical turtle, he's a hero in a half shell!

Location: Feywold Village

Source: Dalaran Sewer Turtle

The Dalaran Sewer Turtle will spawn with 4 different, randomized scarf colors corresponding to, you guessed it, the mask colors of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Укус, Шипастый панцирь, Удар головой,
Уверенный захват, Пузырь, Водоворот

Additional Information from Quintessence:
I had to complete the intro quests for the campaign, and once I was sent to find Adelgonn at Freywold Village, the turtle showed up there.

Additional Information from mikeygames on Wowhead:

Верный пес

No longer lost or lonely, your faithful companion has decided that by your side is the best place to be.

Location: Tranquil Strand, Isle of Dorn

Treasure: Half-Buried Dog Bowl - /way #2248 31.44 51.31 Half-Buried Dog Bowl

Family: Beast

This beast pet is a companion. It cannot enter battles and does not have stats.

Additional Information from Matjz on Wowhead:

Мохомалышка Рози

Counting sheep to a dream of springtime.

Location: Rambleshire, Isle of Dorn

Treasure: Mosswool Flower


/way #2248 59.62 24.59 Lost Mosswool #1
/way #2248 59.10 27.06 Lost Mosswool #2
/way #2248 59.75 28.70 Lost Mosswool #3
/way #2248 59.72 28.69 Mosswool Flower

Family: Critter

Abilities: Копыто, Бросок камня, Мычание,
Жевание, Убаюкивание, Каменный облик

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:

Высасыватель разума

One shudders to imagine whether the name was based off of what it is... or what it does.

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Treasure: Memory Cache

Location: /way #2256 62.68 68.66 Memory Cache

Family: Magic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Жидкая грязь, Пожирание трупа,
Коррозия, Смерч Бездны, Ползучее безумие

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:

Росток с Ночной фермы

These highly destructive pests are known to destroy crops in Hallowfall.

Zone: Hallowfall

Treasure: Nightfarm Growthling

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Кнут, Целебный туман, Оглушающее семя,
Ядовитый кнут, Укоренение, Ползучий грибок


He's a little jumpy... especially around the face.

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Location: /way #2214 58.93 30.26 Scary Dark Chest

Treasure: Scary Dark Chest

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Удар щупальцем, Танец дождя, Водоворот,
Укол щупальцем, Сдавливание, Нырок

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:
In The Ringing Deeps you can find a Scary Dark Chest with Oop'lajax in it. Usually it'll be locked and you have to light all (?) nearby Candle Stubs in a short time frame (or some of them in the correct order?). Unfortunately, I could open the treasure without being aware of the puzzle, probably because other players did it shortly before.

Make sure to have this pet summoned to eventually experience its cute little interaction ;-)

Сапфировый краб

These crabs build their own shells from small fragments of rocks and gems.

Zone: Isle of Dorn

Source: Lionel - /way #2248 40.62 59.87 Lionel

Treasure: Magical Treasure Chest

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Тиски, Крепкая броня, Нырок,
Бросок, Пузырь, Звериный натиск

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:


She'll try spinning, that's a good trick.

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Location: /way #2213 67.38 74.43 Trapped Trove

Treasure: Trapped Trove

Family: Undead

Abilities: Липкая паутина, Рык мертвых, Полчища паучков,
Кровоточащая рана, Высасывание жизни, Вихрь костей

Additional information from Lazey on Wowhead:

10. Dungeons (1)


Woah there pardner. Were really about to buzz by without saying howdy?

Dungeon: Cinderbrew Meadery

Boss: Goldie Baronbottom

Family: Flying

Abilities: Шипастое жало, Рой пчел, Рой,
Одурманивающий укус, Огромное жало, Ракета

11. Drops (3)

Благословенный светлячок

This hallowed firefly's glow scours the darkness, a welcome omen for the Arathi living in Hallowfall.

Drop: Hallowfall Sparkfly


/way #2215 65.82 24.43 Keyflame and Vendor
/way #2215 66.81 25.30 Hallowfall Sparkfly

Family: Flying

Abilities: Рой, Удар кокона, Светящийся яд,
Стая, Пронизывающий ветер, Атака с высоты

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:


Graduation from spiderling to fully-fledged spider monster is far off for this young arachnoid.

Drop: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Поглощение, Липкая паутина, Высасывание жизни,
Укус, Ядовитый клык, Полчища паучков

Прыгун из Тенетопи

Restoring hope to those lost in the darkness comes with its just rewards. Like cute frog friends.

Drop: Stillstone Pond

Additional Information: According to Lazey, this may be connected to restoring the Keyflame in the area/at the pond

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Брандспойт, Волна исцеления, Поцелуй лягушки,
Атака языком, Очищающий дождь, Токсичная кожа

Additional Information: A big thank you to salanaar on how to get this pet!

12. Quests / World Quests (6)

Жарожал из Пепловольда

Now that is one spicy bee!

Zone: The Ringing Deeps

Quest: Home Is Where the Candle Is

Additional Information: This is part of the Kobold Culture and Integration storyline that begins with 'Dripsy Forgot Her Candle', and is the 20th and final quest in the chain.

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Рой пчел, Шипастое жало, Рой,
Одурманивающий укус, Прижигание, Огромное жало

Пучинный ползец

In the depths of the Endless Sea, strange thalassic horrors lurk. Not this fella, though. He's completely normal.

Quest: Return to the Sea

Begins: Gasping Plea with a Peculiar Fish

Coordinates: /way #2215 54.52 25.33 Peculiar Fish

Note from Lazey:
Make sure you're not on a mount when you are supposed to throw the fish into the water. When I did the quests, the extra action buttons for Put Me in the Water didn't show until I dismounted.

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Слизь, Острые колючки, Медленно, но верно,
Вбирание, Кислотная жижа, Нырок

Бронебой Рак-Уш

Raised as living tanks for Anub'azal's army, Raku-Ush's battleshells are surprisingly affectionate. Who's a good beetle?

Zone: Azj-Kahet

Quest: Permanent Hire

Additional Information: This is part of the Rak-Ush storyline and is the 9th and final in the chain. It will also unlock Rak-Ush WQs.

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Визг, Рой,
Сокрушение, Каменная кожа, Разлом


One kobyss's meal is another adventurer's bestie.

Zone: Azj-Kahet

World Quest: Gutter Work

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Исчезновение, Хаотическая вспышка,
Зловонное дыхание, Нырок, Кровавый пир


Someday, his heavy footfalls and ferocious roar will match his name. Until then, Thunder remains a bolt of cuteness and loyalty.

Quest: Tale of Tails


/way #2215 64.38 18.74 Torchlight Mine Lesser Keyflame
/way #2215 64.45 18.80 Attica Whiskervale
/way #2215 65.84 18.77 Cave Entrance
/way #2215 65.18 16.60 Paeton Berncort (location in Cave can vary)
/way #2215 66.31 15.69 Beef in Cave
/way #2215 63.90 17.70 Beans
/way #2215 61.94 20.80 Thunder
/way #2215 66.70 21.00 Cap'n Elaena

Family: Beast

Abilities: Цапнуть, Глубокая рана, Проглотить,
Наскок, Корм, Красться

Additional information from Lazey on Wowhead:


This treasured lynx is a firm supporter of no changes.

Zone: Hillhelm Stead, Hallowfell

NPC: Aliya Hillhelm <Harvest Overseer>

Quest: Save Tomothy

Current Requirement: Level 80

Additional Information: This is a three part quest chain that is part of the Lost in the Darkness storyline. It consists of: Seeds of Evil, Follow Miral, then Save Tomothy

Family: Beast

Abilities: Цапнуть, Глубокая рана, Прыжок,
Наскок, Призрачные когти, Красться

13. Profession (1)

Извивающийся трансмутаген

The early worms get the bird.

Profession: Alchemy

Discovery: Khaz Algar Thaumaturgy

Family: Magic

Abilities: Липкий мазок, Хаотическая вспышка, Вспышка,
Жидкая грязь, Ползучая жижа, Пожирание трупа

Additional Information from Lazey on Wowhead:

14. Achievements (3)

Малыш костеглод

Lil' Bonechewer loves you, even if you were a worm. Especially if you were a worm.

Achievement: Worm Theory

Family: Critter

Abilities: Укус, Жевание, Кровавый клык,
Рой, Визг, Апокалипсис

Рубиноглазый оленепанцирник / Ruby-Eyed Stagshell

No Flavor Text

Achievement: A Champion's Tour: The War Within

Family: Beast

Abilities: Царапины, Визг, Рой,
Сокрушение, Каменная кожа, Разлом


In a miracle of dreams and wishes, Waxwick awoke and climbed off a kobold's head to pursue her own path.

Achievement: Khaz Algar Safari

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Магматическая волна, Огнемет, Поджигание,
Палящее пламя, Обжигающий жар, Огненный щит

15. Trading Post (3)


Claudius is known for being brutally honest as well as a great singer. He knows your jewels would look better on him.

Trader's Tender: 330

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Клешнежало, Блеск, Милая мордочка,
Тиски, Хватка, Неприступный панцирь


Ancient Gorian blood runs through Parrlok's veins. As far as anyone knows, his desire for enjoying pastries and chatting with his friends keeps his imperial ambitions in check.

Trader's Tender: ??

Family: Humanoid

Abilities: Удар рукой, Каменная кожа, Отклонение,
Хук слева, Захват врасплох, Милашка

Покрытый копотью глинокрыл

These pests are known for their cantankerous attitudes and affinity for nesting in the smokestacks of Undermine, much to the locals dismay.

Trader's Tender: 200

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Пронизывающий ветер, Ползучий грибок, Грибные споры,
Шквал, Каменная кожа, Облако пыли

16. Unknown Sources

Admiral / Redthroat Skipling

Though eye-catching, their namesake coloration is rubbish for camouflage. The blind skiplings couldn't care less.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Surge, Healing Wave, Toxic Skin


He hears little hearts melting. Faster now!

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Undead
  • Abilities: Sticky Web, Contagion Strike, Spiderling Swarm, Siphon Life, Leech Life, Call Darkness


The Imperial Lynx is known for being stubborn and moody, but fiercely loyal to those they form bonds with.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Rend, Rake, Leap, Pounce, Feed, Prowl

Moss Skipper

Finally caught a blind cave skipper. He flopped helplessly for twenty minutes and then let out a burp. Great companion he is!

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Surge, Healing Wave, Pump


Look out! He's comin' right for us! Gradually!

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Elemental
  • Abilities: Ooze Touch, Magma Wave, Cauterize, Flamethrower, Spiked Skin, Conflagrate

Clay Stonecharger

The swooping horns of protorams bear the scars of every charge.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Hoof, Tough n' Cuddly, Headbutt, Trample, Prismatic Barrier, Stoneskin

Frenzied Bloodtick

Most people don't find congealed blood particularly appetizing. Bloodticks, though...

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Critter
  • Abilities: Gnaw, Drain Blood, Stampede, Burrow, Chew, Headbutt

Cobalt Mosswool

Mosswools appreciate a seasonal shear.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Critter
  • Abilities: Hoof, Comeback, Stone Shot, Chew, Soothe, Stone Form


The next time you're sitting in the dark and feel something brush against your heel, don't worry! It's just Fuzzy.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Strike, Sticky Web, Leech Life, Wish, Brittle Webbing, Spiderling Swarm

Green Stagshell

No Flavor Text

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Scratch, Screech, Swarm, Crush, Stoneskin, Rupture


This dark-shelled monster thrives in shadows. It's where he does all his best thinking.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Flying
  • Abilities: Savage Talon, Sticky Web, Bone Barrage, Rabid Strike, Leech Life, Death and Decay

Snapjaw Lurker

Like Neltharion, this fish went mad listening to whispers of the Old Cods.

  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Water Jet, Phase Shift, Call Darkness, Arcane Blast, Healing Wave, Pump


I have no idea what these things are, but there are 6 pages with the same name and 6 different colors.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: ??

Tan Stagshell

No Flavor Text

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Scratch, Screech, Swarm, Crush, Stoneskin, Rupture

Truesilver Crab

Oooh, shiny!

  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Pinch, Shell Armor, Dive, Surge, Bubble, Stampede

Void Lurker

How exactly does one swim through a void? This creature knows, but isn't telling.

  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Shadow Slash, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Shadowflame, Void Slap, Death and Decay


There's a wide world to explore outside of dank caves and underground grottos. Waddles will explore them with you, hand in fin.

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Aquatic
  • Abilities: Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, Whirlpool, Surge, Healing Wave, Pump


Web ball! Stone of reality! Web ball! Stone of reality!

  • Source: ??
  • Family: Undead
  • Abilities: Sticky Web, Roar of the Dead, Spiderling Swarm, Contagion Strike, Leech Life, Call Darkness

17. Enemy NPCs & Their Pets

There are a total of eight enemies coming with the expansion launch of The War Within.

You can find our general World Quests for them here.

There will only be four of the eight enemies to defeat for the Family Battler achievement, and those fights can be found here.

Awakened Custodian - Single Enemy

  • Location: Isle of Dorn
  • Objective of World Quest: Robot Rumble
  • Stats: 2426 health // 300 power // 338 speed
  • Buffs: Boss Buff
  • Family: Mechanical
  • Abilities: Chaos Beam, Amplify Magic, Shock and Awe

Collector Dyna <Master Pet Trainer>

  • Location: Isle of Dorn
  • Objective of World Quest: Rock Collector
  • Pets:

  • Stats: 1587 health // 297 power // 297 speed
  • Family: Elemental
  • Abilities: Crush, Stoneskin, Quake

  • Stats: 1481 health // 276 power // 276 speed
  • Family: Elemental
  • Abilities: Spark, Crystal Overload, Stone Rush

Tiny Cragling
  • Stats: 1481 health // 374 power // 276 speed
  • Family: Elemental
  • Abilities: Stone Shot, Sandstorm, Rupture

Friendhaver Grem <Expert Pet Trainer>

  • Location: The Ringing Deeps
  • Objective of World Quest: The Power of Friendship
  • Pets:

  • Stats: 1587 Health // 297 Power // 297 Speed
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Scratch, Flurry, Poison Fang

  • Stats: 1587 Health // 297 Power // 297 Speed
  • Family: Critter
  • Abilities: Scratch, Flurry, Flamethrower

  • Stats: 1481 Health // 276 Power // 276 Speed
  • Family: Critter
  • Abilities: Chomp, Acidic Goo, Consume

Haywire Servobot - Single Enemy

  • Location: Ringing Deeps
  • Objective of World Quest: Major Malfunction
  • Stats: 1551 Health // 297 Power // 244 Speed
  • Buffs: Boss Buff
  • Family: Mechanical
  • Abilities: Demolish, Spark X, Repair

Guttergunk - Single Enemy

  • Location: Hallowfall
  • Objective of World Quest: The Thing from the Swamp
  • Stats: 1723 Health // 270 Power // 244 Speed
  • Buffs: Boss Buff
  • Family: Elemental
  • Abilities: Swamp Mud, Slow Digestion, Poison Lash

Kyrie <Expert Pet Trainer>

  • Location: Hallowfall
  • Objective of World Quest: Miniature Army
  • Pets:

Sir Pounce
  • Stats: 1587 Health // 297 Power // 297 Speed
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Pounce, Rake, Leap

  • Stats: 1481 Health // 276 Power // Speed: 414 (buffed) & 276 (base)
  • Family: Flying
  • Abilities: Glowing Toxin, Cocoon Strike, Dodge

Mini Airship
  • Stats: 1481 Health // 276 Power // 276 Speed
  • Family: Mechanical
  • Abilities: Missile, Bombing Run, Flyby

Zaedu - Single Enemy

  • Location: Azj-Kahet
  • Objective of World Quest: One Hungry Worm
  • Stats: 1411 Health // 330 Power // 319 Speed
  • Buffs: Boss Buff
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Burrow, Super Sticky Goo, Chew

Ziriak <Master Pet Trainer>

  • Location: Azj-Kahet
  • Coordinates
: /way #2216 61.4 36.6 Ziriak
  • Objective of World Quest: The Power of Creation
  • Pets:

  • Stats: 1587 Health // 297 Power // 297 Speed
  • Family: Undead
  • Abilities: Contagion Strike, Leech Life, Call Darkness

  • Stats: 1481 Health // 276 Power // Speed: 414 (buffed) & 276 (base)
  • Family: Flying
  • Abilities: Savage Talon, Rabid Strike, Siphon Life

  • Stats: 1481 Health // 276 Power // 276 Speed
  • Family: Beast
  • Abilities: Sticky Web, Consume, Spiderling Swarm

18. Achievements

19. Toy (1)

Thanks to Gandem / Kre on Twitter for tagging me with the info. ^^

20. Pet Food (2)

Recipe: Little Buddy Biscuits

Vendor: Tyro Whalekk

Cost: Kej x 1500

Little Buddy Biscuits

Vendor: Tyro Whalekk

Cost: Kej x 500

21. Ability Changes

  • "Barbed Stinger" 1369 ability change (description now mentions fixed 20% chance to poison, instead of StandardAccuracy values, no longer affected by increased chances to miss/hit?)


написал на 2024-09-30 18:19:31

I got Mister Muskoxeles for 1800 pets but didn't get the achievement for some reason.

Not a fan of the pet drop rates from delves. i have Brann leveled to 35 and haven't seen a single pet. :( (edited)


написал на 2024-10-01 02:49:30

I'm only at 25ish, but same. :/


написал на 2024-04-19 00:09:15

18 April 24: Updated WQs for NPC battles; Moved 3 pets from Unknown section to Wild Battles in accordance with Safari Achievement objectives.


написал на 2024-04-21 13:08:26

21 April 24: Loamy, Spearmint Snuffling, Tiberius, & Jump Jump have been moved from Unknown to Renown. (edited)


написал на 2024-04-23 03:37:41

22 April 24: Delve section added; Obsidian Weave-Rat name updated to Bouncer & added to the Delve section; Spearmint Sniffling's name updated to Guacamole; Potential Pets section added for pets that were datamined in DF that we might see in TWW (edited)


написал на 2024-04-26 00:20:45

25 April 24:

~ Argent Scootlefish name changed to Oop'lajax, moved to drop section, & flavor text added
~ Promotion section created
~ New pet Flash added to promotion section
~ New pet Gale added to promotion section
~ New pet Thundo added to promotion section
~ Sandstone Protolamb name changed to Sandstone Mosswool
~ Rosewool Protolamb name changed to Lil' Moss Rosy
~ Friendhaver Grem team confirmed & in the Ringing Deeps
~ Locations added for all other NPC enemies
~ Additional information added for the Diamond Crab
~ New potential pet added: Mikah
~ Renown vendor information for Guacamole updated


написал на 2024-04-26 19:57:40

26 April 24:
~ Dalaran Sewer Turtle added to Unknown section, along with additional information from Flip Method on how we might acquire this pet.
~ Redthroat Skipling name changed to Admiral
~ Bean's item information added: Freshly Webbed Kebab
~ Cinderhoney Emberstinger name changed to Embersting
~ Cinderwold Sizzlestinger name changed to Bumbler
~ Frenzied Bloodtick name changed to Clot
~ Moss Skipper name changed to Bup
~ Pillarnest Bonedrinker name changed to just Bonedrinker
~ Rak-Ush Threadling name changed to Baleclaw


написал на 2024-05-03 21:04:58

3 May 2024:
~ Updated Kyrie's & Ziriak's tamer teams.
~ Updated stats for Guttergunk, Kyrie's team, Friendhaver Grem's team, & Haywire Servebot
~ Faithful Dog companion pet added to Unknown section.
~ Coppers the Kobold companion pet added to Unknown section.
~ Nightshade moved to Vendor section, with vendor source & cost added, & flavor text updated.
~ Kobold Fist-Thrower's name changed to Chester, and moved to Drop section with a source & flavor text updated.
~ Abyssal Lurker moved to Wild Pet section
~ Jump Jump's Renown Rank updated & cost added
~ Toy Added: Pet-Sized Candle - Thanks to Gandem / Kre on Twitter for tagging me with the info. ^^ (edited)


написал на 2024-05-12 03:17:01

11 May 2024:
~ Ziriak's team's stats added
~ Zaedu Legendary enemy stats added
~ Undermoth pet datamined in 10.1 seen in wild battle in Azj-Kahet, and has been added to the wild battle section
~ Of the various Sporebits, one has been singled out, the Violet Sporebit, and has been added to the Unknown section, with a family change, and flavor text and abilities added.
~ New pet, Mind Slurp, added to Unknown section
~ Wording updated for the Khaz Algar Safari Achievement
~ Itchbite & Fringe added to vendor section, with zone, vendor, & cost added
~ Vendor for Jump Jump updated
~ Spinner added to Drop section and source added
~ Nightshade name updated to Sir Shady Mrgglton Junior


написал на 2024-05-15 06:02:03

15 May 2024:
~ Spinner's source changed from Nest Egg to Trapped Trove
~ Bonedrinker's source updated to Nest Egg
~ Blightbud's source updated to Treasure: Dislodged Blockage, and moved to the Drops section.
~ Flavor text updated for all of the Epic Edition Storm Gryphons
~ Updated Khaz Algar Safari image with pet name updates


написал на 2024-05-15 21:57:46

16 May 2024:
~ Source added for Vanilla and moved to the Quest section


написал на 2024-05-22 05:42:47

22 May 2024:
~ New pet 'Wobbles' added to Unknown section
~ Bop moves to Dungeon section
~ Oop'lajax's abilities added
~ Purple Stagshell moved to Achievement section


написал на 2024-06-10 02:53:39

9 June 2024:
~ New pet Claudius added for Trading Post, 330 Tenders
~ Bouncer flavor text changed
~ Sources added for Bouncer, Wriggle, Sneef, and Violet Sporbit all from "Heavy Trunk" in Delves
~ Bumbler renamed to Cinderwold Sizzlestinger, source added, and moved to Quests/World Quests section
~ Bean flavor text changed
~ Dread Shalewing moved from 10.1 article, renamed to Soot-Stained Shalewing, added to Trading Post section for 200 Tenders, and flavor text updated
~ Guacamole's and Loamy's costs updated to 6500 Resonance Crystals
~ Jump Jump's currency and amount updated
~ Wobbles & Coppers the Kobold moved to Vendor section, sources added, images added, and flavor text updated for Coppers
~ Dalaran Sewer Turtle, Lil' Moss Rosy, Sapphire Crab, and Faithful Dog moved to Treasure section with source explanations added


написал на 2024-07-08 05:04:42

7 July 2024:
~ Link added for Home Is Where the Candle Is quest for Cinderwold Sizzlestinger
~ Itchbite & Fringe currency changed from Polished Pet Charms to Kej
~ Added Recipe: Little Buddy Biscuits & Little Buddy Biscuits to new section, Items
~ Tiberius's cost updated to 6500 Resonance Crystals
~ All four Delve's Heavy Trunk pets got one specific theme added to their source. (Nerubian, Kobyss, Fungarian, Kobold)
~ "Sir Shady Mrgglton Junior" costs increased from 2000 to 10000 Undercoin
~ "Soot-stanined Shalewing" typo fixed, now Soot-stained
~ All Remembered pets from the pre-patch have had their cost changed from 25 to 10,000 as per vendor cost, despite the journal and Wowhead displaying as 25
~ Purple Stagshell's abilities added
~ Source and/or collection information added for Mind Slurp, Thunder, Bean, Hallowed Glowfly, Brown Leafbug, Sandstone Ramolith, Skippy, Starkstrike Hopper, Venomwing, Writhign Tansmutation, Fathom Incher, Waxwick, Slim, Rak-Ush Battleshell, Caustic Oozeling, Cinderhoney Emberstinger, Kaheti Bull Worm, Lil' Bonechewer, Nightfarm Growthling, Pinkskin Burrower, Skittish Sniffler, Snuffling, Diamond Crab, Mikah
~ Location added for: Arathi Chicken, Greenlands Chicken, Vile Bloodtick, Winged Arachnoid
~ Flavor text updated for: Granite Ramolith, Meek Bloodlasher
~ "Barbed Stinger" 1369 ability change (description now mentions fixed 20% chance to poison, instead of StandardAccuracy values, no longer affected by increased chances to miss/hit?)
~ Abilities added for "Purple Stagshell", "Green Stagshell", and "Tan Stagshell", ability changes on "Slim"
~ "Bup" summon item renamed to "Moss Skipper" obviously the names we end up with
~ Clot's name changed to Frenzied Bloodtick


написал на 2024-07-27 03:42:47

26 July 24:
~ Lil' Bonechewer moved from Vendor to Achievement section & source added
~ Shadowbog Hopper has been moved to Drops section, with source added and note from Lazey on potential source
~ "Rak-Ush Threadling" changed from Quest to Vendor (2250 Kej)
~ "Rak-Ush Battleshell" changed from Vendor to Azj-Kahet WQ "Permanent Hire" 79123 (the quest that will also unlock Rak-Ush WQs)
~ Guacamole flavor text updated
~ Coppers no longer has the repair function.
~ Currency section added


написал на 2024-08-08 05:25:11

8 August 24:
~ Mossy Snail zone added
~ Additional information for requirements for the Dalaran Sewer Turtle added from Quintessence
~ Coppers no longer has the vendor functionality.


написал на 2024-08-23 02:04:55

22 August 24:
~ Cost for pets on the vendor, Kargand in Dornogal (stable master), have been added, and the currencies have been added to the currency section.


написал на 2024-08-26 03:34:19

25 August 24:
~ Updated source information for the Shadowbog Hopper, with thanks to salanaar on wowhead


написал на 2024-08-26 08:06:37

26 August 24:
~ Additional source information for Voidling Ooze added.


написал на 2024-08-28 08:00:44

28 August 24:
~ Additional vendor information added for the Rak-Ush Threadling pet


написал на 2024-09-06 05:29:25

6 September 24:
~ Link for Patch 11.0.5 added to article


написал на 2024-07-09 22:15:13

Dragons killing it once again!


написал на 2024-07-10 03:24:10



написал на 2024-04-21 19:41:48

What a great list! Thanks for all the diligent documentation.


написал на 2024-04-21 19:54:19

No problem! ^^


написал на 2024-04-21 19:06:42

the vicious treants win hands down for me. that is some list! thanks again!!


написал на 2024-04-21 19:53:58

Cute by way of horror, for sure ^^


написал на 2024-04-18 04:03:39

I LOVE the chickens, lynxes, and the old model dragon whelpling!

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