
Guia de Super-Nivelamento

Powerleveling ou Super Nivelamento são técnicas para turbinar o seu "up" (subir o nível) dos mascotes.
Este guia irá ajuda-lo a subir de nível diversos mascotes em um dia (com muita rapidez), basta um pouco de paciência e muitas bandagens!

A maneira mais eficaz de subir o nível de mascotes (além de usar Pedras de Treinamento) é lutar contra treinadores. A maioria desses encontros concede 5 vezes mais experiência do que derrotar mascotes selvagens.
Infelizmente, muitos deles são limitados a apenas uma luta por dia. Portanto, precisamos de treinadores que possamos desafiar repetidamente para usá-los para o 'super-nivelamento'.

Iremos listá-los aqui e também fornecer dicas para esse super-nivelamento.

1. Treinadores Repetíveis

1.1 Tampinha

Como ela é a mais famosa e melhor domadora para o super-nivelamento, ela merece seu próprio tópico. Existem estratégias que permitem vencê-la em 70 segundos. Em cima disso, ao lado dela está um NPC que pode curar seus mascotes de graça após cada luta. Infelizmente Tampinha não concede mais experiência ao personagem do jogador.

Você pode encontrá-la a cada 15 dias no viveiro de sua guarnição. Um viveiro de nível 1 servirá mas isso requer uma guarnição de nível 3 com antecedência. Construir o viveiro de mascotes também irá recompensá-lo com um Pedra de Treinamento de Batalha Máximo que pode aumentar o nível do seu mascote diretamente para o 25.

Estratégia Recomendada:
Orgulhíneo Voraz + Cacareco, o Extinto
Duração da luta: ~1:10
Rápido, confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Dias da Tampinha em 2021:

1.2 Domadores de Legião

Alguns dos domadores de Legião (quase todos necessários para 'Família dos Familiares') também podem ser desafiados várias vezes e dar 5x a experiência (assim como a Tampinha).
Vale a pena dar uma olhada em suas missões mundiais ativas porque só então eles estarão disponíveis para lutar.
Infelizmente, sua aparição é decidida aleatoriamente, então você não pode planejar com antecedência quando desafiá-los.

Como esses domadores não ficam próximos de Mestres de Estábulos, você deve trazer Bandagem de Mascote de Batalha suficientes com você.
Ao derrotar esses domadores seu personagem também ganha experiência e por isso as lutas curtas se tornaram um método popular para nivelamento.
Ativando o Modo de Guerra, você pode ganhar (dependendo do seu nível, pois você pode começar no nível 1) quase tanta experiência fazendo isso como se tivesse completando uma missão.

Segue uma lista de domadores, junto com a estratégia recomendada e ordenados pela eficiencia no nivelamento:

Missão Mundial: Luta de Lesmas!
Localização: Alta Montanha
Estratégia Recomendada:
Val'kyr Não Nascida + Gorilinha P/P
Duração da luta: ~1:00
Rápido, confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Estas lutas dificilmente precisam de bandagens:
Xu-Fu, Filhote de Xuen
Duração da luta: ~1:35
Duração da luta: ~1:45

Sir Galveston
Missão Mundial: Noite de Luta: Sir Galveston
Localização: Dalaran
Estratégia Recomendada:
Escriba da Corte + Rebentador
Duração da luta: ~1:05
Rápido, confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Tiffany Nelson
Missão Mundial: Noite de Luta: Tiffany Nelson
Localização: Dalaran
Estratégia Recomendada:
Ajudante Pútrido do Inverno + Zih'co S/S
Duração da luta: ~1:10
Poucas chances de falha, mas rápidos e seguros para mascotes nível 1.

Robert Craig
Missão Mundial: Ordens da minha fera
Localização: Trommheim
Estratégia Recomendada:
Dragonetinha Filho da Tempestade + Estrelita de Ferro
Duração da luta: ~1:15
Rápido, confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Rydyr ou Andurs
Missão Mundial: Feras do Fardo
Localização: Trommheim
Estratégia Recomendada:
Microdefensor Draeneico + Qualquer mascote com Explodir
Duração da luta: ~0:30
Estratégia Recomendada:
Estrelita de Ferro
Duração da luta: ~0:40
Nota: Só pode ser repetido se você lutar contra apenas um deles, então você deve escolher qual deles deseja usar para o nivelamento.
Depois de completar esta missão mundial, você não pode desafiá-los novamente!
Você obtém menos experiência deles do que obteria dos outros domadores listados aqui. Em troca, essas estratégias são confiáveis e muito rápidas.
Como essas lutas são curtas, você precisará de mais bandagens (ou mais times).

Korpu Bronzyado
Missão Mundial: Noite de Luta: Korpu Bronzyado
Localização: Dalaran
Estratégia Recomendada:
Serviçal de Dêmidos + Dragonete Mecânico Pandarênico
Duração da luta: ~1:20
Rápido, confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Missão Mundial: Noite de Luta: Amália
Localização: Dalaran
Estratégia Recomendada:
Ranishu Raquítico + Escumeiro do Caos
Duração da luta: ~1:25
Poucas chances de falha, mas rápidos e seguros para mascotes nível 1.
Esta luta dificilmente precisa de bandagens!

Missão Mundial: Dando um jeito nos sátiros
Localização: Val'sharah
Estratégia Recomendada:
Dragonetinho Brônzeo S/S + Dragonete Mecânico Pandarênico
Duração da luta: ~1:25
Poucas chances de falha, mas rápidos e seguros para mascotes nível 1.

Grixis Espoquito
Missão Mundial: Pequeno larápio, pequenos animais
Localização: Alta Montanha
Estratégia Recomendada:
Ajudante do Papai Inverno + + Dragonete Mecânico Pandarênico
Duração da luta: ~1:30
Rápido e seguro para mascotes nível 1, mas há uma chance de falha se o inimigo der crítico

Coureador Jarrun
Missão Mundial: A escada de Jarrun
Localização: Trommheim
Estratégia Recomendada:
Espreitador das Profundezas Tremespinha P/S + Zepelim de Negraluna
Duração da luta: ~1:40
Confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Missão Mundial: Em pedacinhos
Localização: Suramar
Estratégia Recomendada:
Nanico do Kun-Lai P/S or P/B + Filhote de Bicaustero
Duração da luta: ~1:40
Confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Vigia da Noite Merayl
Missão Mundial: Treinamento com os Vigias da Noite
Localização: Azsuna
Estratégia Recomendada:
Anômalus + Micromante
Duração da luta: ~1:45 (ou até 1:30 se o mascote em nivelamento sobreviver)
Marmota Furtiva + Dragonetinho Brônzeo
Duração da luta: ~2:10
Confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Bredda Courotenro
Missão Mundial: Treinamento com Bredda
Localização: Alta Montanha
Estratégia Recomendada:
Aranha Mecânica Reconstruída + Microrrobô XD
Duração da luta: ~1:50
Confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

Missão Mundial: O mestre dos mascotes
Localização: Suramar
Estratégia Recomendada:
Bicortante Mecânico + Dragoletinha
Duração da luta: ~1:55
Confiável e seguro para mascotes nível 1.

2. Outras possibilidades

Todos os domadores listados acima devem estar ativos para serem usados para nivelar o dia inteiro. Então, que alternativas existem para os dias em que eles não estão disponíveis?

2.1 Domadores Dignos de Nota

Conforme descrito no início, esses treinadores oferecem muito mais experiência do que mascotes selvagens (aqueles que ficam soltos pelo mundo).
Portanto, vale a pena lutar contra aqueles que também dão 5x (5 vezes) mais a experiência (assim como a Tampinha), mesmo que sejam confrontáveis apenas uma vez por dia.
É certo que é preciso contar com um tempo considerável para andar por aí. Por outro lado você pode obter, além da experiência obviamente, outras recompensas úteis (até mascotes) e as buscas diárias garantem muita experiência ao seu personagem. Especialmente as rotas diárias por Pandária e Draenor são populares por esse motivo. Frequentemente, os personagens estão parados em Crysa e Ambienteiro Berto ou mesmo na Feira de Negraluna sempre que estiver ativa.

Missões Diárias de Draenor

* Ashlei (até 6x mais de experiência)
* Gargra
* Cymre Gumélion
* Taralune
* Vesharr
* Tarr, o Terrível
Mapa Maior

Missões Diárias de Pandária

* Hyuna dos Altares
* Fazendeira Nishi
* Mo'ruk
* Corajoso Yon
* Perscrutador Zusshi
* Ermâmbulo Shu
* Aki, a Escolhida
* Espírito Pandaren Sussurrante
* Espírito Pandaren Trovejante
* Espírito Pandaren Flamejante
* Espírito Pandaren Fluido
Mapa Maior

Missões Diárias da Feira de Negraluna

* Jeremy Feasel
* Cristovão VonFasel

Missões Diárias dos Reinos do Leste e Kalimdor

* Crysa
* Ambienteiro Berto

Outras Lutas de Legião (não repetíveis para mesmo personagem, também precisa ter a missão mundial)

* Orbe Encantador
Missão Mundial: Estonteado e confuso e adorável
Localização: Azsuna
* Fragmento do Fogo
Missão Mundial: Só animais podem impedir incêndios florestais
Localização: Val'sharah
* Sistema de Defesa Omnitron
Missão Mundial: Oh, Ominitron
Localização: Trommheim
* Durian Frutaforte
Missão Mundial: Treinamento com Durian
Localização: Val'sharah
* Vidente Almavil
Missão Mundial: Fios do destino
Localização: Suramar
* Cristal de Mana Súbito
Missão Mundial: Transfusão de Mana
Localização: Suramar
* Ovos da Catacumba Ancestral
Missão Mundial: Limpe as catacumbas
Localização: Suramar
* Sissix
Missão Mundial: Mestres Illidari: Sissix
Localização: A Costa Partida
* Madame Viciosa
Missão Mundial: Mestres Illidari: Madame Viciosa
Localização: A Costa Partida
* Místico Sem-nome
Missão Mundial: Mestres Illidari: Místico Sem-nome
Localização: A Costa Partida

2.2 Mascotes Selvagens

Claro que você poderia ir para todos os domadores restantes, mas por causa da experiência cada vez menor você chegará a um ponto em que o tempo para viajar não vale a pena mais (mesmo com a experiência do personagem e outras coisas). Além disso, esses outros podem ser combatidos apenas uma vez por dia.
Se você ainda está procurando uma maneira irrestrita de nivelar seus mascotes, só resta a opção de lutar contra mascotes selvagens.

Nessa situação, é melhor encontrar um local em que haja o maior número possível de mascotes previsíveis de uma família, de modo que seja fácil criar uma equipe que possa combater melhor esses mascotes.

O jeito mais rápido da Selva

A alternativa mais rápida é lutar com Filhote de Friospinha na Serra Fogofrio.
Com o seguinte time você precisa de apenas 30-60 segundos para uma luta e seus mascotes mal perderão vida de modo a poderem ser usado mais vezes antes de precisar cura-los.

*Ajudante Pútrido do Inverno (1,1,1)
*Familiar Felino(1,1,1)
*Mascote de nivelamento (deve ter entre 300-500 de vida)

vs. Filhote de Friospinha
-Presentes Traiçoeiros
-Presente do Greench
-Clavada até o inimigo morrer
vs. 2º oponente
-Clavada até o inimigo morrer
vs. 3º oponente
-troque para seu mascote de nivelamento
-troque para Familiar Felino
-Mordida de Ônix até que o inimigo seja morto com Devorar

change(#3) [enemy(#3).active & !self(#3).played]
change(#2) [self(#3).active]

ability(Booby-Trapped Presents:1080) [enemy(#1).active]
ability(Greench's Gift:1076) [enemy(#1).active]
ability(Stoneskin:436) [!self.aura(Stoneskin:435).exists & enemy.hpp=100]

if [enemy(#3).active & enemy.type=5 & !enemy.aura(Survive:284).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=768 & !enemy.aura(Crouch:164).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=384 & enemy.aura(Crouch:164).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=960 & self.aura(Beast:237).exists & !enemy.aura(Crouch:164).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=480 & self.aura(Beast:237).exists & enemy.aura(Crouch:164).exists]

if [enemy(#3).active & enemy.type=3]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=338]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=422 & self.aura(Beast:237).exists]


Obrigado ao Vakeetah pela maravilhosa estratégia e ao Shenk pelo TDScript!

Outros Locais e Mascotes dignos de nota

* Dançarina Pata-leve na Vale das Flores Eternas (~80% aquaticos e ~20% voadores)
* Filhote de Friospinha na Serra do Fogofrio (~50% feras, ~25% bichos e ~25% voadores)
* Caranguejo Conchaluna no Vale da Lua Negra (Draenor) (~50% aquaticos, ~30% voadores e 20% feras)
* Bichos no Vale dos Quatro Ventos (80% bichos e 20% aquaticos)
Especialmente o Violinista do Pântanos, são bons para nivelar mascotes do nível 1, pois há uma chance muito pequena de causarem dano no primeiro turno.
* Dracossinho em Dragonblight (~40% voadores, 30% bichos e 30% aquaticos)
Também é bom pelo mesmo motivo. Também tem um mestre de estábulo perto (no templo) que deixa o nivelamento ainda melhor.

É claro que você mesmo pode procurar bons locais. É tudo uma questão de ter os mascotes certos para combater os selvagens.
Por exemplo, para lutar com mascotes aquáticos, tanto Penáurea Dourada quanto Pterrorzinho são adequados e contra bichos, todos os gatos com Devorar serão ótimos.
O Familiar Felino é ainda eficiente contra voadores e bichos, ele tem uma proteção forte e também uma habilidade de cura (Devorar), que é a razão pela qual ele é popular para nivelamento mundo afora.
Para fornecer um lugar seguro para o seu mascote em nivelamento, um Peru (e suas variações) pode fazer qualquer alvo que não seja do tipo bicho dormir com Coma Gastronômico. Um Javali de Gelo Mecânico Realista pode usar Isca no lugar, e se curar com Glutonaria. Quanto a ser lento ou rápido, depende se você irá trocar/usar um terceiro mascotes na luta ou não.

3. Dicas e macetes

3.1 Aumentando a Experiência

Embora a maioria dos domadores já conceda muita experiência, pode ser útil aumentá-la ainda mais. Todos os seguintes aumentos podem empilhar:

Aumento de Experiência

*Chapéu de Safari: 10% mais experiência.
É um brinquedo que você pode usar sem tempo de recarga. Você ganha ele como recompensa da conquista Domando o mundo.
*Guloseima para Mascotes Inferior: 25% mais experiência por uma hora.
Usa o mascote como alvo, mas funciona como um buff em você. Disponível em vários vendedores de mascotes por 5 PatuáS de Mascote Polido.
*Guloseima para Mascotes: 50% mais experiência por uma hora.
Usa o mascote como alvo, mas funciona como um buff em você. Disponível em vários vendedores de mascotes por 10 Patuás de Mascote Polido (ou uma moeda do torneio celestial).
*Cartola de Negraluna: 10% mais experiência por uma hora.
Você pode comprar do Gelvas Portassuja por 10 Cupons Premiados enquanto a Feira de Negraluna está ativa. O buff pode acabar enquanto o personagem está desconectado e ele também desaparece quando a Feira termina.

Durante o período do Evento Bônus de Batalha de Mascotes você ganha um bonus de 200% na experiência de mascotes! Fique atendo ao calendário e prepare seus times.

3.2 Número de Lutas Necessárias

Dependendo do aumento de experiência ativo, você irá precisar de diferentes quantidades de lutas para nivelar um mascotes do nível 1 ao 25.

Essa lista se aplica para cada domador que dá 5x de experiência (ou seja, para todos domadores listados neste guia com exceção do Andurs/Rydyr, Ashlei e, claro, as batalhas contra mascotes selvagens):

Sem qualquer aumento:
1a luta: 10
2a luta: 15
3a luta: 18
4a luta: 21
5a luta: 23
6a luta: 24
7a luta: 25

Com o Chapéu de Safari:
1a luta: 11
2a luta: 16
3a luta: 19
4a luta: 22
5a luta: 23
6a luta: 25

Com o Chapéu de Safari e Guloseimas de 25%:
1a luta: 12
2a luta: 17
3a luta: 22
4a luta: 23
5a luta: 25

Com o Chapéu de Safari e Guloseimas de 50%:
1a luta: 13
2a luta: 19
3a luta: 22
4a luta: 25

Com o Chapéu de Safari e as duas Guloseimas:
1a luta: 14
2a luta: 20
3a luta: 24
4a luta: 25

Durante o Evento de Batalha de Mascotes, sem qualquer outro aumento:
1a luta: 17
2a luta: 24
3a luta: 25

Durante o Evento de Batalha de Mascotes, com o Chapéu de Safari:
1a luta: 17
2a luta: 25

Durante o Evento de Batalha de Mascotes, com o Chapéu de Safari e qualquer Guloseima:
1a luta: 19
2a luta: 25

3.3 Addons

Especialmente em uma sessão de powerleveling quando você está constantemente repetindo as mesmas lutas, é recomendado o uso de uma certa combinação de addons. Com eles, é possível executar uma batalha inteira de animais de estimação apenas pressionando um botão.

Primeiro você precisa do Rematch e TD-Script para facilitar muito suas lutas.
Como instalar e usar esses addons é descrito aqui:
Guia: Usando Rematch + TD-Script

Assim que tiver esses dois funcionando, você pode adicionar o "UltraSquirt" para acelerar e simplificar a cura de seus animais de estimação e reiniciar uma luta.
O addon funciona para Squirt (incluindo cura através do PNJ próximo!), assim como para as lutas de treinador repetíveis da legião.

Agora tudo que você precisa fazer é pressionar a barra de espaço (configuração padrão) para aumentar o nível de seus mascotes sem nunca ter que pressionar qualquer outra coisa.
Uma vez que você tem que apertar um botão para cada ação, não é um processo automático e, portanto, não viola os termos da Blizzard.

Boa sorte!


escreveu em 2024-04-26 01:53:35

For Icespine Hatchling I use:

Leveling Pet
Unborn Val'kyr
Thunderfoot Calf (P/P) *DF

I script the start round by round, then just go by priority. You can also do the same with an explode pet + Stormie, Spectral Porcupette or Chrominius.

Import String:
Icespine 01:2J0B:ZL:222616M:212437M:

quit [!self(#3).exists & round=1]
use(#1) [round=1]
change(#2) [round=2]
change(#2) [round=3]
use(Shadow Shock) [round=3]
use(Shadow Shock) [round=4]
use(Unholy Ascension) [round=5]

if [enemy(Icespine Hatchling).active]

if [enemy.type=5]
-- Critters
use(Horn Attack) [enemy.hp>=400]
use(Soulrush) [enemy.hp>=400]

if [enemy(Twilight Wasp).active]
use(Soulrush) [enemy.hp>=400]

change(next) [self(#3).dead]
use(#1) (edited)


escreveu em 2024-04-06 14:09:16

I wrote a script for powerleveling in Wyrmrest Temple using
Brightpaw & Fledgling Nether Ray (or any pets having those abilities)

# Pet Battle Scripts
# Version: 2
# Name: Wyrmcrest Temple Powerleveling
# Data: XjFeVF5TcGx1Z2luXlNSZW1hdGNoXlNrZXleU3RlYW06MTdeU2V4dHJhXlNXeXJtY3Jlc3R+YFRlbXBsZX5gUG93ZXJsZXZlbGluZzo6Wkw6MTExQjFEUToxMjFBRzk6XnReXg==
# Code Start
if[enemy(Dragonbone Hatchling:537).active]
standby [round=1]

if[enemy(Dragonbone Hatchling:537).active]

if[enemy(Dragonbone Hatchling:537).active]
use(Arcane Blast:421)

if[enemy(Strand Crab:401).active]

if[enemy(Strand Crab:401).active]
use(Slicing Wind:420)

if[enemy(Arctic Hare:641).active]

if[enemy(Arctic Hare:641).active]

if[enemy(Tundra Penguin:536).active]

if[enemy(Tundra Penguin:536).active]
use(Slicing Wind:420)
# Code End


escreveu em 2024-03-28 13:16:36

To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such an informative guide. The only thing I would add is an article about pet leveling. I often use this site and I think it complements this guide quite well. (edited)


escreveu em 2024-03-28 15:27:32

Your link goes to a Classic character levelling guide,. I'd be interested to see another pet powerlevelling guide, though I don't think this one misses anything. (edited)


escreveu em 2024-03-30 16:07:23

Oh, yes, I accidentally attached the wrong link, my apologies


escreveu em 2024-03-02 05:12:35

For anyone who came here to check in on when the next "Super Squirt" date is... this is now located on the front page of the site. you will see a picture of squirt there upper left hand box and a list of dates


escreveu em 2024-02-09 07:46:37

has the xp from the legion quests been nerfed recently ? It seems that pets are leveling to 11 instead of 17 with a single fight.


escreveu em 2024-02-09 08:19:01

I did a couple of pets this (pet) week, and XP was normal.

Butr not all Legion battles give full XP - only the 3-pet tamer ones. Which battle left you short?


escreveu em 2024-02-09 08:39:59

oh I see, might be the issue indeed. thanks!


escreveu em 2023-05-28 17:39:36

This script will print, which quests from the section "1.2 Tamers from Legion" are available - Copy, paste & execute it by a single line at a time (if you don't have a paste plugin):

/run qids={41687,40298,40278,40277,41860,41935,42442,40299,40282,41944,42159,41990,40279,40280,41895}
/run RWQW=C_QuestLog.RemoveWorldQuestWatch AWQW=C_QuestLog.AddWorldQuestWatch IQFC=C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted GTFQI=C_QuestLog.GetTitleForQuestID
/run function isWQAvailable(qid) RWQW(qid) local isAvailable=AWQW(qid) RWQW(qid) local isCompleted=IQFC(qid) return isAvailable or isCompleted end
/run for _,qid in ipairs(qids) do print(isWQAvailable(qid) and qid.." - "..GTFQI(qid).." is available." or qid.." is not available") end

For those who are suspicious of lua code posted by a stranger (and rightly so!) note that I only use functions from C_QuestLog

Feel free to copy / use the script wherever you like. (edited)


escreveu em 2024-02-08 20:19:16

That script seems to exceed the character limit when I try to paste it, though I might be doing something wrong.


escreveu em 2024-01-05 19:48:55

Unless the calendar changes, the 2024 North American "Super Squirt" dates are:
Monday, February 12,
Thursday, March 28,
Sunday, August 25, and
Wednesday, October 9 (this is potentially the first date to level a significant number of War Within pets) (edited)


escreveu em 2023-12-15 04:14:05

can we get an update to this guide? their seems to be a better team for power leveling and the squirt dates are running out soon.


escreveu em 2023-12-15 05:17:04

There are a LOT or teams for powerlevelling. Each battle has one. If you think you know a better team thaan the recommended one for some particular battle, by all means say so. But you also have to contend with what constitutes "better", and that can get subjective, or conditional.

As for 2024 dates, I'm sure they will get updated soon.


escreveu em 2023-08-16 15:36:38

Hey. Just to let you know, the recommended strategy for Durian leads to an error 404. :)


escreveu em 2023-08-12 17:17:54

There is an error on the current schedule for September 2023. It says Friday the 15th (correct) and then Saturday the 29th (incorrect). It should say Saturday the 30th. (edited)


escreveu em 2023-04-10 20:28:01

If you have a second account, on a second screen and you set UltraSquirt to MouseWheelDown, all you have to do is every now and again mouse over the screen and run the scroll wheel down (which is an action) for it to battle, without having to click off of your main screen, just make sure you log into that account first so it has Pet Battle control. (edited)


escreveu em 2022-09-29 04:48:24


Durian used to not allow multiple battles. He does now! (edited)


escreveu em 2023-03-01 04:40:42

Later news: according to reports, Durian now allows multiple battles, like the other Legion Family tamers. Yay!

Paul escreveu em 2023-01-14 16:32:24

For Varenne in the world quest Chopped, I found you only have to heal every second battle, saving over 1/2 of your bandages (since you use the free heal every 8 mins)!


escreveu em 2023-01-01 20:57:07

For the 2.2 "Fastest Option in the Wilderness" in this guide.
If your pet/s is/are Level 1, as mine were, you can use pets with Explodir ability.
Since your pet HP is less than the hit he'll take once swapped in, you need to NOT get him in the fight.
That's where the Explodir ability comes in handy.
As long as you 3rd pet is the only one alive he'll get ALL the XP.
He'll be level 8 once the fight is done.
Then you can continue with the suggested team and abilities from the guide or keep using the Explodir strategy but it'll cost you more bandages.
You could also buy/use battle stones to level him a bit, i didn't have one.
Hope it helps.

I used Zepelim de Negraluna (2,2,1) and Catalixo Tintilante (1,1,2).
I usually kill the 1st pet with Zepelim de Negraluna with Explodir (Enemy HP<618)
I kill the second one with Catalixo Tintilante abilities other than Explodir
The third one with Explodir. (edited)


escreveu em 2022-06-16 06:09:08

Just come back to wow after a long timeout ;) - But I wonder if all has change now, with 2 buff foods and safari hat I did a test in garrison on Manos and his pals ... but my lvl 1 only got 201 exp after 1 fight and he needed to be in the fight ... maybe I dont remember this right, but was it not ok that the lvl 1 just was in the setup before?


escreveu em 2022-06-16 06:17:41

The XP for all Garrison battles except Squirt has been nerfed to the ground. To the ground, and then there was a hole dug under the ground to make it even lower.

That's the change you're seeing.

If you want to Powerlevel, as this document explains at great length, Legion repeatable tamers are where you want to look first. Yes, Squirt Day is nice, but that's once every two weeks. There is a high-XP Legion tamer up about half the time, or more, so that's your first option.

If not that, you can do a circuit of Draenor or Pandaria Tamers.


escreveu em 2022-06-16 06:37:11

Thx for the reply. Just to be clear here now as it have been a long time ago I have done this ... Squirt was the little girl in Garrison .. right?


escreveu em 2022-06-16 07:23:16

Yup. Squirt was the little girl who acted as the tamer for one of the battles: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/9236/Deebs,_Tyri_and_Puzzle

Squirt still gives full XP, but all the others give almost nothing, as you discovered.


escreveu em 2022-06-16 08:12:58

Then I remember some still ;) ... but it says on the page that it is squirt today 16/6 in EU .. but I dont have her here. What can have happen?


escreveu em 2022-06-16 08:20:39

Ahh - when I look now, then she was there, so the next Q will be this .... what time are they change to new tamer in garrison again?


escreveu em 2022-06-16 08:50:46

They change at daily reset, which is, I think 9am realm time in all regions.


escreveu em 2022-06-16 10:04:44

Thx, this info is important to me


escreveu em 2022-06-16 10:09:31

Well, if it's important, check it out. Look at one of your Callings and see the number of hours left, or check the number of hours left in a raid lock or something. AFAIR, the time changes with Winter and Summer time, and I'm not certain it changes at the same time for everyone. Check it with your own WoW clock to be certain.


escreveu em 2022-01-04 05:05:16

I found what I think is a pretty good strat for levelling in the wild in Shadowlands. I go to Bastion and engage with the flying pets, specifically the Vibrant Glimmerfly.

Starts with MPD > build decoy, shuffle in lvl pet for 1 round. Swap to NW > Arcane Storm/Mana surge on CD. If you need to bring in MPD again, which you shouldn’t, Decoy/TB/Breath till done. I usually only have to heal up every 2-3 fights. Mostly with Revive Battle Pets, but I do use some bandages occasionally.

1) Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling Skills: 1 2 2
2) Nexus Whelpling Skills: 2 2 2
3) Leveling pet – lvl 1 approved


change(#3) [self(#1).played & !self(#2).played]
change(#2) [self(#3).active]
use(Arcane Storm:589)
use(Mana Surge:489)
use(Frost Breath:782)
change(#1) [self(#2).dead]



escreveu em 2022-01-29 23:19:20

Worked like a charm. Thank you!


escreveu em 2022-02-06 03:34:08

My pleasure! Glad it worked for you too!


escreveu em 2021-12-22 09:38:49

Just as an FYI, There appears to be no Super Squirt days (pet bonus event + Squirt in the garrison) in 2022 for America & Oceanic, and 3 for EU (3/18, 7/1, 9/14)

Edit: listed the EU days without taking into account that their weekly events are on a different rotation than the US, (edited)


escreveu em 2022-01-06 08:07:30

Well this is a bunch of crap! (US guy here)


escreveu em 2022-01-06 13:29:46



escreveu em 2021-08-03 10:04:24

The main page of this website says the next Squirt day is 8/12 but the table on this page says 8/11. Does anyone know which is correct? Thanks!

Liquorice escreveu em 2021-02-12 14:05:36

I think people put too much emphasis on super squirt day given it only comes up once or twice a year. Legion fights (esp. Odrogg, Tiffany and Sir Galveston) are just as fast to run, they usually come up at least once during each event week, and they award about 4100 character experience in addition to levelling your pets.

Their disadvantages? You need bandages. But that's a pretty reasonable price to pay for the xp gain.


escreveu em 2021-03-02 10:06:35

You get 1.5% XP on your character, so 67 repeatable fights are enough to go up 1 level :)


escreveu em 2021-03-16 06:19:08

I agree :)


escreveu em 2021-04-10 23:28:53

Does anyone know what level the alt has to be to get Dalaran pet battle as an option? I've tried a bunch of alts and they are too low for WQ. Is it only non- WQ e.g. family familiar that low alts can do? thank you :) your tip got me thinking but I'm not able to figure this out from the guides :)


escreveu em 2021-04-11 03:06:56

Yes, only the family familiar tamers (so mostly the powerlevel tamers with the exception of Durian and Andurs/Rydyr).

Level 1 is enough, if you get there. (edited)


escreveu em 2021-07-27 18:22:46

I've leveled two characters from 50 to 60 from just doing legion pet battles. i would agree that the legion pet battles are much better than super squirt day. Amalia being the best fight that you don't need any bandages.


escreveu em 2019-08-31 20:47:44

Re: Icespine Hatchling Lvl Pet Boost
Hi all! After much trial and error, I finally made my very first tdscript of which I use quite frequently on Icespine Hatchlings right outside my Garrison in Frostfire Ridge in Draenor to boost level 1 pets to mid to higher levels. Mainly from 1 to 8 during Pet Battle Week and twice for each pet during non-PB weeks. Most of the credit goes toward the info from XuFu, first provided by Vakeetah-Dragonblight-EU (as per Grainne's back-end research on the topic), as I used Rotten Little Helper (1,1,1) to get through the first two Enemy pets of the fight. The rest I used my Darkmoon Zepellin (1,1,2) and level 1+ Battle Pet.
This method is pretty fool-proof, unless you get cursed with all rare enemy pets against. Then it'll probably fail. o.o
Anyway, here are my actual notes on the fight: =)

Slot #1: Rotten Little Helper (1,1,1)
Slot #2: Darkmoon Zepellin (1,1,2)
Slot #3: Level Pet 1+

vs Icespine Hatchling
Turn1 Booby-Trapped Presents
Turn2 Greench's Gift
Turn3+ Club until dead
vs Enemy2
Turn4+ Club until dead
vs Enemy3
Turn5 Change to Darkmoon Zeppelin
Turn6 Bombing Run
Turn7 Decoy
Turn8 Change to Leveling Pet
Turn9 Change to Rotten Little Helper
Turn10 Greench's Gift
Turn11+ Club until dead

And here is the tdscript:
quit [self(#1).dead & self(#2).dead]
quit [self(#3).dead]

if [enemy(#1).active]
use(Booby-Trapped Presents) [self.round=1]
use(Greench's Gift) [self.round=2]

if [enemy(#2).active]

if [enemy(#3).active]
change(#2) [enemy(#3).hp.full]
use(Bombing Run)
change(#3) [self(#2).active]
standby [enemy(#3).active & self(#3).active & !self(#3).played]
change(#1) [!enemy.hp.full]
use(Greench's Gift) [self.round=1]
I apologize if it's messy or if someone else came up with this method first. I just wanted to share an easier way to give your level 1 battle pets a little boost for later use during DMF and other pet battles that make it difficult level battle pets that cannot be level 1. Hope that helps!

Credit goes to Vakeetah-Dragonblight-EU, Grainne, XuFu, T0liman's Link, & Patf0rd's http://patf0rd.mygamesonline.org/?p=952 websit

~*Edit*~ 9/1/19 - Added Pet Slots because... duh! >.< Moved credits to bottom. Also, the reasoning behind using the Darkmoon Tonk instead of the Feline Familiar is to save on Bandages. I averaged about 5-6 fights before feeling the need to use the auto-heal or a Bandage. If Enemy #3 has the Stampede ability, don't worry if it breaks the Tonk's Decoy! Your Level 1 pet will take roughly 40% to 50% damage and will live to make the change back to Pet #1. (edited)


escreveu em 2021-05-25 06:03:06

Thank you for this! I could not get the strat mentioned in the powerlvl guide to work. Yours worked like a charm!


escreveu em 2021-02-11 07:07:59

It's pet week right now, and Beasts of Burden is up. It's a super fast fight, but it doesn't seem to give extra xp from pet week at all. With both buff foods, it still takes 4 fights to get from 1 to 24.

Liquorice escreveu em 2021-02-12 14:06:29

Yes, I think Blizzard nerfed the pet xp because of the speed of the fights.


escreveu em 2021-02-12 18:42:04

This is the note for the Andurs & Ryder fight:

You get less experience from them then you would get from the other tamers listed here. In return these strategies are reliable and really fast.
Since these are short fights you'll need more bandages (or more teams). (edited)


escreveu em 2020-12-23 08:08:00

u sure Ultra squirt addon is not considered as botting? with how it makes u run there to heal pretty much could be >< its co convenient but i am scared of get a ban


escreveu em 2020-12-23 10:17:43

All actual legitimate addons you will find on Curseforge use only Blizzard's own API calls. If Blizzard want to stop people using API calls, they will change their own API.

External programs that affect WoW are very dangerous, since they may be interfering with the game from the outside, but things like tdScript and UltraSquirt, even though they may be morally equivalent to botting, have to be operating within the rules, since they use only Blizzard's own API calls.


escreveu em 2020-12-23 12:01:50

oh, alrighty then, thanks for answering and calming me down :)


escreveu em 2020-12-20 11:44:45

Is Squirt going to overlap with the bonus event?


escreveu em 2020-12-20 22:12:36

Not this next time. Something happened and the pet battle week is happening a week earlier.


escreveu em 2020-12-23 11:01:25

EU gets Super Squirt this time, not NA


escreveu em 2020-11-28 15:43:46

Is anyone seeing squirt in their garrison today? I"m not seeing her?


escreveu em 2020-12-13 14:02:49

The front page notification is off by one day. Check the list at the top of the powerleveling guide page instead.


escreveu em 2020-12-22 13:11:31

Finally found the bug there. The front page display should now be correct as well :-)


escreveu em 2020-12-13 14:03:23

Hey guys, please fix the front page listing of the next Squirt day, you list it as happening a day early.


escreveu em 2020-12-19 15:49:28

I just freaked out thinking I took the wrong day off work. It’s the 29th, right?


escreveu em 2020-12-20 06:24:06

It shows the 29th for me! (and I didn't make any changes ^^). Is it still showing up incorrectly for you?


escreveu em 2020-12-20 22:11:46

Now it shows the 30th for me from my PC and phone browsers


escreveu em 2020-12-22 13:11:02

Nerve-wrecking! But I think I finally figured out what caused this problem. It should now show the correct date always... fingers crossed!
Do let me know if it again is showing up incorrectly :) Thank you!


escreveu em 2020-11-20 19:59:17

After using the Halloween decoration (Creepy Crawlers) you can fight these 3 pets in your garrison:
Spectral Spinner, Ghost Maggot and Ghastly Rat.
as horde right infront of your Menagerie there's 1 that's always spawned there and doesn't move (I'll link pic below of the location, Dunno if bug or not but it respawn instantly once you finish the fight with it).
Iron Starlette 1 1 2
You can solo the whole pet thing with 1 Iron Starlette using this tactic:
1: Spam Powerball until first pet's undead part.
2: use Wind-up.
3: when 2nd pet is out use Wind-Up.
4: Spam Powerball until 2nd pet is dead and 3rd pet is below 600hp.
5: use Explode (so your leveling pet gets whole exp.
^This tactic made me level tons of pets fast (due to the Menagerie having npc to heal/revive your pets)
pic of the pet location as horde Link (edited)


escreveu em 2020-11-20 20:10:48

Created Script for this tactic(Didn't know where to post this but since it's leveling related I thought I'll put it here):

use(Powerball:566) [enemy(#2).aura(Block:759).exists]
use(Powerball:566) [enemy(#3).aura(Block:759).exists]
if [enemy(#2).active]
use(Wind-Up:459) [self(Iron Starlette:1387).aura(Wind-Up:458).exists]
if [enemy(#3).active]
use(Explode:282) [enemy(#3).hp<618]
use(Wind-Up:459) [enemy(#1).aura(Undead:242).exists]
use(Powerball:566) (edited)

Yvi escreveu em 2020-08-25 08:09:17

Maybe you could mention that during Pet week, there is no benefit from using treats... because it will still be 3 fights to 25


escreveu em 2020-08-25 16:11:26

"During the Pet Battle Bonus Event, with the Safari Hat:
1st fight: 17
2nd fight: 25

During the Pet Battle Bonus Event, with the Safari Hat and both Treats:
1st fight: 19
2nd fight: 25 "


escreveu em 2020-10-16 16:57:58

This is still true in Shadowlands pre-patch. Good thing I only used 1 of each treat. Happy battling all!


escreveu em 2020-09-15 12:16:11

Just found out about tdBattlePetScript (Rematch) for wild pet lvling against Icespine Hatchling changed my life lol

Guest escreveu em 2020-08-10 06:26:41

The pet team for Bodhi contains a mistake/typo: it should be "Dibbler" instead of "Dippler".
(I apologize if this was the wrong place to post.)


escreveu em 2020-08-10 06:37:57

fixed, thanks for letting us know

QUINBOUIE escreveu em 2020-07-04 16:56:57

Why does your main page say Squirt is 16 July, and this page says 17 July? Last time it said Squirt was 1 July and this page said 2 July,,,,,evidently someone ie off! Have a good day.


escreveu em 2020-03-30 13:03:11

Edit: Ignore. Script was changed. (edited)

Anna escreveu em 2020-04-22 19:56:30

thank you for this!


escreveu em 2020-05-29 22:47:18

I don't see a line that just says if [enemy(#3).active]. But there are two that have
if [enemy(#3).active & enemy.type=

Please advise


escreveu em 2020-05-30 05:12:41

CoJo was referring to an old tdscript. i have recently added a new one

Enauwen escreveu em 2020-05-11 06:46:46

i don't know if this is common knowledge, but if you are using safari hat + the 50% treat you still need 4 wins from 1-25. There is no need to use the 25% aswell. (edited)


escreveu em 2020-05-01 15:41:09

Yesterday was Sir Galveston and the Pet XP week bonus, probably got about 120 pets to 25. Today it's Bhodi Sunwayver, and I realized that I should be using a toon that isn't max lvl to do this!

Currently at 855 of 1053 pets max lvl, let's see if I can finish this! :-)

Anna escreveu em 2020-04-22 19:55:25

That script for the Frostfire Ridge Rotten Little Helper, Feline Familiar and a leveling pet is broken. The leveling pet does not sub in and out. You have to manually do it.

quinbouie escreveu em 2020-04-11 09:16:15

For Dragonsafterdark: How do you get to Arathi HiglandsWarfront now to get some of the rare pets that I did not get when we were actually doing the warfront?


escreveu em 2020-04-11 13:03:30

You should still be able to queue for the warfront if it's up for your faction. There's a 'down' time where your faction doesn't have control of the warfront, and the faction will need to collect resources. Once it does, you'll be able to launch a normal warfront solo, or a heroic warfront with a premade group.

Here's Wowhead's guide on warfronts: https://www.wowhead.com/warfronts-guide


escreveu em 2020-04-03 04:48:39

Looking for Squirt in the garrison, it is friday the 3rd April right now, im on a Oceanic server but understand these things go by LA time? that would mean it is 1:47 am friday 3rd atm but i still dont see Squirt.


escreveu em 2020-04-03 05:17:26

oceanic servers reset daily at 15 p.m. and thus do world quests and daily quests


escreveu em 2020-03-24 23:53:35

Great guide, highly useful when you're trying to power level pets.

While it takes some setup, if you can get the hallows end decorations in your garrison, there's one that causes battle pets to spawn. These pets have the advantage that as soon as you defeat them, they respawn. So you can just stay in one place and fight them over and over.

Also, don't ignore running current pet battle dailies. As of BFA, there are daily battles that pay pet charms. Collect 60 charms and you can level a pet from 1 right to 25 by buying a stone from the vendor in the pet store in Dalaran (Broken Isles). At an average payout of 15 charms, run four battles, mail the charms to a single alt and you're done. Four battles to level a pet from 1 to 25 is fast in anyone's book: faster than using Pandaria and WoD trainers.

quinbouie escreveu em 2020-03-20 13:28:43

Sorry, meant to say DragonsAfterDark


escreveu em 2020-03-20 13:59:24

Hello! Nothing has happened, except that I have a job now. There won't be anything on YouTube, because I've never put videos up on YouTube, but for now I'm not streaming on Twitch :)


escreveu em 2020-03-20 15:26:21

"for now"

quinbouie escreveu em 2020-03-20 13:27:10

So, what has happend to Dragonsinthedark..........? She is not on Twitch any more and she has deleted all her old utube videos!


escreveu em 2020-02-22 02:46:56

Hey all, I like levelling lv1s at Vale of Eternal Blossoms on the Aquatics there (listed above as Dancing Water Skimmer) It's right outside both horde and alliance shrines/towns so easy to access and safe for low level characters.

Three spots fairly close with 3/4 pets each so you can use treats and not run out of pets to fight.

/way 74, 57
/way 87, 46
/way 73, 27

1. Levelling pet
2. Teroclaw Hatchling / Moth
3. Moth

And here is the script I wrote, it'll still run with two moths, but the Teroclaw does double hits and has heals via ravage for the grind sustain. The underwater bit is for the secondary pet Civets who dive, you can attack them as primary over skimmers quite easily.

use(#1) [round=1]
change(#2) [round=2]

if [enemy.aura(Underwater:830).exists]

if [enemy.hp<=500]

use(Alpha Strike:504)

use(Cocoon Strike:506)
use(Moth Dust:508)
use(Slicing Wind:420)

if [self(#3).dead & self(#1).active]




escreveu em 2020-03-14 17:07:37

I made a script for 2 moths, too. I'm going to try yours, but I thought I'd leave mine here, too. (It's for the same areas you mentioned.)
I'm using an Ashwing Moth and a Luyu Moth, with the leveling pet in the 1st slot.
Ashwing Moth: abilities 1, 2, 1.
Luyu Moth: abilities 2, 1, 2
It's the very first pet battle script I've ever made, so it's really sloppy, but hey... it works. lol.

use(#1) [ round=1 ]
change(#2) [ self(#1).active ]
use(#2) [ enemy.aura(Underground:340).exists ]
use(#2) [ enemy.aura(PumpedUp:296).exists ]
use(#2) [ enemy.aura(Survival:283).exists ]
use(#2) [ enemy.aura(Underwater:830).exists ]
standby [ self.aura(Asleep).exists ]
standby [ self.aura(Polymorphed).exists ]
change(#3) [ self(#2).dead ]

Edit/Update: Dang, that teroclaw hatchling rips through these battle pets. This is awesome. Thank you for sharing your script with us. (edited)


escreveu em 2020-03-18 23:11:10

Right? Plus he self heals so you save bandages ^_^

Vapid escreveu em 2020-03-14 02:34:13

I understand this is a Powerleveling for battle pets. But those of us who might have their collection all max level 25 - what would the optimal location be to level their alts and the best probable team of pets?

For example with a full heirloom set and the war mode buff, an alt can earn the same amount of XP from a single battle compared with a quest. The added bonus is you do not have to move or do anything besides press a button.

You no longer can do that inside the Garrison (I believe - perhaps I am wrong).

My best find has been a team of 3 level 25 moths and battling the Dancing Water Skimmer in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. There is a small group of 7 that you can complete in a simple cycle in about 8 minutes that lines up perfectly with the free heal. Often under 30 mins a level for 100 to 111, and 45mins per to 120. Obviously the gear ends up being crap on your character, etc.

With small kids who are willing to chill and watch me play - this has worked well for leveling alts instead of trying to stay alive during questing.

Does anyone else have recommendations for spots or teams for this type of alt character leveling?


escreveu em 2020-03-14 04:24:35

Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge. There's a levelling team mentioned above, but if you're not interested in levelling pets, and you have lots of bandages, then a Blackfuse Bombling and a Twilight Clutch-Sister speed the process up more than somewhat.

I used to do the Aquatics in Vale that you mention, and Critters in the field between Halfhill and Nishi as my character-XP method. Now it's all Icespines.

The downside of both Pandaria and Draenor, of course, is that your alt needs to be an appropriate level.

The other downside of levelling an alt by pet battles, I find, is that my brains start to dribble out my ears after about half a level, and my dry-cleaners are quite firm that they will not accept any more such stains, so I limit myself to finishing off a level now and then when I'm tired.


escreveu em 2020-03-14 04:25:20

i don't know how much character xp xou gain from fighting wild pets (i guess it's not a lot) but if you want to use pet battles to also level up your alt then i would do the same thing: find a repeatable trainer listed above and beat them.
i've done that before and this kinda works for leveling (was far too boring for my taste tho) (edited)

Vapid escreveu em 2020-03-14 06:09:20

Completely understandable - I mostly do it when my young son wants to hang out with me and I cannot actively level a character. He frequently interrupts and asks questions, so my brain cells don't die immediately lol.

I will look through the repeatable trainers and the Icespine - since I do have a large number of bandages.

For XP reference (from memory of Darkmoon Faire the past week)
I have heirlooms that give 55% xp bonus + Darkmoon 10% buff = 65% extra
100 lvl xp was 16000-17000
110 lvl xp was 18500-19000
119 lvl xp was 23000-24000

Or around that range - I do this again I will do a baseline xp, then heirloom boosted xp for reference.

I looked into AoE vs single target pets for quick wins and it feels like single target is faster. (edited)


escreveu em 2020-03-14 06:11:31

I did not realize my earlier comments were not with me logged in - apologies,


escreveu em 2020-03-14 06:25:24

So on my level 100 Mage

Warnode only 10%
7 rounds - 12540xp

Warmode and Heirloom (helm, shoulder, chest, back, leg, one ring)
9 rounds - 17328 xp
6 rounds - 18240 xp

And on my 103 DK

Warmode only
12226 xp

Warmonde+ Heirlooms
9 rounds - 17784 xp and 18720 xp

So there seems to be an increase of about 220xp per level for each battle. (edited)


escreveu em 2020-03-14 08:35:55

just let your son level the pets then


escreveu em 2020-03-14 20:06:30

*Sigh* I did this exercise and recorded it before, but I can't find it now, so I did it again:

4 battles against Icespines. Level 112 character. No heirlooms. No Warmode.

Time for 4 battles: 3:05
Total XP needed for level: 837,930
Starting XP: 121,017
Ending XP: 165.455
XP gain: 44,438
Average XP gain per battle: 11,109
Average XP gain per hour: 864,272
Average battles/level: around 80
Average Level gain per hour: 1.03

1. I used Murkalot/BfB/TCS, which is optimum for speed, but not everyone has Murkalot.
2. Time included bandaging, stepping to next Icespine, engaging
3. Heirlooms do work with pet battle XP, but here I did it without to get a baseline
4. Keeping up that routine for more than half an hour, as I said above, makes me crazy.

Takeaway: levelling this way is competitive with questing on an XP/hour basis.


escreveu em 2020-03-12 14:31:27

Omg! I wish I had looked at this guide earlier, everytime when its Pet Battle Weekly I keep running all over the world not knowing your could pet battle the trainers multiple times >.>
This Guide is so perfect for Pet Battle Weekly with 200% Exp extra!!


escreveu em 2020-03-04 17:12:06

Another day of running Squirt. I can't imagine what Lio thinks of me, every 2 minutes running over and saying 'my Dragon is dead again, FIX IT!!!!" Good thing we don't have an ASPCA in this game.

I'm telling you people, if you don't have Bronze Whelpling (speed build of 325) and Widget, sink the money into getting them. The strat has been 100% perfect for me.

Hoazl escreveu em 2020-01-29 00:58:50

Thanks for the great guide! Small mistake I noticed: The next pet battle bonus event starts at March 11th, not March 13th as mentioned in the "Dates for the Pet Battle Bonus Event in 2020 " section :)


escreveu em 2020-01-29 03:57:20

I think you're mistaking the intention of the date, 11th March is when the Week begins in EU, but 13th is when Squirt is up that week.

Hoazl escreveu em 2020-01-30 01:10:59

Nope, I'm explicitely talking about the upcoming bonus event dates in section 3.1 - which lists squirt day as start day (13th) while it should be the Wednesday before (11th)


escreveu em 2020-02-14 16:22:52

Oh, you're right. I'll poke someone.

Edit: Fixed. Thanks, Shenk! (edited)


escreveu em 2020-02-15 03:40:42



escreveu em 2020-02-24 02:51:07

Hehe, thanks for the quick fix :)


escreveu em 2020-02-19 14:13:09

While I'm not a casual pet leveler, I hadn't done much research. Thus I didn't know how massively awesome Squirt was until a few days before yesterday's arrival. I went in with the bronze whelpling / widget combo, and with a hat, a 50% pet treat and maybe 12 of the 150+ level stones I had for that final one level push, I managed to get 44 more pets to lvl 25 (558, all rares). In 15 more days I'll be prepared to work again, and I can't wait until May when it coincides with the pet leveling week where I can do clean-up on the rest of my pets. (edited)


escreveu em 2020-02-13 16:39:23

Something I've been pondering about pet charms and leveling.

When Shadowlands comes out, we'll get a new form of pet charm currency. Do you think it's reasonable to expect that Polished and Shiny charms will be combined into one or the other, and of course all BFA and previous will cost that currency?

I ask because I have a LOT of shiny pet charms. If this were to happen, I could buy all my BFA battle pets after Shadowlands releases. If it has a good chance of happening, my polished pet charms would be better spent buying training stones to turn good pets into rares to boost my dungeon teams.



escreveu em 2020-02-13 16:53:43

Quite likely! Would fit well with how other currencies are treated over expansions. I just hope we'll know well in advance before any actual change :D


escreveu em 2020-02-14 14:14:42

i doubt they're going to merge the older charms. my bet is blizz will just implement a newer charm for shadowlands and remove some of the vendor items you were able to buy with the polished charms.
but hopefully we'll see that on the beta/ptr before shadowlands goes live


escreveu em 2020-02-14 20:46:25

I could have sworn that when BFA came out, we had a merging of Legion and Warlords pet currency, because suddenly I was able to buy all the Legion content even though I hardly had any charms for that expansion.

I'm figuring on the regular stuff, like the training stones of all sorts, will move to the new currency of course, but the pets will now be old and would be the old currency.


escreveu em 2020-02-15 03:38:28

wod and legion had the same currencies because they didn't make a new charm for legion. i guess they didn't bother because there weren't so many new things to buy with the shiny charms in legion as there are in bfa

Ichebu escreveu em 2020-01-24 01:09:37

For those using the RLH/FF Script for wild leveling, you can use leveling pets that are level 1 if you have it come out after the second enemy death, rather than using the initial round. Leveling pet in slot 3.

quit [self(#1).dead & self(#2).dead]
if [self(#1).dead & enemy(#1).active]
change(Feline Familiar:319)
if [enemy(#1).active]
ability(Booby-Trapped Presents:1080)
ability(Greench's Gift:1076)
ability(Stoneskin:436) [!self.aura(Stoneskin:435).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=500]
ability(Onyx Bite:437)
if [self(#1).dead & enemy(#2).active]
change(Feline Familiar:319)
if [enemy(#2).active]
ability(Stoneskin:436) [!self.aura(Stoneskin:435).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=500]
ability(Onyx Bite:437)
if [enemy(#3).active]
change(#3) [ !self(#3).active & !self(#3).played ]
change(#2) [self(#3).played]
ability(Stoneskin:436) [!self.aura(Stoneskin:435).exists]
ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=500]
ability(Onyx Bite:437)
endif (edited)


escreveu em 2019-08-29 14:42:17

I don't know how to write scripts, or where the best place to post asking for one. Figured this was a good place, considering its leveling.

I am hoping someone can write me a script for my auto. I am using Leveling Pet, Bloodgazer Hatchling (Slicing Wind, Falcosaur Swarm!, Predatory Strike) & Sharptalon Hatchling (Falcosaur Swarm!, Wild Winds, Predatory Strike).

I'd like the leveling pet to start the fight with ability one (regardless of what it is), then switch to Bloodgazer (If bloodgazer is dead switch to sharptalon). Just want either it switched to, to simply spam Falcosaur Swarm!. If it gets stunned or put to sleep, to just pass that round. If it gets killed switch to the other.

Someone mind making that TD script for me?


escreveu em 2019-08-30 13:46:09

*Rotten Little Helper (1,1,1)
*Feline Familiar(1,1,1)
*Level pet (should have 300-500 health)
I was out there for 45 minutes and it only failed once.

if [enemy(#1).active]
use(Booby-Trapped Presents:1080)
use(Greench's Gift:1076)
if [enemy(#2).active]
if [enemy(#3).active]
change(#3) [!self(#3).played]
use(Onyx Bite:437) [enemy.aura(Survival).exists]
use(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<750 & enemy.type~Critter]
use(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<320 & enemy.type~Flying]
use(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<520]
use(Onyx Bite:437)


escreveu em 2019-12-06 19:03:13

Can you add stoneskin cast when it is below 2 turn duration? i have tried but dont work


escreveu em 2019-12-06 19:22:59

ability(Stoneskin:436) [self.aura(Stoneskin:435).duration<2]

Should look something like that.

Fifü-Kazzak(EU) escreveu em 2019-12-21 16:58:46

standby [round=1]
if [enemy(#1).active]
change(Rotten Little Helper:1349)
ability(Booby-Trapped Presents:1080)
ability(Booby-Trapped Presents:1080)
ability(Greench's Gift:1076)
if [enemy(#2).active]
if [enemy(#3).active]
change(Feline Familiar:319)
ability(Stoneskin:436) [!self.aura(Stoneskin:435).exists]

ability(Devour:538) [enemy.hp<=500]
ability(Onyx Bite:437)


escreveu em 2019-12-09 13:57:17

If you have a wide variety of pet families to level and you need a few levels to finish them off, i recommend the Mystery Bags from the pet vendors. about every other one has 2 training stones. they cost 2 pet charms instead of 3 for a universal one. RNG is involved and i wouldn't do it if i had pets from only a couple of families to level.

I spent 100 pet charms and ended up with 65 training stones, almost all of which i can use for my current leveling queue.

Gaerthe escreveu em 2019-12-06 11:53:47

America & Oceanic Squirt dates for 2020:

Fri, Dec 20, 19
Sat, Jan 4, 20
Sun, Jan 19, 20
Mon, Feb 3, 20
Tue, Feb 18, 20
Wed, Mar 4, 20
Thu, Mar 19, 20
Fri, Apr 3, 20
Sat, Apr 18, 20
Sun, May 3, 20
Mon, May 18, 20
Tue, Jun 2, 20
Wed, Jun 17, 20
Thu, Jul 2, 20
Fri, Jul 17, 20
Sat, Aug 1, 20
Sun, Aug 16, 20
Mon, Aug 31, 20
Tue, Sep 15, 20
Wed, Sep 30, 20
Thu, Oct 15, 20
Fri, Oct 30, 20
Sat, Nov 14, 20
Sun, Nov 29, 20
Mon, Dec 14, 20
Tue, Dec 29, 20

Bold are also Sign of the Critter days


escreveu em 2019-12-04 16:48:40

For power leveling using Training with Bredda Quest in High Mountain ,I do NOT recommend using the listed strat, but using the alternative that is provided by ghostpets. It has worked every single attempt for me and has allowed me to power level pet after pet and quickly. The "staff" recommended strat has failed 10/10 times and I finally gave it up.


escreveu em 2019-12-04 18:23:10

Saying "it failed" helps nobody and tells us nothing.

Specify at least (a) what breed(s) you used and (b) where and how your battle deviated from the strat.

Also, of course, whether you were running the strat yourself or using a script.

Ideally, post a log as well.


escreveu em 2019-08-31 22:03:31

Just a bit of history, and credit.

I thought I should mention that the Rotten Little Helper and Feline Familiar strat for the Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire was, as far as I know, originally created by Vakeetah-Dragonblight-EU.

First outlined here:


and then spelled out in full detail here:



escreveu em 2019-09-01 07:16:18

I was unaware of all that! Thank you for the history lesson. =)


escreveu em 2019-09-01 09:19:09

Thanks, I knew it was somewhere in the forum, but I could not find it anymore. I linked the source to the guide. (edited)

Drattz escreveu em 2019-08-18 05:22:14

Does anyone have a good script for the wild pets in Frostfire?


escreveu em 2019-08-03 05:37:15

Hello a great guide. Had a short question and that 2.2 Wildlife. Since my English is the bottom drawer and I do not get along with writing the script, would anyone be so nice for the possibility listed under Fastest Way for the Wild to write a script?


escreveu em 2019-07-01 14:28:10

Most amazing and comprehensive guide I have ever seen for anything WoW!! Way to go!!!!

Dsidhe escreveu em 2019-05-29 20:06:05

Great guide!

You don't have to park a toon at Bert if you don't want to. Once you've done Gnomergan, the mana servant in both Broken Isles Dalaran pet shop and in your faction capital for BfA will teleport any 120 to Gnomergan. Step around the corner and fight Bert instead.

You can park your spare toon at either Gargra in Frostfire, or Vesharr in Arak, both of whom will take a level 1 to 10 without buffs, and to 17 on battle weeks.

Alobolo escreveu em 2019-05-23 15:11:17

Ugh--I am doing battle during pet bonus week and am not getting extra experience. Am I doing something wrong. Two pets are 25 and the other is for leveling. I am wearing safari hat and using two treats. :(


escreveu em 2019-05-23 16:03:22

What fight did you do and how do you know that there was no bonus experience?

Alobolo escreveu em 2019-05-23 21:15:51

Kusa. My level pet did not increase.


escreveu em 2019-05-24 03:59:19

Unfortunately, the tamers from BFA give no considerable experience.
It's best to look for the tamers listed in the guide when you want to level pets. :)

Alobolo escreveu em 2019-05-25 01:15:46

Thank you very much. I was able to get several of my pets leveled this evening. :)

Vinian escreveu em 2019-05-29 05:14:09

I am so happy with this. Thanks. Your work is fantastic. <3


escreveu em 2019-05-09 13:05:30

Holy moly! Thank you so much! I have so many pets still to level to 25 and waiting for Squirt all the time is some times frustrating.


escreveu em 2019-05-07 23:53:53

This guide is THE best single resource for leveling pets in World of Warcraft. Well maintained and updated frequently. Information is accurate. Thanks and great job!

aelfraed escreveu em 2019-05-05 04:29:32

I have alts parked at Crysa, Bert and Ashlei, log on daily and do 3 fights. Andurs when up Ill treat up and go for an hour. Would be interesting to see which fights, like Bert, have random pet drops. I have had 6 dibblers and levelled a brand new hunter from 1-11 just with Bert.


escreveu em 2019-05-03 07:55:51

Thanks very much for information, had no idea about Squirt power leveling

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