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2025-03-04 08:00:00 - 2025-03-11 08:00:00
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Worked just fine as 06/2/2025 thanks!
Best strat of them all i wish i could up vote more!!!!
Worked fine on 06/02/2024 patch 11.0
Varukka#1989 wrote today on: The Grand Master
no, all i have is P/P. I was just saying that even though the explode missed, I still won the match. Thank you!
WhyDaRumGone wrote today on: The Grand Master
Again? This is the first I am hearing of it from you ;p - Can you also let me know how it died? I have my theory but I suggest using the HP requirement and adjusting for Elemental damage. - - Rematch is perfect for this as it allows for automatic compensate.
WhyDaRumGone wrote today on: The Grand Master
Were you using P/S Netherspace Abyssal?
thanks worked great!!!
Script worked perfectly for me, thanks!
This strategy worked 1st time for me :)
And again, early in the battle the 3+ pet dies :(

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2025-02-05 11:57:36
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1 Sign of the Warrior: The War Within Dungeons

Bop has a 3-5% chance to drop from Goldie Baronbottom in the Cinderbrew Meadery

2 PvP Brawl: Comp Stomp

Jump into Arathi Basin for a head-to-head battle against AI opponents during Comp Stomp!

Dutiful Gruntling / Dutiful Squire (Honor Level 5)
Alliance Enthusiast / Horde Fanatic (Honor Level 20)
Bucketshell / Sir Snips (Honor Level 400)

3 Burning Crusade Timewalking

Here are all the pets you can potentially collect during Burning Crusade Timewalking! Keep in mind, all of these pets are cageable, so if you don't want to farm for them you might be able to find them on your Auction House!

Timewalking Vendor; Bag of Fishing Treasures: Chuck, Muckbreath, Snarly, Toothy

Magister’s Terrace: Phoenix Hatchling

Black Temple: Leviathan Hatchling, Abyssius, Fragment of Anger, Fragment of Desire, Fragment of Suffering, Sister of Temptation

4 The Lunar Festival

Happy Lunar Festival to all! Though this isn't the grandest of holidays celebrated on Azeroth, it does offer pet collectors & battlers two, faction-specific pets: the Lunar Lantern for the Alliance, and the Festival Lantern for the Horde.

Each pet costs 50 Coins of Ancestry, and the pets are tradeable, meaning you can hop onto your AH and purchase the opposite faction's pet (and/or your own).

5 Love is in the Air

Ah, Love is in the Air, both literally and figuratively, as Azeroth's version of Valentine's Day has made its appearance in the capital cities! This is a two-week event that offers four holiday pets for those of us in the pet community!

Dungeon Pet: Toxic Wasteling

This pet is a drop from the Heart-Shaped Box, which you get for killing the boss Apothecary Hummel in the holiday dungeon The Crown Chemical Co.. This box is only available once per day for players level 60 and above.

Vendor: All the vendor pets can be purchased from the Lovely Merchant for 40 Love Tokens each.

Lovebird Hatchling
Heartseeker Moth
New! - Living Rose

6 Darkmoon Faire until Saturday 11:59 pm!

You can find all our Darkmoon Faire pet information in our article here.

If you're looking for our Darkmoon Faire strategies for Christoph VonFeasel and Jeremy Feasel, those can be found here for the general strategies, and here for An Awfully Big Adventure.

Also, don't forget to pick up your WHEE! buff to get a 10% experience & reputation bonus!

7 Squirt in the NA Garrison on 6 February

Squirt the Wandering Trainer will be in the NA Garrison on 6 February. Our strategies for this leveling event can be found here.

8 Plunderstorm!

Batten down the hatches and hoist your sails: Plunderstorm is back!

There are five pets to collect from this battle royale event that can be purchased for Plunder earned in your matches:

Parley - New!
Sparklesnap - New!

9 February Trading Post

New to the Trading Post this month are the Fullbelly Rollingpaw & the Teatuft Tamer for 350 Tenders each!

In celebration of the Trading Post's 2nd Anniversary, the vendor, Supplier Mizix in Dornogal has a few returning pets at a discounted price!

Buzzworth - 200
Drazka'zet the Wrathful - 200
Egbob - 200
Slyvy - 200
Spectral Tiger Cub - 200

As does Supplier Felina for old monthly rewards!

Buttercup - 350

10 Timbered Sky Snakelet in Shop!

In celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and the year of the Wood Snake, Blizzard has released the Timbered Sky Snakelet on the in-game shop for $ 10 USD

11 Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

12 Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Naga are invading, which gives you a chance to capture the Snapdragon Pup!

13 Brightblade's Bones is up!

Until mid-week reset, the Brightblade's Bones World Quest is up, during which you can collect the Bugbiter Tortoise! All the information on how you can collect this pet is found on the Bugbiter's page.

14 Claws for Concern for Blueloo!

This WQ will be up until Saturday reset

While the Claws for Concern World Quest is up, you will be able to work on the Friends in Feathers achievement for the pet Blueloo! Normally, you can only rescue 6 Moonkin Hatchlings at a time, so you can either do the WQ across three characters, or you can also join a raid group and rescue all 18 Moonkin Hatchlings in one go on one character!

Remember! You won't see the WQ on your map unless you are IN the zone.

15 Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Infused Etherwyrm (A Shady Place NOT up) &
Invasive Buzzer (Assault Cache)

16 N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'uddly &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Corrupted Tentacle

17 Aqir Assault: Uldum

Uldum - Aqir Assault begins at mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Aqir Tunneler &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Rotbreath

18 Horrific Vision: Orgrimmar

This week's Horrific Vision is Orgrimmar, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Pup
Void-Scarred Toad
Achievement: Reek

19 Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)


20 Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

20.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Skittering Hollow, Un'gol Ruins


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump

Skittering Hollow

Sandshell Chitterer
Voru'kar Leecher
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Thistlebrush Bud
Firesting Buzzer
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

20.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Rotting Mire, Snowblossom, Un'gol Ruins, Venture Co.

Rotting Mire

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thunderscale Whelpling
Captain Nibs

Snowblossom Village

Muskflank Calfling
Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
Needleback Pup
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Kindleweb Spiderling
Adventurous Hopling

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

Venture Co. ‘Salvage’

Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud

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2025-01-31 07:36:24
Here's everything going on for you and your pets this week in WoW!

1 The Lunar Festival Has Begun!

Happy Lunar Festival to all! Though this isn't the grandest of holidays celebrated on Azeroth, it does offer pet collectors & battlers two, faction-specific pets: the Lunar Lantern for the Alliance, and the Festival Lantern for the Horde.

Each pet costs 50 Coins of Ancestry, and the pets are tradeable, meaning you can hop onto your AH and purchase the opposite faction's pet (and/or your own).

2 Love is in the Air Begins Monday!

Ah, Love is in the Air, both literally and figuratively, as Azeroth's version of Valentine's Day has made its appearance in the capital cities! This is a two-week event that offers four holiday pets for those of us in the pet community!

Dungeon Pet: Toxic Wasteling

This pet is a drop from the Heart-Shaped Box, which you get for killing the boss Apothecary Hummel in the holiday dungeon The Crown Chemical Co.. This box is only available once per day for players level 60 and above.

Vendor: All the vendor pets can be purchased from the Lovely Merchant for 40 Love Tokens each.

Lovebird Hatchling
Heartseeker Moth
New! - Living Rose

3 Darkmoon Faire Begins Sunday!

You can find all our Darkmoon Faire pet information in our article here.

If you're looking for our Darkmoon Faire strategies for Christoph VonFeasel and Jeremy Feasel, those can be found here for the general strategies, and here for An Awfully Big Adventure.

Also, don't forget to pick up your WHEE! buff to get a 10% experience & reputation bonus!

4 Timbered Sky Snakelet in Shop!

In celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and the year of the Wood Snake, Blizzard has released the Timbered Sky Snakelet on the in-game shop for $ 10 USD

5 Plunderstorm!

Batten down the hatches and hoist your sails: Plunderstorm is back!

There are five pets to collect from this battle royale event that can be purchased for Plunder earned in your matches:

Parley - New!
Sparklesnap - New!

6 February Trading Post is Here!

New to the Trading Post this month are the Fullbelly Rollingpaw & the Teatuft Tamer for 350 Tenders each!

In celebration of the Trading Post's 2nd Anniversary, the vendor, Supplier Mizix in Dornogal has a few returning pets at a discounted price!

Buzzworth - 200
Drazka'zet the Wrathful - 200
Egbob - 200
Slyvy - 200
Spectral Tiger Cub - 200

As does Supplier Felina for old monthly rewards!

Buttercup - 350

7 Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

8 Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Vrykul are invading, which gives you the chance to capture the Battleboar Piglet!

9 Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Necrolord:
Lil' Abom (Crafted Treasure)
& Fodder (Assault Cache)

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Kyrian:
Sly (A Sly Fox Progress),
Sinfall Screecher (Treasure IS up)
Copperback Etherwyrm (Assault Cache)

10 Uldum N'Zoth Assault

10.1 Pyre of the Amalgamated One

The Uldum - N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One Bonus Objective will spawn the Amalgamation of Flesh Rare, which has a chance to drop the Wicked Lurker

The Bonus Objective itself is not a guaranteed spawn during the assault. If you'd like to know if it's spawning for the day, Remte posts Daily Reports in the Xu-Fu's, Warcraft Pets, & Secret Finder's Discord.

10.2 Vision of the Twisting Sands

While the N'Zoth Assault is up in Uldum, you can access the Vision of Twisting Sands for the Void-Scarred Beetle pet! The entrance can be found just to the east of Ramkahen, and you will need to have completed Descending Into Madness to gain access to this area.

11 Horrific Vision of Stormwind

This week's Horrific Vision is Stormwind, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Cat
Void-Scarred Hare
Void-Scarred Rat
Achievement: Reek

12 Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

Time: Friday 31 January. Begins @ 10 pm CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 5 am

Time: Wednesday 5 February. Begins @ 4 pm CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 11 pm

13 Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Dread Chain, Molten Cay, Rotting Mire

Dread Chain

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Sandshell Chitterer

Molten Cay

Muskflank Calfling
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Rotting Mire

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thunderscale Whelpling
Captain Nibs

13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Dread Chain, Jorundall, Verdant Wilds

Dread Chain

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Sandshell Chitterer


Muskflank Calfling
Thunderscale Whelpling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Sandshell Chitterer
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Captain Nibs

Verdant Wilds

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Firesting Buzzer
Kindleweb Spiderling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling

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2025-01-24 04:34:12
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1 Sign of the Explorer: Delve Bonus Event

During the Delve Bonus Event, players will get 25% increases to Journey progress, companion experience, & Undercoin currency.

While there does not appear to be an increase to the actual rewards, despite what the journal indicates, there are 6 pets you can receive via Delves:

Violet Sporbit
Sir Shady Mrrgglton Junior x 10,000 Undercoin

2 Legion Timewalking!

Though there are no pets on the Timewalking vendor or ones that drop directly from the dungeons, there are multiple pets you can obtain from increasing your reputation with the Legion factions:

Court Scribe
Fledgling Warden Owl
Thistleleaf Adventurer (Emissary Cache)
Extinguished Eye
Baby Elderhorn
Orphaned Felbat (Paragon Cache)
Sunborne Val'kyr
Orphaned Marsuul

3 Timbered Sky Snakelet in Shop!

In celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and the year of the Wood Snake, Blizzard has released the Timbered Sky Snakelet on the in-game shop for $ 10 USD

4 Plunderstorm!

Batten down the hatches and hoist your sails: Plunderstorm is back!

There are five pets to collect from this battle royale event that can be purchased for Plunder earned in your matches:

Parley - New!
Sparklesnap - New!

5 January Trading Post!

The mechanically-inclined Wind-Up Wuffi & Wind-Up Woofer are making their Overcharged debuts to the Trading Post for 300 Trader's Tender! On top of that, the Time-Lost Salamanther has returned for 600 Trader's Tender.

6 Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

7 Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Pirates are invading, giving you a chance to collect the wild pet, Pillaged Parrot, and cut down pirates to save the Proper Parrot!

8 Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Infused Etherwyrm (A Shady Place ??? up) &
Invasive Buzzer (Assault Cache)

9 Aqir Assault: Uldum

Uldum - Aqir Assault until mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Aqir Tunneler &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Rotbreath

10 Horrific Vision: Orgrimmar

This week's Horrific Vision is Orgrimmar, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Pup
Void-Scarred Toad
Achievement: Reek

11 Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

Time: Monday 27 January. Begins @ 4 am CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 11 am

12 Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

12.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Havenswood, Skittering Hollow, Snowblossom Village


Muskflank Calfling
Lord Woofington
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Bloodstone Tunneler
Rotting Ghoul
Sunscale Hatchling
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Sandshell Chitterer
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling

Skittering Hollow

Sandshell Chitterer
Voru'kar Leecher
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Thistlebrush Bud
Firesting Buzzer
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Snowblossom Village

Muskflank Calfling
Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
Needleback Pup
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Kindleweb Spiderling
Adventurous Hopling

12.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Molten Cay, Snowblossom, Whispering Reef

Molten Cay

Muskflank Calfling
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Snowblossom Village

Muskflank Calfling
Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
Needleback Pup
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Kindleweb Spiderling
Adventurous Hopling

Whispering Reef

Shadefeather Hatchling
Juvenile Brineshell
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Coldlight Surfrunner
Firesting Buzzer
Deathsting Scorpid
Muskflank Calfling
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

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2025-01-17 07:49:42
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1 Pet Battle Bonus Week

The time has come, once again, to level all your pets!

The weekly reset brings the pet battle bonus week, and The Sign of the Critter offers a 100% increase on pet experience, so it's the perfect time to tackle that queue.

1.1 Repeatable Tamers

If you'd like to know what repeatable trainers to look out for this week, head over to our Powerleveling Guide to find out which ones are great for maximizing the use of the bonus xp. It will also offer the top leveling strategies for each of the fights, tips & tricks, and links to non-repeatable tamers as well as other useful guides.

2 Warlords of Draenor Timewalking

You’ll be able to visit the Timewalking vendors Tempra in Stormshield and Kronnus in Warspear. They’ll be waiting to take your hard-earned Timewarped Badges in exchange for some tempting rewards:

Reputation Tokens for all major Warlords of Draenor factions including: Arakkoa Outcasts, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Order of the Awakened, Saberstalkers, Frostwolf Orcs/Council of Exarchs, Laughing Skull Orcs/Sha’tari Defense, Hand of the Prophet

Warlords of Draenor Timewalking - Faction Pets:
Albino River Calf
Blazing Firehawk
Bone Wasp (H)
Draenei Micro Defender (A)
Forest Sproutling
Frostwolf Pup (H)
Savage Cub
Sky Fry (A)
Son of Sethe

3 Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event

This week our bonus event grants 50% increased Honor gains from Battlegrounds. Below are all the pets you can receive as rewards via the Honor system, and what level Honor you need for them.

Dutiful Gruntling / Dutiful Squire (Honor Level 5)
Alliance Enthusiast / Horde Fanatic (Honor Level 20)
Bucketshell / Sir Snips (Honor Level 400)

4 Plunderstorm!

Batten down the hatches and hoist your sails: Plunderstorm is back!

There are five pets to collect from this battle royale event that can be purchased for Plunder earned in your matches:

Parley - New!
Sparklesnap - New!

5 January Trading Post!

The mechanically-inclined Wind-Up Wuffi & Wind-Up Woofer are making their Overcharged debuts to the Trading Post for 300 Trader's Tender! On top of that, the Time-Lost Salamanther has returned for 600 Trader's Tender.

6 Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

7 Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Naga are invading, which gives you a chance to capture the Snapdragon Pup!

8 Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Kyrian:
Sly (A Sly Fox Progress),
Sinfall Screecher (Treasure up when No One Floats Down here NOT Available),
& Copperback Etherwyrm (Assault Cache) until mid-week reset

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Necrolord:
Lil' Abom (Crafted Treasure)
& Fodder (Assault Cache)

9 Uldum N'Zoth Assault

9.1 Pyre of the Amalgamated One

The Uldum - N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One Bonus Objective will spawn the Amalgamation of Flesh Rare, which has a chance to drop the Wicked Lurker

The Bonus Objective itself is not a guaranteed spawn during the assault. If you'd like to know if it's spawning for the day, Remte posts Daily Reports in the Xu-Fu's, Warcraft Pets, & Secret Finder's Discord.

9.2 Vision of the Twisting Sands

While the N'Zoth Assault is up in Uldum, you can access the Vision of Twisting Sands for the Void-Scarred Beetle pet! The entrance can be found just to the east of Ramkahen, and you will need to have completed Descending Into Madness to gain access to this area.

10 Horrific Vision of Stormwind

This week's Horrific Vision is Stormwind, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Cat
Void-Scarred Hare
Void-Scarred Rat
Achievement: Reek

11 Seasonal Pet: Snowy Owl!

From 21 December (first day of Winter) until around 20 March (first day of Spring), the Snowy Owl becomes available for capture in Winterspring!
This pet is required for the Kalimdor Safari achievement.

12 Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

Time: Friday 17 January. Begins @ 4 pm CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 11 pm

Time: Wednesday 22 January. Begins @ 10 am CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 5 pm

13 Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Dread Chain, Whispering Reef


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump

Dread Chain

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Sandshell Chitterer

Whispering Reef

Shadefeather Hatchling
Juvenile Brineshell
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Coldlight Surfrunner
Firesting Buzzer
Deathsting Scorpid
Muskflank Calfling
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Crestfall, Jorundall, Un'gol Ruins, Venture Co. 'Salvage'


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump


Muskflank Calfling
Thunderscale Whelpling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Sandshell Chitterer
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Captain Nibs

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

Venture Co. ‘Salvage’

Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud
Read full article


2025-01-10 03:26:14
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1 Mists of Pandaria Timewalking

Here are all the pets you can potentially collect during Mists of Pandaria Timewalking!

Timewalking Vendor, Mistweaver Xia on the Timeless Isle:
Paradox Spirit
& Infinite Hatchling

They both cost 2200 Timewarped Badges.

There's also an Achievement reward pet from Stormstout Brewery: Hopling

It's a reward from Ling-Ting's Herbal Journey. Here's a link to the comments on Wowhead for the achievement. It also offers a workaround for the one that might be bugged beneath the stairs. For that one it'd be best to wait until the instance is clear. Or, since you'll be heading out to the Timeless Isle anyway, drop by the Valley of the Four Winds on your max-level character for an easy clear, and easy pet!

2 Darkmoon Faire until Saturday 11:59 pm!

You can find all our Darkmoon Faire pet information in our article here.

If you're looking for our Darkmoon Faire strategies for Christoph VonFeasel and Jeremy Feasel, those can be found here for the general strategies, and here for An Awfully Big Adventure.

Also, don't forget to pick up your WHEE! buff to get a 10% experience & reputation bonus!

3 January Trading Post!

The mechanically-inclined Wind-Up Wuffi & Wind-Up Woofer are making their Overcharged debuts to the Trading Post for 300 Trader's Tender! On top of that, the Time-Lost Salamanther has returned for 600 Trader's Tender.

4 Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

5 Seasonal Pet: Snowy Owl!

From 21 December (first day of Winter) until around 20 March (first day of Spring), the Snowy Owl becomes available for capture in Winterspring!
This pet is required for the Kalimdor Safari achievement.

6 Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Vrykul are invading, which gives you the chance to capture the Battleboar Piglet!

7 Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Night Fae:
Infused Etherwyrm (A Shady Place NOT up) &
Invasive Buzzer (Assault Cache)

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Venthyr:
There are no pets offered for collection from the Venthyr Assault

8 N'Zoth Assault: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Vale of Eternal Blossoms - N'Zoth Assault:
The Forgotten rare has a chance to drop K'uddly &
Will of N'Zoth rare has a chance to drop Corrupted Tentacle

9 Aqir Assault: Uldum

Uldum - Aqir Assault begins at mid-week reset:
Skikx'traz rare has a chance to drop Aqir Tunneler &
Lord Aj'qirai rare has a chance to drop Rotbreath

10 Horrific Vision: Orgrimmar

This week's Horrific Vision is Orgrimmar, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Pup
Void-Scarred Toad
Achievement: Reek

11 Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

Time: Sunday 12 January. Begins @ 10 pm CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 5 am

12 Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

12.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Jorundall, Molten Cay, Un'gol Ruins


Muskflank Calfling
Thunderscale Whelpling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Sandshell Chitterer
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Captain Nibs

Molten Cay

Muskflank Calfling
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

12.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Dread Chain, Elemental, Rotting Mire, Skittering Hollow

Dread Chain

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Sandshell Chitterer


Giggling Flame
Playful Frostkin
Laughing Stonekin
Mischievous Zephyr
Baby Stonehide

Rotting Mire

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thunderscale Whelpling
Captain Nibs

Skittering Hollow

Sandshell Chitterer
Voru'kar Leecher
Deathsting Scorpid
Craghoof Kid
Thistlebrush Bud
Firesting Buzzer
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

Read full article
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Birdy33 wrote on 2024-12-14 22:25:35

You have been tremendous help over the years, thank you.


wrote on 2023-11-18 16:52:22

I am attempting to follow the guide to make a strategy but there is no link anywhere on the site to get to the strategy page. Am I missing something?


wrote on 2023-11-18 18:38:35

Use the top menu to go to the page for the battle for which you want to create a strategy.

You will see an existing strategy - doesn't matter which.

On the right is a pink tab with a plus sign + on it.

Click that pink tab.


wrote on 2024-04-01 14:02:33

Ah, I understand. Thank you.


wrote on 2023-12-30 13:12:54

Back when I was a noob Pet Battler, it took me some effort to figure out which Pet Dungeons were still worth doing after completion, and which were not. So here is a suggestion for an info to place somewhere on your great site:

Informational note on pet dungeon "sustainability":

Most pet dungeons become completely obsolete once you have completed all objectives and all associated achievements/pets/titles. This is true for: Stratholme, Blackrock Depths, The Celestial Tournament, The Deadmines. Some pets you can buy with the currency from The Deadmines come in different breeds, so make sure you get one of each before you forget about the dungeon.

"Sustainable" dungeons are: The Wailing Critters, Gnomeregan

Pets from these dungeons (via currency, or via random drop from the reward satchel) are tradable, so it is worth doing these two dungeons every week if you are interested in Gold/Euros/Dollars.

As an example, average prices for EU Azjol-Nerub, acc. to undermine.exchange as of 2023-12-30:

Mechantula: 3.5k
Mechanical Cockroach: 16k
Alarm-O-Dog: 64k
Leper Rat: 70k

Wailing Critters:
Young Venomfang: 10k/17k
Cavern Mocassin: 23k/44k
Everliving Spore: 270k

Edit: Fixed realm name for example source; detailed the pet rewards for the two good dungeons; minor other changes; typos. (edited)


wrote on 2024-03-17 05:46:49

Thanks for this. Been thinking about this for a while. I personally only run WC as the added difficulty of Gnomeregan is not worth it :-p


wrote on 2024-03-30 23:06:15

Yeah, currently WC is the only dungeon I'm running, too. (The drop rate of the Cavern Mocassin isn't bad, and it sells for 20k+ on my server.) Gnomeregan is good, in theory, but currently some discount clowns on my server are selling the pets from there for like 10k.)


wrote on 2023-11-04 00:02:11

Hello, the website says 8-11-2023 is Super squirt day but that seems impossible because pet week has ended by then (EU) ? (edited)


wrote on 2023-11-10 12:41:10

You're right. The calculation assumed it was a super squirt day because technically the pet changes in the morning of the same day that was squirt, but that makes no sense of course. I've gotta look into those cases. Sorry for the confusion!


wrote on 2023-12-24 22:48:20

thank you for the nice reply!


wrote on 2023-06-30 14:43:41

What is the "(edited)" tag for?

I just posted a comment to a strat, then added "Thanks for sharing." and it shows the "(edited)" tag.

IMHO, this tag only makes sense if it appears when the post has been edited after the visitor's last visit to this page. As it is now, it is just clutter, as it does not carry any useful information. (Well, it might tell the reader that the author is a bit stupid or distracted, as he was apparently incapable of posting the entire post in one go ;-)

Cherish wrote on 2023-07-02 07:04:15

that is rather rude!!! ever hear of an after thought??? also some phones, tablets, and laptops have an extremely sensitive send button and it may not all get out in one send yet the sender prefers to have it all in the same spot. there is a chance that the author is neither stupid, or distracted... and as far as "incapable" ... stuff happens! after thoughts don't mean a person is incapable or distracted either... which once again brings me to the sensitive send button... but a reader that takes it as that tells me that the reader is judgmental and needs to learn compassion!


wrote on 2023-07-02 07:56:46

I wouldn't call it "rude". I think it's useful to know, especially when you see replies that may not actually seem to relate to the post they're replying to.

And in the cases where it doesn't matter, it does no harm. (edited)


wrote on 2023-07-02 10:36:07

Thank you, @Gráinne, for addressing the topic of my comment.

You are right, the tag can be useful if the post has been edited after a reply has been posted.

And that brings me to a better solution (my suggestion to apply the tag only after the visitor's last visit to the page is not really helpful in this case):

– Add a grace period: Apply the Edited tag only if the edit was made later than, say, 3 minutes after the original post. (This is not uncommon on forums, e.g the Discourse software has a setting for this.)

– Ideally, add the date of the edit, so, if we see a seemingly incoherent reply, we can clearly see if the edit might be the cause.


wrote on 2023-05-24 20:08:28

When I go into strategies it automatically picks one type and I can't pick that I want all types. Anyone know what to do?


wrote on 2023-05-24 21:40:28

I don't understand, Do you mean you want to see Family strats? Like if youa re looking at https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/16923/Swog_the_Elder-Beast and want to see the Flying versions, just click the Flying icon top left,


wrote on 2023-05-15 07:44:06

Are there teams/scripts for the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor daily pet battles? Trying to level from 1-70 with just pet battle dailies, and would like to level up the most pets I can efficiently. Thanks :)


wrote on 2023-05-15 11:52:52

There are not. The six highest are listed in the Misc->An Awfully Big Adventure menu anove, but not lower. The others will be wiped out by pretty much any Blue Level 25.

But, honestly, dailies through EK and Kalimdor are not worth doing. Only very low level carry pets will get any XP, and that not very much. And it's a lot of travelling time.

You can get very good character XP and some pet XP - better than EK/Kalimdor dailies, at least - from wild battling.

But what I would recommend is to put War Mode on, and park your alt at the pet area in Legion Dalaran.

Legion Dalaran repeatable tamers are up maybe twice a week on average, BUT when one is up, you can get full tamer XP for each battle for your pets, so a pet levelled in 4 battles, and also excellent character XP, with no travelling time, and you can repeat as much as you want while the tamer is up.

See the Powerlevelling Guide https://www.wow-petguide.com/Guide/44/Powerleveling_Guide for more about levelling with wild battles, and the Legion Tamers.


wrote on 2023-05-16 04:23:49

Thanks for the quick reply <3


wrote on 2023-05-14 20:20:54

This has been bothering me for awhile and want to ask: Has anyone else been clicking the link to go directly to the comments section on an article page and instead it only scrolls down to the middle of the scroll sidebar for that web page?


wrote on 2023-05-14 21:40:34

Yes. Same here :) But only on long articles like this one.

I'm guessing Aranesh will pick up on this, but it really isn't a problem.


wrote on 2023-03-15 19:00:57

Hello All,
I seem to have run into a problem with Magpie website. My browsers list Magpie as "unsecure" and say the certificate has expired. Does anyone else have this notice?

Update; Thanks for the reply and all the hard work. If not for this website and all the info it provides I probably would not be doing any pet battles. Thanks once again.


wrote on 2023-03-15 19:38:31

Yes, I see the same. Looking at the cert, it expired yesterday. I have flagged it in the DIscord, and I'm sure Aranesh will fix it.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't let that stop you using Magpie. There is no confidential information being exchanged, and nothing that is prone to malicious use. Anyway, the SSL still holds; it's just that it's dur for renewal.


wrote on 2023-03-15 20:12:35

Hey, sorry for that. I've renewed the certificates now. Thanks for the poke. I'll set myself reminders for the future so it won't happen again :)


wrote on 2023-02-25 17:38:11

I am having trouble with what teams show up when using the "Rematch" feature on Xu-Fu when finding out what teams to use. For example, when pulling up Stratholme suggested teams it suggest a team that is further down the list and low rated by community. When the top rated team for that specific battle has like 100+ likes and I even have all the pets for at 25 its not suggesting it when clicking the rematch for the whole dungeon. It just suggest the latter (Even one of the pets suggested is one I don't have max level). I can of course just go to that specific fight in the list and just find the best team suggestion, but it'd be super helpful to have that best team already suggested in the FULL list for the entire dungeon. In my Xu-Fu settings, I have, "Script, Level, Breed, Staff Pick, Fast, Long, & Shop" in Preferred and everything else in Unfavored. Am I doing something wrong or am I just overlooking something? D:


wrote on 2023-02-25 19:38:29

Why do you have "Long" and "Shop" in preferred? It will then favour long strategies using shop pets.

I don't know which battle within Stratholme you're talking about, so I can't check.

My preferences are

Preferred: Staff Pick, Fast, Level
Neutral: TCG, Breed, Shop, Script
Unfavoured: RNG, Long, Tricky, Unobtainable

Now, that might not be the ideal choice for everyone. I can certainly imagine some people Unfavouring Breed, Shop, and TCG, and/or Favouring Script.

But if you try it again with those preferences, you might get a better selection.


wrote on 2023-02-25 22:19:14

Thanks so much!


wrote on 2023-01-10 21:59:01

Is there any way to automatically blacklist pets from another team in that group so it doesn't use it in "random pet" slots from other teams in that group? Hope it is understandable english is not my first language. I'm asking here because idk if there is a general chat forum, if so let me know.


wrote on 2023-02-20 20:50:06

I *think* you are thinking of Rematch, and dungeons.

Your question would be: is there a way to tell Rematch not to fill an "Any Pet" slot with a pet that will be used elsewhere in the dungeon. Is that right?

If so, the answer is no. When Rematch sees an "Any Pet" string, it does use a random pet.

What I have done in cases where the strat uses "Any Pet" is to import the team into Rematch and then manually fill the "Any Pet" slot with a pet of my choice.

If I have misunderstood your question, please clarify.


wrote on 2022-12-23 03:20:13

Magpie is broken for me. Am I the only one? Have trouble loading character and if it does load there is an error about old auction data and Blizzard API not working with no auction data being shown, only the error info. Thanks

EDIT: Thanks for all the hard work you guys do. It is very much appreciated.


wrote on 2022-12-29 22:23:22

Fixed now!

Ed wrote on 2022-12-23 16:43:29

I'd like to report that Pet Collection Viewer is broken for me. It takes ages "loading" but shows nothing.


wrote on 2022-12-29 22:22:58

Fixed now!


wrote on 2022-12-29 19:46:17

YAY! Thank you for fixing the pet collections!


wrote on 2022-12-29 15:31:18

Thanks for fixing Update Collection! Thank you for all that you do on here!