
Ярмарка Новолуния

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Last updated 2024-05-06

Ярмарка Новолуния проходит каждый месяц. Вы сможете найти там множество заданий, призов, в том числе и 2 задания битвы питомцев.

Обе битвы против Кристофа фон Физеля и Джереми Физеля (который в реальности является разработчиком, ответственным за битвы питомцев) хорошо подходят для прокачки ваших маленьких питомцев. С небольшим шансом из мешочков за победу вы сможете получить питомцев:

Око Новолуния
Кальмар Вольдемар

Шанс выпадения, конечно, небольшой, но всегда есть аукцион. В любом случае мы желаем вам удачи с получением питомцев! :-)

Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets.
Depending on the amount of fights in the section, this can take up to a minute to process.


написал на 2022-01-02 19:06:00

Does anyone know why Darkmoon Faire is no longer on the wow calendar? I can't find any news about it being gone, but its not up or shown on the entire 2022 wow calendar.


написал на 2022-01-03 09:37:15

It's a known bug, and Blizzard have said they are working on it



написал на 2021-08-07 17:22:48

I'm not sure if something recently changed regarding Christoph/Jeremy, but for the first time in nearly a year of doing the daily DMF Pet Battles with the same team, the strategies failed me. I lost against Christoph, and had to use my leveling pet to finish off Jeremy. I've never lost any of the battles that I've done at the Darkmoon Faire since I began doing them everyday last year, and this includes doing them for the last 6 days without coming close to losing. For reference, I use the Broom/IronStar and MPD/Molt.Corgi teams.


написал на 2021-03-10 01:03:22

Can anyone share the strats for the Ellek Plushie please I cant find them.


написал на 2021-03-10 22:09:08

All the Awfully Big Adventure strategies can be found here:


Lamba написал на 2020-07-11 12:49:20

Pandaren Machanical Dragonling (122)
Darkmoon Tonk (112)
Carry pet

Do AoE thing and breath until Judgment dies. Then decoy, AoE thing and breath until Dragonling dies. Put in carry when Fezwick enters (as he will always stun first) and swap in Darkmoon tonk right away to kill Fezwick.

Necro написал на 2019-04-09 06:35:10

I use mech dragoling, iron star and ragnaros for both fights so i dont have to bother siwtching teams


написал на 2018-11-09 14:13:10

do you think it's better to have a second tonk, zepplin or go after the other vendor pets?


написал на 2018-08-08 15:05:05

Why no guide though?


написал на 2018-09-02 14:42:55

@Stefan#26151: I think I understand your confusion, since it's easy to skip over. Look in the top-left corner of this page for the blue button "Main Article" (but don't click it!). Beneath that button are two other buttons, one for Jeremy Feasel and the other for Christoph VonFeasel.


написал на 2018-11-08 09:46:25

Oh my bad. Thanks for clearing that up!


написал на 2017-12-09 11:45:16

would there be any way to update the rdy checker listing the pets for the strats to include the 2 needed for strat 1 on christoph von feasel, as i checked here when preparing to lvl my pets for darkmoon fair dailies and found myself lacking a fox for christoph as it turns out i had a couple spare lvling stones and a beast rare upgrade stone but would be nice for other ppl to know you need a fox lvl 25 and iron starlette lvl 25 for strat 1 on christoph...otherwise great guide and love your site Aranesh!

Malekith написал на 2017-03-08 12:39:18

For Jeremy Feasel I'm using Nexus Whelping against Judgment (repeated Tail Sweep) and to start Arcane Storm, Fel Flame against Honky-Tonk and using Gnome against Fezwick (with Arcane Storm to avoid be stun with his Clobber.

Laceyruby написал на 2017-03-10 21:48:58

I would like to know your strat because i don't have a leveled Mechincal Axebeak.

Nick написал на 2017-02-16 13:24:16

i have a fool proof strat i use each time. its failed once because the npc used a different ability first this week, so its 99% fool proof.

how do i submit a full strat for these 2?


написал на 2017-02-16 17:44:21

You can send me a mail :) Link is on the top left corner of the page

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