
The War Within: Patch 11.0.5

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Table of Contents:

1. Currencies
1.1 Timewarped Badge x 8,800
1.2 Bronze Celebration Token x 60
2. Drop (1)
3. New Vendor Pets (5)
4. Returning Vendor Pets (5)
5. Future Trading Post (1)
6. Pet Updates

The War Within: Patch 11.0.5


2024-09-06 00:01:54
The War Within: Patch 11.0.5 has come to the PTR!

Here's everything we have so far for pet collecting,

though there doesn't appear to be any new pet battling content,

and any changes made will be logged in the comments below.


1. Currencies

1.1 Timewarped Badge x 8,800

1.2 Bronze Celebration Token x 60

2. Drop (1)


Currently No Flavor Text

Zone: Blasted Lands

Drop: Lord Kazzak

Family: Humanoid

Abilities: Cataclysms Edge (New), Fire Shield, Thunderclap,
Weakening Blow, Frenzy, Shadow Bolt Volley (New)

3. New Vendor Pets (5)


This boarlet escaped Coldridge Valley in search of adventure and maybe a nice apple if she can find one.

Zone: Tanaris

Vendors: Bobadormu & Grannadormu

Cost: Timewarped Badge x 2200

Family: Beast

Abilities: Charge, Bash, Headbutt,
Horn Gore, Pig Out, Mudslide

Karazhan Syphoner

Rarely captured alive, syphoners are some of the most dangerous of the mana wyrms. This one happened to have been distracted while binging on a particularly juicy spell book in the Karazhan library.

Zone: Shattrath City

Vendor: Cupri

Cost: Timewarped Badge x 2200

Family: Magic

Abilities: Tail Slap, Drain Power, Mana Surge,
Bite, Absorb, Ethereal


Currently No Flavor Text

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Historian Ma'di

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

Family: Humanoid

Abilities: Cataclysms Edge (New), Great Cleave, Chaos Nova,
Charge, Weakening Blow, Curse of Doom


There are many creatures lurking in the Cape of Stranglethorn who would be glad to kill you. Misty is just curious to see the rest of the world.

Zone: Tanaris

Vendors: Bobadormu & Grannadormu

Cost: Timewarped Badge x 2200

Family: Beast

Abilities: Smash, Going Bonkers!, Banana Barrage,
Roar, Dominance, Barrel Toss


Found by Taunka as a newborn pup Specter is fiercely loyal. Yet he is beginning to live up to his name as he stalks into the world.

Zone: Dalaran - Northrend

Vendor: Auzin

Cost: Timewarped Badge x 2200

Family: Beast

Abilities: Face Bite, Crouch, Prowl,
Bark, Howl, Dazzling Dance

4. Returning Vendor Pets (5)

For a limited time, you will also see some returning Anniversary items that can be also purchased with Bronze Celebration Tokens when you visit Storekeeper Reginald in the Celebration Pavilion and peruse his inventory.

Baby Blizzard Bear

Original Source: WoW's 4th Anniversary

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Storekeeper Reginald

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

Hatespark the Tiny

Original Source: Originally available during the 10th Anniversary, as a rare drop from Ragnaros on the Molten Core LFR special raid.

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Storekeeper Reginald

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

Lil' Nefarian

Original Source: WoW's 15th Anniversary

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Storekeeper Reginald

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

Molten Corgi

Original Source: WoW's 10th Anniversary

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Storekeeper Reginald

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

Onyxian Whelpling

Original Source: WoW's 5th Anniversary

Zone: Tanaris

Vendor: Storekeeper Reginald

Cost: Bronze Celebration Token x 10

5. Future Trading Post (1)


Bluedoo's magic and skills in accupuncture will help any in need of relaxation.

Source: Trading Post

Cost: Trader's Tender x ??

Family: Magic

Abilities: Jab, Counterstrike, Surge of Power,
Feedback, Clobber, Arcane Storm

6. Pet Updates

  • Achievement Added

Family Battler of Khaz Algar meta achievement & Fuzzy also added as reward.

  • Pets Removed

The pets, Caustic Oozeling, Illskitter, and Kaheti Bull Worm, who had no sources were removed from the journal.


Name changed to > Jade Cragviper & flavor text updated.


Achievement for collecting 1800 pets officially added.


Name corrected on achievement & flavor text added.

  • Coppers

Has been updated to a battle pet from a companion pet.

  • Pet Bandages now stack to 5k


wrote on 2024-11-02 10:55:38

A weird November 2024 trading post. No pet for sale. No pet as an award. I can't recall a trading post in which a pet wasnt available either for purchase or award. (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-02 16:39:57

AND optional extra Tendies!

A great month to bank some Tendies for future use.

painz wrote on 2024-10-28 21:07:47

is there a way to revive pets near squirt in the celebration area? didnt find any NPC for it


wrote on 2024-10-29 04:11:44

I don't think so, but I haven't checked extensively, either. I believe one of the NPCs probably sells bandages, though, and they stack to 5k now ^^


wrote on 2024-10-24 01:02:58

I assume we have to wait for the timewalking vendors to rotate, or are they all up for this anniversary?


wrote on 2024-10-24 01:26:34

We have to wait for the Timewalking vendors to rotate in.


wrote on 2024-10-24 01:39:15

KK handy that TW badges are warband tradeable now


wrote on 2024-10-24 01:40:23

Yes! I transferred them all to my main and had way more than I thought ^^


wrote on 2024-10-18 13:14:40

Very happy they are bringing back Hatespark the Tiny, i couldn't bring myself to do multiple runs of MC to try and grind for it.


wrote on 2024-09-06 05:44:16

1800 pets achievement... holy crap
And I only just hit 1600+ recently.


wrote on 2024-09-06 05:55:59

It's not a large percentage of players that have seen the 1800, so you're doing great ^^


wrote on 2024-09-08 20:13:43

Biggest problem currently is that if you level "Mister Muskoxeles" to level 25 he disappears from your log - he is still there you just cannot see him or add him to a team. You can of course summon him using "/summonpet Mister Muskoxeles". I've reported it to Blizzard. (edited)


wrote on 2024-10-15 07:25:23

This is now fixed


wrote on 2024-10-10 20:39:06

Final question - I think - do all the new pets show in the pet journal (when not owned)?


wrote on 2024-10-11 01:23:03

Besides the ones they've removed because they never implemented them, they do! ^^


wrote on 2024-10-03 21:18:17

Are the timewarping vendors always up or on a cycle? Appreciate you may not know but trying to determine if I need to station an alt at the vendor location. Thankfully badges are a transferable currency now. (edited)


wrote on 2024-10-04 03:01:36

So, I'm not seeing any of the timewarped vendors for the specific timewalking weeks up at the celebration area, like how Specter has the WotLK one as its source. I'm not sure if it's been added for when the TW vendor comes up normally. However, I was able to locate all the pets except Specter, so maybe we'll just have to wait for that week to be up. ^^'


wrote on 2024-10-04 07:46:29

Thanks buddy

Jaydee wrote on 2024-09-06 07:43:43

Damn, a PvP pet I most likely wont get :c


wrote on 2024-09-06 11:46:10

I'm defintely not a pvp'er but this is doable - use a number of alts as they all count. It's possible to do the full 5 for a given world quest in one day if you have 5 alts.


wrote on 2024-09-08 17:55:33

Tell us more, please? Does this involve actual PvP, or is it against NPCs?


wrote on 2024-09-08 20:10:17

There is the option of both - you can kill mobs and/or other players (on all of the PVP WQ in TWW). Lots of real PVP players there and they will bug you but just keep hitting away at the NPC mobs and it will get done - or create a group with others ...


wrote on 2024-09-17 06:53:46

I completed the achievement today (did the last WQ I needed on 5 different characters) - no pet awarded due to the name issue. I will raise a ticket anyway but no doubt this will be resolved hen the patch goes live. I did many of these PVP WQ on level 70's - just ignore the griefers and do what you need to with NPC mobs. (edited)


wrote on 2024-09-08 17:54:29

OMG, Specter is an origami wolf.


wrote on 2024-09-06 18:57:01


Thanks a lot for the article. Was not aware that there are even more pets and not just the returning ones.

And good to read that they added the meta achievement.

Feeling happy with what we get.


wrote on 2024-09-07 03:41:04

No problem! We're hoping the fixes, like the achievements, get pushed before the patch, but...>.>
Just don't hold your breath ^^'


wrote on 2024-09-07 07:40:22

Oh, I still have enough to do anyways. :-)

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