Drop: World Drop (Oozing Bag)
Creature: Oozes, Slimes and Worms
The Disgusting Oozeling is a world drop on Azeroth that has a chance to drop from the Oozing Bag which in turn drops off Oozes, Slimes, and Worms. According to Warcraft Pets, the bag drop is about 1 in 25, whereas the pet drop chance from the bag is 1 in 85.
Below are the percentages for the bag drops from mobs in their respective zones.
Ashenvale: Rotting Slime - 0.4%
Deepholm: Mercurial Ooze - 0.09 % ; Greater Quicksilver Ooze - 0.08% ; Living Blood - 0.07% ; Maziel - 0.07%
Dustwallow Marsh: Acidic Swamp Ooze - 0.9% ; Bubbling Swamp Ooze - 0.5% ; Oozeworm - 0.04%
Eastern Plaguelands: Borelgore - 0.8% ; Spirocula - 0.6% ; Carrion Grub - 0.4% ; Carrion Devourer - 0.4%
Felwood: The Ongar - 0.3% ; Cursed Ooze - 1.3% ; Oily Sludge - 1.3% ; Dilennaa - 1.2% ; Tainted Ooze - 1% ; Vile Ooze - 0.4%
Hillsbrad Foothills: Chet the Slime-Breeder - 1% ; Blight Slime - 0.6% ; Angry Blight Slime - 0.4%
New Tinkertown/Dun Morogh: Toxic Sludge - (Drop seen 2 times)
Northern Barrens: Sludge Anomaly - 0.3%
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave: Rotting Sludge - 10% ; Living Decay - 9%
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj: Flesh Hunter - 23%
Shimmering Expanse: Nespirah Fluid - 0.06 - 0.08%
Silithus: Dredge Crusher - 8% ; Dredge Striker - 8% ; Grubthor - 6% ; Cyclone Warrior - 0.03% ; Desert Rumbler - 0.01% ; Sand Skitterer - 0.01% ; Stonelash Scorpid - 0.01%
Stonetalon Mountains: Sap Beast - 1.3% ; Corrupted Sap Beast - 0.04%
Swamp of Sorrows: Shifting Mireglob - 8%
Tanaris: Noxious Tunneler - 0.9% ; Dune Worm - 0.02%
The Hinterlands: Green Sludge - 0.9% ; Jade Ooze - 0.8% ; The Direglob - 0.4%
Un'Goro Crater: Cloned Ooze - 9% ; Glutinous Ooze - 8% ; Primal Ooze - 6%
Westfall: Chasm Slime - 0.5%
Wetlands: Black Ooze - 0.9% ; Silty Oozeling - 0.8% ; Smouldering Ooze - 0.8% ; Slavering Ooze - 0.4% ; Sludginn - 0.03%
Winterspring: Coldlurk Burrower - 8% ; Dimensional Ooze - 8% ; The Deep Tunneler - 4% ; Boiling Springbubble - 2%
Last Update: 2023-05-22 03:28:20 (Patch 10.1)
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